Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1781: Seventy-two

However, it is said that the research team headed by Zhao Ke has officially transferred the research direction here in the sky monster world.

Previously, everyone's research on the Creation Valley and Totem Ruins was basically the same, but the Creation Valley was the main focus. But now the research direction has begun to change, and the changes can be said to be very thorough.

In addition to a few ordinary and reliable spaceships, a few middle-level researchers and assistants, the rest of the high-tech scientific research teams, even including scientific research bases, have begun to move.

Dayang Group’s scientific research base itself is composed of spacecraft and has a power system.

When the research team of Dayang Group was almost transferred collectively, the accompanying members of the Sky Demon World came to understand the situation first.

The composition of the accompanying members of the Sky Demon World is more complicated, and quite a few of them were captured by the Zhoutian World. However, it was Yingning who led the team.

In a blink of an eye, five or six years have passed, and Yingning can be regarded as a scientific research elite-but it must be pointed out that the scientific research data announced by Dayang Group are all moist; the reasons have already been said.

The two sides have never been true friends. Naturally, Zhang Hao and Dayang Group would not disclose the basic science and technology to the Sky Demon World.

But even so, the technology obtained by the Sky Demon World is equal to that of the Blue Star Group.

Of course, with the technology, it is not so easy to digest and absorb in a short time. Fortunately, Yingning is also very sensible. No matter what technology he has, whether he can digest it or not, he must get what he can get.

Ying Ning has always remembered her mother's words: The time for everyone to work together steadily is only about 30-50 years.

Thirty to fifty years later, when the two sides have a full understanding and development, a new war will surely break out between the two sides. It does not even rule out a battle between two worlds or even three worlds.

In short, the scientific research team of Dayang Group suddenly shifted its focus, which attracted Yingning's attention. You know, in the beginning, Dayang Group even opposed the Sky Demon World in order to explore the Valley of Creation. This shows that Dayang Group attaches great importance to the Creation Valley.

Later, the manpower, material and financial resources invested by Dayang Group in the Creation Valley were absolutely beyond imagination.

Although Dayang Group was also studying the ruins of the totem, the technical equipment there was not as good as the creation valley.

But what happened today? Suddenly there was a big shift, and there were several spaceships collecting data left in the Creation Valley.

Ying Ning asked Wen Changxing, the head of the team-Zhao Ke, the head of technology.

Wenchang Xingjun said with a smile: It's almost time to explore here. This has been five years, and there may be some deeper secrets, but there will be no greater progress in a short period of time. It has to wait for the development of technology.

In contrast, exploring totem ruins is more valuable.

Ying Ning asked again, and Wenchang Xingjun said that he didn't know—what, the Dayang Group said it, but I didn't quite understand it. Let me ask again.

Go ask again... there will be no news! Yingning rolled her eyes. I have been in contact for more than five years. I have basically figured out what kind of character the two sides are:

Everything is in accordance with the signed agreement; what is not said in the agreement...I dare you to believe it? So I still... talk nonsense.

Unable to get an answer from Wenchang Xingjun, Yingning asked his subordinates to start contacting the people of Dayang Group. This is a skill work, not direct inquiry, but through long-term contact, eliminate each other's suspense, and then inquire the news side by side.

The personnel of Dayang Group are of course cautious, but most of them are scientific researchers, and there are not many intrigues; there are still many people who are confused.

After summing up these fragmentary words, Yingning really saw something: Dayang Group suspects that the totem ruins are an alternative big array or a supercomputer.

As for what it is, it needs to be studied.

But one thing is certain: For now, the value of totem ruins far exceeds the creation valley.

As for more, there is nothing.

It should be said that in order to study the ruins of the totem, the Ocean Group must reveal something to the researchers; otherwise, everyone does not know how to start the work.

Fortunately, these news are not particularly important. Only Zhao Ke knows the real core thing-the research on irrational numbers.

What Zhao Ke has to do is to lead all the scientific research personnel to completely rub down the totem of the ruins of the totem. That's it. For specific analysis, it is natural to analyze after returning to Dayang Group.

