Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 79 Mad Night, Second Movement (Part 1)

10:30 p.m. This is when Ninth Street nightlife begins to blossom.

However, on this bright moonlit night with few stars, Yan Wuyingge's life of feasting and feasting was shattered by an invisible hand.

People heading to Ninth Street found themselves stopped a few blocks away by police roadblocks and armed national security officers, and were not allowed to go any further. The soldiers and mechas of the capital garrison that could be seen everywhere on the road only aggravated the tense atmosphere.

Some guys who were bold and did not believe in evil tried to leave the road and go through the alleys into the ninth block. However, without exception, they were either stopped by the police at the alley or a group of soldiers or soldiers descended from the sky. The riot police pressed against the wall and searched him, they were so scared that they were pissed off.

The noisy neighborhood gradually fell silent. People were persuaded to leave their seats in confusion. Seeing the police cars and mecha soldiers filling the streets, and seeing the same confused flow of people and cars under several deserted space cities, no matter how stupid you are, you will know that something big has happened.

The Capital Garrison Base, the Ministry of National Defense, the National Security Bureau, and the Military Intelligence Bureau are now in chaos.

When gods fight, common people suffer. This sentence could not be more appropriate to use here.

Ordinary staff and soldiers who don't know the details are fine. When something big happens, they don't need to take any responsibility. They can go wherever they should be sent, set up roadblocks when they need to, and divert the crowd when they need to. They only need to do their jobs well.

Anyway, after the war broke out, Heidfield was attacked not once or twice by Western York latent agents and terrorists.

Those who are really anxious about this are the senior officials of various defense agencies.

These usually aloof and mysterious garrison commanders, senior defense officials, and national security and military intelligence directors have now become ants on a hot pot.

It stands to reason that anyone who can reach the position of the highest controller of such a violent organization is someone who has seen big scenes. All kinds of storms and waves have come over, and we have seen many life-and-death incidents. We have also done many things where someone put a gun to the head or started killing in a hail of bullets. From this point of view, it seems that a person lies down at the door of the devil's paradise and stands there stupidly. Dozens of people didn't seem like much.

However, only they know how complicated the power struggle behind the entire Feiyang is.

No matter what decision is made, if you are not careful, you may become a victim of the families that control the highest power in this country.

The Presidential Palace, now silent, and the Military Ministry. No bite either.

The military god old man seemed not to know that his granddaughter and the fat man from Lelei were chatting with a group of young people with the most noble status in the country under the blue star screen on the top floor of the space city in the center of the city. I don’t know how many guns and mechas are surrounding Alaska Space City at this moment.

Francis' assassination has marked the collapse of the world order.

Originally, everyone thought that after the God of War returned, everything would still be under control on the surface. But no one expected that the old guy would be more ruthless. The fat man he brought from the Leray Federation killed Miller as if he were killing a chicken.

Not only did he kill them, but he also left several guys from the Bull family and the Heinrich family who were misbehaving with Miller outside. He continued to party as if nothing was wrong, drinking, singing and living in a state of intoxication.

Everyone knows who Miller is.

This is a scumbag, but no one has been able to touch him all these years.

But now, he is dead and there is no one to collect his body wherever he lies. It is like a grand exhibition.

What if Fatty and Margaret gave everyone a chance to settle the matter today, but took the risk and killed Miller after holding a party? Go home safely amid laughter and laughter, and you don’t have to wait until dawn for Feiyang’s situation to turn aside. ….

No one knows what Fatty and Margaret will talk to those young people. But you can be sure that it won't be as simple as reminiscing about old times. The families behind those young people will get the clearest signal, and will also understand on this night that Hastings is still unchallengeable.

Ten days were enough for them to make those wavering families and the political parties, parliamentarians and government agencies controlled by the families completely turn to them. No matter how well-planned the people on Li Fo's side are, if they lose tonight's battle for the weather vane, they will be completely defeated.

Since you don't dare challenge Hastings, don't pretend to be a big-tailed wolf.

Even those who were tied onto the boat by them would probably jump off quickly at this time!

The laws of human society are nothing more than a piece of waste paper during times of war. Although this level of struggle is not as good as an all-out civil war, the meaning and effect are exactly the same. No one would be stupid enough to use the law to stop the process. The role of law is just a tool used by the victors to murder the losers after the results are produced!

