Chapter 653: Come on!

There were prepared mecha control suits in the locker room, and the six of Linglan quickly changed into control suits that fit their size.

The control suit has a pressure-reducing and shock-proof function, which plays a certain protective role for the mecha operator. It is required that every mecha operator must put it on before boarding the plane.

However, if the situation is critical, this step will be omitted. However, the result of this is that after a battle, the mecha masters who come back alive will also become seriously ill. Without the protection of the control suit, relying entirely on themselves to resist will still cause great harm to the mecha masters.

The six of Ling Lan ran all the way back to the waiting area and did some warm-up exercises so that they would not be unable to stretch their bodies due to the sudden battle, which would affect their control speed.

Each mecha has a corresponding controller, and Ling Lan and the others also have their own mecha. This was arranged from the beginning.

Ling Lan took out the activation key belonging to their mecha and scanned it on the sensor in the work area.

"Kakaka..." Suddenly, a flat metal wall in front of him suddenly rose up, revealing a groove-like space. Inside was a well-made, majestic and huge mecha, which was larger than the mecha outside. Even more exquisite, one can tell at a glance that they are two mechas that are not on the same level at all.

Ling Lan knew that the mecha belonged to her. No wonder she had just glanced at it and only saw mecha below the special-grade mecha. She was still wondering where the mecha that belonged to her was hidden by Feiyang.

Without hesitation, she ducked under the mecha and pressed the activation button of the mecha key.


The control hatch was suddenly opened. Ling Lan used her feet to lift herself into the air, and then touched the mecha's shell with her toes. Using the force to move upward, he entered the control cabin in the blink of an eye. This was the effect of Ling Lan's restraint, otherwise Ling Lan would have been able to fly directly into the control cabin without using any force.

"Click!" The control cabin closed again, and Ling Lan activated the mecha that now belonged to her. After the mission was completed, it would truly be Ling Lan's personal ace mecha.

Ling Lan's ace mecha is a comprehensive mecha with standard configuration. actually. At first, Ling Lan also considered whether to choose a melee mecha, but when she saw Qi Long and Zhao Jun choosing melee without hesitation, Li Yingjie followed suit. Ling Lan had to reluctantly give up this plan.

In order to ensure long-range attack power, Ling Lan had no choice but to choose a comprehensive mecha, plus Li Lanfeng's comprehensive mecha and Lin Zhongqing's long-range mecha. In this way, their team's long-range and melee attacks are balanced.

For this result,

Ling Lan felt a touch of sadness in her heart. Why are there so many violent elements in her team? !

At this time, Ling Lan had not yet realized that there were many violent elements in the team entirely because she, the captain, was very violent. Isn't there a saying? What kind of general will lead what kind of soldiers. Ling Lan's rare close combat performance was extremely ferocious, which greatly stimulated her team members. Let them admire this kind of brutal, powerful, unreasonable and overwhelming melee attack in their hearts.

The movement here immediately alerted a staff member in the waiting area who had just finished monitoring the last mecha. He didn't dare to pause and ran over holding his own light brain.

When he saw that it was an ace mecha that was activated, he was about to exclaim, but he woke up in time and hurriedly swallowed the sound that had reached his throat. He quickly glanced left and right and found that his partner had not noticed this, so he brought With a look of excitement on his face, he connected with the activated ace mecha.

"Number: l6-w1." Although the staff member tried hard to calm down, the first sentence he spoke still revealed a hint of excitement and nervousness, and the mecha number he reported made him tremble a little.

There was no way around it. Although the Feiyang was also a warship in its previous life, it was an ordinary warship. The accompanying mecha was a special-grade mecha. As a mecha monitoring and maintenance soldier who has only served on one warship his whole life, he never thought that one day he would be able to serve an ace mecha. If they can return to the Federation and the army alive this time, he must show off to the monitoring and maintenance soldiers of other starships...

An ideal mecha monitoring and maintenance soldier, his highest goal is to become the exclusive monitoring and maintenance soldier of an ace mecha.

