Crazy Mobile Games

Chapter 397: 3rd Floor Prison

Although he defeated two Shaquan City masters.

But Hang Yu's team is far from being able to fight against Shaquancheng's team.

The main reason why they could easily defeat the two Sand Spring City masters this time was that the opponents were too careless.

A big force near the desert of death.

Only the Shaquancheng family!

Although the possibility of other great lords coming here from thousands of miles exists, this possibility is very small. When I saw that Hang Yu and his group were not a familiar race, my first impression was: rogues.

The so-called rogues.

It is a group of homeless people without territory.

This group generally does not appear very powerful. Shag wanted to take advantage of his moving speed and attack distance to kill Hang Yu and his group by flying a kite. Who would have thought that Hang Yu would bring him into the pre-set trap.

have to say.

Ant colony self-destruction is a powerful killer!

Even the great lord Kalimlo would lose a layer of skin if he fully endured the power, let alone Shag who only has level 13 strength? So his death was not wronged at all!


This trick is destined not to be used continuously.

The human-faced queen ant breeds giant ants very slowly, and it will take at least a day to recruit all the giant ants again. It is impossible to use this trick again, and Kalimlo is not Shag, so how can it be so easy to fall into the trap ?

The sand black viper is also very strong!

If it weren't for several people to join forces to contain it, it might not be possible to win it.

After Er Gouzi's identification, there are at least eight people in the Shaquancheng team.

Hang Yu guessed that the strength of these eight people is generally level 14, and the great lord Karim may have reached level 15, with a complete fourth-level inheritance, and even multiple fourth-level skills, his strength is unfathomable.

A team of six + Gouzi + big ants, even if they gang up against one big lord, the chance of winning is only 30% at most, and even if they win by luck, it will be a miserable victory. There will be a 100% reduction in personnel, and the greater probability will be defeat and the entire army will be wiped out.

A big lord is already difficult to contend with.

What's more, there are so many powerful characters around him?

That's why Hang Yu said that head-to-head confrontation is an egg against a rock. Even if it is a sneak attack from behind, there is no chance of winning. This is no longer a risk, it is purely death!

"The power of the great lord is too terrifying!" Jiang Nan felt a little creepy, and suddenly felt that the surrounding area was full of soldiers: "The opponent is so strong, what should we do? They may be aware of our entry."

"It's not possible! You must already know!"

Xu Tianhua looked serious.

"Centaurs don't have spirit world phones, and they can't communicate remotely like humans, but they form a team to explore and sign contracts and the like."

"The two members outside were killed, and Kalimlo will feel it immediately, otherwise what's the point of staying outside to watch?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Er Gouzi immediately panicked.

Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't help but said: "Well, a good guy doesn't suffer from immediate losses. Anyway, he attacked two Shaquan City masters, and the spoils are not small. Why don't you just accept it when you see it...Boss, what do you think?"

Hang Yu snorted: "I'm afraid of a bird, when did I do something stupid to die? Now that I'm here, if I don't add another block to Shaquan City, I will write the word Hang Yu upside down."

"I believe in God!" Hearing what he said, Jiang Nan immediately aroused his fighting spirit, clenched his fists and said, "Let Shaquancheng know that we are not easy to mess with!"

Others are somewhat skeptical.

Everyone is convinced of Hang Yu's ability.

Hang Yu has led key battles time and time again and won victories, but the problem is that no matter whether it is the wild boar camp or the Jieta fortress, every time they face a strong enemy and a weak one, there is a characteristic.

That is, the opponents are a group of subspecies with no brains.

Because the opponent has no brains and will only act according to the laws of instinct, from the distribution to the ability of each individual, they are all fixed and there will not be too many variables, so there is room for tricks.

This time is different from the previous situation.

The opponent is an intelligent creature with several times its strength.

The composition of their team, what skills they have, what potions they carry, what powerful scrolls they have in their hands, how they will act, and what strategies they will adopt are all unknown.

Can it really take food from a tiger's mouth?

Can you really fight them?

Although a bit uncertain, but following Hang Yu, they are willing to give it a try!

The ancient prison ruins are huge in scale and shaped like a pyramid. The exposed part is a small part. There are three floors down, one floor is bigger than one floor, and the spatial structure is complex, like a maze.

Hang Yu's team came to the first floor.

Countless giant prison cells are displayed in front of you.

This size does not seem to be related to people.

Even if it is to imprison the dragon in it, it is more than enough.

The prison seems to have experienced riots, and most of the cells were broken open. All kinds of grotesque monsters, or powerful subspecies of creatures, are leaving the cells and wandering around.

They are very strong!

The weakest are gold elite monsters!

Hang Yu worked hard to search for relevant memories, and as the level increased, his knowledge became more and more.

He felt that his knowledge of the death desert and ancient prisons in the earth dragon world might surpass any living person in the wild beasts.

level one.

There are thirty-six cells in total.

Each cell is the size of a palace.

A large number of monsters will be imprisoned in each giant cell, and there will be a small boss, and the variety of the small boss is random, there are three **ss rooms, in which the **ss of the 14th-level gold lord will be spawned, there are very rich drop.

Second floor.

There are seventy-two cells.

This level of monster strength is more difficult than the first level.

There will be five **ss rooms in the seventy-two boss rooms.

At least one of these five **ss is a very rare overlord monster among wild monsters!

the third floor.

There are one hundred and eight cells.

In the core cell, the most powerful, evil, and terrifying monster is imprisoned, and its strength is far higher than that of the overlord monster on the second floor.

In addition to all kinds of horror monsters.

The traps here are numerous.

If you are not careful, you will be wiped out by the group!

This place is very difficult. With the current strength of Hang Yu's team, it is not a big problem to sweep the first floor, but it is difficult to attack the second and third floors.

Ergou scouting is back.

"Oh, boss, the Sand Springs team has gone far, and Kalimdor is not nearby."

Hang Yu nodded: "Well, it seems that Kalimlo should be heading towards the second floor of the prison. Except for a few gold lords, the monsters on the first floor don't seem to be very attractive to him."

it's easy to see.

Kalimdor has a map of the ancient prison.

He is quite familiar with this place, otherwise it would be impossible to find the correct path to the next floor so smoothly in the maze-like cell, it seems that there is not much time left for Hang Yu.

Zhao Ming asked, "What shall we do next?"

"The Sand Spring City team has taken the lead, and we can't follow the route they walked, otherwise we will meet them sooner or later." Hang Yu glanced at everyone and made a gesture: "Follow me!"


The complexity of the ancient prison ruins is far beyond imagination.

It is not necessary to take the trap-ridden passages of the prison.

Hang Yu knew that in a large relic like the ancient prison, there is a hidden map with many hidden monsters. Through the hidden area, you can also enter the next level. The process will be much easier, but you will miss many important monsters and Just a treasure chest.

But as long as they can enter the third floor before the Sand Spring City team.

Then it's all worth it.

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