Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 79 Insomnia Peripheral Members


At night, in an office building in Yangcheng City.

In the quiet office, a gust of night wind blew in from the window, and the curtains on both sides, which were used to shade the sun, fluttered one after another.

On the ground, lying cross-legged on the ground, it was as if the sleeping Li Tai suddenly opened his eyes.

The whole person looked at the surrounding environment blankly, and it took nearly a minute before he was finally convinced that he had left that space.

Standing up, picking up the phone on the table and pressing it on, his expression changed slightly:

"Almost twenty minutes have passed..."

Recalling what he experienced in his "dream" just now, he was in a trance, and it was even difficult for him to judge the reality.

He was actually selected, and in the process of cultivation, he was pulled into the "Xianmen", and met a cultivator who only existed in legends.

"If this matter is told, no one will believe it."

Putting down the phone, Li Tai rubbed his face hard, and smiled wryly.

Especially, when he recalled the vague words of that "Taihe Daoist", his heart became more and more heavy.

"The catastrophe is approaching...what exactly do you mean? According to what the real person said, it are talking about a black box?"

Li Tai couldn't help thinking.

After all, Lin Tuo didn't reveal too much information to him, and Li Tai could only analyze from the few words he heard.

"Waking up from a dream...does this mean that immortality did exist.

However, for some reason, it gradually disappeared, and this cultivator also fell into a deep recent years, he finally woke up..."

"The catastrophe is approaching... combined with recent news, the most likely thing related to the 'catastrophe' is the mysterious black box...

By the way, remember, it was the day after the black box appeared.

The Taihe Mountain warrior, that is, the disciple of the immortal cultivator, was exposed to the public's sight..."

"Well, now that I think about it, it's not accidental, it's most likely intentional, and it was 'accidentally' photographed, which caused a stir in a small area.

Then, take advantage of the situation and spread the exercises... In this way, everything makes sense. "

"As for the motive, it was the immortal cultivator who had recently awakened who sensed the 'big catastrophe', so he passed down the practice method...'preparing for battle' in advance? really a catastrophe for all mankind..."

In the office, Li Tai bowed his head in thought, his expression became more serious.

Although the real person never uttered the above information, the meaning revealed was very clear.

The "black box" was indeed the prelude to a disaster, and I was the one selected among the first batch of practitioners.

Thinking of this, while Li Tai was excited, he felt a heavy weight on his shoulders.

As an ordinary office worker, can I really shoulder such a heavy responsibility...

"What are you thinking, you didn't really come under the door." Li Tai thought, and suddenly laughed at himself.

Yes, although I "agreed" in that weird "dream", it doesn't mean that I passed the test.

"According to what Taihe Zhenren said, next, he will give me some help to speed up my cultivation progress.

At the same time, it's not free.

Although I won't ask for a reward for the time being, but in the future, a task may be given to me...

I will also enter a long 'investigation period', and only if I pass it can I truly enter the Taihe Immortal Sect... Before that, I must not disclose the existence of the sect to anyone or in any way...

He will also summon me from time to time. "

Recalling the words of the mysterious cultivator before parting.

Li Tai let out a long breath, trying to calm himself down.

After all, he was an adult who had worked for several years. After Li Tai calmed down, he didn't fully believe what the mysterious man said.

After all, when the devil tempts the believer,

There is also camouflage.

But after careful consideration, he decided to seize this opportunity.

"Whether Taihe is a righteous sect or an evil organization, at least one thing can be confirmed, that is... the world is really about to change.

If you want to protect yourself and your family in troubled times, you must seize this opportunity... Besides, even if it's a thief ship, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to get off. "

Li Tai sighed softly, and then his gaze gradually became firm.

No longer thinking about it, he tugged at the collar of his shirt, straightened his trousers, and immediately sat down cross-legged again, trying to enter the state of cultivation, and then raised his eyebrows slightly.

He could clearly feel that at this moment, the "mysterious energy" around him was stronger than before!

"Is this...the help Taihe gave..."



At the same time, in the illusion space.

Lin Tuo, who was sitting behind the jade table, was smiling and looking at the second candidate he had pulled in.

It was a young girl, about twenty years old.

The skin is tanned, with an ivory-like luster, and the long hair is slightly curly. The upper body is a neutral plaid shirt, and the lower part is trousers. Because of cultivation, I didn't change into pajamas, which saved some embarrassment.

The reason for pulling her in is simple.

Among the first batch of cultivators in Yangcheng, her ether thread was one of the few brightest, proving that she was very talented.

Moreover, Lin Tuo remembered that her cultivation time was also the earliest, and she belonged to the same batch as Li Tai.

