Crazy Mobile Games

Chapter 347: Canglong

The two hours were quickly over.

Everyone has gained a lot this time.

Of course, a lot of crystals were also spent.

Xu and Zhao gathered the team members together.

Xu Tianhua took two steps forward, saluted quickly, and Langshenghui reported: "The team members, a total of 312 people, are all here, please give instructions to the leader!"


Xu Tianhua took two steps back.

He stood at the same level as Zhao Ming.

Behind the two deputy leaders, there are more than 300 team members.

They all stood upright and lined up in a neat formation. More than a dozen key elites such as Jiang Nan, Zhao Xiaoqiang, Qin Mu, and Pan Long stood in the first row, while the others lined up in small groups.

They all looked at Hang Yu with respect and admiration.

In the past two months, Hang Yu has thoroughly established his weight and established his reputation through actions one after another in the past two months. Now that he is sitting in this leader position, there are more than 300 people present who are not convinced!


Hang Yu glanced away.

He is very satisfied with the team.

Among the people at the scene, the two most important to Hang Yu were Zhao Ming and Xu Tianhua. Although they were on the same level, they were responsible for different divisions of labor.

Zhao Ming is more in charge of finance and personnel!

Xu Tianhua is more responsible for combat command and discipline building!

Hang Yu always believes in a principle in his life and work, that is, let the right people do the right things, and he only does what he is good at!

If the desire for control and power is too strong, you want to grasp everything in your hands, and you have to do everything by yourself, it is difficult for this kind of person to achieve great things, after all, a person's energy is always limited.

He is the leader.

It is enough to be responsible for the big strategy and the general direction.

As for the later stages of the team, personnel arrangements, and discipline building.

Zhao Ming and Xu Tianhua are enough for these matters.

Don't you think it's pretty good now? This group of people has been drilled by Xu Tianhua for a while, and now they have a good appearance. Although they can't compare with soldiers, they are definitely not a mob.

"I won't waste any more time. The purpose of bringing everyone together this time should be very clear to everyone."

between talking.

He took out the soul covenant.

"Our team will formally conclude a collective covenant. From now on, we will be official partners and comrades-in-arms. From today onwards, we will form a whole in the spiritual world, and we will all prosper and all will suffer!"

Everyone heard this.

Everyone is excited and frantic.

This event is a big deal for everyone!

Er Gouzi stretched his neck and interjected, "Oh, boss, what's the name of our organization? Why don't you let Ben Wang use his six-core and six-thread brain to choose a high-end, elegant, low-key, luxurious and connotative name?" !"

When the boss speaks.

In which round do you get your hands to chime in?

What's more, this guy is just a dog's leg!

Besides, can a dog do such an important thing?

If this gets out and people know the name of the organization, it is actually given by the boss dog, no matter how domineering the name is, it will have to be a bit weaker!

Er Gouzi seems to have to be handed over to Xu Tianhua to practice and practice!

You see how sensible Xiaobai is... Well, Xiaobai is just in a daze, probably in the second dimension.

"Of course, an organization and a team must have a representative and memorable code name." Hang Yu cleared his throat and said, "Now I announce that our organization code name is Canglong!"

This place is the Beicang area in the wilderness province.

The name of this realm is Earth Dragon Realm.

Combine the two.

Codenamed Canglong.

Hang Yu feels that this is more down-to-earth, not petty, and not too secondary, and can echo with the power "Qinglong" in his own world.

Er Gouzi listened.

He felt that this code name was not strong enough.

But before he could open his mouth, he was forced back by the boss' gaze.

The husky spirit could only wag its tail and sigh, complaining to itself that the boss doesn't know the art of naming, so it's better to let the dog come up with a shiny name.

Next comes the ceremony of signing the contract.

The binding force of the soul alliance is not as strong as the contract of the favored person, but it has a wide range of effects and a large space for maneuvering. It is suitable for collective alliances and team building.

After the contract is concluded.

Every covenant member will be a partnership.

The covenant will bring several mandatory restrictions and constraints. For example, once the covenant members kill each other, they will be cursed by the power of the contract. It will be very long.

The covenant will also bring several benefits and conveniences. For example, when covenant members form a team to kill monsters or enemies together, the efficiency of aura absorption will become higher.

