Crazy Mobile Games

Chapter 354 Powerful Effect

Hang Yu began to undergo astonishing changes. His whole body was coated with a layer of blood, and his skin color and hair color changed. His figure, which was not considered particularly tall and strong, suddenly became more than 2.5 meters at this moment, and a pair of four or five meters was released from behind. Scarlet Wings.

Just the momentum is enough to bluff people!

Zhao Ming and Jiang Nan were stunned.

What kind of skill is this?

It's too exaggerated!

There is no fixed size for spiritual equipment, and it will automatically change with changes in body shape, and there will never be a situation where the size does not match.

After Hang Yu transformed into a demon blood lord, his whole body's equipment also changed accordingly. The already big and long Earth Dragon Wave Spear has become nearly five meters long at this moment.


Such a strong force!

Hang Yu could clearly feel it.

This skill is nearly twice as powerful as Bloodthirsty Rage.

But the consumption is much greater, and it is losing vitality even more crazily.

Under normal circumstances, Hang Yu held on to death for about half a minute.

Now that there is Jiang Nan's super nurse and a group of healing soldiers, Hang Yu doesn't have too many worries, kicking his legs on the ground, releasing violent power, throwing him into the air like a cannonball.

The wings open.

Circle around.

Dive into the lions and scorpions!

Hang Yu gained two hidden abilities after transforming into the Demon Blood Lord.

The first item is the flying ability, the wings of the demon blood lord, different from the stone wings of the gargoyle suit, the former is more flexible to fly, without any restrictions, just like a natural ability.

The second item is skill strengthening. Under the state of the Demon Blood Lord, the skills in the inheritance chain will be strengthened to a certain extent, shortening the cooling time and increasing the power of the skills.

The scorpion immediately spotted Hang Yu.

Their scorpion-like tails immediately stood up.

One after another extremely poisonous needles were sprayed out.

Hang Yu volleyed in the air with a sudden gust of wind attack, and then launched a frenzied charge.

With a speed that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, it dodges most of the poisonous needles and rushes into the group of lions and scorpions.

next second.

Xunying Strike!

Jiang Nan and Zhao Ming couldn't see clearly at all.

Even if it was as strong as Hang Xiaobai, he could only see an afterimage.

The gun shadow was released in an instant, and quickly attacked in all directions, several scorpions were injured one after another, and the loss of vitality caused by the blue weapon was not small.


The lord of the lion and scorpion rushed over angrily.

Hang Yu knew very well that this guy was extremely powerful, so he quickly threw a dragon wave.

The scorpion lord was very agile. He tried to dodge quickly, but was hit from the side and knocked to the ground. Although he suffered some damage, for a level 12 lord, the damage wasn't particularly serious.

It stands up immediately.

The whole body is entangled with poisonous gas.

Just about to kill Hang Yu.

Zhao Ming seized the opportunity to release a "killing intent absorption".

Let the scorpion beast lord immediately change the attack target and lock Zhao Ming.

Absorption of killing intent is a very rogue skill. It is the same as provocation in the game. It can force hatred and force the target to attack oneself. At the same time, it can continuously absorb murderous intent and improve one's vitality and attributes.

"Here I leave it to you!"

Zhao Ming knew very well that the lords and monsters had powerful large-scale killing skills, so after holding back the hatred of the lord of the scorpions, he turned around and ran away to forcibly take the lord of the scorpions away from the group of monsters.

Lord monsters are not very intelligent.

But more or less there.

The lord-level monsters generally would not be separated from the group, but affected by the skills, the lord of the lion and scorpion beast could not control himself, so he could only be led by the nose. With Xiaobai's cooperation, he was able to walk a full two hundred meters.

very good!


This lord monster will not get in the way!

It can't get rid of the attraction of Old Zhao. Unless it kills Old Zhao in one go, it can't attack other targets. With the assistance of Hang Xiaobai and three healing soldiers, it shouldn't be a problem to entangle for three or four minutes.

Burning blood blade!

Hang Yu launched another third-order skill!

A wave of blood-red energy poured into the weapon through both hands.

Let the Earth Dragon Wave Gun condense into an eight-meter-long burning blood blade like a raging fire.

Hang Yu waved his spear and swept across.

Tier 1 skill!

Blow hard!





With the momentum of destruction.

The Earth Dragon Wave Gun blesses the Burning Blood Blade.

It first hit the first scorpion, passed directly from the body of the scorpion, then hit the second scorpion and crossed again, and finally hit the third scorpion , or crossing over, the whole process, without hindrance.

The body of each griffin appears to be intact.

But they all suffered huge injuries.

Look at it from Jiang Nan's perspective.

When she saw the transformed God, she suddenly changed her weapon into a burning blood knife, and then held the long knife burning with bloody flames, and swept across the bodies of several monsters in an instant.

This knife does not seem to be real!

It can traverse physical obstacles.

Therefore, it can cause a larger range of damage in group battles!

