Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1788: 第七 〇 九

However, Zhang Hao continued to work hard after sending away those immigrants. There are too many things.

Most of the managers who went to the Carp Nebula this time were of the new generation - such as Zhang Xiaoning, the son of Zhang Hao, and Huang Mingshan, the son of Huang Mingshan. There are also some elderly people, but most of them are in auxiliary positions.

As for the many older generations with dominant powers, they have already arrived in the Carp Nebula with the two exploratory fleets in advance.

After sending away these people, Zhang Hao began to stabilize the social mood. For the current Tianyuanxing civilization, 400 million people have been walked away in one go, which does not sound very serious. But the impact caused by these 400 million people is actually not trivial.

First of all, the 400 million people of the first batch of immigrants are related to 70 million families. Even if there is only one elite in a family, it is 70 million elites.

In the past, most of these elites were the mainstays of various industries. These people suddenly left, creating a huge social class vacuum.

In addition, these elites are completely loyal to the Tianyuanxing civilization, and many of them have held important positions before. If these people leave, it will require the same number of elites and tested elites to supplement them.

In this way, a big social revolution appeared. The population involved is more than 70 million-Qin loses its deer, and the world is chasing it; in an excellent position, there may be a dozen or even dozens of people who are jealous behind!

And some bosses have left, what about the remaining companies? The relationship between the company and the company, finances, etc., the company's registration information, etc., all need to be changed.

Even some companies have left several executives in one go, and the entire company is in danger of paralysis.

In short, after 400 million people left, the entire Tianyuanxing civilization would be affected obviously. In fact, this is also one of the major reasons why the Ocean Group and even the Tianyuanxing civilization have been slow to initiate immigration in the past.

Now, I have to emigrate. Even after more than 30 years of development, even if fully prepared, the impact is still great.

Interstellar immigrants are abruptly digging out a piece from the original social system and cutting it separately. Regardless of how it was divided, just talking about the original society that was dug into the wall will leave huge scars-not only material, but also spiritual.

Why am I not selected?

Although it is publicly stated that 60% are selected from top to bottom in accordance with the evaluation, and the other 40% are randomly selected from the rest, tested people, but this has to be believed.

Not to mention that there are some guys with ulterior motives spreading rumors, and whether there are young people who are independent or not to follow suit, the impact is actually great.

In addition, some people are brainwashed by the movie. In the movie, don’t immigrants find some marginalized people to find their way first? How come to the real world, but you want the elite? Well, I want a comment.

In short, the impact is great, whether it is material or spiritual. But at this time, Zhang Hao suddenly turned his face-catch!

In the past, Zhang Hao had always been open to the people. Even if you scolded the leaders in an open and honest manner, Zhang Hao would also say: scold it, it's better than stabs you. And we all know that a dog that bites does not show its teeth. We are meant to serve the people.

Therefore, the political environment of Dayang Group in the past was very relaxed and free. Even the other members of the Tianyuanxing civilization are not comparable to the Ocean Group.

Because of self-confidence and freedom, and because of freedom and self-confidence. This is the Dayang Group in the past.

But now, Zhang Hao suddenly went uncharacteristically: within the scope of Dayang Group, a literary prison started!

All those who attack leaders, attack groups, actively spread rumors, and spread rumors on the Internet are all investigated and handled, at least they are warnings.

Although it is better to defend the people than to defend the river, sometimes floods also need to be guided. Gentleness is not everything. The old saying goes well: Thunder and rain are all grace!

Nowadays, the original society is a bit turbulent. Outside, countless countries and strong people are watching. Dayang Group, and even the entire Tianyuanxing civilization are in turbulent conditions. At this time, there must be no chaos inside.

Prior to allowing freedom of speech, it was because the foundation of society was here. You just dance and rejoice, which is a matter of shouting a few throats.

But now it's different. Immigration caused the entire society to be unrest, and a large number of elites left, causing the Tianyuanxing civilization to be poached from the foundation, and speech must be controlled and guided.

The entire ‘literal prison’ was first started by Dayang Group. Tianyuanxing Civilization and the United Nations haven't reacted for a while.

Therefore, in the beginning, many ‘fake angry youths’ rushed to the United Nations member states of Tianyuanxing Civilization to clamor. But within 48 hours, Liu Xinyu discussed with Zhang Hao.

