Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 139 [Leave after finishing the matter]

"Lotus seeds?" Jian Zhengchu was a little confused when Fang Chang asked him suddenly.

Fang Chang: "There is a pond in the lower courtyard, which was recently dug, but the scenery is a bit barren, so this time I go out, I plan to find some lotus seeds to plant. In summer, I can enjoy the flowers and look at the lotus leaves, and in winter, I can dig lotus roots to enjoy. Adds a lot of color to the pond."

Jian Zhengchu was stunned, thought for a while and said: "In this Xingqing Mansion, there are not many lotus flowers, but it is not difficult. Some big families will have a few lotus plants in their homes, and someone may have left them. Wait for a few days, sir, and I will go and ask for you."

Jian Zhengqing heard the conversation between the two, walked over and said:

"I know where it is, so there's no need to ask."


Seeing his brother's puzzled face, Jian Zhengqing said with a smile:

"Didn't Mi Mancang buy a new house this year? I heard that he dug a small pond a few feet square in the courtyard, and brought lotus flowers from the south to plant."

"At that time, there were quite a few classmates who made fun of him for being arty. I saw that he stopped this behavior and gave some education."

"I do have some impressions." Hearing his younger brother mention it, Jane nodded at the beginning.

Jian Zhengqing continued: "Lotus seeds are not expensive in the first place. His pond is so small, and the seeds he looked for before coming here must not have been used up. We can ask, if there are still stocks, we can ask for some for Mr. Fang."

After humming, Jian Zhengchu said to a student next to him: "Yonghe, go to the county school and find your brother Mi."

The little scholar ran away quickly.

After a while, he led a middle-aged scholar with a round figure, a thin face, and a brocade shirt over, and said to the Jian brothers, "Sir, Senior Brother Mi is here."

"Okay." Jane waved her hand at the beginning.

After finishing his errands, the little scholar saw that he didn't have anything to do, so he went back to the side and continued the unfinished work without mentioning it.

On the contrary, this middle-aged scholar with a round body and a thin face, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, grabbed his clothes and walked in front of the two brothers of the Jian family, bowed and said: "Master, what is the reason for calling the students?"

"Well, you are here, Mancang. The Mr. Fang next to you is a friend of your teacher. He just mentioned that he wonders if the Xingqing Mansion can get lotus seeds. It just happened that Zhengqing told us that you bought some when you bought a house before. I don't know. Is there any leftover?" Jian Zhengchu asked kindly after seeing his apprentice.

"Yes, sir." The scholar's behavior seemed to be very rigid, and he saluted again.

"Can you sell some to this Mr. Fang?"

"A few flower seeds are worthless, just give them to Mr. Fang." The scholar Mi Mancang continued to salute and said.

"Okay, then you take this Mr. Fang to pick it up? You can talk about the specifics." Jian Zhengchu has always been very close to his disciple, but it's just that the start of the class is approaching, and Mi Mancang told him to prepare for the exam. He was guilty of asking for leave and did not participate in the preparation of libraries and schools.

"The disciple obeyed."


Mi Mancang's home is closer to the registration office than to the county school.

Because the location of the county school is in the center of Xingqing Prefecture, surrounded by every inch of land and gold, not as remote as the yard where the school is going to be built.

For Mi Mancang, who is not rich, a cheaper house is more suitable for him.

Looking at the back of the leader in front of him, Fang Chang hesitated to speak.

He thought about it and waited for now.

Scholar Mi Mancang led Fang Chang to the gate of a small courtyard, and then took the key from his pocket to unlock it.

The courtyard door is very narrow, even if the two doors are opened, it is impossible for two people to walk side by side. If there are people passing by at the same time, only one person can turn sideways, and they will rub each other.

The inside is very neat and clean, and the sunlight slanted in from the top of the courtyard wall, illuminating a pocket pond several feet square inside and a few withered lotus plants on the water surface in the pond.

Walking to the door, the scholar said to Fang Chang:

"I bought this house after saving for several years. When I first got it, it was very dilapidated. I rebuilt the house and tidied up the courtyard. All the furnishings in the house were designed by me, including the yard. The small pond in the corner."

"There are a few lotus plants inside. In fact, the seeds are not difficult to obtain. There is a business nearby, and the people there have a lot of contacts with the south. I just mentioned a word to an old man there, and he helped me bring a package of lotus seeds from the south. Spend some money."

"I planted a little, and the rest were collected, and I harvested some more this year. They are all together, but they are planted a little deep. Mr. Fang, wait a moment, and I will fetch them for you."

After finishing speaking, he opened the door, let Fang Chang in, and began to rummage through the boxes.

Looking at the busy back of the other party, Fang Chang suddenly opened his mouth and said to Mi Mancang:

"You are a demon."

Hearing this sentence, the scholar who was rummaging through was shocked suddenly.

Then he turned around, looked Fang Chang up and down several times, frowned and said, "Mr. Fang, are you a practitioner?"

Fang Chang nodded.

Mi Mancang took a few deep breaths, then turned his head away, and continued to rummage. At the same time, he seemed to be justifying, and said calmly: "In the past few years, I have never left Xingqing Mansion, and I have never done evil... ..."

Hearing the words, Fang Chang smiled:

"Haha, don't worry, I'm not the kind of cultivator who wants to eliminate demons indiscriminately. This time I came here by accident, not for this purpose, let alone to dismantle your body in front of others."

"Besides, as far as I know, there should be very few such extreme practitioners, right? Why do the monsters I meet subconsciously think in that direction when they see practitioners?"

Mi Mancang shook his head, indicating that he didn't know either:

"...Maybe it's because it's written like this in the scriptures, and it's also said in the rumors. Anyway, no one alive seems to have seen this kind of person, and most of the people who think they have seen it have been disposed of."

