Counterfeit Hero

Volume 10, Chapter 79, Leading the Army [2]

McKinley sat down next to the fat man.

Decades of military career have given this elegant middle-aged man the calm temperament of a lion and the deportment of a standard soldier. He put his hands on his knees, his back straight, and his gleaming eyes staring at the tactical computer screen. After a moment, he said slowly: "You should understand his painstaking efforts."

The fat man followed McKinley's gaze and looked at the tactical computer, remaining silent. His fingers bounced back and forth on the virtual keyboard on the armrest of his seat unconsciously, but none of the command keys were triggered.

Hastings had been sitting here directing the battle a few minutes ago. His skinny and old hands were beating on the virtual keyboard, although slowly, but calmly and calmly. Under his command, nearly a hundred *-level fleets fighting on the front line were able to move freely whether they were supporting and covering, outflanking, frontally attacking, or interspersed with assaults.

But now, he was lying in the treatment cabin of the medical mecha, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Thinking back to Hastings' last question and his laughter that suddenly stopped, Fatty felt as if his heart was blocked by something.

How could he not understand Hastings' painstaking efforts?

When the old man's laughter stopped suddenly and he fainted, he stood on the command seat and watched Margaret hug Hastings and the medical staff rushed up to tear off his shirt. Carry out emergency treatment and watch him being sent to the treatment cabin and soaked in the green liquid.

He had to use all his strength to control himself and not leave this seat.

The fat man understood the old man.

Although Hastings is known as the military god of the Fei League. However, he is a human being after all, and he has the same qualities and problems as most soldiers.

He is patriotic, defensive, tough, and regards honor as his life.

As early as thirty years ago, he single-handedly brought the Feiyang Republic to the throne of the first superpower, making it invincible and invincible. In terms of achievement, he has reached the pinnacle of a military career.

He could have persisted in his initial inaction during the war. Let this terminally ill Democratic Alliance go through the flames of war; let those soldiers who have been weakened by peace and nourished by victory and become arrogant to know themselves again; let countless young officers leave his shelter, grow up in the wind and rain, and be with their country. Reborn from the ashes together.

In that case, he will still be the undefeated God of War.

His achievements will become eternal legends, and his name will become the brightest and most dazzling star in human military history.

No one can accuse him of anything. No matter how harsh a historian is, it is impossible to ask a terminally ill old man to do more and better than he did.

That would be a perfect life ending

However, he gave up.

When people gradually understood his difficulties; when he had acquiesced in Li Fo's status; when his body was much weaker than at the beginning of the war, and he entered the countdown of his life... He ignored the legacy of democracy in history. He was criticized for being retrogressive and brazenly disbanded the upper house of the Fiji Union Parliament. Regardless of his image collapsing in the eyes of his admirers, he attacked the radical Feiyang officer group, expelled Li Fut, and amidst the scoldings of the people, he led the Feiyang allied fleet south that was most likely to be used by Li Fut, and in Feiyan At the most critical moment, he refused to send troops back to Trifland.

Fatty knew that all this was because of himself.

When Hastings chose himself as his successor, he embarked on this path that was misunderstood, criticized and even cursed without hesitation. He equipped the twelfth-generation mechas to the bandit army, handed over the Phantom Fleet to himself, allocated 7 trillion yuan, and did everything he could for himself.

The battle before him was the last wealth he left to himself.

From the moment the battle entered the stalemate stage, Fatty understood that the old man's body could not support such an intense battle. His fight with Sober was a teaching lesson for himself from the beginning. This is why he waited for him to come back before starting the war

He passed on a lifetime of conducting experience. And what he paid was the price he least wanted to pay - failure.

Thinking of this, Hastings' laughter seemed to ring in Fatty's ears again. He fully understood how uncomfortable and relieved the old man felt when he said the two words "retreat", which destined the outcome of this confrontation.

He used his last undefeated reputation to complete this teaching lesson. And the students he taught used the word "retreat" to prove that his efforts were not in vain. .

McKinley looked at the fat man's profile quietly. Perhaps because of his fat appearance, the young Admiral Leray looks younger than his actual age.

McKinley had met him on various occasions. He had seen this guy's eyes rolling around and pointing at the big hole in Li Fo's nose on the communication channel; he had also seen this guy holding a sniper rifle and killing people on the rooftop of the space city in the center of Heidfield with a ferocious look on his face. More often, I see him with a simple and flattering smile, being submissive in front of Hastings.

