Things start a few days ago.

The weather was warm and cold, but the imperial capital was always bustling, just like every season before. Although this city was established after the rise of the new dynasty, it has no history and traditions, but as people from all over the world gather here, it also brings a flavor from all over the world.

Accents, delicacies, customs, and aesthetics from all over the world are intertwined and mixed together, constantly colliding and stirring, and finally formed the unique style of the imperial city. Although it is far from being able to absorb the strengths of various places, it can also be called inclusive. Here you can easily find things everywhere, or more easily than elsewhere.

The massive population maintains the operation of the city.

For this farming-dominated world, cities are purely resource-consuming places. They don't produce much here, but they devour a lot of resources brought in from surrounding areas every day.

Whether it is grain, oil, rice noodles, pigs, sheep, ducks, fish, utensils and cloth, thatch firewood, copper, lead and tin ingots, bamboo poles and hemp ropes, charcoal lacquer, cotton fur... all kinds of goods that can be named but not named, one car after another. The ship landed inside, and then the unloaded materials were like ink dripping into a pond, quickly decomposed and dispersed, and disappeared from sight.

In order to avoid the constant traffic of vehicles and pedestrians in this busy scene, officials of the imperial court often get up early and go out in cars, horses and sedan chairs, just for the sake of speed and convenience. Low-ranking officials like to eat breakfast in the alley next to the Royal Street to replenish their strength before going to court formally.

The previous generation of emperors set down the rules of regular pilgrimage, so now everyone abides by it. Civil and military officials all got up early, senior officials had chefs to prepare food in advance, or brought snacks to eat in the car, but for these ordinary officials, they could only look for food nearby after arriving at the place.

Because they are not of high grade and often have a bunch of people in their families, they often have a good appearance but are poor in money. So the most popular breakfast here is nothing more than soybean milk pancakes, rice porridge, and Yangchun noodles.

It is not easy to talk about their grades and qualifications at the street stalls. They often sit at the same table. Everyone eats together, waits for the door to open, and chats with each other for a while. After a long time, this small alley has become a place for people to socialize and enjoy A place of connection.

There were two low-ranking officials sitting together at a small wooden square table, drinking soy milk and talking in a low voice:

"Have you heard? There seems to be an action from above. It has been rumored everywhere in the past few days. The ceremonial guards for going out are all ready. The sergeants in the imperial camp have also been inspected by the middle officers in the past, and the battalion has been pulled out. It's about traveling." A small official in a blue official robe said quietly to the person who was having dinner with him next to him.

"Of course I've heard about it." The other petty official was also wearing a green robe, but he obviously had a bigger appetite. He ordered half a catty more fried dough sticks. "Although this matter is not a household name, it can be said that everyone knows it, but it was still too surprising when I first heard it."

"I also heard that several ministers, prime ministers and royal envoys in the court are preparing to play together to dissuade the king. There will be actions in the past two days. I don't know what the result will be." The person who spoke had a worried look on his face.

"Oh, brother, don't worry too much, just do your best and obey the destiny." The other person was more open-minded, comforting while eating fried dough sticks.

The two chatted for a while, feeling very speculative, so after the first pass, the door was opened and the drum rang, they settled the bill together, got up and went to court.

There is only an alley in the direction of Yujie, and there is a large open space on the opposite side, which is also covered with trees, which is convenient for these officials to park their cars and horses. The two walked to the imperial street and saw several tall horses and matching carved treasure cars on the opposite side. They secretly envied them in their hearts, and merged into the water flow formed by the officials' walking, and walked towards the court hall.

"That should be the cars of Prime Minister Zhou, Prime Minister Liu, and Zhu Yushi. They came very early today."

"I must have made preparations. It seems that today's court meeting will not be peaceful. Let's go."


The two quickened their pace, passed through the main gate of the imperial city, and walked into the imperial city.

In fact, according to the rules of the previous dynasty, it was wrong for them to walk like this, but the first emperor was very dissatisfied with this, saying that the door was dug out for people to use, so it was a wise decision to allow the officials to walk through the main door when they went to court. After all, it saves effort and improves efficiency, but the patterns on the stone slabs of the Royal Street wear out quickly, and they have to be re-cut every few years.

The imperial city is very new, and the buildings and furnishings inside are very new.

The building inside has been painted recently, the walls are vermilion lacquer red and solemn, and the gold powder painted on the carved beams is even more splendid and solemn. The doors and windows of the chapel are made of thick glass, making the inside bright and warm.

Just eating with a full belly can make people sleepy. It is said that there have been unlucky people who accidentally fell asleep before the king and were punished for their disrespect, but that happened in the time of the first emperor, and it happened three times. But one of them was exhausted because of enough diligence, so he was not punished, but was allowed to go home and rest by the first emperor.

The court meeting is a serious matter, and the venue is very spacious.

In this hall, there are nine-story high steps on top of which are wooden chairs with armrests, and there are six rows on the left and right below. The officials who arrived first refused to take their seats, but found their seats and stood in front of the chairs to talk. They will not take their seats until there are all the people, especially those in the front row.

After the two young officials in green robes walked in together, they quickly found their seats. Their grades are the lowest ranks that can go to court, and they still have the honor of serving in the imperial capital, so they often don't have a chance to speak, and they are just here to listen. So the seats suitable for two people are also in the corner of the last row. After everyone is seated, they sit next to each other and observe the field. .

After three slow cracks of the whip, the court meeting began.

The Human Sovereign had already sat in the middle of the upper chair, sat up straight and looked at the people below.

Next, Liu Xiuwen, Prime Minister Liu, stood up one step ahead, saluted and then played: "Your Majesty, there have been rumors in Beijing recently that there will be an imperial cavalry tour, and I came here to verify the truth of this rumor."

I never expected this kind of thing to be hidden, and I knew that the other party's question was just an appetizer, but Human Sovereign could only nod his head, and replied: "There is indeed such a thing."

Liu Xiuwen's voice suddenly rose, he took a step forward, continued to salute, and said in a calm voice: "I don't know what His Majesty's move is for? Why didn't you see any relevant documents coming?"

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