Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

The power of the giant palm suddenly exploded, and the shadow of the sword released by Jin Badao was like a candlelight rolled by a violent wind, and it disappeared instantly. At the same time, Jin Badao's entire body seemed to be pushed by a bulldozer, and he stepped back dozens of steps in a row as if he was out of control.

When Jin Badao barely stood still, a straight face turned worse than the ghost. Eyes burst, it seems that they may jump out of their eyes at any time. The horrifying look on his face is even more needless to say, it seems that it has solidified on his face and can no longer subside.

All the power previously condensed by Jin Badao was swept away by this sudden palm shadow. Duan Lengyan, Wu Qiujun, Huang Shidao and others, as if drowning and suffocating, suddenly re-breathed the air, the unparalleled ease, let them develop a sense of unreality like in a dream. Duan Lengyan, who was the weakest, even flicked, almost sitting down on the ground.

And that Hu Beishan, as if it had been spotted with acupuncture points, stood there stiffly, unconsciously, even breathing, and his mouth open, but he couldn't even say a single word. The power of Fang Cai's palm gave him the shock that he detonated an atomic bomb in his heart.

Shocked! Hu Beishan has never been as shocked as it is now!

The scene was full of people, but it was silent at this time. The sound of Wan Dong's footsteps was a bit harsh.

"Yes ... it's you !?" Of all, Duan Lengyan reacted first, looking at Wan Dong's eyes, full of surprises. Every inch of muscles on and off the body is moving, all brain cells are only passing on one idea-threw it up, just like that into his arms!

No one knows how much effort and hard work Duan Lengyan used to suppress this urge.

"Let you be wronged!" Wan Dong came to Duan Lengyan and patted his shoulder gently. The action is not intimate, but the kind of truth hidden in the ordinary is the most touching. Duan Lengyan's nose suddenly soured, and all his will collapsed at this moment. Duan Lengyan is like a Ruyan who has gone through the wind and rain and finally came home, rushed into Wandong's arms and cried.

Wan Dong held Duan Lengyan, let her tears wet her clothes, caressed her back, and said, "You just didn't cry in the face of life and death, why are you crying so sad now?"

"Fool! Where are people sad, please be okay! I thought I hadn't seen you for a long time. You can be smarter. I didn't expect it to be a piece of wood! Hate!"

At this time, Duan Lengyan was no longer a princess, and there were no so many fateful burdens on her shoulders. Everything was put down. Crying fiercely, but her heart is easier than moment. All the burden came with the tears.

Seeing that Wan Dong and Duan Lengyan were so intimate, Duan Wenyuan saw his eyes straight, and turned to Duan Yanlong with doubt.

Duan Yanlong said with a smile, "Wang Gongzi and Sanmei seem to have known each other for a long time."

"Oh? Hahaha ... That's what it is!" Duan Wenyuan laughed, and looked very relieved.

"Okay, don't cry. Everyone is watching it, and they are not afraid of other people's jokes." When Duan Lengyan was about to vent, Wan Dong leaned to her ear and said softly.

Duan Lengyan looked back, and as expected, everyone's eyes were on them, a pretty face, and her cheeks were red, and she quickly wiped a tear and left her head and left Wandong's arms.

"You guys, please withdraw first. Since Jin Badao is looking for me, it is still up to me to deal with him. I don't think he looks great, so don't bother you all!"

"Hahaha ... After a long time, we were axeing in the class door. I think we all should be cooler for a while!" Wan Dong pushed Jin Badao back a few dozen steps. This kind of power, but letting Everyone opened his eyes. Gong Wu regrets the first reaction and laughs loudly.

The rest of the people also woke up to God, and looked at Wan Dong one by one. They all expressed a little more admiration, even reverence. The world of warriors always respects the strong, regardless of age!

"Good boy! You are getting more and more perverted!" Wu Qiujun looked at Wan Dong with a smile, his expression was full of surprises, and he was really satisfied with Wan Dong to the extreme.

Before breaking up with Wandong, Wandong seemed to be only the ninth peak, better than him, but when he met again, Wandong had already crossed the circle and was still above Jin Badao, which made Wu Qiujun really There is a feeling of unbelief and unacceptability. It is said that people are more dead than people. This is really true. Wu Qiujun now has the urge to die.

Since Wan Dong can deal with Jin Badao, everyone no longer talks about it, and they step back aside and wait for Wan Dong's performance. It's just that everyone unconsciously pulled away from Hu Beishan, especially Huang Shidao, even refused to give Hu Beishan another one. Hu Beishan, which was originally highly respected, fell to the point of no one's attention. It's just that Hu Beishan didn't care about it at this time. His entire mind was completely filled by Wan Dong. A pair of eyes followed Wan Dong tightly, and could not move for a moment.

