Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 756: The invincible Jin Badao!

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There may also be Wan Dong who was not a member of the Iron War dynasty, and his sense of belonging is not strong, but the feelings of Duan Wenyuan and Duan Yanlong father and son are really admirable and beyond everything.

Wan Dong frowned slightly, and he wanted to help Duan Lengyan ascend to the throne, even forcing Duan Yanlong to swear to the sky and give up the pursuit of the throne, but he never thought that Duan Lengyan was really suitable for doing An emperor who leads hundreds of millions of people!

A segment of his acquaintance with Duan Lengyan gradually emerged in his mind. Undoubtedly, Duan Lengyan was a beautiful and lovely girl, a good woman who would make any man be thrilled when he saw him. Obviously, she is not a good emperor, especially compared with Duan Yanlong.

Wan Dong couldn't help but make a wry smile, and shook his head slightly, just because of his wishful thinking and wholehearted preferences, he almost made the Iron War Dynasty hundreds of millions of innocent people miss a Ming Jun, this crime is a bit too much. .

"Hahaha ... Who said you want to drink alcohol just now? Don't be stunned. I haven't tasted the taste of alcohol in a few years. This wineworm has almost grown into the throat. Yanlong, you are about to die People are going to prepare! "Duan Wenyuan's spirit is better than a moment, and his mood is also very refreshing. He waved his hands and said with a burst of hearty laughter.

"Drinking? This ..." Duan Yanlong looked at Wan Dong with some worry.

Wan Dongchang took a breath, combed some messy feelings, and smiled, "Drink less, no problem!"

"That's good! I'm going to prepare now!" Today's battle was over, and more importantly, Duan Wenyuan was suddenly healed. The original was diffused in front of Duan Yanlong's eyes. It seemed that the work in the blink of an eye was suddenly cheerful, Duan Yanlong could not be excited ? Under this excitement, if there is no good wine, it is a disappointment.

Duan Yanlong's movements are even sloppy. After a while, a bottle of fine wine and a few delicate dishes are ready. Originally, the monarchs could not be at the same table, but tonight they made an exception. Duan Wenyuan, Duan Yanlong, Wandong, four people at room temperature, sat around the table, bursts of wine, and soon filled the entire palace.

"Cool! Cool! Hahaha ..." Duan Wenyuan grunted and killed a pound of fine wine in one go, and then put down the wine jar and laughed in the sky, very heroic!

Regarding the story of Duan Wenyuan, Wan Dong did not listen to Marriott Xiong. Although they belong to the enemy country, when Marriott Mention mentions Duan Wenyuan, he still admires in his expression. This is the sympathy between men, beyond everything, nothing else, the most pure!

Wan Dong didn't even dream about it. Today, he can drink with Duan Wenyuan at the same table. This feeling is both wonderful and complicated, which makes Wan Dong feel a lot.

"Father and Emperor, over the years, the Jin family and Yuntianmen colluded with each other and became embarrassed day by day. They are rampant day by day. Today you are recovering from a serious illness, how should we act, we have to discuss it early." Duan Yanlong held the wine glass, his face full of worry.

Duan Wenyuan's illness is all right, but what about that? With the current power of the Jin family, I am afraid that even Duan Wenyuan will not be able to turn the tide. However, after all, Duan Wenyuan was not comparable to Duan Yanlong. His stunning achievements still had considerable influence in the iron war dynasty. If he made careful planning, even if he was unable to turn the tide, he would not let the entire Duan family die.

Duan Wenyuan's mouth suddenly burst into a sneer, and he sniffed in his nose, saying, "What's the matter to discuss? Since Duan Wenyuan has come through, it's not so easy to fall down again! The soldiers will block, the water will cover the ground! Face to face, vigorous In the last game, even Duan Wenyuan will never lower his eyebrows! "

"Father Emperor!" Duan Wenyuan's voice fell, and Duan Yanlong shouted excitedly.

Over the past few years, Duan Yanlong has endured the burden, and the grievances and anger accumulated in his heart have already climbed to the zenith. At this time, Duan Wenyuan's arrogant and arrogant words, the blood in his heart, was instantly lit. A pride, excited in the chest, went straight to the heavenly spirit, only wished that he would rush out, and fight with the Jin family to live and die.

"Yanlong, the emperor knows that you have been wronged for the past few years. For me and your brother and sister, you will not be able to support it. From today, our Duan family will stand up again!" His eyes turned to Wandong, and he said, "Master Wan, please help others in the end, and send the Buddha to the west. A Jin family, our Duan family can hold it, but Yuntianmen ..."

"Hahaha ... Why don't the emperors say anything? My Wandong is not at odds with Yuntian Gate!"

"Okay! With the help of Master Wan, there is no reason why our Duan family can't stand up! Come, this cup, Yanlong and I, representing the children and grandchildren of the Duan family, and the billions of people in the Iron War dynasty respect you! "

Having finished speaking, before waiting for Wan Dong to answer the call, Duan Wenyuan had already drunk the wine in the glass. Duan Yanlong is naturally unambiguous, pouring wine to dry!