After that, Empress Liu became a bit more overcast when she did things. She didn't move at the beginning. She waited for more than a month, and almost all that should have jumped out came out. With an order, the United Nations began to scrape the ground and crack down on it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liu Xinyu and the United Nations will label all ‘problematic’ together as a ‘disturbing social order’. I see how you will jump around in the future.

With this label, you and the police will be friends in the future, you can come to your door at any time without talking, and there is a relationship everywhere-wherever you go, the police come to care, are you moved? No, do you dare to move?

This time the crackdown, various large and small cases, etc., have been uncovered. At first, the people were still a little uncomfortable; but after each case was exposed and there was a so-called ‘spokesperson’ behind each case, the matter temporarily calmed down.

Zhang Hao handed over the severe crackdown to Bai Yutang, and he continued to lead the scientific research elites to tackle tough problems. For the time being, although some of the scientific research elites of Dayang Group went to the Carp Nebula, more of them remained.

At present, the most important thing is to study irrational numbers, and strive for Lei Xingfeng and others to have the combat effectiveness of the quasi-sage peak as soon as possible. Only then can Dayang Group have a real future.

Yes, Zhang Hao and others actually have post-breaking attributes. In this way, the sages will not pay attention to the Carp Nebula, and the Carp Nebula can continue to maintain its pure and undisturbed development.

If a society wants to make progress, someone needs to carry it forward.

Day by day, time passed, and in a blink of an eye the Carp Nebula immigrants officially left. But Zhang Hao didn't go there, but silently sent a blessing to Tianyuan Star Civilization.

can not go!

Zhang Hao is now too influential. If Zhang Hao goes there, many people will follow up, and there will be quasi-sage attention. This deviated from Zhang Hao's original intention. Therefore, the whole thing is very low-key.

Zhang Hao can only say goodbye to Zhang Xiaoning on the screen. Zhou Xueyao wiped her tears and asked Zhang Xiaoning to pay attention to safety.

The fleet accelerated slowly. In addition to immigration this time, there is a third fleet.

The fleet is still small, only one million spaceships and battleships. Among them are five large-scale spacecrafts with a diameter of more than 8,000 kilometers.

At present, Dayang Group has the ability to build super spacecraft with a diameter of more than 15,000 kilometers. But it is not necessary. Interstellar migration pays more attention to safety and speed.

The power performance of the 15,000-kilometer spacecraft is really bad, and the defense is even worse. When the spacecraft is big, it is a living target. In fact, the size of eight thousand kilometers is not small anymore.

If you really want to push people inside, an 8,000-kilometer spacecraft can easily accommodate hundreds of billions of people. However, considering the dangers of long-distance migration, five spaceships were prepared.

According to the original idea, it doesn't matter if four spaceships are damaged. As long as there is a spacecraft that can reach the target.

For now, interstellar migration is an extremely costly project, and every action is a blood-sucking, or even marrow-sucking, of the current social subject.

The fleet ignited silently and accelerated and began to separate from the main body of civilization. The future... is an irrational number full of unlimited hope.

Zhang Hao watched the fleet leave—in fact, there was a half-day delay in the signal between here and the Carp Nebula. This is because communication technology has improved again in recent years. Otherwise it is a delay of more than one day.

Zhang Hao looked away for more than ten minutes. There are so many things that need to be busy.

Nowadays, the irrational number ‘Lei’ that has been studied for Lei Xingfeng has gradually got a framework.

The study of ‘Lei’ irrational numbers has brought the Dayang Group’s irrational number research a step further, because this is a compound ‘sacred text’—this ‘Thunder’ is not a single character, but a combined character.

Single-type characters, such as ‘yan’ and ‘dui’; each has its own meaning.

The original meaning of "words" is to speak-it refers to all kinds of words, responsible, irresponsible, good, and bad.

‘Receipt’ means fulfillment, promise, and exchange.

Then, the word ‘say’, which is a combination of ‘言’ and ‘duil’, is a syllable character, and ‘say’ contains the dual meanings of ‘言’ and ‘duil’, and leads to new meanings:

Say, there is a little promise, which generally refers to more specific things.

We usually use words and encounters as examples, saying-nonsense, rumors; saying-how so-and-so said about it, usually very specific.

Careful study of these differences, the differences are still quite large.

