Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 12 Reasons

Not to mention that Feiyang and the people of the member countries of the Fiji League did not believe their glasses, even the senior leaders of the hostile Western countries were dumbfounded when they saw the TV video sent back by the agents.

They say that the emperor of a certain country likes to strip naked and run around naked in the royal garden. They believe it. They may believe that the universe will be destroyed in a certain year and month, and that God will come tomorrow. However, Hastings declared a de facto dictatorship by imposing martial law on Feyon and dissolving the upper house of the Union Parliament. , no one can believe it.

He is Feiyang's hero, the supreme military god, and an idol worshiped by all democratic countries and even many Western York generals.

In terms of power and status, neither President Feiyang, nor the Speaker of the Alliance Parliament, nor even the former Chairman of the Supreme United Parliament of Mankind can reach his height. He is the most special and noble being in a democracy. If he wants to become a dictator, he has 10,950 chances.

Every day for thirty years, he could take this step!

But he never did.

The old man sat quietly in his wheelchair. Never participate in politics, never fight for power and gain. If it hadn't been for this war, perhaps he would have aged and passed away so quietly, leaving behind the light of the epic battle thirty years ago and his name shining in history.

But today, he has become a dictator who is destined to be reviled by others and will leave a stigma in history.

Why did he do this?

No one knows the answer. Everyone just knows that no matter how you look at it, this is not a sudden change.

After Hastings delivered a speech, President Zhao Xi immediately announced his decision to support Hastings in the name of the Supreme Commander of the National Armed Forces. At the same time, garrisons in Feiyang's major administrative regions took to the streets to implement martial law and curfew. People were warned to stay at home, and the military was on combat readiness. The rumble of mechas and the roar of fighter jets flying across the sky were endless.

The Fifa Union Parliament Building in Heidfield, the capital, was closed immediately. Congressmen who usually enjoyed the special protection provided by Feiyang were arrested, expelled, or restricted from residence.

Facing those soldiers with serious expressions and arrogant behavior, the congressmen had no way to reason or make representations. At best, their angry cries echoed through the empty room.

And just two hours later, many of them were handed over to the Alliance Court by the Feiyang government together with a criminal investigation report that was unknown when it started and was so detailed that even they themselves could not remember the details. These include bribery, organized crime, tax evasion, rape and reselling of controlled substances, and other crimes that would not pose any threat to them in ordinary times.

At the same time, offices of multiple new departments appeared in government buildings in various major administrative regions. These departments, in addition to the security and defense, energy, transportation, and customs that were taken over by the military, there is also an agency called the News Control Center.

This organization, which people have never heard of, has just emerged and quickly entered all major media, controlling all media including television, networks, newspapers and magazines. All news and program releases must be reviewed by this department. The complete staffing and skilled and systematic work are obviously not something that a newly established organization can achieve.

All of this was like a big net that suddenly enveloped the entire Feiyang. Although people's hearts were in turmoil, under this long-planned and powerful control, all the Feiyang administrative districts were calm and could not tolerate any disturbance.

People go to work and go home as usual. The only difference is that there are no more stern-faced soldiers with loaded guns at those intersections, and there are no guests spewing foam at the mouth on those TV stations.

All the impetuousness and noise, at this moment, were suppressed by unknown fears and worries.

Whether it is the people of the Fiji League, the politicians who are jumping up and down shouting about democracy, or some people who are ready to take action and fear that the world will not be chaotic, they all closed their mouths and watched in silence.

They don't know what will happen in the future, but they understand that Hastings is definitely not an old fool!

Since he did it, he had his reasons.

For the reason that he is willing to sacrifice his own reputation and be reviled by others, he will use the most direct and cruel method to remove the stumbling blocks that block the way forward.

At this moment, the only ones who dare to jump out in front of him, except madmen, are idiots!



"General..." Alex Gambill walked behind Li Fo and called softly.

Li Fu stood in front of the wall with Hastings' portrait hanging in the study, raising his head, his eyes flashing, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"We should issue a statement at this time..." The chief adviser of the Liver Think Tank, who has the same surname as former interim President Gambill and is actually undisclosed by blood, whispered: "Hastings' behavior, It must have aroused dissatisfaction and anger among many people, and this is our opportunity to win over public opinion and get more people in the country to support us!”

"No, we won't do anything." Li Fu shook his head slowly.

Gambhir was silent and did not speak.

Li Fu looked at him and smiled slightly.

Gambier is like this, he never asks himself why, he doesn't say it, even if he habitually frowns because of confusion like now, he never tries to find a reason.

Because he understood his identity very well and knew that he would never have to explain anything to him.

"Do you know why Te still gave me a chance to participate in this war even though he knew which path I was going to take?" Li Fu turned back and stared at Hastings in the portrait.

"I don't know." Gambier shook his head.

"You don't know, not because you are not smart enough, but because you have not stood at the position and height where we stand..." Li Fu said calmly.

He looked at Hastings's eyes in the portrait for a long time before continuing: "Actually, the reason is very simple, because he knows that if the Fei League continues like this, we will definitely lose this war. I want to do In fact, it is something he has wanted to do for a long time!"


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