"And the image of a group has always been determined by a small number of people with the most distinctive characteristics, and practitioners are no exception. For us monsters, those practitioners who want to kill demons and demons at every turn are the most terrifying, and they will naturally Use this as a label."

Fang Chang nodded: "It does make sense."

Finally put down his guard, Mi Mancang stated his experience.

He was originally a hamster in the back kitchen warehouse in the county school. Due to the good weather and good weather for the past two hundred years, the country has a prosperous country and the people are safe, and the county has plenty of money for running schools, so there is always food in the back kitchen warehouse, and he is full all day long, free and easy.

But the blessings of heaven and earth gave him spiritual wisdom, and from then on, the world in his eyes was no longer the same as before.

As a hamster, he lives in an environment that is difficult for humans to see. He is very inconspicuous and has a tenacious ability to survive.

And here is the county school, after opening the spiritual wisdom, there are no other interesting places in the city, so he can only secretly hide in the corner of the classroom when the teachers are in class, listening to lectures and learning.

As a result, learning knowledge is very helpful to practice. As he absorbs and understands human knowledge, refines the bones and even transforms the shape, it doesn't bother him, and he goes smoothly all the way.

After the transformation, he had nowhere to go, so he simply pretended to be a scholar and joined the county school to study. As before, he listened to the lectures with his familiar classmates in the familiar classroom.

It's just that this time he no longer hides in the corner, but stays with everyone, and even gets up to answer the questions asked by the husband when he asks questions.

The name Mi Mancang was also acquired by himself after a period of time after he learned to read and read.

He feels that this three-character combination is appropriate and has a good meaning, which is especially suitable for him.

Moreover, most of the names of monsters are not very good.

For most monsters, even after being enlightened, they are still illiterate, with different aesthetics, and there are no big monsters around who can communicate with each other on an equal footing, so they can only pick one at random.

Because he gave himself a good name, Mi Mancang has always been happy and proud of it.

This was all many years ago.

After studying successfully, besides preparing for the imperial examination, he also made a lot of money to make a living.

Over the years, besides being able to live a normal life like a human being, he has also accumulated a small amount of wealth and settled down in Xingqing Prefecture.

In this way, Mi Mancang feels that he has put his roots here. Whether he is promoted in the middle school or travels around after failing the ranking, he is not a wandering duckweed, but a wanderer from another country.

"Sir, are you really here for the lotus seeds?" Mi Mancang, a scholar who is actually a demon, continued to ask.

"No, I am indeed a friend of the two Mr. Jian. This time, I just happened to pass by the city of Xingqing Prefecture. I didn't want to visit the two Mr. Jian. But I saw the long queue of people who signed up for school, and I was curious, so I went forward. strike up a conversation."

Fang Chang explained, "The lotus seed was just mentioned casually, and they helped me look for it, so I met you."

Mi Mancang thought for a while, then turned around suddenly, and said to Fang Chang: "Sir, you took care of what happened to Jian Xingwen last time?"

"That's right." Fang Chang nodded and said, "That time also coincided with the meeting, and I had a relationship with Mr. Da Jian before, so I helped."

"Thank you sir." Mi Mancang saluted, thanked him, turned around again, and continued to search in the cabinet, "The two gentlemen only have this grandson, if something really happened, I don't know how sad they will be , thanks to Mr.

"When Xingwen fell ill, I was not in Xingqing Mansion. I only heard about it from the neighbors after I came back. Everyone said that there was an expert who helped and cured Xingwen's illness. This is really true. Danger."

While speaking, Mi Mancang suddenly stopped and said, "I found it, the seed."

He took out two small sacks from the bottom of the cabinet.

Mi Mancang told Fang Chang: "The ones that are a little bit more are the seeds left after I planted them, and the other bag is the seeds I harvested recently. I will give you some of each to prevent some of them from growing easily. "

"I have a heart." Fang Chang thanked.

"The planting method" Mi Mancang fumbled from the bookshelf in the house, took out a piece of paper full of words from a book, and handed it to Fang Chang, "This is what I got from the old brother in the business. After getting the seeds, he wrote me the planting steps and key points."

"Thank you." Fang Chang opened the package, took out two strings of copper coins, and handed them to the other party.

But Mi Mancang's rejection was very fierce, which gave Fang Chang a different impression than the "equivalent exchange" Lu Shaoyuan he met before. But he didn't bother to give in, but said to the scholar: "The way I hold, try not to lose to others. Since you refuse to accept money, then I will give you some guidance."


The scholar finally agreed.

Fang Chang thought for a while and said: "These two Mr. Jian are embarking on a grand cause that will benefit the future. If you have the opportunity, you can take part in it. After all, the merits of this matter are great. Sharing some profit from it will be very beneficial to your practice."

Hearing this suggestion, Mi Mancang's expression was complicated, from surprise to regret, from regret to joy.

In the end, he bowed and saluted as he did to his teacher just now, and sincerely thanked him. Fang Chang's advice is indeed of great benefit to his future practice.


After getting the lotus seeds and planting methods, Fang Chang said to the hamster full of polished rice before waiting for the Jian brothers to register:

"Your Majesty is going to leave, instead of saying goodbye to the two Mr. Jian, please see them in the future and convey it on your behalf."

The scholar nodded and agreed.

Fang Chang left from Hamster Jing's house, found a tavern in the city, refilled the wine gourd in his waist, and left Xingqing Prefecture lightly.

(Mom! Nearly three thousand and five, which is close to two chapters)

Thank you for your reward from Encounter Between Landscapes, book friends 20180521222704773, Sijiaweiweiwei.

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