Of course, it is better to analyze directly here in the totem ruins. After rubbing, there are always imperfections of this kind.

Just like a ‘perfect circle’, the rubbing can never be perfect. Pi ≠ 3.14! It's just that an infinite approximation is usually taken for ease of use.

And with the current technical level of Dayang Group, it is impossible to make a "perfect circle". Let's just talk about materials. At the microscopic level, there are faults between atoms; and the atoms themselves are also in motion.

Even if it is made of neutron star materials, the constituent element ‘neutron’ still has its own motion.

But the problem is that it is impossible to study here. If you really want to study irrational numbers, you need a huge scientific research team—not the so-called scientific expedition team. In addition, it is necessary to use the high-precision scientific research technology hidden by Dayang Group.

So at this stage, we can only rub the totems here and send them back to Ocean Group for research.

Fortunately, Dayang Group only needs one reference. With Zhang Hao's speech, everyone firmly followed their own development path-Zhang Hao's analysis was very reasonable, and cultivation, the sky demon, and the belief in the gods all failed.

In addition, within the Zhoutian Great World, there are actually some fragmentary inheritances-the magic way, the Buddhist way, etc. But they are all fragmentary, even only a few pieces.

The magic way is better. After comparison, the researchers of Dayang Group believe that the difference between the magic way and the cultivation of the truth is as if it is a double lotus, just one brilliant and one dim.

Well, because now there is a quasi-sage of the magic way, Dayang Group is inconvenient to say bluntly-the magic way of cultivation is probably a copycat.

But sometimes cottages also have advantages, such as low thresholds. Compared with the traditional cultivation method, the current magic method is indeed easier. And because now he is going to fight against the sky demon world, the quasi-sage can only open one eye to the demon-sage's problem.

The message of Buddhism and Taoism is extremely different. However, because the information obtained was too little and too little, it was impossible to even put together a complete, golden immortal level of exercises, and there was no research significance for the time being.

In addition, there is a variant in cultivation: martial arts, or the inheritance of Xianwu. However, the researchers commented that "Xianwu Heritage" used such words: dialect!

If the complete cultivation civilization is a universal **** language system constructed by irrational numbers, then the Xianwu inheritance is a branch of it, just like the dialect system under the big cultural system.

The whole is still the same, but the details are different.

Well, far away. In short, the Dayang Group wants to study the ruins of totems, so it can only make rubbings for now. However, this rubbing is not that simple, even if it cannot be 100% rubbed, at least it must be as perfect as possible.

If you want to rub all the totems on a planet, you must use satellite means to continuously scan the planet, establish a mathematical model, and then scan the proofreading data several times; it can be archived if there is no problem.

However, this is only the first step. You know, the entire totem ruins are thousands of light-years away, and they are in the hinterland of the sky demon world, and the stars involved are tens of millions! The planets involved are in the hundreds of millions.

After scanning the planet, the trajectory of the planet must be corrected. This workload is absolutely astronomical.

Especially since this place is in the hinterland of the sky demon world, Dayang Group's technology, equipment, personnel, etc. cannot all be dispatched here, which virtually increases the workload.

Fortunately, the Dayang Group is not slapped, just let Zhao Ke scan three or two representative areas as much as possible, scan hundreds of planets first, and accumulate a little material first.

Research on irrational numbers, etc., is really in a hurry. Dayang Group has spent more than 70 years of accumulation, and currently only creates an irrational number. Whether it is correct is still uncertain.

In other words, if Dayang Group wants to create a language of gods, then there is only one idea now, and even the first symbol has not been determined.

But the actions of Dayang Group are not small.

The Sky Demon World is investigating here, and the Ocean Group has decided to separate a galaxy near the Tianyuan galaxy and build a simulation computer-imitating and experimenting with totem ruins, and even learn from the experience of the Zhoutian Array.

Use the range of a galaxy to build a supercomputer. Zhang Hao's thoughts surprised Lei Xingfeng a bit: My dear disciple of the closed door, what are you doing again?

