Crazy Mobile Games

Chapter 331: Crossing the Sea

Huanggu Town.

The Jackals stood ready.

A gloomy jackal with gray fur and green eyes was standing in the middle of the team, staring at the foreign race in front of him.

He is Luken, the lord of Huanggu Town. As the leader of the eighteen wolves and bandits, as the ruler of Huanggu Town, he is undoubtedly the most powerful existence here.

He's already level 11.

A superb lava rock suit.

The surface of the long sword in hand is shrouded in a light blue halo,

As a lord, Luken's background is not strong. He has been a bandit running around for more than ten years. Although he has pulled up a high-level wolf man army, he is not very eye-catching in this wasteland province.

until last year.

The bear goblins who originally occupied Huanggu Town were in civil turmoil.

Let Luken seize the opportunity to launch a sneak attack and take down Huanggu Town.

In a year or so, Luken completely wiped out the hidden danger of goblin bears and became the well-deserved leader of this area.

But the time is too short.

Gnoll is currently not very strong.

Therefore, only 70% to 80% of the output in the territory can be dedicated to the big lord.

In exchange for the great lord to recognize the status of the wolf man, at the same time protect Huanggu Town, and prevent other lords from taking advantage of it.

Although most of the property in the territory is used for tribute, the remaining part is still enough to recruit troops and buy horses to develop slowly. The strength of the eighteen wolves is slowly improving, and the number of sub-woll troops is also increasing.

Luken planned to recruit other high-level gnolls wandering in the wilderness. It would not take many years for Huanggu Town to become stronger, and then plot a larger territory and territory.

did not expect.

Within the territory of Huanggu Town.

Now such a group of alien races popped up without warning.

Although Luken is not a well-informed person, he has been a bandit for more than ten years and has dealt with many spirit world races. He has never seen such a strange race before.


This is an unknown race.

Secondly, this race seems to have no subspecies.

Almost all of them are intelligent individuals.

This is very rare in the spiritual world, which makes people suspicious.

"Boss, although they are strange, they don't look strong." A high-ranking gnoll beside Luken said, "Let's just go out and catch them all!"

The aliens began to try to attack the city.

But he tried several times in a row, adopted different strategies, but was beaten back by the formations, traps, and arrow towers of the city wall in Huanggu Town.

It is not difficult to see from their distressed appearance.

These alien races are not strong or even a little weak.

"They can defeat Onu, which shows that their strength is not simple."

Luken felt that it was possible that the foreign race was deliberately showing weakness, and the purpose was to lure the main force of the wolf man out, so he rejected his subordinate's suggestion and decided to continue to observe for a while.

Defend the town.

Maintaining the status quo.

No matter what tricks you play.

Don't even think about shaking Huanggu Town!

Hang Yu has tried to attack four times.

Although it was said that he returned without success four times, he did not suffer much loss.

After all, his troops are not a subspecies of dumb brains, who respond to orders in a timely manner, and take drugs and increase blood when they are injured. These few attacks did not intend to attack the city at all, they just used feints to attract the attention of the wolf man.

Now it seems.

Draw attention to this aspect.

So far the effect is not bad!

For the time being, the wolf man has no insight into Hang Yu's real purpose.

Hang Xiaobai flew over and said: "The siege tunnel has been dug.


The ability of the 8th-level human-faced queen ant has been greatly enhanced, and the number of ant engineering teams is close to 30, and the quality is as high as 5 or 6 when compared to the 4th or 5th level.

Nearly thirty worker ants started at the same time.

The construction speed must be awesome!

Digging tunnels is a very good choice in tough battles.

But this is not a universal choice, and it does not apply to all situations.

There are some towns located in the water and in the air, where tunnel tactics are useless.

In addition, most large or high-level towns have formations or traps for underground attacks, and it is also difficult to dig tunnels under such circumstances.


Huanggu Town does not have relevant measures.

Gnolls also lack vigilance in this regard.

Hang Yu's four rounds of feints attracted the attention of the jackals.

Xiaobai used his skills to provide cover for the big ants, creating a silent construction environment. With the super high efficiency of nearly thirty worker ants of level 8, they have now completely avoided the formations and traps on the surface, and used a large and long The passage directly enters the underground of Huanggu Town.

Hang Yu launched Hawkeye to investigate repeatedly.

Now locked a good breakthrough point.

It is not difficult for everyone to use reconnaissance skills to investigate repeatedly.

The leader of the jackals was on the city wall with seven or eight senior jackals.

There are a total of eighteen high-ranking gnolls in Huanggu Town, and now there are only twelve left.

Now the eight high-level wolf men and most of the sub-wolf troops are gathered in front.

This means that the rear must be empty.

Everything is ready.

Hang Yu said to Xu and Zhao, "According to the plan."

Xu Tianhua and Zhao Ming have now become Hang Yu's tacit right and left hands. Hang Yu only needs to make a plan. As for the details and implementation issues, Hang Yu doesn't need to worry at all.

Lao Zhao used to be the founder of a listed technology company.

Old Xu is a senior officer of the special warfare brigade.

They are all talented people with strong execution ability.

"Smoke ready!"

"Illusion preparation!"

"Phantom puppet is ready!"

"All troops use the starting potion!"

Order after order was delivered in an orderly manner.

Clouds of smoke or phantom light were released among the crowd, covering everyone in it, completely obscuring their figures and positions.

Dozens of clerics released phantoms as troop stand-ins, creating the illusion of another attack.

And at the same time.

Everyone drank the medicine prepared in advance.

These include tortoise breathing medicine, latent medicine, etc., sprinkled with breath-eliminating medicine powder.

Hang Yu, Xiaobai, and Ergou took the lead, followed by the others, methodically entering the opened burrow, and rushing from underground to Huangu Town at the fastest speed.

The authentic space is very large.

Follow this pace.

You can enter Huanggu Town in four or five minutes!

Temporary reporter Li Yi was allowed to follow behind the team. While leaning over and sprinting nervously in the tunnel, he explained excitedly: "We are attacking Huanggu Town directly through the tunnel according to Boss Hang's plan. This is really crazy. ! The gnolls haven't found it yet, but we will be able to break into the city soon!"

This is all right?

The real audience was dumbfounded.

All kinds of 666 suddenly swiped the screen on various live broadcast platforms.

The host was so nervous that he broke into a cold sweat, "You better not talk, if you are discovered by the wolf man in advance, you will suffer."

too crazy.

No one knows what will happen next.

Hundreds of millions of viewers who watched the live broadcast had their hearts raised in their throats.

It's like seeing the scariest moment in a horror movie.

This moment.

On the wall of Huanggu Town.

The front is shrouded in fog and phantom light.

Several high-ranking gnolls disagreed.

Using this method to cover attacks in the spirit world is a very common siege method. This can confuse the mages and archers defending the city and make most attacks fail.


These humans are too weak.

Even so, they couldn't penetrate the barrier of the city gate.

However, Luken showed a suspicious and apprehensive expression. He could feel that the breath of the alien race seemed to weaken and disappear... There was something weird in it!

He personally drew a war bow, locked on a figure in the mist, and shot a powerful arrow.

Under the observation of reconnaissance.

Ruken could see clearly.

The arrow easily penetrated the figure's body.

In the next second, the figure shattered like a bubble.

Just a phantom?

Luken fired a few more arrows.

This is the case for every target.

Luken's eyes changed and he shouted sharply: "There is a problem!"

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