Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 34 The goal is...

After the military off-road vehicles left, countless military policemen drove over in heavy armored vehicles and mechas with sirens screaming, and surrounded the entire block. The leader was a group of soldiers wearing bandit uniforms. These tough soldiers seemed to have already known what was happening here. The first thing they did after rushing out of the car was to go straight to Hansford, put him in a body bag, and put him on an armored transport truck. Walk. And those police officers, police officers, plainclothes officers and policemen from the intelligence bureau who followed them all stayed calmly in the distance while the bandit army was doing their business, without even glancing this way. Only after waiting for the bandits to roar away, several senior officials led a brief inspection of the scene, and then quickly cleaned up. As for Guan Cheng, he was immediately found and taken away by a police deputy director. When he left, he was so frightened by the explosion that he fled the building. His colleagues who gathered in the street and talked about it couldn't help but look at him in surprise. Immediately, various rumors and gossip about Guan Cheng began to spread. Each statement is different, but the conclusion of each statement is roughly the same. In everyone's opinion, this usually quiet little clerk must be closely related to the explosion. Already thirty-seven years old, but with a bleak future, he is facing the pressure of losing his job. A taciturn character is most likely to go to extremes. Obviously, being taken away by a gangster would not do anything good. And with such a stain, in a company like a bank, it basically means that his life is over. However, to everyone's surprise, Guan Cheng returned to the bank on the third day after the incident and continued to repeat his life and work. It seemed like nothing happened. Many people wanted to get some news out of him. However, Guan Cheng always responded with a slight smile, then shook his head and stubbornly said nothing. This made many people angry. Even a senior director of the bank scolded Guan Cheng at work because of his ignorance and threatened to tell him to get out. However, it was this senior director who was originally in charge of a powerful department who finally got out. On the day he failed to inquire about the gossip and scolded Guan Cheng angrily, he was called into the office by the chairman of the bank and was subsequently demoted to a branch office in a small city. When autumn came, Guan Cheng had become a mid-level manager of the bank, and had risen to the top because he had entered the sight of the bank's board of directors at some point. As his position improved, people were surprised to find that this man, who was originally silent and withdrawn, became cheerful. He is humorous and full of witty remarks. Not only is he easy to deal with in interpersonal relationships, but he also shows an ability in work that is even more surprising and admirable than his previous diligence.

This made everyone admire the vision of the senior management of the board of directors. Many years later, when Guan Cheng finally retired as a bank CEO, people would still think of this man who was always optimistic and relaxed from time to time, and were always impressed by his broad mind and unique personality charm. However, until Guan Cheng's death, his superiors, friends, and even his wife and children did not learn from him what happened that day. Everything was submerged in the long river of time, hidden in the deepest part of Guan Cheng's forever closed mind and walked into the tomb with him. People only know that that day, Hansford was beaten to death while resisting arrest, and that the bank received a deposit of more than 300 billion Fiji dollars with additional conditions on that day. No one connected all this with Guan Cheng. Three hundred billion Fiji, for a regional bank in the Leray Federation, is simply an unimaginable astronomical figure. It was this amount of money that allowed the bank to cooperate with larger institutions and grow from a regional bank to a well-known bank in the southeastern star region. The only one who knew any clues was Guan Cheng's wife. Because, in the days that followed, this man who was looked down upon by others before but was later envied by her sisters, friends and colleagues because her good luck belonged to her, always appeared on the TV screen when the hero of the Leray Federation appeared. , become focused. The woman didn't know when or under what circumstances the man had an encounter with the hero of the entire Federation, but she knew that something magical must have happened.