But now, the young man lowered his head and his eyes were red. The flying spirit was replaced by heaviness.

"Are you sure?" McKinley sighed silently and changed the subject.

Leading this allied force is no easy task. Even if he retreats, Fatty will still face many difficulties. It can even be said that retreat is now more difficult than frontal combat. After all, in front of a famous general like Sobol, as long as there is a slight flaw, it will be doomed.

"No." Fatty shook his head, looked up at the tactical computer, took a deep breath and said, "However, since he gave me this position, I can't let him down no matter what."

"Don't be anxious, and don't put too much pressure on yourself." McKinley patted the fat man on the shoulder.

From beginning to end, he stood beside Hastings and Fatty, witnessing everything Hastings taught Fatty.

He didn't understand why Hastings had the luxury of using this unprecedented battle as a classroom, but only taught Fatty the basic tactics; he didn't know how much Fatty could learn from it. However, since this is Hastings's choice, all he needs to do is trust and execute.

"War commanders are most afraid of impatience. You need time to digest what the Marshal taught you." McKinley said: "Remember, there is me, General Russell and all the generals who follow the Marshal by your side. .We are your supporters no matter what.”

The fat man raised his head, looked into McKinley's eyes, and slowly raised an arc at the corner of his mouth.

Although it was just a smile, McKinley felt that the fat man who drove a shabby mecha to challenge the entire Dexik Hunter Mecha Regiment, surrendered in tears on Canglang Planet but beat the enemy commander half to death, was back again .

"So..." The fat man was about to speak, when suddenly, there was a noise next to him.

The fat man turned his head and glanced in the direction of the noise, and said to McKinley, "General McKinley, I'm afraid some people have different ideas than you."

McKinley turned around in surprise and saw a group of Fei League generals striding over, ignoring the military police's restraints.

The leaders were none other than Barras and Fujii Tsuyoshi.

"General McKinley," as soon as he walked in front of him, Barras automatically filtered out the fat man on the command seat and said to McKinley: "What happened to your Excellency, Marshal?"

"The marshal is unwell, and the medical team is undergoing treatment. I don't know the specific situation." McKinley narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced over the faces of the generals who looked unhappy, and said calmly, "Now is the time to fight with the enemy. This is an extraordinary period when the army is at war. Regarding the marshal’s condition, we will wait until the battle is over.”

"During a battle?" Barras smiled coldly: "I would like to ask the general, since it is a battle period, why do you leave us in the base camp and not let us go back to command the battle?"

Baras's words immediately attracted the echo of other Fei League generals.

"Yeah, what do you mean by leaving us here?"

"What crime have we committed?"


The entire podium suddenly became chaotic.

"Generals," McKinley looked at everything in front of him and shouted angrily: "Please pay attention to your words and deeds. Now is not the time to discuss this issue. What you should do is to stay in your position and wait. Is the battle over?"

"Battle?" Fujii Tsuyoshi sneered and stood out from the crowd: "Who directed the battle?"

He turned his head to the fat man, looked up and down with disdain, and asked knowingly, "Is this General Tian?"

"Yes" McKinley said with a serious look on his face.

As soon as McKinley finished speaking, Fujii raised his head and said quickly and loudly in a more straightforward tone: "I'm sorry, I refuse to recognize his command authority."

Fujii Tsuyoshi's words were like a bomb falling into deep water, causing a huge explosion in the sky.

Refusing to recognize the right to command is almost like a blatant declaration of separation from the Southeastern Alliance by the Lane people.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely tense.

"Fujii" Not only were the people around him stunned, but even Machia didn't expect Fujii Tsuyoshi to do this at all. He stood next to Fujii Tsuyoshi and whispered: "What are you...".

"I have no intention of leaving the coalition," Fujii Tsuyoshi said calmly: "Don't say that I am still in the base camp. They can deal with me with just one order. Even if I am in my own fleet, I never thought of leading it at such a time. The fleet breaks away from the coalition."

He looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the face of the honest fat man, and he smiled coldly: "I just refuse to recognize the command authority of General Tian."


Everyone turned around after hearing the sound, only to see the fat man poking his head with curiosity on his face.

"Because you are not worthy of taking over from Marshal Hastings to fight Sobol," Takey Fujii said with a frosty face. "No matter what, I will not let the command of the Southeastern Alliance fall to a person who does not open the door to preserve his own strength." The coalition forces are now so passive in the hands of villains."







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