Creating a Sandbox World

Chapter 57 The Unexpected Pusher

From Lu Yan's point of view, the whole incident in Yangcheng is complicated and confusing.

According to his understanding, the cause of the incident turned out to be a small-scale hot video, which first attracted a certain amount of attention, and in a blink of an eye, the "mysterious man of Taihe Mountain" appeared in the video.

So as to spread the next weird "breathing method".

There is no follow-up, so it ends here.

The entire behavioral logic is very different from the scams that have appeared in other regions.

After so many days, the other party has never appeared again.

Lu Yan tried to find and investigate the girl who uploaded the video, and confirmed that the other party was not suspected, and the whole incident was purely accidental.

Therefore, the focus of the investigation can only focus on the video and the place where the other party appeared.

They went to Taihe Mountain Road several times, but found nothing. As for the business district in the city center where high hopes were placed, the results of the investigation surprised the three of them even more.

That "mysterious man" seemed to appear and disappear out of thin air, and all the street videos that could be found around him did not show him.

In addition, the mysterious fog obscured the field of vision on the day of the incident, and witnesses were unable to provide effective information.

"The location of the incident has been investigated several times. Not to mention the other party's whereabouts, even how he appeared on the roof is a mystery... The stone tablet has also been carefully inspected. It has obviously been cleaned, and no fingerprints are left... …

Paper is the most common printing paper.

I found the manufacturer, and the domestic shipments rank among the top. Only in Yangcheng, there are countless companies and departments using it.

The same goes for the ink... the handwriting is also camouflaged..."

On the other side of the sofa, the young man said with a bitter expression while snapping his fingers.

"The video can extract some information.

The target is of medium build, suspected to be male, and should not be very old, but considering the physical fitness of the other is not easy to estimate.

The clothes are all popular models, and the face is perfectly covered..."

The young woman next to her sighed:

"Based on this bit of information, it's like finding a needle in a haystack."

"Although the Yangcheng area can be roughly locked, it is still uncertain whether it is a permanent population or a floating population.

Secondly, considering the intention of the other party to hide, I even suspect that he is not necessarily from Yangcheng, but maybe from the city next door. "

Seeing the frustrated faces of the two colleagues, Lu Yan also sighed, put down the materials in his hand, and comforted:

"Don't be impatient. In fact, think about it the other way around. Since there is no clue, why do you have to find him?"

"Team leader... what do you mean?" The two people on the other side of the sofa were obviously taken aback.

Lu Yan sternly said:

"As of now, this mysterious person has not done anything illegal, at most he is a disturbance of social order, which is barely enough.

We had no reason to have to find him.

Right now, the point of the question is not who he is, but that this article may really be useful..."

Seeing the silence in the office, Lu Yan continued with a complicated expression:

"Through the investigations these days, you also know that some people have indeed tried to practice this breathing technique, and, judging from the feedback, it seems that it is really beneficial to the body.

In particular, I have confirmed this through my own experiments.

Although this improvement is very small for most people, there are also a few people, the change... is obvious. "

Having said that, Lu Yan paused and continued:

"And so far, all the changes have been positive..."


"So my opinion is that the investigation is over here. As for this article... I hope you will join me in issuing a report and sending him up."

"Send it up?"

"Yes, sent to 'heaven'."

Lu Yan's expression suddenly became solemn: "First the black box, then the oasis,

The world is very different, we have to ask more professional people to analyze this thing.

At present, it has not attracted enough attention! "

Speaking of this, the expressions of the other two became serious, hesitating for a moment, and nodded at the same time:

"Okay, let's do that."

After making this decision, the three of them felt relieved at the same time, feeling that they had let go of a major matter, and the young woman laughed even more:

"Unfortunately, this matter still lacks a hot spot, otherwise, it would be easier for Shangdatian to listen."

Lu Yan could only smile when he heard this.

During this period of time, "Masters" emerged one after another all over the world, and it was not as easy for Yangcheng to stand out from a group of more magical reports.

At this moment, suddenly, the young woman's mobile phone lit up, she picked it up curiously and looked at it, the expression on her face suddenly became extremely exciting.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yan asked.

Immediately, she heard her complex tone: "It's hot, it's coming."



It was just like Lin Tuo's guess when he observed Yangcheng's practice before.

According to past experience, aside from such abrupt events as black boxes, in many cases, it often takes a process for something to be truly revealed to the public.

At first, it may only spread in a small circle, diffuse.

Some people outside have heard about it, but they don't really know it.

Until things develop to a certain stage and a "tipping point" appears, more people can realize it and go further.