At this moment, the young girl had just climbed onto the stepped platform, and she was staring vigilantly at the mysterious man shrouded in white mist like a civet cat.

Then, she saw a face that made her slightly suffocated, and Lin Tuo's standard opening words echoed in her ears:

"You came."



half an hour later.

After Lin Tuo finished the instructions including "not to reveal your own existence" and "wait for irregular calls" with a smile.

In the girl's bright eyes, he cut off the connection with her.

In the next second, the figure of the girl named "Jiang Yishan" gradually dissipated, and Lin Tuo was left alone in the entire space again.

And at this time, Lin Tuo also felt the tiredness that came from the depths of his soul.

He immediately realized that his mental strength was a little overloaded.


Given the corresponding thought, the scene in front of him suddenly shattered, and Lin Tuo felt his light body sink suddenly, as if he was falling rapidly.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself sitting quietly in the study.

Enduring the tiredness like pinpricks on his forehead, Lin Tuo picked up his phone and checked the time:

"The first time I turned on the ability, it lasted for more than an hour..."

Pressing his forehead hard, feeling deeply tired, Lin Tuo couldn't help smiling wryly.

Realized that I was a little "overloaded".

Now it seems that with his current mental strength, half an hour is more appropriate to maintain the environment of the "Taihe Mountain Gate".

If you have no experience for the first time, it’s like just getting a new toy. You can’t help squeezing the potential and playing with it for a while. The result is that after the ability is released, the body is exhausted.

But overall, tonight's attempt is still very rewarding.

The identity of the Taihe real person was fabricated in order to combine the geographical location of the Taihe Mountains.

It is also more credible.

As for "waking up from a dream" and "a catastrophe is approaching", they are completely fabricated, and the effect is good.

Both Li Tai and the girl named Jiang Yishan showed considerable enthusiasm.

Especially the latter.

Even more excited, eager to join the organization.

Well, not too surprised.

Lin Tuo also treated the two equally. By interfering with the distribution of ether in Yangcheng, he increased the concentration of ether near them. In this way, the efficiency of practice would naturally be greatly improved.

As for whether the two will abide by their request and not leak it to the outside world... well, even if it leaks, someone must believe it.

Even if someone believes it, it has to be proven.

Even if it can be proven, it must be found.

"Anyway, you're wearing a vest, so don't panic."

Lin Tuo murmured in his heart, shook his head, and finally couldn't hold on anymore, got up immediately, rolled back to the bedroom, lay on the bed, didn't even bother to take off his clothes, and fell into a deep sleep.



at the same time.

In a certain community in Yangcheng.

Jiang Yishan who was practicing also opened his eyes.

"Is it a dream..."

Recalling all the things she experienced just now, she hasn't recovered for a long time.

After waiting for a while, she tried to enter the cultivation state again. After confirming that the "mysterious energy" around her had indeed increased significantly, she was finally convinced:

"It's not a dream! It turned out to be real! I actually joined a cultivating sect? No...not counting, at most it can be regarded as a 'peripheral member'..."

"The mysterious martial artist that Momo photographed turned out to be a 'senior brother' who started early? Well, sure enough, I said, normal people, even those who practice martial arts, can't be so perverted..."

Jiang Yishan's eyes sparkled, and he stood up excitedly.

Compared with the heavy topic of "human catastrophe", she obviously paid more attention to joining the "mysterious organization" itself.

So handsome, okay...

Pacing back and forth in the room several times to calm down, she finally couldn't bear to share, picked up the phone, opened the chat software, and sent a message to her best friend "Zhou Mo":

"Guess what I just dreamed about?"

Although Jiang Yishan hadn't graduated yet, he was already an adult at any rate, and naturally he wouldn't talk too much about "Taihe Zhenren".

Who knows if that mysterious strong man is observing her in some mysterious way?

But... don't reveal the specific content, it's okay to just share your feelings, right?

Just vaguely saying that I had a bizarre dream, wouldn't it trigger a "warning"?

next second.

An emoji with a question mark was sent from the opposite side of the phone chat box.

Guess what you dreamed about?

"handsome guy?"

Seeing his friend's reply, Jiang Yishan was silent for several seconds, and then typed two words seriously:




No one knows what happened that night.

And no one knew that there was a couple of men and women who had insomnia all night in Yangcheng tonight.


Nothing to say all night.

the next day.

When Lin Tuo finally opened his eyes from the bed, he only saw the light pouring in from the window, and a serious face stuck in front of him.

"Master, good morning."

"...Why are you lying on top of me!?"

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