Other than that.

The content of the detailed rules of the contract is autonomous.

Covenant members can be divided into several levels. The most senior contract master can write some regulations into the contract, so that all members abide by the content of the contract. If they violate it, they will be cursed by the contract.

Of course.

The nature of the covenant is relatively mild.

In addition, the rank of Hang Yu's covenant is not high.

The most serious result of breach of contract is nothing more than soul curse.

Although it is incomparable with the absoluteness and compulsion of the spirit beast contract and the favored person's contract, observing the same covenant together and the ritual sense of the contract signing process will strengthen everyone's identification and belonging to the organization.

This is very necessary.

The covenant can be used as the written carrier of organizational rules and regulations.

This can effectively regulate each member and promote the orderly growth of strength.

After the covenant is concluded.

Xu and Zhao immediately sent the prepared copy over.

"This is the organizational framework that the two of us have discussed together with the team members, including some team rules, rewards and punishments, and payment of fees."

Hang Yu glanced at it.

Very detailed.

Elaborate on "organizational obligations" as well as "personal obligations".

The organization's obligations are roughly as follows: "The members of the covenant will become a whole. The organization is obliged to share information and assist members in their growth. They will be rewarded for their merits and punished for their mistakes. Every member will be protected by the organization. If the legitimate interests of individuals are infringed, the organization will It is the duty to seek justice for the individual.”


Valid range here.

Temporarily limited to the earth dragon world.

The personal obligations are roughly as follows: "Everyone needs to pay public fees regularly according to the position they are in. After the organization's large-scale and important battles, the organization will first collect 20% of the total income, and the rest will be distributed according to the individual."

The establishment and payment of treasury is very necessary.

These money or resources can guarantee the development of the organization.

In the early stage, individuals need to pay organization public fees regularly, but the amount is very small, fluctuating according to different positions, everyone can bear it, and the income generated during the large-scale battles planned by the organization is one of the main sources of income for the team treasury .

Other than that.

When member-owned spiritual estates bring in income.

A proportionate portion is handed over to bolster the public coffers.

Organizations, in turn, are also obliged to protect the private property of their members.

For example.

Huanggu Town is basically Hang Yu's private property.

Among them, Xu Tianhua and Zhao Ming also have some share dividends.

The part of the income belonging to Hang Yu, Zhao Ming, and Xu Tianhua in the spiritual land of Huanggu Town.

About 4%-5% will belong to Canglong. Hang Yu has no objection to this. On the one hand, the share is not high anyway, which has little impact on Huanggu Town. On the other hand, isn’t Canglong also his property? He is a controlling shareholder of Canglong, and most of the resources can only be counted as left-handed or right-handed.

The larger the urban territory or other industries under the name of the Canglong Organization, the greater the income, and it may become the organization's largest income. Of course, if the Canglong's territory is threatened, the organization must also fulfill its obligations of support and protection.

Other than that.

Among the drafts provided by Zhao and Xu.

The obligations of the leader, deputy leader, team leader, group leader, and ordinary members are all regulated in detail. Each item can be said to be quite detailed. It can be seen that the two of you have spent a lot of energy on this in the past two days.

Hang Yu discussed with Zhao Ming and Xu Tianhua.

After modifying several details.

In the end, it was all written into the covenant.

Everyone abides by, supervises, and executes together. There are no rules and no rules. As long as this framework is implemented, the healthy operation of the organization will be no problem!

Canglong can be regarded as "Spirit World Canglong Industrial Co., Ltd."!

It can also be a guild or club organization.

The role played by Hang Yu in it is undoubtedly the chairman or chairman. He alone accounts for 51% of the company's shares. In terms of corporate strategic development, it can be said that he has absolute dominance.

Xu Tianhua and Zhao Ming each hold 20% of the shares.

The rest will be used as employee incentives and distributed to middle and high-level employees as well as backbone elites.

These are also written into the covenant, and the covenant still has details to be discussed and completed, although the rules and policies will be changed and optimized according to the implementation situation in the future.

But for now, it is enough and complete enough!

This should be the first official organization of the human race!

Canglong was officially established!

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