Create a Fantasy World

Chapter 83 Doctor, You Are Finished

Ji Dong's words reminded Roger that he decided to fight.

But after making a decision, a strange word reached his ears, which he remembered firmly.

Immediately, he woke up from the dream.

Looking at the strange-looking colleagues around him, he also noticed that the bomb placed on his body became red hot.

"It's too late to explain, I have to tell you quickly. It was Dr. Ivchin who hypnotized me, and he wanted to use a terrible gas to hypnotize innocent people. The target is the movie theater. We must stop him!"

"Hey, Roger, what are you doing?"

"Leave me alone! Otherwise we'll all die!"

Roger pushed away the hand of his companion, ran to the window, and followed Ji Dong's instructions to hypnotize himself.

In the end, he closed his eyes, lost consciousness, and lay down on the ground.

The bomb on his body also went out, but failed to detonate in the end.

"What's going on? He said what happened to the doctor?"

"Isn't the matter simple? The doctor is the culprit, and he is going to destroy it now. You have to act?"

Finally, Roger was still useful, and desperately passed on the message, which also made everyone realize that the problem was serious.

"By the way, the movie theater. Go there and see it!"

Susa was the first to wake up and realized that there was no longer any delay.

However, his legs and feet are not convenient, but he is not a good man for action.

Fortunately, Ji Dong was here, and he said with a smile: "Let us go? Carter has already passed by one step ahead!"


Inside the cinema.

Dotty, who just came to meet up, is preparing the layout with the doctor.

They got the terrible hypnotic gas and transported it here quietly, intending to surprise the moviegoers in the theater.

These people who are still kept in the dark will become their terrible test subjects and enjoy the unknown travel.

However, one by one is not even aware of the danger, which has already arrived.

Just immerse yourself in the movie and keep watching.

Dotty pushed a small cart, pretending to be transporting items, intending to quietly open the hidden gas tank, but she didn't want someone to hold her hand.

"Stop it! You're crazy for doing this!"

It's Carter!

Looking at the woman in front of him, she should have died in his hands, but she came out to make trouble again and again.

"It's you again! You should be killed."

Dottie frowned and gave her a scowling look.

Suddenly he pulled out a dagger and tried to attack Carter, but she elbowed her neatly on the wrist.

The two women fought, causing commotion in the theater.

The doctor watching this scene from behind frowned.

What a disappointment!

He took out a pistol and was about to aim at the opponent, but someone held him by the shoulder.

"My friend, it's okay to sneak up on others like this?"

It turned out to be Howard's butler Jarvis.

He also arrived just in time to stop the doctor's plan.

"Damn it, do you think you can stop me?"

The doctor couldn't help but sneered, but the moment he turned around, he whispered in Howard's ear.

He actually used hypnotism to trick Jarvis into being confused by himself.

"Come on, Jarvis. Take this gun and kill Carter. She's going to get you and Howard and put you in jail. She's your enemy!"


Jarvis looked confused for a while, silently took the pistol, but raised it up.

Then the butt of the gun hit the doctor on the forehead and beat him to a car.

"What are you guys doing? You gave me the gun!"

"Hey you……"

Before the doctor could finish speaking, a man with a mustache appeared behind him and grabbed the doctor.

Controlling him from behind, he said, "Doctor, we went to your bottom before we came. You have some kind of hypnotic powers,

You can confuse others with your words. However, we are all prepared. "

Then he pointed to the ear, which had hidden earplugs.

What he said made the doctor feel sad for a while, that it was possible to do this.

"Howard, don't you think that things can end like this? As long as the terrible weapon is detonated, this place will become a purgatory, and everyone will die together."

"Is that what you mean?"

Jarvis had already come to the trolley, checked the device below, and found a tank of special gas.

Inside is the hypnotic gas brought by the doctor, which can make people who smell it aggressive, fight each other, and die endlessly.

"That's right! I have designed a mechanism for this thing. If it cannot be triggered after the movie is played, it will be leaked automatically. At that time, this place will still be reduced to purgatory."

The doctor showed off triumphantly, but Jarvis was so angry that he punched him twice again.

It's a pity that the strength is not enough, and I was knocked out after repeated several times.

"What to do! Let's disperse the crowd first?"

Howard took off his earplugs, that's all he could do first.

The audience in the theater was also frightened by the sudden scene, and fled in a hurry.

Howard could only maintain order with Jarvis, and tried to join Carter by the way.

And Carter, who came back for revenge, was pulling Dotty to beat her hard.

I almost killed myself before, and I came here to sabotage, I have to settle them one by one.

This fight was simply unique, comparable to a women's word wrestling competition.

Both of them waved their fists and feet in disregard of their manners, and after a while they began to roll on the ground.

It wasn't until Carter made a desperate counterattack and hit Dotty hard in the face that she was knocked unconscious to the ground.

The victory and defeat have been divided.

"Next time, don't let me see your face again."

After clapping his hands and standing up, Carter saw the two Howards who came to support them.

The two gentlemen were visibly shocked, even a little embarrassed, by her brawn.

"Well, nice job!"

Or Howard gave a thumbs up and praised.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. What are we going to do with that thing!"

Carter pointed straight to the point, they had to send the hypnotic gas away first, so as to avoid a crisis.

"I can't help it. It seems that I'm the only one taking the risk."

Howard had been prepared for a long time, he and Howard winked, but picked up the can of gas and left in a hurry.

At this time, the agents had already rushed over, and they were going to stop the crisis in the theater, but they saw Howard rushing out with things in a hurry.

He got into his own car and sped out as fast as he wanted to escape.

"Carter, what's the matter? What's he going to do?"

Roger's deputy Susa and others asked Carter depressedly.

"I can't explain it for a while, so let's arrest these two first?"

Carter told them to control the fainted Dotty and the doctor, then got into a car with Ji Dong and Susa, and followed Howard away.

"The doctor made a can of very dangerous gas, which was about to be released in the theater just now, but we stopped it. However, the can of gas may still be activated now. Howard is holding the gas, looking for a suitable place to put it, we have to follow Him, just in case."

At this time, it was time for Howard to turn the tide and prove himself.

Ji Dong was sitting in the car, but he suppressed a little excitement in his heart.

Here comes the good show!

Can Howard escape this disaster?

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