Crimson Comes

Chapter 148: facing the dawn


Captain Tong Ya was hanged from the building, his face was purple, blue veins appeared, and his body twitched like a school of fish without a purpose. If people's eyes can be turned into anger, then he is undoubtedly the strongest one now, containing anger. , Unwilling, hateful, staring at the person who threw him down, as if to pour his last resentment into this person's body.

Wei Wei, on the other hand, sat on the edge of the floor, quietly admiring Captain Tong Ya's eyes. With a smile on his face, he lit a cigarette comfortably.

As early as ten minutes ago, he had already found this mighty Tong Ya captain, but he was not in a hurry. The boy captain was escaping from the chaos of the dump truck at the time. Of course, Wei Wei was not in a hurry to shoot, definitely not to appreciate the other party's unfortunate appearance. absolutely not

Obviously, he just wanted to obtain more accurate test data for Ye Feifei and complete a reliable ability test plan. Of course, I have to admit...

The appearance of a group of out-of-control dump trucks ramming and crushing a stubborn person back and forth is too ornamental. The problem is that Wei Wei found that he also seemed to have a little shadow on the dump truck. Wei Wei never knew that demon power could achieve such unreasonable effects.

But Wei Wei knew that every accident encountered by the Jinshan City security team leader could stand up to scrutiny, and every detail could find a corresponding logic in reality, such as those dump trucks rushing towards him, or It's because the driver was called up in the middle of the night and was in a bad mood, or was squeezed too much by his wife in the first half of the night, and stepped on the accelerator as soon as his legs were soft... If you investigate in a scientific way, you will find all accidents. There are reasons. The only answer is coincidence.

But for the person who was run over by the dump truck, all of this seemed so unreasonable.

Wei Wei followed him curiously, not even knowing how he survived. Perhaps, there is another mysterious power that protects his life, or perhaps, Ye Feifei has received a lot of calamity and demon power, and has accumulated terrifying energy through the Crisis of Scrap Iron City, but her rank swing There, the influence of her bad luck on the other party could only last for a short period of time, so it dissipated before the cursed demon was completely killed. But no matter how you look at it, this scene now fits his aesthetic.

The cursed demon also has the corresponding ability, which can make people unlucky, the other party is affected, and the enemy cannot be found. This is the biggest reliance of the cursed demon.

Therefore, the fate of this cursed demon makes people feel the joy of karma. He didn't rush to shoot, but followed quietly behind him.

I want to see the purpose of this cursed demon who dragged his life to this building.

Anyway, the spirit of the cursed demon has become trance, and this will be completely unable to find himself behind him. When the other party rushed into the empty building, Wei Wei followed him less than ten meters behind. When the other party took the elevator upstairs, Wei Wei was on the wall outside and also climbed up, arriving earlier than him. When the other party treated him, Wei Wei was on the roof, expressing his deep sympathy.

The other party sacrificed one eye, communicated with the white mirror, and made a series of arrangements on the phone. Wei Wei was outside, slowly recording and analyzing the other party's plan and his own guesses: very professional!

Not only is he professional, this cursed demon is also very professional. And it's very ambitious...

Jinshan City's ambitions have always been high. It has long been secretly and secretly connected with several other cities, and even formed a unity. However, because of the special status of the security team in Scrap Iron City, the character and strength of Captain Ouyang are all they see. It's not clear, so this kind of alliance of the nature of the mystery, but skipped the scrap iron city, Captain Ouyang, has been in a state of being isolated... and ridiculed.

Today, Tong Ya is provoking several other cities to become enemies of the scrap iron city. Every word he even said had his own purpose: to imply that Captain Ouyang came from the wilderness, that is, to warn these people not to think about standing on the side of the scrap iron city at this time. Said that the Foundation's investigators would arrive soon, even telling them that it was not easy to remain neutral at such a time. In the end, he said that he could hold them back, which means that Jinshan City was not completely defeated. It also said that the scrap iron city now belongs to an empty city. "The first step is to contact a mysterious guy.

"This proves that the reason why he is so daring seems to be funded by a certain sect. Outside the window at this time, Wei Weizheng frowned and thought.

This is not surprising. The chaotic third city defense line has always been the place where the forces of the major churches are haunted. The Seventh Clergy was barely considered the regular army of the wandering church.