To use a common saying, once they lose the presidential election, what awaits Barbara and the Miller family will be legal sanctions.

By that time, there will be more than 10,000 pieces of evidence to assassinate the president.

Whether it's true or false, it's all true.

And something like the public murder of Miller will be selectively ignored. Even if you have a million evidences and witnesses, it is still false. The judge will just throw it in the trash without even looking at it.

It's cruel, but this is the reality in war times! You are not the only one who died unjustly!

therefore. As the guardians of this city, whether it is the commander of the garrison or the heads of major agencies, the only thing they can do now is to pretend that they cannot see anything, but use excuses such as arresting wanted criminals and cracking down on pornography and illegal activities to block off the streets. . Ensure that the situation does not escalate due to civilian casualties.



After taking a look at a security mecha at the street corner and a few soldiers with guns and ammunition, Fleischer threw away his cigarette butts and strode into Tange Space City, which is located four hundred meters east of Alaska Space City.

Tange Space City is 2,300 meters high and is a medium-sized space city.

Due to windproof and safety needs, the outer walls of almost all modern space cities are transparent closed curtain walls. Even missiles cannot easily penetrate them. Even if an out-of-control flying car or small spaceship hits them, they cannot be destroyed. . Therefore, the only place that can be used for sniping is the top floor of the space city.

Fleischer, surrounded by twenty elite guards, stepped onto the No. 3 high-speed elevator in the lobby on the ground floor of the space city. The large viewing suspension elevator climbs up quickly. The ground floor lobby and the street scenes outside the space city became smaller and smaller. And the gunshots that were barely audible at first became louder and louder.

When the elevator door opened, the fierce exchange of fire was like a wave of frenzy. Fleischer was quickly swamped.

He walked out of the elevator expressionlessly. In the corridor on the top floor, the subordinates who had launched the attack first were waiting at the door, leading him to the rooftop.

On the top floor of Tange Space City is a revolving restaurant.

At this moment, the entire restaurant was in a mess. Glass shattered by bullets was scattered on the ground, tables and chairs were swayed here and there, and there were bullet marks everywhere on the walls and the floor. Bodies were lying on the ground, hung on windows, or huddled in corners.

Blood. It was flowing on the ground full of food, and **-shaped blood stains could be seen everywhere.

Fleischer walked through the cafeteria, turned a corner, and suddenly stopped.

Gunshots were still ringing violently in front, and the guard soldiers leading the way were waiting strangely, wondering what was wrong with the captain of the Beverly Guard.

Fleischer glanced coldly at a cupboard next to him and suddenly opened the cupboard door. Inside the cupboard, a girl wearing a waiter's uniform was revealed. The girl was very beautiful, although she was trembling with tears on her face. , but it has a pitiful charm. When she saw Fleischer and the heavily armed guards around him, she couldn't help but let out a scream of terror. ….

Fleischer looked at her coldly and suddenly waved his hand gently. A sharp knife protruded from his long and powerful fingertips and cut the girl's neck.

The screams suddenly stopped.

When the girl opened her eyes in disbelief, her throat made a gurgling sound, and blood gushes out from the opened crack, Fleischer had already closed the door of the cupboard and followed the soldier who led the way. Walkway corner.

This little episode made the soldier leading the way pale and cautious all the way.

One of their teams of twenty people had already wiped out everyone in the entire restaurant when they launched the attack. Both the diners and the staff were slaughtered, but they didn't expect that there would be a fish that slipped through the net.

He couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if the person hiding in the cupboard was not a helpless woman, but a member of the Hastings family guard.

Fleischer would kill himself without hesitation.

And if Fleischer had been a little hurt, the ending might have been even more horrific. Barbara, who is almost doting on Fleischer, will never let anyone here go.

Go through the restaurant and open an iron door. A fierce battle appeared before our eyes.

Tange Space City is just one of several nearby places that must be fought over. Fifteen sniper locations with complete control over Devil's Paradise. Four are accounted for here. Moreover, they are the four closest ones.

Looking down at a body dressed in black on the ground, Fleischer turned and looked around.

This was the first Hastings Family Guard soldier he had seen killed, and the Beverly Guard had already paid the price with three lives for this ordinary-looking soldier.