And, it’s enough to change a person’s destiny! ................................................................. ......................... Police cars with sirens, military armored vehicles and mechas with roaring engines were left far behind at one intersection after another. Behind, the military off-road vehicle driving on the picturesque green grassy lakeside road in Garipalan became farther and farther away. Gradually, it became only the faint noise in the center of the bustling city. "Fat man," the little kid stuck his head out of the car window and squinted his eyes to blow the wind, "What were you thinking when you swung that knife?" "I was wondering if my posture when I killed that bastard was handsome enough. "The fat man drove the car and smacked his lips. There was still the stern look in his eyes after he was angry and brandished a knife. For a guy like Hansford, he had no mental burden at all when slicing his opponent's neck. On the battlefield, he had killed thousands of enemies, but none of them made him feel that he deserved to be killed more than this scumbag! Especially when he thought of the people who sacrificed their lives for this country, Fatty even wanted to kill people like Hansford with a thousand knives! The flying car speeds along the road, and the sun shines through the shade of the trees on the street, breaking into golden spots on the ground. The winding road is clean and quiet, and among the woods passing by, the lawns are green and tidy. Further away, there is the sparkling lake, and several wild ducks are flapping their wings, chasing and playing on the water.

"It's a pity that there is only one audience." The little kid sighed. With the abilities of a little kid, he had naturally discovered Guan Cheng as soon as he appeared, and with his ability to control the entire Lelei Federation Skynet, he was able to transform from a billion people in a few seconds to I accurately found the information of this person - a clerk who was not very successful in his career and whose financial situation was deteriorating. He had a kind heart. Although he was trembling when he called the police, he finally mustered up the courage. "I don't know what that guy will say when he is questioned after seeing our gorgeous performance." The kid was a little resentful. There is only one audience, either 100% positive reviews or 100% negative reviews. If he were to be booed by the entire audience, Pi Ye would obviously feel extremely embarrassed. "If he has vision and praises us, we will give him a surprise," the fat man touched his chin: "If this guy has no vision..." "What?" The kid's eyes lit up. "Just say he killed those people." The fat man looked angry: "Let him also engage in a career like a hero." "Good idea." The little kid said with a bad smile, suddenly his eyes condensed, and he said to the fat man: "Fat man, the latest battle report from Metis has been sent back. Margaret asked you to hurry to the command center." "Got it!" The fat man suddenly pulled the gun control lever, and the flying car flew violently in the forest of sunlight. Turning sideways, the flat chassis made an elegant horizontal body almost touching the ground.

While turning his head 180 degrees, he jumped into the air and shot out like an arrow. ................................................................. .....................In the pitch-black starry sky, scarred battleships exited the jumping points one after another. When the officers and soldiers of the fleets from various Western countries gathered at the portholes of their respective battleships or in front of the screens of their telescopes, they saw the big holes in the bodies of these battleships, the overturned upper decks, and the ships that were bombarded into scrap metal. When the main gun and the bridge looked like a mess of scrap metal, everyone couldn't help but look at each other in shock, and there was a commotion. This is Admiral Goode's eighth unsuccessful attack. For thirty-five hours, eight consecutive attacks were launched, but the final result was that the fleet was covered with scars, leaving behind its fallen comrades, and exiting the jumping point again and again. Not only did Goode's violent bear fleet itself suffer heavy casualties, but even the West York fleet that followed him in launching the attack had already changed three batches. The first to be replaced were the two fleets of the Monterey Empire that originally cooperated with the Violent Bear Fleet. During the third assault, the fleets of these two groups suffered losses as high as 45%, completely losing their combat capabilities. Banning immediately removed it and replaced it with two other fleets of Western countries with equally powerful combat capabilities.

