Country Weapon

Chapter 258: pull...

 The **** crows and the sun rises. Liu Yuxin and Shen Lihong got up early. They had panda eyes and couldn't sleep well. </p>

They are all normal women. It is impossible to make a decision without thinking. That sound was like a magic sound, penetrating the eardrums and blasting in the ears, making the noisy people feel itchy. </p>

 One has a big belly and cannot survive; an aunt comes to visit and cannot survive. It was so sad that I could only listen to the music. I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night and had to get up early in the morning to make breakfast for a few nymphomaniacs. </p>

"Squeak!" I opened the door and took a look. Oh my God, there were people lying on the bed in various directions. Their naked bodies were covered with white flowers, **** facing breasts, and a huge pillar of black light was stuck in the middle. . The four people were snoring like thunder, one after another. Among them, Long Gen is the leader, whirring like thunder. </p>

Shen Lihong shook her head, walked over, slapped the big stick on the forehead, shook it twice, and still stood upright. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, stinky thing, it's still not stopping after a whole night? Ugh!"</p>

He made a face at Da Bangzi and pulled the quilt over several people. Firstly, he was afraid that some of them would catch cold. Seeing that the Chinese New Year would be coming in a few days, it would not be worth getting sick. Secondly, he was also afraid of seeing the **** man. The stick is black and hard. It looks scary at first glance, and I am even more afraid that I will not be able to hold it down. </p>

 Then he came in to help arrange food for Liu Yuxin. </p>

 After staying in the countryside for less than half a year, Liu Yuxin is no longer the cold-faced female doctor she used to be. She can smile when she goes out of the hall or the kitchen and meets everyone. Following a few women in the village, I can learn some rural work, kneading dough, making buns, steaming dumplings, making soup and cooking, etc. She is like a little daughter-in-law, but there is no trace of my daughter's doctor? </p>

“Sister Yuxin, you are becoming more and more capable now. Hey, I can’t even help you.” Seeing Liu Yuxin’s busy work, Shen Lihong praised her sincerely. </p>

 Isn’t it said that scholars can’t even tell the difference between leeks and wheat sprouts? But look at our little girl Yu Xin, how capable she is? </p>

"Sister Lihong, what are you talking about? The most important thing for you now is to take care of your baby. You can rest quickly and guard the canteen outside. Don't be tired." Seeing that Shen Lihong wanted to help, Liu Yuxin quickly stopped her. </p>

Shen Lihong said: "It's okay. Don't you often say that pregnant women should keep exercising so that they don't feel uncomfortable when giving birth? It's always right to move more in the morning. Besides, it's so deserted in the winter. Who knows? Are you here to buy something?"</p>

"Even if I don't do anything, wouldn't it be nice to chat with you? So that I don't have to listen to the snoring in that room!" Shen Lihong felt angry when she mentioned those people. </p>

  I had to do it before I finished eating, which made me feel numb and unable to get up and down. In the end, I lost my appetite for food. I finally fell asleep in the middle of the night and was woken up by hunger again. Get up, look for something to eat, look for something to drink, fill your stomach, and get ready to sleep again. Well, the second round of the battle next door has already started! </p>

Having been tossing it all night, it didn’t turn off the engine! </p>

“Xiaolong is like a robot, he doesn’t know how tired he is! Hey, look, how much he has tortured us women? What a disaster!” Shen Lihong sighed and unknowingly blamed Long Gen again. The **** stick always comes to mind, and my heart is beating. </p>

Liu Yuxin was chopping vegetables and said with a smile: "Yes, it is a disaster. But aren't we all happy to let him cause harm?"</p>

"Zhou Yu beat Huang Gai, and one was willing to hit and the other was willing to suffer. Who can blame him?" Liu Yuxin shook her head. Thinking about it carefully, she found it incredible. If it were before, I would never believe that I could give my heart to a little **** who has countless women! </p>

Shen Lihong nodded and said, "Sister Yuxin, tell me, what do you like about the little bastard? Do you also like that thing in the crotch?"</p>

 “Bah, Sister Lihong, what are you talking about?”</p>



 After breakfast, the sun has already hit three poles, and it’s almost eleven o’clock. If we wait a little longer, we can just have lunch. </p>

 After a night of rain and dew, Shen Lijuan had a good sleep. Shen Lijuan's face was red and she was full of energy. The only drawback was that her legs were a little slouched when she walked. </p>

"Xiaolong, Sister Xianglian and I will go to the village headquarters. After a meeting, we will go into the city. We will withdraw the money and distribute it to everyone early the day after tomorrow!"</p>

 Long Gen nodded and had no opinion. Although I don’t have time to spend time with Wu Guihua and Wang Limei, as the saying goes: “Keep it big, are you afraid of not having a wife?” </p>

 From the beginning to the end, Long Gen firmly believed: “Beautiful women are always left with big sticks!”</p>

So, after dinner, I followed Liu Yuxin to the Bastard Pond for a walk. After all, it was my first business, so I couldn’t be too harsh when I left the job. </p>

The first batch of **** eggs have been hatched, but they can only be kept in a greenhouse and raised with warm water. The weather is too cold, and the resistance of artificially hatched **** eggs is already weak. They are then thrown into a freezing pool in the cold weather. Are you going to freeze to death? </p>

"The first batch of one thousand hatched, the survival rate is 95%, which is pretty good. In terms of food, this batch of tortoises are very healthy, but they still have to prevent diseases, especially in terms of hygiene. The pool must be regularly Clean!"</p>

Back at work, Liu Yuxin once again regained her cold-faced look, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, which added a bit of indifference. </p>