"Yes!" Ling Lan's cold and calm voice made the staff tremble, and their hearts that were originally beating with excitement suddenly calmed down. Ying Ying Ying, indeed he is worthy of being an ace master. Just making one sound can calm people down. The eyes of the staff showed admiration. In the eyes of these monitoring and maintenance soldiers, the ace master was the legendary figure who made them look up to the mountain.

"Now start monitoring the mecha..." The staff immediately entered the role and began to carefully check the data fed back by the mecha. He stared at the picture presented by the optical brain, fearing that he had missed something, which originally made him a little numb. His work brought him endless pressure at this time, and he was afraid that he would miss something and end up causing irreparable regrets.

Sweat began to appear on the staff member's forehead. The monitoring was only for a few dozen seconds, but during these tens of seconds, he was sweating profusely, and his entire work clothes were soaked with sweat.

"Number: l6-w1 passed the inspection and can go out!" The inspection results were all ok. The staff immediately disconnected, pulled down the headset behind the ear, and shouted loudly.

It was only then that he dared to breathe a sigh of relief and truly understand how much pressure he had to endure as an exclusive monitoring and maintenance soldier for an ace mecha. The staff believe that if he comes again a few times, he will definitely die young due to too much pressure and tension.

The mecha monitoring and maintenance soldier seems to be very relaxed, just looking at the data, but his responsibility is not light. It is the most important line of defense for inspecting and protecting the mecha division (soldier). Sometimes, some hidden dangers cannot be detected when the mecha starts the self-test, but the optical brain of the external link can clearly see these hidden dangers like a bystander.

Historical experience tells everyone that the hidden dangers of mechas themselves are more terrifying than their enemies. In the past, mecha monitoring and maintenance soldiers were not taken as seriously as they are now. Often, a mecha brigade would only be equipped with one mecha monitoring and maintenance soldier as a matter of course. There were even some rudimentary mecha regiments with only one monitoring and maintenance soldier in the entire regiment.

Ignoring the importance of this unit will pay a heavy price. At one point, a federal fleet encountered an enemy fleet lurking head-on. A war was accidentally triggered, and there were not enough monitoring and maintenance soldiers to conduct emergency monitoring during the war. One of the mecha regiments simply went out to fight without pre-war monitoring...

In the end, they did not die in the hands of the enemy, but died from a virus that had long existed in the mecha system. In the end, less than ten of the 380 people in the infected mecha regiment survived. These people were able to survive because their mechas were just infected with the virus. Didn't happen in time. That's why we persisted in that battle.

This tragedy made the Federation no longer dare to ignore this seemingly inconspicuous unit, but it was actually related to the lives of mecha divisions (sergeants). Although. The final inspection results also showed that part of the reason was that the monitoring and maintenance soldier neglected his duties and ignored several abnormalities. But if a mecha regiment had not only one monitoring and maintenance soldier, but several more monitoring and maintenance soldiers, such a tragedy might not happen.

The bloody lessons made the Federation decisively expand its mecha monitoring and protection troops. Reducing some physical requirements also gave some ordinary civilians the opportunity to join the army.

later. There was an outstanding mecha monitoring and maintenance soldier who followed a certain marshal. During a mission before the marshal became famous, they ran out of supplies before reinforcements arrived. When the mecha was in dire straits and was in dire straits, it used amazing techniques to maintain the mecha, extending its service life time and time again. Ultimately, lean on this. He persisted until reinforcements arrived.

When the marshal actually reached the top, the mecha monitoring and maintenance soldier became a senior military officer, holding the rank of major general. In this way, an ordinary civilian, without a strong physique or amazing wisdom, but with his solid monitoring and maintenance technology, counterattacked and became a general who ordinary people look up to. This is absolutely a living thing. A history of civilian counterattack and struggle.

This also makes mecha monitoring and maintenance soldiers suddenly become the most popular unit for ordinary civilians who want to change their destiny.

Up to now, the monitoring and maintenance troops of the entire federal mecha battle group. Although ordinary mecha warriors cannot achieve the configuration of one machine and one soldier, they have achieved the configuration of one vertical and one soldier. The special mecha division has also achieved the configuration of two machines and one soldier. And the ace master has one machine and one soldier, that is, the ace master has his own monitoring and maintenance soldier, who is only responsible for the ace.