But since the second secret war, the power of the church has also been divided. In addition to the wandering church, there have also been many assorted mysterious sects, wandering around the world with various purposes, and they are clearly behind Tong Ya. I wrote down the name of "Noah" and planned to go back and find an acquaintance to help check it. Seeing that Tong Ya was crazy enough to turn Jinshan City and its surroundings into a cursed place, Wei Wei decided to take action. I have to admit that the captain of Jinshan City is still very much in line with his own aesthetics. too crazy……

His deterrent power to the surrounding cities is greater than he imagined, so even after the defeat in Jinshan City, he can provoke the ambitions of many surrounding forces with a single phone call, allowing undercurrents to spread throughout Jinshan City and Scrap Iron City. The surrounding, this can show that the surrounding forces know that he is terrible, terrible enough to know that he is at a disadvantage now, but they still have to obey his orders... And this curse in Jinshan City has opened up Wei Wei's horizons.

He could see that this cursed demon survived from the army of dump trucks by cursing himself. However, the next thing he needs to solve is to lift this curse. And if you want to lift the curse, you need sacrifices.

Cursing oneself means offering oneself as a sacrifice to the devil. To lift the curse, a sacrifice is required. Demons will definitely not suffer.

However, in order to lift his own curse, he planned to dedicate how many people to the cursed demon Wei Wei, sighing, and decided to do it.

He has been patient and not attacking, just to see what trump cards this Jinshan City captain has hidden in the end. After all, my own principles determine that I will handle things as cleanly as I want, so as not to leave a report... No, I leave some unsettling factors for the cause of justice.

However, seeing this play now, it is time for him to come out and put an end to it. Mozart's Requiem, flowing into notes one by one in the empty room.

This was originally a childhood for those who were

It was prepared by the lambs of Jinshan City who were about to die under his curse, but now, Wei Wei borrowed flowers to offer Buddha and gave it to him. Wei Wei tore down the curtain with the graceful rotation of the piano music, weaving it into a rope, and wrapping it around. On Tong Ya's neck, his expression became more and more gentle, and even his eyes seemed to be more mysterious and elegant.

In the previous Scrap Iron City crisis, he took part of the power of the death knell of the gods and had a deeper understanding of scarlet. In the confrontation with the Jinshan City team, enough sacrifices have been harvested, and the red road becomes clear in front of them. Scarlet Fourth State Scarlet Priest

Wei Wei had already seen the content of this promotion ceremony, and was just waiting for the opportunity.

Or how to say that people are good and not deceived?

Keep a sense of justice, work more overtime, and prevent the other party from reporting... The opportunity came, and the rope was wrapped around Tong Ya's neck, and Wei Wei threw him downstairs.

Looking at his heavy body hanging from the wall, his weak and unrecovered body was not hanged all at once.

It seems that some kind of force is still protecting him, making his life a lot more tenacious. Wei Wei sits patiently by the building, leisurely looking at the purple face of this Tong Ya captain, watching him struggling in mid-air, his body Wriggle like a dying fish. In my ears, a mysterious voice sounded: "Sin hangs in the evening, and ghosts wander in the silent forest at midnight.

"The deceased interprets the law of scarlet, and the divine power is tied to the neck of the Southern sacrificer..." I face the darkness and bear the arrival of dawn..." Wei Wei slowly exhaled a cloud of smoke, and his smile suddenly became very calm. In the city, The gloomy voice is still spreading rapidly.

The curse was interrupted by Wei Wei in the middle, and those out-of-control curse became more and more chaotic. I don’t know how many people became frightened. In a trance, they saw Jinshan City being covered with a huge darkness Devoured, the twisted and tall shadow, like a ghost from hell, wandered aimlessly through the streets and buildings of the city, covering the street lights and the light of the entire city. Outside the city, under the influence of the cursed demon Tong Ya, a large number of mysterious families were prepared, causing undercurrents to flow. "Damn Tong Ya, it's really a dead end"

Captain Ouyang and others have changed their faces greatly, and they don't know what they will face next. pen fun library

In their state of mind, it was like seeing a crazy guy holding a bomb, wondering what would happen after it was pulled. In the Ye family's mansion, Ye's father and Ye's mother were guarding Ye Tongtong, trembling with fear.

They felt the deep darkness enveloped Jinshan City, and they wondered if their younger son would become the first target of the darkness. Then, in the thrilling waiting of everyone.

Wei Wei watched Jinshan City security team leader Tong Ya, and slowly stopped moving. He was actually hanged for ten minutes before he died, even though a normal person might have died in an instant.

You can think of how strong that mysterious power is, so that he still struggled for a long time in the mortal ending. But Wei Wei didn't do anything, just sat on the edge of the building and looked at him, smiling and looking into his eyes. Not the slightest flinch, only magnanimity.

So, Tong Ya, with extreme hatred, anger, and unwillingness, was finally hanged on the building. Also at this moment, Wei Wei raised his head and looked forward, the horizon was unobstructed, dawn had come. The shadows hanging over the city began to dissipate. This night is over.

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