"I didn't expect you to be a master!" At this time, Jin Badao also gradually slowed down. Although his face was still not calm, it was not as ugly as it was at the beginning. Looking up and down Wan Dong, Shen Sheng said.

Wan Dong smiled coldly and said in a loud voice, "I didn't expect it to be because you were too stupid! Although the cultivation practice of Yaozun was unsatisfactory, it was also completed successfully. "

"You ... what do you say? You said that Yaozun couldn't even hold your palm?" Jin Badao only knew that Yaozun died in Wandong's hands, but how was Wandong killed in the end, He did not know. Those Jin family ministers, who were almost scared, could not make things clear.

Wan Dong sneered, Jin Badao was angered by his expression, and shouted loudly, "Bah! Bragging came to me before Jin Badao?"

The smile on Wan Dong's face suddenly narrowed, and his voice was deep and powerful. "Yun Zun can't hold my palm, so is your Jin Badao!"

"It's really big talk, who do you think you are?" Jin Badao shouted.

"Don't believe it? Come and try it! If I can't beat you in one move, I'll leave it to you!"

"Fuck your mother's ass! If I didn't cut you with a knife, I wouldn't be Jin Badao! Take the trick!" Jin Badao's temper was really not good. He was completely irritated by Wan Dong in three words, and roared, holding gold in his hand The knives rolled up immediately, stalks of knots, and they suddenly rose into the sky, illuminating most of the sky.

"Oops! Jin Badao is going to do his tricks. Did Master Wan say something too big?" Le Hanxiong frowned, his face worried.

Master Huang said that Gong Wuzhen and Tan Hu were silent, but the color of worry on their faces was no less than Le Hanxiong.

Wu Qiujun glanced at them and smiled, "You haven't dealt with this kid, don't know his magic, it is normal to have such worries. But it's not necessary, this kid looks reckless, but it is all illusion. He Now that you have said it, you must be able to do it! Keep your eyes wide open and wait for a good show! "

"Eh, Mr. Wu, do you know this son of Wan Wan so much?" Huang Shidao couldn't help but blurt out.

Wu Qiujun shook his head, a bitter smile on his face. It's so miserable that others don't know others, it is simply a mallet!

"Jin Badao, when will you do this juggling, I don't have time to whisper with you!" Wan Dong said to Jin Badao impatiently.

"Juggling ?! You have nothing to look at, let me die! Split Sun Divine Sword!"

Along with a crazy roar, the golden sword in Jin Badao's hands suddenly burst into thousands of sword shadows, which appeared endlessly. At first glance, it was like a rolling wave on the sea. At the same time, there was an air of killing sentiment by the unsympathetic Sen Han, Shino spread out, and those guards who were guards were the first to suffer, until they fell down in pieces, wailing in pain, After a while, in a blink of an eye, this place is turned into a world of purgatory.

"Good ... a strong sword!" Hu Beishan's complexion changed abruptly, and he quickly succumbed to his mind and spent all his strength, before he repressed the agitated real energy in his body. His heart was horrified. Jin Badao could not bear the knife.

Even Hu Beishan is as white as paper, not to mention Huang Shidao and others, there is a terrible feeling that the soul is flying away, as if about to fall into the abyss of hell.


In the thunder and thunder, the tumbling knives, like a tsunami, pushed towards Wandong. All obstacles along the way, regardless of the golden wood human flesh, stones and mud, all turned into dust, and in a blink of an eye they were wiped out. The inexhaustible momentum made everyone present, and all felt horrified. One by one, they turned their eyes to Wandong involuntarily. Just when they wanted to see how Wandong responded, Wandong's body suddenly burst like a moth rushing to the flames, straight to the knife that came like a tsunami Gang rushed over.

"Ah!" Huang Shidao and others exclaimed without exception, and Duan Lengyan looked even white, and almost didn't fall to the ground.

Wan Dong rushed to Daogang, without looking back, but in a blink of an eye, his figure was completely absent from Daogang and disappeared without a trace.

"Hahaha ... Has it been turned into puree? Boy, you are able to bear your blood at this point. It's an insult to make my gold knife stain your blood!" Jin Badao laughed loudly and laughed. The direct shock of Huang Shidao and others burst into vertigo.

"Is this the end? No! That's ..." Hu Beishan fluttered for no reason, and his eyes focused on the knife-gang released by Jin Badao.

I saw that a weird vortex suddenly appeared in the pieces of knives, like a black hole, sucking the knives and knots, and then shattered them. At the same time, under the vortex, a tall figure like the top of a jade column gradually became clear ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402241->

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