Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Brother Luo, I have said many times, you and I are brothers, why should you be so out of sight?"

Luo Xiao shook his head stubbornly and shouted, "Brothers are brothers, kindness is kindness!"

Touched by Wan Dong's heart, this Luo Xiao was really a man with strong bones and a sense of justice! Wan Dong didn't say much, and instead looked up solemnly to lift Luo Xiao from the ground.

"Brother Luo, the ghost is dead, but your **** enmity, but only reported a third."

Luo Xiao's pair of sword brows immediately condensed into a ball, and said with a stern look, "Yes! Ghost worry is only the murderer, Qiu Wanli is the culprit! But Qiu Wanli has great power, not to say that he can kill. A lesson of reckless behavior, I have understood that gentlemen revenge, it is not too late for ten years! I do n’t believe that Qiu Wanli will continue to enjoy the scenery, one day sooner or later, I will wait for the opportunity to cut off his head and hate his parents!

Wan Dong was really worried. Luo Xiao would make the last mistake again on an impulse. Listening to Luo Xiao's words, Wan Dong's heart immediately settled down.

Patted him on the shoulder, Wan Dong smiled and said, "Brother Luo, remember a word, there are evils and evils. If you don't report, the time hasn't arrived! This god, his eyes are open!"


Xu Wenchuan said not to worry, but it was another matter in his heart. After all, ghost worry is a master of true spirits, and it is not so easy to deal with. Turning back and forth on the bed, he couldn't sleep anymore, simply pushed the door out of the room, thinking about going to the back garden, watching the moonlight, and waiting for Wan Dong to return.

Unexpectedly, Xu Wenchuan froze as soon as he walked into the back garden. Although it was late at night, the back garden was very lively.

Not only Tiger Leap, Balinger, Wang Yangde, Liu Kerr and other juniors are here, even Hu Jingqi and Ning Shan, at this time they do n’t know what they are talking about, and they look very lively.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Xu Wenchuan asked with a surprised mouth.

A man looked back at him at the same time and asked in unison, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

"I ... hahaha ..." Xu Wenchuan couldn't help laughing.

Everyone smiled all the time. Such a tacit understanding is really rare.

"Old Master, you will deceive people! I also said before, the miscellaneous things like ghost worry, my master was more than enough to pack it up. After a long time, you still have no idea in your old heart. I already knew this, and I followed "" Wang Yangde could not help but complain.

Xu Wenchuan was annoyed for a while, and this Wang Yangde was really as talented as he was supposed to be, but his emotional intelligence was not good. Now that you understand it, why do you have to say it so as to embarrass an old man?

Glancing at him fiercely, Xu Wenchuan said, "If you follow, then our plan will not be overwhelmed? Do you think that ghost worry is a mallet? In fact, I am not at heart, just a little worried. After all, Ghost Worry is a master of true spirits, not ordinary people. "

Xu Wenchuan said this, Ning Shan's nervousness was even more uneasy, and he was busy, "Dad, since the ghosts are so bad, otherwise, you can take care of Yaoting."

Xu Wenchuan smiled bitterly and said, "My good wife, do you think I don't want it? But this day is big, where do you let me go to meet them?"

Xu Wenchuan said this, Ning Shan had no idea, and his face was full of anxiety.

At this moment, a rag-breaking wind suddenly sounded, and immediately attracted everyone's attention. I saw two figures, taking advantage of the night, floating in like ghosts.

Upon seeing this, Xu Wenchuan immediately caught the case and scolded "Where is the thief!" Then the whole person was like the cannonball that burst out, and swept straight towards the two figures.

The successive intrusions of Dingshan King's Mansion really angered Xu Wenchuan. This fluttering momentum was very powerful, with his hands like eagle claws, attacking the two, and most of them did not miss the posture.

Wang Yangde, Hu Yue, Balinger, Liu Kerr, four younger generations, were also vigilant at this time, and they all gathered together to protect themselves, beside Hu Jingqi and Ning Shan, who were incapable of fighting. , Cooperated quite well!

"Grandpa, it's me!" Just as everyone was struggling to prepare for a big fight, Wan Dong's voice suddenly rang.

Xu Wenchuan was taken aback and quickly recovered his paw. The loss was Xu Wenchuan, who had already reached the position of sending and receiving heart all by himself, otherwise Wandong would have no problem, Luo Xiao would be miserable, and Xu Wenchuan would have to grab five blood holes in his body.

The crowd hurriedly stared at them, and by the blurred moonlight,

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