Jiang Nan found that the several scorpion beasts swept by Hang Yu were all knocked back several meters by the effect of the slam skill, and the wave effect of the ground dragon wave gun was also produced at the same time.




Wave after wave superimposed on each other.

Let several griffins take more damage from each other.

Too fierce! too strong! The output is too awesome!

That scene was really no different from sweeping thousands of troops.

Little stars popped out of Jiang Nan's eyes. Could this be Hang Yu's current real strength?

"As expected of a great god! He is really getting better and better!"


Don't be careless!

There are four scorpion bosses on the scene.

They are equivalent to four level 10 bronze lords.

In addition, nearly twenty scorpion beasts are quickly besieging them.

Even if it was as strong as Hang Yu, it was impossible to hold it, so the soldiers had to rush up, and Jiang Nan rushed to Hang Yu with the shield on, throwing all kinds of powerful healing techniques at Hang Yu.

Er Gouzi was not idle either.

He shared part of the damage for the boss. At the same time, several clones intentionally drove the scorpions close to Hang Yu's attack range, so that Hang Yu's terrifying attack could sweep several scorpions every time.

Hang Yu is too strong!

His range output is overbearing and unsolvable!

Although the lions and scorpions have rough skin and thick flesh and extremely high defense, they cannot withstand such an offensive, let alone a large group of soldiers attacking.

Three or four minutes of fighting is almost enough!

Hang Yu noticed that Lao Zhao was under pressure. Although his defense was strong enough, it was still very difficult to block a level 12 lord.

If it weren't for the help of Hang Xiaobai, every time he saw that Lao Zhao was going to die, he would quickly use his strong control skills to control the lord of the lion, scorpion and beast, and win a chance for Lao Zhao to breathe, he would have been unable to bear it.

Hang Yu still maintained his transformation.

Seven or eight healing soldiers followed behind to add blood.

He led the soldiers to swarm up and launched a siege to the scorpion lord. Even if this guy had more than 1,600 vitality and strong defense power, there was nothing he could do to recover from this situation.

with no doubt.

After a few minutes.

The lord of the scorpion beast rushed to the street.

This time, he absorbed six or seven hundred points of aura at once.

The green essence in Hang Yu's body increased by more than 5% in one breath.

Hang Yu released the transformation state, only feeling a little tired. It seems that although the magic blood transformation is powerful, it causes a lot of burden on the body, and consumes a lot of physical strength and energy.



This is definitely a powerful skill!

The lord of the scorpion beast burst out five or six trophies.

Three pieces of green equipment, one green skill stone, and one blueprint of bright green quality. The equipment is all level 10 and level 11 green equipment. The skill stone is the second-level skill "Poisonous Curse" of the psychic.

What really aroused Hang Yu's interest were the drawings.

[Refining blueprint: Scorpion Axe], level 11 blueprint, green superior quality.

This bright green quality drawing.

Generally, the equipment created is of blue quality.

The Scorpion Ax is a one-handed weapon.

Hang Yu just lacked a one-handed weapon.

It doesn't matter whether the weapon is a knife or a sword, or an ax or a hammer.

And during the battle, after he turned on the Burning Blood Blade, it was almost the same in use.

The production method of the Scorpion Ax is very similar to that of the Earth Dragon Wave Gun. Its main material is a level 10 bright green equipment "Venomous Scorpion Axe".

There happened to be one on the spot.

The rest of the materials can be collected from the body of the lion and scorpion lord through the collection technique, and the remaining mutual powder can be bought from other places with money.

To be able to get this weapon.

His individual strength will be substantially improved.

Hang Yu and Xiao Bai quickly collected the dead lions and scorpions.

The two quickly recovered some precious materials from these monsters.

Jiang Nan counted the number of soldiers, and then said with a depressed face, "Hey, two infantrymen, one archer, and one healer died."

Although the battle process is fast enough.

But losses were inevitable.

After all, there are four lions and scorpions bosses. The skills of these guys are too powerful. The poisonous attack can continue to lose blood. They have the ability to attack from a long distance, and they can kill soldiers in seconds.

Just suffered such a small loss.

This can be said to be very good.

"It's okay, it's just four, it's better than expected." Hang Yu said: "Today is a great harvest, let's go back."

Today's hunt was successfully completed.

How many people can be said to be rewarding!

Hang Yu put most of the harvested crystals directly into the army building. As for the harvested equipment and skill stones, a few were kept for internal use, and the rest were exchanged for materials.

While Hang Yu was busy dealing with equipment.

Er Gouzi suddenly ran over to report a situation to him: "Oh, boss, it's not good, our investigation team found a suspicious atmosphere within the scope of the territory."

Hang Yu froze for a moment.

There was a suspicious aura.

Nine out of ten of those have something to do with the nearby lords.

Hang Yu immediately said: "What location? Check it out for me!"

Er Gouzi shook his tail and said, "Oh, boss, don't worry, I have sent Gouzi clones, no matter where they are, as long as they come to our territory, they will definitely be caught!"

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