Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant

Chapter 297 Hello Principal

"What a powerful wave of space magic. Is that person the legendary space controller?" On the branch of a big tree beside her, Elizabeth looked at Nuo Fan with some awe in her eyes.

The Frost Domain of the Frost Dragon is also a kind of space magic, so he is very sensitive to the fluctuations of space magic. The magic that Nuo Fan casually showed before has far exceeded her cognition, and even felt that even her father At the peak of the year, it may not have such a height.

"Huh?" Elizabeth's gaze swept to the side, and suddenly settled on Yabei Mia. Seeing the eyes of the dragon horn on the top of her head brighten, she couldn't help but uttered a soft cry.

On the Nolan Continent, half-dragon people are not common. For short-lived humans, giant dragons with a lifespan of more than a thousand years generally rarely choose them as partners.

And because of the fragility of the human body, even if there is half of the dragon blood in the half-dragon person's body, there is no way to transform into a dragon.

The appearance of this half-dragon girl with dragon horns is the most common among half-dragon people. Besides, they are not much different from ordinary humans, and they will never be able to become real dragons.

If it was the past, Elizabeth would not have expressed any interest in a half-dragon person. The proud dragon clan never recognized that a half-dragon person belonged to the dragon clan.

But after seeing what her father left behind, Elizabeth changed her mind a bit. In any case, the girl has the same blood as hers, and she can be regarded as her half-sister, who has never seen her since she was born. Over father's side.

"Father's letter said that she was fourteen years old. The letter was written three years ago, so she should be about seventeen years old now. She... seems to be quite close in age." Elizabeth looked at Yabei Mia and fell into thought middle.


"Please." Amy ran over from the door of the blacksmith's shop on short legs, looked at Xixi who was pale on the ground, then looked at Crassus and Julian, her little face was full of worry and anxiety.

"Little Amy, I don't know any healing magic." Crassus looked at Amy and said a little embarrassed.

"Now I can only stop the bleeding from their wounds, and then go back and prepare them with healing magic potions." Julian looked at the two people on the ground, and beckoned to Sargeras and the others: "You carry them up!" Come to my shop."

Nuofan looked at Amy with admiration, this is the first time he saw Amy, who was a very talented baby disciple in Crassus's mouth, and he was indeed full of spirituality and love.

"Okay." Sargeras quickly responded, and picked up the deer, which was as stiff as ice, and walked over.

"Girl Xixi, let me hug you." Yabei Mia looked at the two lava demons walking towards Xixi, stepped forward quickly, bent down and hugged Xixi gently, and followed Julian Go to the magic potion shop.

"Boss, let me help." Sally looked at Yabei Mia's back, clenched her fists, as if she had made up her mind, said to Mag, and followed into the magic potion shop.

"Father, I want to go see Sister Xixi and the others." Amy turned around and looked at Mag worriedly.

"Go, Xiaomi is very brave today, and he did a good job." Mag smiled and stroked Amy's hair, and praised.

"Yeah." Amy showed a smile on her face, and trotted towards the magic potion shop, and the ugly duckling jumped up and down.

"Take those guys back first, and wait for the wounded to stabilize before asking. The six lava trolls have acted bravely, and there is no need for interrogation." The two injured and several lava trolls were taken away by Julian, and Brand Li also listened to Bazel's brief account of what happened. As a person who often deals with the affairs of the Gray Temple, he naturally came up with his own judgment and solution soon.

Lulu and Xixi must have something to do with this matter,

But they are passive counterattacks, and they take the initiative to attack in order not to implicate others. Apart from the need to bear certain responsibilities for destroying buildings, there is no major fault in the rest.

Now that they were seriously injured, Julian personally named them to cover them. The face of the Gray Temple should not be too ugly, so he could only give himself a step down and bring this matter over first.

"It surprised everyone. If you don't mind that the restaurant doesn't have a door, please come in if you want to eat." Mag looked at the guests outside the restaurant and smiled.

He was also a little worried about the injuries of the druids, but when something like this happened today, how to appease the emotions of the guests and not leave a shadow in their hearts is very important.

"Of course you have to eat, Boss Mai, bring me a piece of braised chicken and rice and a piece of sweet tofu." Crassus walked towards the restaurant first.

"I'm just here to eat." Nuofan also said with a smile, and glanced at Mag. The boss looked young, but he was quite courageous. When the giant wolf was about to pounce on him, he even closed his eyes. Without blinking.

Mag also looked directly into Novan's eyes with a smile on his face. For Mag Alex, Novan is an opponent who can look at him head-to-head. For McGonagall, after traveling from modern times, he will respect the principal , but in terms of awe, there really wasn't much, so his eyes were calm.

"Where have I seen these eyes?" Nuo Fan suddenly flashed names one by one when he passed by, but he denied them all in the end. Perhaps interesting young people have similar eyes.

Just like the young man who said he could split his space domain with a single sword.


Mag glanced at the direction of the magic potion shop, turned around and walked towards the restaurant. It seemed that he was going to support a restaurant by himself for the time being.

The only damage to the restaurant from the previous battle was that the gate was shot through by an arrow at first, and then slapped by the deer, and some spilled food and spoons fell on the ground because of the carelessness of the panicked guests. Overall, it is within an acceptable range.

"Hi principal."

"Principal Nuo Fan also came to Mamy's restaurant for dinner. It seems that Mamy's restaurant's reputation is getting bigger and bigger."

The guests looked at Nuo Fan who came in, and greeted them respectfully. With Nuo Fan present, they felt relieved and sat down again.

"Damn it! I lost a piece of Roujiamo! It hurts so much!!!"

"How much is this spoon? We shouldn't need to compensate for the loss caused by such an accident, right? Of course, if I can have another serving of sweet tofu nao, then I'm still willing to compensate."

"Boss, I accidentally dumped this bowl of tofu nao, can you sell me a new one? The feeling of not being able to eat tofu nao is really too painful."

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