The Hastings family's phantom army is the core of the family's military force, but it is not the family's bodyguard. Just like the most secret Tomahawk Legion in Li Fu's hands, it is just a deterrent force prepared to be used in large-scale conflict operations. It is deployed in their respective secret bases and never shows up easily in Heidfield.

Those who participated in tonight's strangulation were private soldiers from major families.

These private soldiers are usually the family guards. As permitted by Feiyan rules, exist as bodyguards, members of the escort team, servants, and family business employees. Even in institutions such as the National Security Bureau, the Military Intelligence Bureau, and the Police Department, major families control some of their people due to different levels of penetration and control.

The Hastings family has hundreds of years of heritage. Hastings has been in power for thirty years. Obviously, it is not something that just any new family can compete with.

Take the battle in Tiange Space City as an example. Although there are only six enemies controlling this place. However, twenty elite soldiers from the Beverly Guard launched a surprise attack and still only killed three of their opponents, but they had already paid the price of eight casualties.

It is known that the Hastings House Guard does not have many members. Anyone who can become one of them is a dead soldier who is loyal to the family, the best among the best. Now, they are relying on obstacles such as the environmental balance system on the rooftop to exchange fire with the Beverly Guards.

They have rich experience and strong skills.

The three of them were fighting equally well with the 10 or 20 members of the Beverly Guard. The firepower was not ferocious but accurate enough, making it impossible for the Guardsmen to break through.

Unfortunately, no matter how powerful the Hastings family is, they are just a family.

Fleischer smiled coldly and waved to the soldiers behind him, asking them to join the attack. Suddenly, there was a loud sound of gunfire. After a while, the firepower on the opposite side was suppressed, and several soldiers had advanced five or six meters.

With many people comes many talents.

The Miller family, the Heinrich family, and other families that had already taken refuge have already devoted themselves to this battle at Barbara's request. As for the garrison and the Military Intelligence Bureau, many people have received orders to use their control of the neighborhood to buy time! ….

The families who supported Hastings did not take any action. Maybe he didn't receive the news, maybe the old guy didn't want to mess up the whole Feiyang, and didn't want it to turn into a big melee between the two sides.

Now the Hastings family is like a lion, standing on the rock, majestic and trying to scare the crowd.

However, the God of War is old. Surrounding him were a group of hyenas who had seen blood when Francis was assassinated and had no way out!

Fleischer observed for a moment, his body was like a panther in the jungle, and he pounced out silently.

Flying energy bullets crisscrossed around him.

In just a few steps, he had already rushed behind a pillar. Then he clasped the pillar with both hands and used his strength to fly into the air, leaping over a square machine of the Environmental Balance System. While he was still in the air, the flying knife in his hand came out and nailed the gun hand of a Hei family soldier.

Following Fleischer's actions, the Beverly Guard soldiers on the side also rushed forward. The opponent's rapidly weakening firepower could no longer stop their attack.

After paying the price of three more deaths and one injury, with the sound of several gunshots, two Hei family soldiers finally lay dead on the ground. The soldier who was shot through the hand was stabbed into the heart by Fleischer.

Looking at the corpse at his feet, Fleischer coldly licked the still warm blood on the knife.

Although no gunfire could be heard, the light clusters that erupted from time to time on the surrounding space city could still clearly show the intensity of the current battle.

The Miller family's guards have occupied a target in the north. Some of these red-eyed guys are participating in the Beverly Guard's attack on another space city three hundred meters away. One after another, key locations are falling into our own hands.

A soldier handed over the communicator.

Fleischer put the communicator to his ear and listened for a while, with a regretful sneer on his expressionless face.

Haig and his reinforcements were stopped less than a kilometer away from the city. The one who took action was Horst Hecker. The secret force of the Military Intelligence Agency under his direct command had mastered the opponent's whereabouts. Creating a series of accidental events is not difficult for Hecker, the most feared snake in the Military Intelligence Agency.

By the time Haig enters the city, I'm afraid everything will be over. It was a pity not to be able to fight against this middle-aged man who stood behind Hastings and controlled the secret weapons of the Black family.

Fleischer threw the communicator to his men and strode towards the elevator.

Friedrich's car was still waiting at the intersection of the highway leading to Devil's Paradise. It was time to meet the fat man from Leray.

If the negotiation fails, how can I kill him more artistically?


. I felt everyone’s strength and instantly entered the top ten. I can only repay you with an update, and today I will post the first chapter.





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