Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 469: A boy who refused to participate in politics!

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"It's rare that when you are young, you know that you are worried about the country and the people, and you really feel like it! Um, well, how can I enclose you as a young man?"

"Youth Hou !?" As soon as Bai Zhenshan's voice fell, even Xu Wenchuan was taken aback.

Compared with the promotion of Xu Tianlong to the king of Ningbei and Wandong to be a lord, it is even more surprising. There is no other reason, there is only one, that is the age of Wandong.

He Zhen finally couldn't sit still. If even one Xu Yaoting could be a lord, how would he fight Xu Jia in the future? A Xu family, three generations of grandchildren, two kings and one hou, such a power, just thinking about it, is enough to make people startled, let alone fight against it,

"Emperor, Xu Shizi's credit is indeed outstanding this time. But the 20-year-old boy, too, is too eye-catching, afraid that the people of the court will not accept it." He Zhendao.

"Disapproval? What's so disappointing! If anyone can reach the great consummation at the age of twenty, I can also make him a prince! I use people and never look at the age. I only look at two children, are they capable, Are you loyal to me! Yao Ting is satisfied with these two things, and I have the truth that I do n’t want to be rewarded? Do n’t say it anymore, leave it. ”

Listening to the emperor saying this, even if He Zhen was not convinced in his heart, he could only bear it and retreated aside.

"Stupid boy, what do you froze there for, thank you?" Xu Wenchuan had some doubts, but He Zhen's blockade made Xu Wenchuan calm. What a big stool to sit on! My grandson has such ability, you can only stare when you are jealous!

Wan Dong frowned, and suddenly said to Bai Zhenshan, "Emperor, you want to call me a boy, I can accept it, but ... but I have a condition."

"Indiscriminate! The emperor promoted you as a young man, which is already a great gift to you. You still have to talk to the emperor about the conditions?" He Zhen was angry again, pointing at Wan Dong immediately and scolded.

Bai Zhenshan's brow furrowed, his face full of displeasure, and he straightened towards He Zhendao. "How can you be so indifferent as a first-class minister? When Yaoting said the conditions, you will growl again! "

"Ah !? Weichen **** it! Weichen was indignant just now, so he lost his mind, please the emperor ..."

"Okay, let's step back! Without my instructions, you are not allowed to speak again!"

Bai Zhenshan was happy to see He Zhen confronting the Xu family, but he couldn't stand He Zhen's impatience and shallowness. Especially the jealousy of his ** luo is simply ridiculous.

"Yao Ting, what are your conditions, let's just say it!" Bai Zhenshan kindly addressed Wandong Road.

Wan Dong scratched his head and said with some shame: "Emperor, can I only be a boy, but not participate in politics?"

"Don't participate in politics?" Unexpectedly, Wan Dong would propose such a condition. Manchu Wenwu was taken aback, and Bai Zhenshan was no exception.

Wan Dong laughed a few times and said a little embarrassedly, "Emperor, I'm only this year ... I'm only twenty years old. You asked me to follow the early morning dynasty every day to discuss military affairs with the listed adults. It's actually ... , I have n’t played enough yet? "

Bai Zhenshan and Wenwu Baiguan thought that Wan Dong had no reason to give up the opportunity for political participation that most men dreamed of. He never thought that Wan Dong would say that such a completely impossible platform would not even be possible. A little childish reason. For a time, all the civil and military officials shook their heads and smiled bitterly, and secretly talked about Wan Dong as a 'boy boy'. Bai Zhenshan really didn't make a mistake. He really was a child.

He Zhen's face quickly showed a slight look of contempt. He was originally worried that Bai Zhenshan's closure of Wan Dong as a young man would make the Xu family's power grow to the extreme and put pressure on it. But now it seems that he is completely worried, Xu Yaoting is simply a child who can't get on the table, nothing more, a wholehearted playfulness, no desire to enterprising. Not to mention being a young boy, even if it is a boy king, what's the use?

And when He Zhen and most of the civil, military and military officials secretly mocked Wandong in his heart, a very few ministers looked dignified and looked at Wandong. Not only did they not laugh at the slightest, but they were also mixed With a little admiration and shock.

Despite Bai Zhenshan's bright smile, the three generations of Xu's ancestors and grandchildren were rewarded one after another, even Xu Tianlong, who was a thousand miles away and had no merit in this rebellion, was soaked in light and completed the journey from Hou to Wang Leap across, but if you pay close attention, it is not difficult to find that Bai Zhenshan's smile is never from his heart.

If you think about it, you will understand that Bai Zhenshan has just experienced the chaos of Qiu Wanli. How could he really support a Xu family that is even larger than Qiu Wanli's power? Of course Bai Zhenshan was unwilling, but he had to do so. After all, the credit of the Xu family was there, and he could not turn a blind eye. In case of infamy, he would have a great adverse effect on his prestige. The prestige is precisely Bai Zhenshan, who has just recovered from illness, what he needs most now.

In addition, for the Xu family, early entry into the heyday may not be a good thing. It should be noted that things must be reversed, prosperity and decline!

Wan Dong took the initiative to not participate in politics, which immediately resolved the pimples in Bai Zhenshan's heart. If he is careful enough, he will surely find a trace of joy flashing from the depth of Bai Zhenshan's eyes.

