As early as when Ruoying sent Jiudingtian's attack on Tianling Mountain and the information that the monsters from outside the territory were approaching Beixuantian.

Donghuang Ziyou had already thought of a way to break this huge crisis.

All in all, just four words, borrow a knife to kill!

She felt that with Bei Xuantian's strength, whether it was fighting with Jiudingtian or the foreign demon clan, he would definitely kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

In the current situation where the enemy is facing the enemy, there are wolves in front and tigers behind, and tigers and wolves look around, reckless fighting is definitely a self-defeating move.

Therefore, she wanted Bei Xuantian to withdraw from the impact of the two great rivals.

Let them fight and take advantage of the fisherman.

When Jiudingtian and the foreign demon clan were fighting to the death, they dispatched the Bei Xuantian army to kill them by surprise.

In this way, the crisis can be solved!

As for how to...

Donghuang Ziyou faction Ruoying led an army of 3 million to support the Tianling Mountain Wanguo Stadium, which was one of them.

The second is that she personally led a team of dead soldiers, disguised as a certain soldier of Bei Xuantian, and repeatedly provoked the alliance of foreign monsters.

With the talent and extraordinary cultivation of her immortal fellow cultivator, she can completely guarantee that she will not be killed.

on the basis of.

Through strength suppression and verbal provocation, the army of the foreign demon tribe was in chaos, and the commander lost control.

In this way, she could take advantage of her confusion and lure them to the place where the Jiudingtian army was hiding.

Next, she will have more unexpected ways to make them fight against each other.

As for the front, the fish of the Hundred Clan Alliance has already taken the bait.

She was about to throw out enough enticing bait to make the Hundred Clan Allied Force bite on the hook completely.

"Kill me!"

Donghuang Ziyoujiao shouted, and without hesitation, rushed out with the army behind him.

Qian Su, Gai Tianjiang, and Shang Tai's three main generals were instantly furious when they saw Donghuang Ziyou would not retreat but advance in the face of thousands of demon soldiers.

They did not expect that this demon wave would encounter the tyranny of Bei Xuantian one after another.

First, Emperor Beixuan Tian Fu Lin Xuan took action to help Emperor Wuliang and others quell the first wave of the Dragon Lizard strong soldiers.

Now, a little human woman has repeatedly humiliated the dragon lizard general, and she dared to take the initiative to take the initiative to fight the storm of the allied army of the hundred tribes.

If the Bei Xuantian army in front of him is not completely slaughtered, the Hundred Clan Allied Army will definitely become the laughing stock of the demon clan in the world!

Based on this mindset.

The three main generals are all demonic, tearing apart the void, and slaying the East Emperor Ziyou with mighty power.

And the tens of thousands of powerful soldiers of the demon clan beside them were like tigers descending from the mountain, roaring that shook the world, killing more than 20,000 dead soldiers behind Donghuang Ziyou.

Seeing that the two sides are about to contact.

Donghuang Ziyou squeezed out a mysterious purple seal, which turned into a purple sun and exploded in the air.

Tens of thousands of purple light groups accurately shot into the dead men's bodies, wrapping their bodies with a mysterious layer of purple light.

This is the body protection magic art created by Donghuang Ziyou.

Her purpose is to prevent the dead from being easily killed.


Seeing the body-protecting magic art that Donghuang Ziyou used, Qian Su and other generals secretly exclaimed.

Qian Su then said disdainfully: "It's just a mere body protection magic art, how long can you resist it?"

Demonic energy all over his body exploded like stars, he no longer paid attention to the 20,000 dead men, but raised the Thunder Thunder Axe in his hand and slashed at Donghuang Ziyou.

"Open Heaven Slash!"


The thunder burst, and the stars shattered.

A tyrannical cultivation level comparable to that of the Ancient God Realm, causing Qian Su to burst out with the terrifying power of shattering hundreds of giant mountains in seconds.

not only!

"Long Yan Po!"

"Sacred Hand of Bailie!"

Shang Tai and Gai Tianjiang also mobilized the strongest true essence at the same time, followed Gan Su's side with the momentum of dominating the sky, and worked together to kill Donghuang Ziyou.

In the face of the combined force of the three main generals to destroy the eternity.

The East Emperor Purple Ghost stepped on the demon for eight steps, and the magic lotus on his feet retreated quickly, no longer hitting hard.

She is also the peerless talent of fellow immortals and demons, and her single strength is slightly higher than that of the three main generals, Gansu, Gai Tianjiang and Shangtai.

But even in a heads-up, facing the three main generals from the blood king star from outside the territory, she is not fully sure to kill any of them in seconds.

Therefore, in a one-on-three situation, it is not wise to go head-to-head.

Bang! ! !

The aura of the three major generals exploded, directly shattering the ten-mile space.

Donghuang Ziyou deliberately left a phantom in front of her, but was also shattered by their terrifying shock wave.

When the three generals saw this, they all thought that Donghuang Ziyou had been completely suppressed and had no power to fight back, so they could only dodge in embarrassment.

Gan Su smiled arrogantly: "I think you really dare to fight three with one, but now it seems that you are a woman who knows how to advance and retreat!"

Gai Tianjiang sneered: "As long as the three of us take it seriously, we won't lose to her one-on-one. If she dares to confront us at the same time, she will definitely seek death on her own!"

