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Pi Xiong couldn't help but turn his head to look at Duan Lengyan and asked, "San Mi, isn't Sanye Jin good at casting swords? Isn't that the same situation when Sanye Jin was casting swords? I ... how can I feel a bit wrong , No sword furnace, no fire, this ... "

Duan Lengyan sneered, a ridiculous look appeared on his face, coldly said: "Although Jin Xidao is good at casting swords, I dare to guarantee that he never has this skill."

"The third girl means that this master Xu's sword-making technique is especially superior to that of King Jin?" Pi Xiong couldn't help but widen his eyes, his eyes filled with incredible words. You know, Jin Xidao is a recognized master of sword-making. It also represents the highest level of sword-making skills of the entire Iron War Dynasty. It is also recognized by the entire Eastern Profound Continent and the only one who can challenge Liu Jia's sword-making skills.

Such a sword-making everyone can't compare with a dude who doesn't learn and do nothing, how can Pi Xiong not be surprised?

More than Pi Xiong was surprised, in fact, even Duan Lengyan seemed unacceptable. But the woman's feelings told her that she was right! The momentum and decency revealed by Wan Dong at this time are by no means comparable to that of Jin Xidao.

When Duan Lengyan and Pi Xiong were shocked in their hearts and could not accept all this in front of them, the golden light scattered in front of them suddenly gathered, and at the same time, a cold meaning swept across the room in an instant.

From extreme heat to severe cold, this change is so fast, so sudden and smooth, as if it happened overnight, whatever you want, Duan Lengyan and Pi Xiong are not only surprised, but also a little frightened. No matter what kind of true energy Wandong holds, such a skillful, enchanting CAO control force is enough to make any enemy shudder.

Compared with the last time he was in Tianbao Pavilion, Wandong's progress was too great. Compared with Duan Lengyan's first meeting with Wan Dong, there is no comparable xing. It is hard to imagine that such a significant and huge change will happen to a person. Uncontrollably, Duan Lengyan had an unstoppable curiosity about Wandong, and felt a very strong attraction, bursting from Wandong's body, causing her to approach Wandong involuntarily.

Melting sword, tempering, becoming a sword, strenuously, without stagnation! A sharp sword awn lighted up suddenly, and the straight-eyed Duan Lianyan and Pi Xiong's eyes suddenly hurt, and their busy hands blocked them, while they kept back.

Although it is not clear what the sword will look like after recasting, the power of this bi-man alone is enough to make the two palpitate. There is no need to look at it or ask questions. The feeling alone is enough to make them realize that the quality of the sword has definitely improved more than once.

"This sword is a few inches shorter, I hope you don't mind." Wan Dong glanced, satisfied, and handed Duan Lengyan.

The sword was a few inches shorter than before, but this did not attract Duan Lengyan's attention at all. Just because all of Duan Lengyan's attention was almost attracted by the blade of Mingru Haoyue, where can he pay attention to this detail?

"This ... is this the same sword just now?"

Take the sword from Wandong's hand. A clear stream immediately followed the sword handle and poured into Duan Lengyan's body, so that she could not help but shudder, and she felt refreshed in an instant. At the same time, an incomparable sense of unanimous fit also emerged, as if the sword was part of Duan Lengyan's body, inseparable.

When holding the sword, Duan Lengyan really felt like holding his father's hand, kind and warm! Even the childhood memories hidden in the depths of her mind were hooked out, making her eyes burst into tears.

Pippi Xiong froze for a long while, and suddenly understood, no wonder people would regard him as a treasure sword, as a broken copper. is not it! Seeing this re-tempered magic soldier in front of him, isn't his former one just broken copper and iron?

"Why, are you dissatisfied?" Wan Dong asked with a bitter smile after seeing Duan Lengyan crying again.

"You ... how did you do it?" Duan Lengyan looked up suddenly, looking at Wan Dong's eyes, full of curiosity.

"You didn't see it all, and I didn't avoid you!"

"But ..." Duan Lengyan wanted to say something, swallowed it back, shook her head helplessly.

Of course she saw it, but she just watched the excitement, where can you understand the mystery? of course! If people don't expect her to understand, she won't perform this magical power in front of her.

"Do you really want to give me this sword?" Duan Lengyan asked Wandong, looking at Wan Dong in disbelief.

"This is you

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