Lin Tuo felt that the "Qing Ling Breathing Technique" was in a state of being detonated in a small area all the time, and began to seriously think about whether he could do something to speed up the process.

It's a pity that I didn't have a clue for a while, and I stayed up until after eleven o'clock, so I had to stop thinking and go back to the bedroom to fall asleep.

Lin Tuo didn't know it in his sleep. On this night, the special investigation team for the "Qingling Breathing Technique" made a decision to end the investigation.

What's more, the "burst point" he had been waiting for for a long time came unexpectedly.

until the next morning.

When Lin Tuo got up on time and turned on his mobile phone to check the news, he was a little surprised to find that his circle of friends had been maxed out by an article overnight.

The title of the article is simple:

"Blast! Examination results for many middle schools in Yangcheng are released! The headmaster called it incredible! "

A little confused, he opened the link and jumped to an official account. Lin Tuo glanced at it, and found that it was an article posted by a local account in Yangcheng last night.

The style of writing is like the title, very simple and straightforward:

"Recently, with the start of the new semester, students from various schools have returned to school one after another to take the opening test and investigate the review results of the students during the holiday.

However, no one expected that the result of this quiz was surprising! "

"...a number of 'poor students' have generally appeared in many middle schools, and their grades have improved significantly. The large number has attracted the attention of the school..."

"...After investigation, it was discovered that these 'poor students' have invariably tried to practice the "Qing Ling Breathing Technique" that was circulated on Tianyang City's Internet recently..."

The entire article used exaggerated words, and the content was full of marketing style. Lin Tuo figured out the general idea after just a few glances.

To put it simply, a few students with mediocre grades have made significant progress in the opening exams, which has attracted a certain range of attention.

It is found that a large part of these cases have tried to practice Qi method.

Somehow this news was known by this marketing account, so they simply packaged it up and guided it.

Although he didn't say it clearly, but what he said, he gave people the feeling that these students improved their grades because they practiced the breathing technique.

Swipe your finger and turn to the end of the article. The number of readings has reached 100,000+, and the number of likes has reached 50,000!

The total number of readings may have already exceeded a million.

Scanning the messages below, it can be seen that they are all sent by some parents.

Many of them kept using the examples around them to prove the authenticity of the article, and some of them were asking whether it was true or not.

Judging from this momentum, it seems that the parent circle in Yangcheng is exploding.

"That's okay?" Seeing this scene, Lin Tuo was completely awake.

Shaking his head vigorously, he sorted out his thoughts:

"So... the breathing method can also improve performance?"

"No... This is definitely an exaggeration. It is impossible to have such an obvious improvement in such a short period of time."

Absorbing ether and realizing the evolution of life has indeed greatly improved memory, thinking, and reaction ability. Lin Tuo himself is an example.

But how long has it been since he spread the Qi method?

Even those dozens of talented people, under his special care, have limited improvement, let alone other people.

In his mind, even if there is an improvement, the range will not be very large.

At least, not as big as this article said.

"This marketing account is clearly exaggerating the facts, maliciously grabbing attention." Lin Tuo rubbed his forehead, feeling very complicated.

But he didn't think the article was completely fabricated.

In the middle school stage, it is normal for the grades to fluctuate and curiosity is strong. Parents may not care about the "breathing method", but students may not.

Driven by curiosity, I am afraid that most of them have tried it secretly.

As long as some persist, absorb a little ether, improve a little, and reflect on the test results, it is considered normal.

Originally, even if this fluctuation attracted attention, it was very limited.

But after packaging this marketing account... it spread unexpectedly.

"What's this? Someone gave me a pillow when I fell asleep?" Lin Tuo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Considering that parents in China value their grades, he didn't have to think about what happened next.

Tens of thousands of tuition classes are rushing to sign up, and the breath technique is arranged for free?

After exiting the article and opening the group chat interface, as expected, all the groups were discussing this matter, and the long-silent university WeChat group became lively.

A group of classmates who have graduated for several years have ridiculed, crying that they did not catch up with the good times.

"Speaking of which, has anyone in the group tried this thing?" A classmate who looked familiar to Lin Tuo asked.

"I tried it some time ago, and I didn't feel any change, so I didn't continue." Someone replied.

"I haven't tried it, but my boyfriend has been insisting on it. Recently, his body seems to be getting stronger..."

"Hiss... So, I'll try again later, and hold on for a few more days."

"Try +1"

"Try +1"

"Try +1"


"What's all this?" Lin Tuo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and didn't join in the fun. He turned and went out to say hello to Huaxi who was standing on the pile, and then entered the study.

The breathing technique was accidentally promoted, and he didn't need to take action for the time being.

Then, the matter about the "New World" has to be put on the agenda.

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