Shang Tai grinned and said nothing, his expression seemed to have seen the scene of tearing Donghuang Ziyou to pieces, and he seemed very excited.

Donghuang Ziyou snorted coldly: "After saying so much, didn't the three of you fail to kill me?"

Qian Su, Gai Tianjiang, and Shang Tai: "..."

The self-esteem of the three major generals was given a 100 million crit by the words of Donghuang Ziyou.

"Bitch, die!"

Thoroughly enraged, Gansu, Gai Tianjiang, and Shangtai simultaneously exerted their power, surpassing the previous terrifying killing power by more than ten times, and rushed towards Donghuang Ziyou again.

at this time.

The body-protecting magic art on the body of the more than 20,000 dead soldiers shattered under the impact of countless powerful soldiers from the demon clan.

Seeing this, Donghuang Ziyou hurriedly ordered them to retreat with him.

"Want to escape?"

Qian Su and the others were determined to kill Donghuang Ziyou, and when they saw her retreat with her troops, they could not wait to swallow her and all the dead soldiers in one bite.

So they didn't even think about it, they led the Hundred Clan Allied Forces to chase and kill them frantically.

Donghuang Ziyou saw that they had been completely led by him, so he deliberately kept the rhythm.

Every once in a while, he protected the dead with body-protecting magic, and then began to provoke and stimulate the demon clan such as Gansu.

Under her repeated stimulation, Qian Su and the others didn't notice at all. After chasing them all the way, they were getting farther and farther away from the center of imperial power in Bei Xuantian.

And although Donghuang Ziyou handed the Xuanguang Mirror to Ruoying, he could still see the situation in Jiudingtian with the help of the Xuanguang Mirror.

With the help of Xuan Guangjing, she has found the hiding place of the eight million army of Jiudingtian.

Now go round and round, while stimulating Qian Su and other tens of millions of demon clan strong soldiers, while taking them to the location of the eight million ambush soldiers in Jiudingtian.


Since Bai Nanzhou, the god of war of Jiudingtian Xuanwu, pretended to attack the Wanguo Arena, Ruoying easily defeated them after arriving with three million elites.

Then, according to Donghuang Ziyou's request, he pretended to chase and kill all the way.

It was not until Xuanguang Mirror revealed the hiding place of the eight million ambush soldiers led by Qingwu ancestors that Ruoying deliberately slowed down the army.

So dawdling.

At a place 10,000 miles away from Qingwu ancestors and other ambush soldiers, Ruoying sent 5,000 soldiers, beating gongs and drums to follow behind Bai Nanzhou's army, as if to continue chasing.

Then she led the rest of the army to find a hidden location to hide, waiting for the next order from Donghuang Ziyou.


Wind and Cold Valley.

This is where the ancestors of Qingwu and the three gods of war led their troops to ambush.

The peaks on both sides of this valley are full of boulders and trees, which are especially suitable for ambush.

The middle of the valley is wide at the front and narrow at the back. Once you enter the valley, it is difficult to exit.

It can be said to be an excellent location for military ambush.

at this time.

The ancestor of Qingwu, dressed in a green robe, rode on the back of a tall giant lion, and stared at the mouth of the valley with the three war gods of Qinglong, White Tiger and Suzaku.

"Xuanwu is back!"

Seeing Bai Nanzhou's army approaching quickly, they were all refreshed.

Soon the two sides converged, and Bai Nanzhou smiled and said:

"Beixuantian is tricked!"

"They have sent as many as three million elites to hunt down our army. Now it is less than 20 miles away from Fenghan Valley. I believe they will break in soon!"

The ancestor of Qingwu listened intently, only to hear the screams of killing in the distance, the drums of war thundering, and it seemed that a large number of troops were chasing after him.

He sneered: "The three armies are ordered to prepare for battle. If the enemy does not enter the valley, I will kill them quickly!"

He firmly believed that with the strength of his Great Sacred Realm Juggernaut, coupled with Jiudingtian's tens of millions of strong soldiers.

At such a short distance, even if Bei Xuantian's three million army were not ambushed, they could rush out to kill them all.


Just after the order to fight was passed on, the shouting in the distance suddenly stopped.

"Huh?" Qingwu ancestor frowned: "It seems that they have found the clue and can only attack!"

Bai Nanzhou and the other four gods of war immediately raised their arms and shouted: "The three armies obey the order, kill me!"

The drums of war sounded, and the thunder roared.

Thousands of soldiers gathered from all directions of the mountain rushed out of the valley.

But soon, everyone stopped.

The ancestors of Qingwu and others were shocked to see that not far away there was a body of black armor, wearing a black battle helmet, and the army of unknown forces was approaching rapidly.

At the rear of this army, the demonic energy is soaring into the sky, and countless powerful demonic beasts are rushing towards them.

"What's the situation?" Qingwu ancestor looked at Bai Nanzhou.

Bai Nanzhou: "..."

He was also bewildered.

The one who chased after you just now was obviously the army of Bei Xuantian, how could it have become an army of unknown origins and an army of monsters?

Before they could react, Donghuang Ziyou brought the dead men to the front.

The East Emperor Ziyou under the battle helmet, with a playful smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, clasped his fists towards Qingwu Patriarch and raised his voice:

"Your Majesty has an order that the generals and generals of the Quartet God of War must kill the demon clan with all their strength and must not slack off!"

Hearing this, the Qingwu ancestor and the four war gods were all speechless.


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