So when the Ocean Group is currently studying the irrational number of'thunder', it has this meaning: thunder, thunder in nature does not exist alone, we usually say thunder and lightning, lightning and thunder. Thunder and lightning are not separated. Some thunder may not see lightning, but not seeing does not mean there is no lightning.

Thunder and lightning in nature are usually related to clouds.

Therefore, the irrational number of ‘Lei’ needs to be constructed with ‘cloud’ and ‘electricity’ to construct a brand new irrational number.

Yes, unlike the irrational number ‘cloud’, ‘cloud’ is derived from data collected by the Dayang Group from the natural world, the Zhoutian formation and cultivation, and the world of the demon; there are not many human factors.

And "Thunder" needs to be synthesized! This is an irrational number deduced by human intervention. This is a ‘semi-man-made’ irrational number.

To solve the irrational number of'Thunder', Dayang Group must first deduce the irrational number of'electricity'. This electricity is not the electron cloud and quantum inside the atom, but the law of electron transfer in the conductor, the shape of lightning, the ‘macro’ data such as voltage and current, and even high-voltage discharge, lightning, etc.

The irrational number of'electricity' can be derived only after these factors are integrated. However, limited to the problems of technology and accumulation, the'electricity' deduced by Dayang Group is not perfect.

However, borrowing from Jiang Yun’s previous idea, two or three irrational numbers were used to construct a more complete irrational number. Following this line of thinking, everyone actually combined the irrational number ‘Thunder’.

Of course, it is still not perfect and has many problems.

Not to mention, there are many types of lightning. The frictional electrification of the cloud is one; the distorted magnetic field on the star is a new form of lightning. The principles of lightning in the nebula and lightning in large gaseous planets are different.

However, at least Dayang Group has taken a crucial step in the study of ‘combined irrational numbers’.

It can be said that as of now, Dayang Group has explored the key direction of ‘character creation’. The next step is water milling.

Lei Xingfeng was also very excited, and participated in the research, using his quasi-sage's cultivation, foundation and insights to provide assistance for the research.

On the other hand, using supercomputers to deduced Jiang Yun's supernatural powers was also very effective.

The computer can output tens of thousands of supernatural power templates in an hour. And different from man-made magical powers, the magical powers output by the computer have generally undergone precise calculations-it conforms to relevant physical rules and so on.

However, compliance with the physical rules does not necessarily meet the actual use needs and human needs; in fact, the templates output by the computer cannot be used directly. But at least it is a direction, an idea, and a reference.

Using computer templates, Jiang Yun has now mastered more than two hundred magical powers, each of which is excellent!

If it is the past, it will take at least a thousand years to polish a magical power. Now, in just two years, Jiang Yun has mastered more than two hundred supernatural powers, all of which are almost perfect supernatural powers.

After scientific calculations, these supernatural powers can stack Jiang Yun's combat power to more than ten times!

Jiang Yun said: Although I have never confronted Zhunsheng Peak, I quietly made a gesture with Lei Xingfeng without any effort. So Jiang Yun came to the conclusion: At least there is now the fighting power of the Quasi-Sage late stage. But the pinnacle of quasi-sage-still dare not think about it.

why? Because the quasi-sage pinnacles are all veteran quasi-sages, they have innate spirit treasures from the holy emperor in their hands.

But no matter what, Jiang Yun was in the early stage of the quasi-sage two years ago, and now he has the battle of the late quasi-sage, the foundation is even the peak of the quasi-sage, and the foundation is pure and perfect. This alone is enough to make the three quasi-sages such as Lei Xingfeng be emotional and itchy.

Jiang Yun's success prompted Lei Xingfeng, Binghe Tianjun, and Li Wuxin to devote themselves to research. Each of them is in charge of a department and is responsible for their own research on irrational numbers.

However, the entire irrational number research team is integrated, and data, resources, ideas, and scientific research materials are all shared. Only when the concrete implementation is carried out will the difference appear.

Everything is developing silently. Unconsciously, a few months passed quietly.

Until Zhang Hao got a message:

It's fighting!

To be precise, it was the two medium-sized commercial teams of the Sky Demon World and Zhoutian World, as well as the mercenaries fighting each other.

It doesn't look like a big thing, there are only a thousand people. But when Zhang Hao saw the news, he sighed: "It's been 36 years, and peace has finally been broken!"

But when the voice fell, a smile appeared on Mr. Zhang's face.

(The old book counts down, the new book can already eat ribs. "Unlimited Time and Space Player")

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