"Moreover, Boss Long, don't blame me for not reminding you! Bastards don't eat much in the winter, but once it comes to summer and autumn when eggs are laid, the female Bastard's appetite increases greatly, which is not enough for your little family. !"</p>

Long Gen clicked his tongue and said with a bad smile: "Hey, my family didn't have enough food, so I ate the **** one by one!"</p>

 Liu Yuxin rolled her eyes, turned and left. Long Gen quickly followed. </p>

"By the way, after research, the feces of turtles can be used to feed fish and shrimps. Do you think you should dig another pond and raise some shrimps or something?" Liu Yuxin said seriously: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, shrimps are not necessarily better than How much cheaper is a bastard?"</p>

"In season, live shrimps can cost one to two hundred yuan per catty. No matter how bad the market is, they will never be less than three hundred and fifty-one catties. This is a lot of income, so don't blame me for not warning you!" </p>

 Long Gen was a little surprised when he heard this, but he didn't have much reaction. He just said lightly: "Let's take a look again."</p>

But I was thinking about another thing - tea. </p>

 This is the real profit-making industry. If Fang Xiaoying can really apply for a patent for her tea, and invite experts to graft it and plant it in batches, I believe that within three years at most, the tea named "Dragon Root" will be famous all over the world. If nothing else, I’m afraid I’ll be a multi-millionaire by then. I really didn't notice this little shrimp. </p>

 Furthermore, there are too many good friends in the village. As a man, you have to find a way out for your wife, right? Like the three wives of Lao Wei's family, or Yuan Xiang, Wang Limei, the man has disappeared, why can't he take good care of him? </p>

If there is any small business, just leave the business to them. </p>

Money is a good thing, but I only have one pair of hands and a big stick sticking out of my crotch. How much power can I have? </p>

 There is endless money to be made, and having more reliable women is the most important thing! </p>

“I’ll leave the **** pond to you. You just have to figure out how to do it properly. You are an expert anyway, I can trust you!”</p>

 “Ah bah!”</p>

Liu Yuxin's eyes widened and she said angrily: "Who expects you to believe it? Humph, I want to be a hands-off shopkeeper, and you still say it with high-sounding words! You have said good things about good people, do you still want to be shameless?"</p>

 “Hehe!” Long Gen smiled and said nothing. </p>

After all, she is a woman who has read books and is not easy to fool. She just said a word and immediately reacted and pushed back. </p>

Liu Yuxin rolled her eyes at Long Gen, and then said: "By the way, I'm going to the city later. Take me with you then." </p>

"No problem, I'll take care of it!" Long Gen patted his chest and suddenly leaned over in a low voice, "Sister Yu Xin, why didn't you come last night? I prepared a shot for you, a full shot. You made people wait so hard!”</p>

 Liu Yuxin blushed, stamped her feet, and shouted: "Get out!"</p>

Long Gen jumped away quickly, fearing that the woman would kick him into the **** pond and the joke would be over. </p>

Back at the canteen, Shen Lijuan also came back from the village headquarters. The few of them didn't bother to have lunch. In fact, they weren't hungry. There were plenty of snacks in the canteen, so just grab some in the car. </p>

 After discussion, Shen Lijuan, Shen Lihong and Liu Yuxin followed Long Gen to the city while Chen Ke, mother and daughter, stayed in the village. </p>

Shen Lijuan had to go get the money, and Long Gen decided to take Shen Lihong to the hospital for a good check-up and get some miscarriage and body replenishing medicine. Liu Yuxin naturally went to the city to find her best friend He Jingwen. </p>

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, Xiaolong, your car is quite comfortable, isn’t it? It’s brand new, and the **** cushions are so soft.” Shen Lihong looked left and right, touching here and picking somewhere, her eyes full of novelty. </p>

   Country woman, you don’t even see a lot of cars? I don’t even know about golf. I don’t know how much better it is than Japanese cars. Damn Mazda or Corolla, that's all bullshit! </p>

"Hey, sister, look, look, you can see the sky. Look, the sky here is so blue!" Shen Lijuan on the side was also very excited, pointing to the skylight and shouting. </p>

Long Gen smiled and said: "Don't worry, when I get rich, I will buy one for you each, and you can drive it as much as you want!" </p>

"Ah? One car per person?" Shen Lijuan was a little confused and asked quickly: "How much does this car cost?"</p>

Long Gen shook his head, looking a little ugly, and muttered: "Well, I really don't know about this. This car was given to me by the director of the police station..."</p>

Long Gen did not hide anything from his "close comrades-in-arms" and told them everything. </p>

Shen Lijuan listened to it again and again, her face suddenly darkened, and she asked: "You little bastard, did you kidnap my cousin? After that, you threatened the police officer to give you a car?"</p>

"Hehe, no, no." Long Gen smiled slyly, "It's completely friendship, friendship, not as complicated as you said. In fact, I also want to know how much this car costs? How about I call him and ask him?" </p>

“You are just rubbing salt into other people’s wounds!” Liu Yuxin shook her head and glared at Long Gen helplessly. </p>

Is this kid a human? Why did you do what a beast does? My cousin is in trouble, come back and threaten my cousin to give me a car? How shameless! </p>

"Golf, a German Volkswagen car series, yours is a joint venture product. But it is already very good, the highest configuration of this car! I think it costs at least 140,000!"</p>

"What? 140,000?" Shen Lijuan's eyes almost rolled out of her eyes in shock. When Shen Lihong heard this number, she took a deep breath! </p>

 One hundred and forty thousand, I can count them until my hands cramp! </p>

Shen Lijuan was shocked and said: "One hundred and forty thousand, which is enough for me to pay everyone two and a half years' salary. Alas..."</p>

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