However, they did not persist in the two-man attack, and the two newly replaced group fleets were also disabled one after another. Forced to have no choice but to change the fleet for the third time, Banning mobilized two Binart Empire fleets that originally belonged to the central main force cluster under his direct jurisdiction. This time, the situation seems to be much better. Under the command of Goode, during the sixth assault, the Binarts and the powerful Tyrannosaurus Fleet even forced the bandit army 200,000 kilometers away, forcing Russell to join his command. Four of the reserve fleets forced the Western-Jordan coalition fleet out of the jumping point. However, that was already the closest to the strategic goal among the eight attacks launched by Goode. In the next two attacks, the bandits fought harder. Even if the coalition forces wanted to advance one kilometer, they had to pay a huge price. After all the battleships exited the jumping point, the officers and soldiers of Xijiao stopped counting and fell into a deathly silence. Less than four of the six violent bear fleets are left, and only half of the six Binart fleets are left! This means that even if you are as crazy as Gude, you can't continue to attack. In the flagship command room, Banning frowned deeply and sat on the command seat, silent for a long time. The surrounding staff officers and coalition generals also remained silent. The solemn expressions on everyone's faces made the atmosphere in the entire command hall seem extremely depressing. "General, Admiral Goode's communication has been connected." Mandanda walked to Banning and whispered respectfully.

Banning nodded, stood up, glanced at the Skynet screen again, and then strode towards the communications room. Seeing his back disappearing through the thick automatic door of the confidential communications room, all the officers looked at each other, their eyes full of worry. Sitting down on the large and soft sofa, Banning's body almost completely sunk into it. There were no lights on in the communication room. Apart from the bright communication screen on the front, only the Skynet battle report data was rolling around, and the stars on the electronic interstellar map were shining faintly. Although Banning already knew from previous battle reports that this attack was very difficult and brutal. But when Good appeared on the communication screen, he was still startled by the bandage on Good's shoulder and the black, white and red ravines on his face made of sweat and blood. He suddenly stood up and asked with concern. "Are you injured?" "During the retreat, the bridge was hit by a heavy cruiser of the Chakna people and was slightly affected." Good shook his head and looked at his blood-soaked shoulder bandage, nonchalantly. He said authentically: "It's nothing serious, just a skin injury." "That's good." Banning breathed a sigh of relief, walked back and forth a few steps, and looked at Goode: "What do you think of the fight so far?" "I must I have to admit, this is the toughest bone I have encountered in these years!" Goode gritted his teeth and said: "They dare to fight hard, have extremely strong fighting power, and have a tacit understanding of cooperation.

