"So these children walked, walked... The eldest sister said that when she first left the house, she threw small stones all the way, and as long as she found it, she could find a home. This made the children finally persevere. But they were tired. Hungry and cold, walking in the forest, walking, looking for those small stones that the eldest sister said."

"Suddenly, they saw a light in the distance, and the three children suddenly regained their spirits and walked towards the light. When they got closer, they realized that it was a house built in the wilderness. They hid by the window Come on, listen to voices inside."

"I just heard the inside saying: 'Brother Houhou, are these dumplings enough?' Then a voice replied: 'Not enough, let's wrap half a cover, and there must be some leftover dumplings for the Chinese New Year.' It turns out that today is the New Year's Eve Thirty children, but these children are poor and have never seen dumplings."

"They listened, then secretly moistened the window paper with saliva, looked inside, and found that two monkeys were making dumplings. This really surprised the children, but they were cold, hungry and Tired, no sound."

"After a while, the two monkeys finished making dumplings and were about to go to bed. The monkeys were lying on the kang, and suddenly one monkey said: 'Brother Monkey, I'm so cold that I can't sleep.' The other monkey said: 'Every day is Like this, bear with it.’ Then the monkey suddenly said happily: ‘Brother Monkey, the pan we made pancakes with yesterday should still be hot, how about we go sleep in the pan.’”

"So the two monkeys happily lay down in the pot on the stove, and said excitedly: 'It's really warm and comfortable, let's go to sleep.' Soon there was snoring. The three children outside couldn't stand the cold. , They rushed into the house, the eldest sister picked up the lid of the pot and put it on, and the other two lit a fire in the stove."

"As the fire got hotter, I heard a monkey in the pot saying: 'Brother Monkey, why is it so hot all of a sudden?' Then there was the sound of 'boom boom' jumping and 'stab————' But the three children didn't Dare to stop, they didn’t pack up and cook the dumplings until there was no movement in the pot. The next day, with the food and gold and silver they found, they finally found those small stones, and then went back to live a good life.”

To the people in the room, the story was absurd, but they didn't care, they just laughed and let the next person continue.

Fang Chang shook his head silently, this story has inherited the usual dark color of bedtime stories.

Suddenly someone beside him sighed: "The monkeys are innocent, and suddenly someone rushed out and burned them to death, looting all their belongings, it's too cruel."

Someone reprimanded: "Compared to monkeys and humans, humans are naturally more important."

Seeing that the two of them seemed to be arguing, someone beside them hurriedly tried to persuade them with a smile: "Forget it, it's pretty miserable. I heard this story when I was young, and it's far from the scariest one. Even when I was young, I heard it. I still want to look for monkeys in the mountains like them, and search for dumplings, gold and silver."

Someone next to him said: "It seems that the old man has heard a lot of stories? Let me tell you one."

The person who was persuading him had patches on his clothes, but his eyes were sharp. He looked like he was used to wandering around the rivers and lakes. He didn't hesitate at all, and said with a smile: "What's the difficulty? I'll tell you about the fairy in Yunzhongshan The story is about the cloud mountain under our feet, and it is said that there are extraordinary characters in it."

Everyone laughed and joked: "This is not interesting enough. Who doesn't know the story of the fairy in Yunzhong Mountain? Everyone has heard that the fairy in the mountain walked the world when the world was in chaos, and became Prime Minister Liu and Marshal Yu when the country was founded. As a pioneer, this matter has already spread all over the world.”

Some people ridiculed: "Under your feet is Yunzhong Mountain. If you are interested, you can go to the mountain to visit the immortal. Maybe you will find the immortal who is said to have retired with Marshal Liu and Prime Minister Yu. You can pass on the supreme way."

Seeing that everyone was in a lively atmosphere, but none of them were interested in the story of the Yunshang Mountain Immortal, the person who had just persuaded him immediately changed his words:

"Since you don't like to hear this, let me tell you something new that happened recently, you have never heard of it."

"Oh? Let's hear it, we don't believe it." Everyone said one after another.

Seeing that everyone was finally interested, he cleared his throat and began to tell:

"Not long ago, after the new emperor ascended the throne, the eunuchs around him searched the world to choose a concubine. It is said that the emperor had a dream the night before. Long, embrace the golden phoenix', so I told the person in charge of this condition, and asked him to find it accordingly."

"It's hard for people. It is said that the eunuch who received this order was sweating at the time: where can I find this? But this is the emperor's order. There is no other way but to take people around the world. Every village is left behind. Guess what?"

Listening intently, many people were immediately aroused and passively cheered, "What's the matter?"

A slap in the thigh for storytelling:

"On this condition, he really found it!"

Seeing everyone staring at him, he was full of ambition, and drank the remaining good wine in the bowl. He immediately regretted it, so he said while feeling sorry for the wine: "The six or seven hundred miles to the west There is a Huaigang town in a certain place. There is a family there. The daughter of his family has been stupid since she was born, and she is very strong. The most unusual thing is that her daughter's head has been covered with scars since she was a child. , densely layered on top of each other, and no hair grows."

"On this day, the concubine selection team arrived in Huaigang Town. The guard of honor was bright and lively. So people in the town went out to watch the excitement. My daughter's parents also went to watch the excitement, but they were a little worried about my daughter, so they locked the door As a result, the girl was not happy, and when she heard the movement outside, she climbed up to the wall in twos and threes. The wall was as tall as a person, made of adobe, and it was a little slippery and unstable due to the rain. Bamboo. The big rooster next to me was disturbed, and the flying general came over and was hugged by her."

"The eunuch who chose the concubine saw this scene at a glance. After all, everyone around was standing and watching, and she was the only one riding on the wall, which was the most obvious. Then the eunuch's eyes lit up: 'Hey! Isn’t riding on an earthen wall the same as riding an earthen dragon? The bamboo next to it is a bamboo pointed spear, the layered reflections on top of the head are bright silver helmets, and the big rooster in his arms is a phoenix. I can finally do my job!’”

"So he immediately led the people around him to greet the ceremony, saying that the concubine, that girl had never seen such a situation before, she was so frightened that she fell from the wall into the yard. Everyone was frightened and ran in, only to find that the concubine had fainted On the ground, with a head full of hair, and a silver bowl lying on the ground next to it."

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