Bei Xuantian, Crystal Palace.

After Lin Xuan returned with his precious daughters, it was already noon.

Seeing that lunch time is approaching.

Lin Xuan, who had promised to cook a big meal for his daughters on the road just now, went straight into the kitchen.

And the little girls played in the garden while waiting to eat.


At this time, a wind picked up, blowing the branches and leaves rustling.

"Huh? The wind is blowing!"

"Wow, it's been a long time without the wind, today is really good!"

"I'm going to be a gust of wind and fly with it!"

"You are Feng'er and I am also Feng'er, let's fly to the end of the world together!"

The little girls danced with excitement.

Xuanxi said with a big brain: "Sister, sisters, why don't we fold some paper cranes and let them fly with the wind!"

When Xuanzhu, Xuanhan and Xuanyou heard this, they immediately became interested: "Okay!"

The four little girls rushed into the bedroom immediately.

They found the origami that Lin Xuan had prepared for them, and each carried several of them and ran out the door.

Since Lin Xuan had taught them how to fold a thousand paper cranes before, the little girls folded four thousand paper cranes with ease.


At the same time, they lifted Qianzhi Crane high, and then threw it forward along the wind.

Unfortunately, Qian Zhihe couldn't fly in the wind at all, and fell to the ground not long after.

"Huh? Why can't they fly with such big wings?"

"Are we not working hard enough?"

The little girls thought for a while, then stepped forward to pick up Qianzhihe, and then threw it out with all their strength.

This time Qianzhihe still didn't fly, and all fell to the ground soon.

"How could this be?" Xuanzhu spread her hands helplessly.

"I thought they could fly!" Xuanxi puffed out her mouth and looked confused.

"Ah~" Xuanhan sighed softly and shook his head.

"Or if we make Qianzhihe bigger, maybe they can fly!" Xuan You suggested.

Xuanzhu shook her head: "The bigger it is, the heavier it will be, and it won't be able to fly!"

"But so many large monsters can fly, and they are also very heavy!" Xuan You insisted on her own idea.

Xuanxi and Xuanhan thought for a while and said, "How about we try to fold another thousand paper cranes according to the size of the Linghua fairy goose!"

Linghua fairy goose is the most common bird in Beixuantian.

The little girls think that if you try it according to its size, there may be surprises.

Afterwards, the four little cuties divided the labor and cooperated, and soon made a big thousand paper cranes.

In order to make Qianzhihe fly, Xuan You specially took it to the top of the rockery and said with a proud face:

"This time it must be able to fly!"


The little girl threw Qian Zhihe forcefully.


It's crashed!

Xuanzhu, Xuanxi, Xuanhan: "..."

"Why is it happening like that?"

"Small ones are not good, and big ones are not good either. Could it be that the wind is too small?"

With a tangled face, Xuan You squatted on the top of the fake mountain, holding her chin in her hands, looking very cute.

Lin Xuan walked out of the bedroom at this time and said with a smile:

"Babies, if you want something to fly with the wind, you can't just look at its size, but how much power it receives in the air."

"Does air still have power?"

As soon as they heard Lin Xuan's words, the little girls suddenly looked surprised.

They had a premonition that their father would tell them a very new and powerful knowledge.

Seeing the little babies rushing over, Lin Xuan hugged them all in his arms, and said:

"Of course air has power! And there's more than one!"

"Wow~ That's amazing!"

Xuanzhu and the others suddenly exclaimed.

Lin Xuan looked at the four cute little faces dotingly, and said:

"In fact, when you threw Qianzhihe out, it received a total of four powers."

"The first is the thrust you throw out, the second is the resistance of the air preventing it from moving forward, and then the buoyancy of the air below pushing it upward."

"The last... is the gravity that all people and objects that appear on this planet will experience."

"Only when these four forces are in balance, will it be possible to fly!"

With Xuan Jue Tianshu, Lin Xuan can tell his daughters this kind of mechanics knowledge in the simplest way.

After hearing this knowledge, the little girls were stunned.

They did not expect that there was so much power in the air.

Even the servants on the side were shocked.

"I am also someone who has read books for more than ten years, but the knowledge that Difu said is really unheard of!"

"I feel that after listening to him for a few years, I will be able to enter the Hanlin Academy as a bachelor's degree!"

A few aspiring servants even thought so.

"Dad, is Qianzhihe's force in the air unbalanced, so it's not easy to fly?" Xuanzhu asked.

"Yes, Xuan Jewelry is really smart!" Lin Xuan smiled and nodded, "So, Daddy will teach you an origami that can fly anytime!"

"When can you fly?"

"It feels great!"

The little girls were really shocked this time.

Lin Xuan smiled and immediately found a simple origami tutorial called "Taiyi Flying Pig" from the Perfect Dad Tutorial.

Because the structure of "Taiyi Flying Pig" is very simple and balanced, it is very easy to fly, even if there is no wind.

Then, he took a piece of origami and quickly made a Taiyi flying pig.

Xuanzhu and the others were captured by this novel little flying pig in an instant.

"Dad, what's the name of such a cute origami?"

Lin Xuan said, "It's called 'Taiyi Flying Pig', you can call it Little Flying Pig."

"Little Fliggy... such a cute name!" The eyes of the little babies shone with fondness.

And when Lin Xuan lifted Taiyi Flying Pig and threw it out.

Seeing its flapping wings, the little girls screamed with excitement.

Then, they rushed into Lin Xuan's arms at the same time and hugged him tightly:

"Daddy, teach us how to make little flying pigs!"

"Okay!" Seeing that the daughters were so enthusiastic, Lin Xuan was also very happy to teach them.

Because the production of Taiyi flying pig is extremely simple, and the little girls are very smart.

After a while, they all learned this kind of origami.

Then, they lifted the origami together and threw them out.


"Haha, it's really flying!"

"How can my dad be so smart! I'm so happy!"

Seeing that the Taiyi flying pigs all flew up, the flapping of their wings was very cute and interesting.

The little girls shouted very excitedly, and the sound of happiness spread throughout the garden.

And Lin Xuan looked at him with a smile, his eyes filled with the light of fatherly love.


At this moment, the mechanical sound of the system in the brain suddenly sounded.

"You are ingenious and have taught your daughters a novel and interesting origami, reward: Primordial Fire Spirit Body!"

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