After the staff member monitoring Linglan L6-W1 mecha reported to the waiting area. The next second, the person waiting in the battle zone connected the call button with Ling Lan: "L6-w1, please pay attention, l6-w1, please pay attention, you have been arranged at the ejection port No. 3, please be ready to attack."

With this sound, Linglan's mecha was sent to the third ejection port.

The person in charge of ejection port No. 3 found that a new mecha was being loaded into her work area. She immediately looked up and then screamed: "Ah!"

Her voice frightened those around her: "Xiaoqing, what's wrong?"

"The ace mecha, the ace mecha." The person named Xiaoqing shouted, pointing at the mecha on the screen in front of her.

This sound made several others suddenly excited, and they all looked over. When they saw that it was indeed the federal standard comprehensive ace mecha, they also shouted excitedly.

When their squad leader saw it, his face suddenly sank: "This is war time, why don't you let me stick to my post?"

A few people knew that they had done something wrong and did not dare to say anything. They focused on their work.

"L6-W1 is all ready, please attack!" Ling Lan quickly checked and found that everything was ready, so she pressed the call button for the No. 3 ejection port that was connected to her.

"Yes, please wait a moment!" The name's voice was trembling, but still clear.

"Conducting final inspection, the B17 power is normal, the oxygen system is operating normally, the weapons and equipment are basic, the inspection is correct, and ejection is allowed!"

"Finally, please come on!" No. 3 suddenly added this sentence. Although she couldn't see clearly what the mecha master wearing the protective hat looked like in the video, the calm and condensed eyes of the other person made her heart tremble. The ground jumped, and he suddenly said this on impulse.

As soon as this sentence was spoken, Xiaoqing woke up and her beauty turned pale. She actually violated the code of conduct. If this ace teacher complained, she would definitely be expelled from the military. Xiaoqing seemed to have seen the contemptuous and mocking eyes of the people around her. Her eyes were hot, and crystal tears rolled in her eyes, but she gritted her teeth and held it back. Since she made a mistake, and this is the result she must bear, who has the right to cry?

Ling Lan was stunned when she heard this. This was against the rules... She raised her head and glanced at the small window of the avatar on the mecha's screen. She saw the frightened look on the man's face and the tears about to fall. It seemed that she too I know my mistake. It seems that those words were just her impulse, not intentional...

No matter what, this was the other party's encouragement to her. Ling Lan lowered her eyes and politely replied: "Thank you!"

The cold voice carrying this thank you went straight to Xiaoqing's ears, like the sound of nature, making her almost faint. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, basis. basis. basis. basis. basis. basis.

Now that the adults are so helpful, she can't make any more mistakes. Xiaoqing took a sharp breath, sucked back the tears in her eyes, and then pressed the countdown button.

In the entire ejection port and on the mecha screen, the countdown started at the same time.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1... launch!"

"Spray!" The mecha was violently ejected from the passage by the catapult. At the same time, the mecha's engine exploded, and the mecha flew into the starry sky like lightning.

Xiaoqing had just sent away the ace mecha in her hand. Her friends and several others also exclaimed. It turned out that they had also received their service target, who turned out to be an ace mecha. Their class was 1 -At No. 4 ejection port, an ace master appeared, and Xiaoqing received another ace master, that is, five ace masters. This surprised them, why did this simple transportation mission actually have an ace master? Five ace masters appear, what important mission do they take on? Since it was important, why was this ordinary warship given to them?

The squad leader saw the excitement of the little girls with the appearance of the five ace teachers. There was a trace of worry on her mature face. Only she knew that another class, the ejection port of 5-8, received the reception earlier than them. Six ace masters arrived.

Since eleven ace masters appeared at the same time, and thinking about the one-year rest period during the secret refitting of their warships, the squad leader knew very well that the mission they took on was extraordinary. He just hoped that under the escort of these eleven ace masters , this transportation task can be completed safely. (To be continued)

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