To be honest, although Dayang Group is good, Lei Xingfeng was also frightened by Zhang Hao's tossing energy. Jinxiandu has been mass-produced, so what kind of god's language is needed. The language of the gods has no clue, and I have to imitate some totem ruins to build a supercomputer.

According to Zhang Hao's statement, this supercomputer is: use stars as energy sources and planets as chips, first try to build a super photonic computer.

Yes, Mr. Zhang is very ‘careful’, and he did not get up to any large quantum computer. Although Dayang Group now has a quantum computer, this computer technology is still immature.

The most mature one is still electronic computer technology. However, the most military application is the photon computer.

Compared with electronic computers, photon computers are stable, reliable, low energy consumption, high efficiency, and small in size.

Compared with quantum computers, photonic computers can be connected in parallel on a large scale, with simple operation and maintenance, low cost, and reliable and mature technology.

In general, electronic computer technology is a bit old, and quantum computer technology is not mature enough. Large-scale applications require photonic computers.

If you want to build a galaxy-sized computer, first of all, all kinds of electromagnetic interference cannot be ignored. In this regard, whether it is an electronic computer or a quantum computer, it is not comparable to photonic computer technology.

Zhang Hao is only slapped his head, but the scientific researchers of Dayang Group are amazing.

Want to design a computer the size of a star galaxy? Although the inside of Dayang Group was surprised, after the surprise, everyone was gearing up.

The computer leaders are Ge Dong and his disciple Tang Tiandong. In the beginning, Ge Dong participated in electric power research because of his natural thunder and lightning physique. Later he participated in telegraph research and naturally participated in computer research.

But now there is an elite in computer research: intelligent life is eternal.

For Eternal, building such a supercomputer is interesting.

In short, with Zhang Hao's "Shooting the Forehead", the elites of Dayang Group came up with a complete design plan in less than a month.

Lei Xingfeng listened to the plan.

The plan of the senior executives of the Dayang Group is of course not on paper. They have directly made animated videos. Even the construction process, personnel, costs, technology and equipment have been planned in detail.

On the whole, it is to build a ‘super satellite system’ in a stable, red dwarf galaxy.

Needless to say, a red dwarf star is stable; it is bright enough.

Then there is the ‘main body of the computer’. Generally, computers are packed in boxes, indoors, basements, etc. They are not exposed.

But the computer that Dayang Group is going to build is a real ‘open-air’ computer. It is basically impossible to build a computer or engineering that encloses the entire Perpetual Galaxy.

As for completely enclosing the entire star (Dyson sphere), it is not realistic; I am afraid that the gravitational force will collapse if the construction is less than one-tenth. Really has the strength to build such projects, interstellar immigration is not better.

In short, since it can't be completely wrapped, then we have to find another way. In fact, there is not much complexity, just imitating the laws of the planets and satellites in nature to build an artificial planetary satellite system inside the selected star galaxy.

That is, there are a lot of "satellites" in the design.

Every satellite is a photonic computer unit. The computer unit in the design is about 500 kilometers; each unit is actually a complete, super photonic computer. But to build a galaxy-scale supercomputer, it is estimated that hundreds of millions of such'units' will be needed!

All units will revolve, orbit each other to ensure the balance of gravity.

The size of the entire ‘computer’ is expected to reach 100 million kilometers in diameter.

In addition, some large workstations will be built in the galaxy-tens of thousands of kilometers of super warships modified, these workstations will be responsible for the gathering, launch, distribution, data collection; especially the gravity of the large workstations can also be used for The computer unit provides gravitational support.

The most important thing is that the workstation has the capability of hyper-spatial communication, which can provide time guarantee for the internal information exchange of this supercomputer.

A brief introduction to the ‘structure’ of the computer, Ge Dong finally said with some pride: “Mr. Zhang, it is expected that the computer will be built not only to calculate irrational numbers, but also to deduce quantum science and multi-dimensional space-time technology.

Such a computer itself can also serve as a hub for the exchange of scientific data between us and the Carp Nebula.

It is expected to meet the computing needs of Dayang Group in the next 30 years. "

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