If we want to open a channel from here to the Leray Central Star Domain before General Sobol's main force arrives, then I suggest that we invest all our forces now! "Invest all fleets now. What if the opponent still ambush the fleet at the jumping point?" "Banning sat down on the sofa, supporting his chin with his hand, his eyes gloomy. You must know that the fleet headed north to attack the Metis system under the leadership of Russell is not only the Chakna and Chakna currently blocked at the jump point. Feiyang battleship. The real main force of the bandit army, with stealth technology, impact tactics and overwhelming fighter swarms, are ten other bandit fleets and nine [Doomsday] class space carriers! These are the Feiyang Alliance The most feared existence in the coalition forces! What's even worse is that now these battleships have disappeared! To be able to join the ranks of contemporary famous generals, Banning relies not on flattery and exaggeration, but on his profound attainments in strategy and tactics! Therefore, he understands better than anyone else that in an offensive and defensive battle at a jump point, because the defender cannot determine the coordinates chosen by the attacking fleet, it cannot launch a well-prepared fatal attack. It can only obtain the initiative of the few minutes during the opponent's jump stasis period. Right. However, when all the attacking fleets jumped out of the jumping point, this *** disappeared. Because, at this time, every attacking warship that could not determine its position would have a For sure, no matter where you move, there will be corresponding changes in the coordinates. Just like a product label, or a chess piece that has fallen on the chessboard, let your opponent stare, watch, and calculate! At this time, It is the most dangerous. When it comes to chess pieces, Banning does not like playing chess. He likes playing cards and his card skills are also good. And whether it is his military attainments or his experience at the card table, it is clear to him that in the Knowing that the opponent has a big card but failing to force the opponent to take it out, he rashly plays out the trump card in his hand. This is definitely a stupid move. Therefore, Banning is not afraid of how brutal the jump point is, nor is he afraid of Russell's command skills are so superb. Because he knew that the troops in his hands were enough to win the battle of the jumping point. He sent Goode to storm the jumping point again and again, just to force out Russell's trump card. Only when those The battleships hidden in the dark revealed their traces... Whether they set up an ambush in the obstacle area, formed an encirclement in the surrounding airspace, behind themselves, or even viciously selected a certain place. Lu Ze lined up in the airspace and waited quietly... As long as the opponent appeared, it would be the time for him to lead the main force of West York to attack with all his strength! At that time, he would personally lead the main force of the coalition and follow the Good Fleet Behind him, he used a more ferocious charge than Goode to tear Russell and his fleet into pieces! However, Banning was angry for a moment - after eight attacks, Goode failed to force out Russell's trump card. Not to mention those invisible fleets, even the bandit A-class fleet that Russell had on hand guarded the flagship from beginning to end without taking any action. All battles were carried out by Chuckner The two group fleets and the Feiyang fleet equipped with five double-headed eagle A-class fleets took over. In these more than thirty hours of fighting, the Western-Jordan coalition forces have lost more than eight A-class fleets. This brutal attack made many officers and soldiers of the Western-York Allied Forces feel uneasy. They didn't understand why he used this fueling tactic to fight the bandits. They didn't understand that this tactic was the most correct choice. They were just complaining and whispering to each other. There were even many coalition generals with gloomy faces, as if he was deliberately using them as cannon fodder! This is why Banning had secret conversations with Goode. But he didn't expect that Gude's suggestion was to attack with the entire army! Doesn't he understand the mystery of this? Looking at Banning's gloomy eyes, Goode did not flinch. He replied: "General, I can confirm that the main fleet of the bandits will not be at the jumping point!" "Oh?" Banning's back straightened unknowingly, "Tell me your reasons!" General Banning, although I just came back from the battle, I bet that those idiot aristocratic officers in the coalition are already angry at us for treating them as cannon fodder!" Goode snorted coldly, showing a hint of disdain. smile. Banning smiled helplessly. .

He knew how much Gude hated the nobles who looked down on him because of his race. Sadly, the facts were exactly as he had guessed. The officers of the fleets from various Western countries had shown their weakness and anger without hesitation. Perhaps when Goode was commanding the battle, he sent out a few more reconnaissance ships that were destined to die, which gave other countries' fleets a hard time. However, in the mouths of those noble officers, these mistakes were magnified tenfold and a hundredfold. However... Banning smiled slightly, waved his hand gently, and did not answer his colleague's question, but asked: "Does this have any direct relationship with your judgment? ?" "Admiral Banning, the battle reports of every previous battle have been submitted to you," Good said seriously, "So you should know that we fought hard. Russell also felt uncomfortable. Although his loss It's less than us, but when combined, there are more than two A-class fleets lost, and more importantly, the battleships of Chakna and Feiyang were sacrificed." When Banning heard this, a sudden light came into his mind. As soon as he appeared, he said quickly: "You mean..." "The Chakna and Feiyang fleets also fought hard!" Good said coldly: "Moreover, even after they were forced back twenty Ten thousand kilometers away, even when a Feiyang fleet in the middle was surrounded by me and was in danger, Russell did not use the bandit reserve fleet in his hand."

Banning stood up suddenly and walked back and forth. Gude's voice echoed in his ears. "Like our noble allies, Chakna and the Feiyang fleet are just allies of the Lere people. They are also human beings. They are human beings, and they don't want to be pushed to the front and used as cannon fodder." Goode sneered: "However, from beginning to end, in these eight battles, the Chakna and Feiyang people fought tenaciously without any intention of retreating. Russell's orders were carried out very resolutely, which shows... ....." "This shows that they know their position in the battlefield battle, and they have been mentally prepared for the tasks they shoulder!" Banning interrupted Goode's words and said quickly. "Yes!" Good said loudly, "I am not good at strategic decision-making and deployment. I can judge the intentions and ideas of the opponent's commander in frontal combat, assess the opponent's combat effectiveness and morale, and find and seize the opponent in continuous attacks. "My weakness is my strength. Therefore, I can be sure that the fighting will of Chakna and Feiyang's fleet has not changed from the beginning to the end!" "You are right. If there is no sufficient reason, Chakna and Feiyang's fleet will fight." The Republic of China will never be so desperate." Banning agreed, "And this sufficient reason is obviously not that they still hope to hide their secrets after we launched eight attacks to gradually consume their troops. stealth fleet."