"This ... King Dingshan, what do you think?" Bai Zhenshan made a hesitant look and turned to look at Xu Wenchuan.

Xu Wenchuan smiled and shook his head bitterly, said, "My grandson is spoiled by me, playing with ig is very big! Since he insists on this request, you will be kind to the emperor, let him."

Listening to Xu Wenchuan's words, Bai Zhenshan is no longer hypocritical, and nodded and said, "Okay! Yao Ting, I will let you play for another year. After one year, you can participate in politics."

"Ah? Just a year?" Wan Dong's expression was reluctant.

Xu Wenchuan glared at him and yelled, "One year is too short. Does your kid want to play all his life?"

"That's so good ..." Wan Dong whispered softly, making Xu Wenchuan's eyes suddenly rounder.

Looking at the two grandchildren, Bai Zhenshan felt a lot better, and laughed and said, "Yao Ting, the man's big husband, can't just think about playing, care about the world, and make achievements, this is what the big husband does!"

"Okay! Then ... Yaoting listened to the emperor."

Bai Zhenshan is very satisfied. This year, it is said that the length is not long, but it is not short. It is enough for Bai Zhenshan to reform the dynasty and reshape the imperial power. By then, he had enough chips to check the Xu family, and Wan Dong did not participate in politics, so it didn't make much sense.

"But the emperor, Weichen has one more thing to start."

Bai Zhenshan was in a good mood, waved his hand, and said, "What, say!"

Wan Dongdao "This is the case. This time, he was able to calm Qiu Wanli's rebellion, and there is another man who has made great contributions."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"The general manager of Juntian Pawnshop-Qu Sanping!"

Bai Zhenshan had been ill for several years, and it was not clear who Qu Sanping was, etc., but all the ministers of culture and martial arts present were aware of it. Especially those who used to try their best to make up their minds in the past, no less took the back door of Qu Sanping. Therefore, as soon as Wan Dong said this, the whole Chaotang was in an uproar.

"Qu Sanping is Qiu Wanli's confidant, and no one in the world knows, how can he be a master of eradicating Qiu Wanli?" He Zhen said urgently.

"Qu Sanping is Qiu Wanli's confidant?" Bai Zhenshan was slightly stunned, his face full of doubts.

"Yeah! Emperor, this Qu Sanping, has operated Juntian pawnshop for Bai Zhenshan for many years. I don't know how much treasure and wealth he has collected for him. Qiu Wanli can have today's power. This Qu Sanping has helped a lot. The Emperor is about to be enlightened, and this person will be cut off quickly, otherwise civilians will not be angry enough. "

Wan Dong couldn't help but sneer. He Zhen so desperately wanted to execute Qu Sanping. Needless to say, he must be worried that Qu Sanping would tell him how he had done so many bad things to please Qiu Wanli, thus breaking through what he said to Bai Zhenshan Lie, this is ready to kill.

Bai Zhenshan frowned and looked at Wan Dong, saying, "Yao Ting, what's going on?"

Wan Dongdao, "Emperor, Qu Sanping is indeed the person of Qiu Wanli, but his heart has departed from Qiu Wanli long ago. This time, Qiu Wanli's usurpation plot was leaked to me by Qu Sanping. Only then can I calmly arrange Qiu Wanli's conspiracy and defeat it in one fell swoop! That's why I said, Qu Sanping is a great contributor! "

As soon as Wan Dong's voice fell, the civil and military officials were immediately in an uproar. Only now did they understand why Qiu Wanli would lose so badly. Long ago, he was sold by others.

"If this is the case, then this Qu Sanping is really indispensable." Bai Zhenshan nodded slightly and said.

Wan Dong immediately said, "So, when you talk about merits and rewards, you must not miss him."

"It can't be missed! Then, in your opinion, how can I admire Qu Sanping?"

Wan Dong was also polite and immediately said, "This man Qu Sanping likes to trade, but he doesn't like being an official. It is better to give him a pawnshop of Juntian instead of giving him a prince."

"How do you do this? This **** shop in the heavens, which contains countless treasures in the world, is worth hundreds of millions, how can it be easily rewarded to others?" He Zhendang objected immediately.

Wan Dong sneered and said, "Juntian pawnshop is indeed worth a lot of money, but how much money can be compared with Jiangshan Sheji?"

"You ... you're arrogant!" He Zhen angrily shouted.

Wan Dong snorted coldly, and pouted his lips in disdain.

Bai Zhenshan pondered for a moment, saying, "Qu Sanping's credit can't be ignored. Yao Ting, as you said, give Jun Tian pawnshop to Qu Sanping, but he has to pay taxes in full and on time, otherwise, I will always give Jun Oh, the pawnshop recovered it. "

"Hehe ... this is the admonition that the natural minister will definitely tell the emperor to tell him to know!"

"Emperor, please forgive him the death penalty!" Just after Wan Dong's words, He Zhen suddenly stepped forward and shouted loudly while kneeling before Bai Zhenshan.

Bai Zhenshan frowned and asked, "He Zhen, what the **** are you doing?" --By: dad856 | 55634 | 14401935->

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