Although Wan Dong led the general garrison, it stands to reason that Duan Wenyuan was a courtier, but at this time, how could Wenyuan really regard Wandong as a courtier? In every move, Wan Dong is placed on an equal footing with himself.

The pride of the Duan family father and son also made Wan Dong feel excited for a while, without any nonsense, toast a glass of Chinese and American wine, and everything is in the wine!

"Who dares to block me? Get away!"

The wine in the palace is drinking more and more smooth, but suddenly there is a burst of drink outside the palace, followed by a frowning noisy.

Wandong put the wine glass gently on the table and sneered, "It should come!"

"Listening to this roar, it seems that Jin's second son Jin Badao. Yanlong, are you afraid?" Duan Wenyuan's expression is calm and steady, his eyes are firm as usual, no fluctuations, and he turned to look at the slightly frowned Duan Yanlong and asked with a smile.

Duan Yanlong's body shook suddenly and smiled, "With the father and emperor and the son and grandson, what's so scary about the child?"

"Fine talk! Let's go and see what this Jin's second son wants to do!" Duan Wenyuan snapped up, Wan Dong smiled coldly, and Duan Yanlong and normal temperature followed closely.

Out of the palace, there is a mess outside the palace. Jin Badao seemed to be mad, with fists and feet together, a strong and violent qi, scattered everywhere, but when it touched a little, it would be injured or died, the work in the blink of an eye, the courtyard outside the palace was already full The guards of the imprisonment.

"Jin Badao, you are so brave, is it because you want to rebel !?" Duan Wenyuan was about to stop Jin Badao, but some people were a step ahead of him.

The air silhouettes were heavy, and seven or eight masters swooped together. The man was still more than ten feet away, and seven or eight palms were so powerful that he was crushed towards Jin Badao like seven roaring dragons.

Of these seven or eight people, Wan Dong knows most of them. Huang Shidao, Gong Wuzheng, Le Hanxiong, Tan Hu and Wu Qiujun are among them. The remaining three are not weaker than them, and all have reached the nineth peak Situation. Such a combination, placed elsewhere, is definitely extravagant, but at this time in the face of Jin Badao, it seems that it is not enough.

"You guys are so courageous! Get out of here!"

Jin Badao didn't know what medicine was wrong. The whole person seemed to be crazy. With a loud roar, he turned back to a remote place.

The palm of Jin Badao is so powerful that it is really not terrible. A huge palm shadow like a hill, hanging high above the sky, has not moved yet, and the atmosphere of destruction is covered in all directions. Huang Shidao, Wu Qiujun, and others were all stunned by this momentum, and the offensive immediately became smoother, and their power was greatly reduced.

"Damn!" Wu Qiujun couldn't help but scolded in his heart, the hatred tickled.

Although the Jiuzhong Peak sounds very majestic, but compared with the Consummation, it is undoubtedly a trivial matter. In fact, the warrior who advanced to the state of perfection is already out of the category of warrior, not to mention that Jin Badao has reached the state of perfection and middle-level at this time.

Without any suspense, as soon as the giant palm of Jin Badao came out, the energy released by Wu Qiujun and others immediately declared collapse. The seven or eight figures flew out in a scatter shape. Except for Huang Shidao and Wu Qiujun, who were slightly higher, but were stunned by the shocking blood, all the other six people were injured to varying degrees.

The face of Wu Qiujun and others immediately became gloomy. Although they didn't feel comfortable looking at Jin Badao in any way, they couldn't ignore them. You know, until now, Jin Badao has n’t got the sheath on his back!

Duan Wenyuan's brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly. Previously he said that he was strong, but the Duan family really wanted to stand up again, it was not that easy. Turning his head and looking at him standing next to him, with a calm Wan Dong, Duan Wenyuan had a slightly impetuous mood before he calmed down again.

"Humph! The squirting arm is a car, don't control your own strength!" With one palm forced to retreat the eight masters, Jin Badao is more powerful and sweeps his eyes. The guards guarding the side are all trembling, and some are timid, even even a knife Can't hold it, and Dangdang fell to the ground.

"Jin Badao, you are too arrogant! Do you think that no one can clean you up in this world?" With a scold, Duan Lengyan came out coldly. Beside her is a younger person who is slightly older than hers. The eyebrows are somewhat similar to Duan Yanlong. They are also royal nobility. Needless to say, it must be the second prince Duan Yanfei.

Wan Dong was the first to see this section of Yanfei, and could not help but look at it a few more times, so he found that although this section of Yanfei was similar to Duan Yanlong, but his eyes did not have the wisdom and maturity of Duan Yanlong, it looked more like a The boy next door, if removed his aura, is almost the same as ordinary people.

Moreover, in the body of Duan Yanfei, Wan Dong can't feel the existence of ambition. Presumably, in these years, the second prince was only regarded as a banner by the Gong family and the Le family. People like this are probably the poorest.

"Who am I, it turns out to be you girl! It's getting more and more rude. When I saw me, didn't even call the second uncle?" Jin Badao glanced coldly, his face arrogant. It seemed that he had achieved the perfect intermediate level, even the world could not fit him. In fact, Jin Badao didn't really take the small world of ordinary people into consideration. The goal of others was to make some great achievements in the Daomen World ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402238->

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