"Hmph..." Goode said contemptuously: "If we were to do this, I'm afraid our allies would have scolded us long ago!" Banning smiled bitterly, regarding Goode's treatment of the noble officers of the allied forces. There was nothing he could do about his grievances. He stared at the interstellar map for a long time, and then said slowly: "Then, the only question now is, where did Russell put his bandit fleet?" While talking to himself, he turned to look Goode: "Obviously, Russell will not withdraw the fleet to Leray. If he wants Chakna and Feiyan to intercept us consciously and without regrets, there must be someone with greater interests than ambushing us at the jumping point. Plan." Goode shrugged his shoulders, looking helpless. He really didn't have any good suggestions for this type of problem. In fact, he could not guess the whereabouts of the bandit fleet, which was why he had never mentioned his judgment to Banning before. Banning was pacing back and forth. Suddenly, he stopped and stared at the cobweb-like Mars Channel around the main channel on the interstellar map, his eyes straight. Good followed Banning's gaze in confusion. After a moment, he suddenly remembered the description of the Newton Galaxy jump point in a document from the surviving battleships of the Sheldon fleet. "Those bandit space carriers can be converted into destroyer-level combat ships." A Binart battleship captain said, "We thought that we had destroyed them.

But I didn't expect that they opened automatically. The derailment of the frigate and mothership was simply a trap! "Thinking of this, Goode turned his attention to Banning, and Banning also looked at him at the same time. "Mars Channel! "The two people exclaimed. Banning rushed to the interstellar map, grabbed the electronic pen, and while marking all the Mars-sized channels shown on the interstellar map, he said quickly: "The size of a destroyer is completely acceptable. Passing through the Mars *** Channel. Russell is here to contain us to buy time for the bandit fleet! Then, his goal must be..." After saying this, Banning raised his head and was about to look at the communication screen, but his eyes suddenly froze on the porthole. I saw outside the porthole, The two group fleets that the Desik Empire transferred to the coalition from its capital Zeus system passed between the coalition warships, broke away from the cluster, and hurried toward the jump channel. Hundreds of warships turned collectively, completely ignoring the formation. The coalition fleet was in chaos. "What's going on? Who gave the order?" "Banning's eyes were dancing with angry flames. Goode on the screen had also noticed this sudden change. He gritted his teeth and said sternly: "I don't think we can annex Desi by joining West York. Gram is the biggest mistake made by the Naga Federation. These idiots! "Banning clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Just when he strode towards the console and was about to pick up the communicator. The automatic door opened with a buzz. Mandanda rushed in with a face full of sweat and panic. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted urgently: "General!" Banning suddenly turned back and looked at him coldly. "Twenty hours ago, the bandit fleet suddenly appeared in the Athena galaxy, and together with the joint fleets of the Tapu countries led by Long Xiao and Jedinak, they attacked the Desik Empire fleet stationed in the space of the Golden Fleece Immigration Star. And half an hour ago, we launched an attack on the Zeus system where Desik's capital is located, and are currently attacking the jumping point..." Mandanda reported a long paragraph quickly in one breath, and finally, while Avoiding Banning's increasingly cold gaze, he swallowed and said with difficulty: "...Desik is calling for urgent help!" "Pop!" The electronic pen in Banning's hand was pressed hard by him. Break it into two pieces! .


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