Counterfeit Hero

Volume 9 Chapter 75 The Beginning of the Wild Night

When the flying car the fat man was riding approached the devil's paradise along the road. . . . . When a group of young people stood at the gate of the Devil's Paradise with their swords at war, watching a row of luxury flying cars spray-painted with the family logo approaching, the news of Margaret's party had spread to the entire Feiyang upper class.

People who know a little bit about the inside story but have not participated in it can easily imagine how those old foxes with unfathomable scheming in the Chen family are carefully chewing and digesting this news in the dark at this moment, and how they are dialing the numbers of their respective children. Telephone.

Even if you can't guess what the contestants participating in this grand hunting party will say or do. However, this night, just like the sky that was already covered with dark clouds, everyone knew that the heavy rain would eventually fall. Just like the singer in a tavern 1,800 meters away, holding a microphone and whispering simple lyrics. "Who is soaked in the rain, and who is watching the show under the eaves? Is it a pattering of rain, or a thunder that destroys the heaven and earth? It is a mystery."

Human civilization has developed to this day, and even though technology has far exceeded the imagination of ancient earthlings, some things cannot be changed after all. Just like no matter in history or now, whether it is an imperial system or a democratic system, power and wealth are ultimately only in the hands of a few people. The system is different, but the results are the same. This is a travesty.

Seriously thinking about the meaning is enough to make any idealist who is unwilling to be raped by life give up the struggle and jump off the cliff in despair. There is no fairness in this world!

When you are down-to-earth and diligent, climbing up step by step, some people are destined to reach the sky in one step because of a surname.

However, compared to the blood-sucking nobles and dictator emperors in Xiyo, at least the rights of these countries in Feiyang will be restricted by each other because of the existence of major families - it is not one family that has the final say, but several families. Having the final say, perhaps, this is the greatest democracy. It is usually difficult for people to see through the clouds and see high in the sky.

It's like standing on the street of Ninth Street. When you look up, you can only see the neon lights of candles, but you can't see the resplendent Devil's Paradise on top of Alaska Space City.

They interact with grassroots government officials, occasionally see congressmen who take to the streets to canvass for votes, and at most they take a photo with the mayor who carries out pro-people activities.

They don't know that behind the generals, ministers, and congressmen who are unattainable in their eyes, there are actually invisible lines that are pulling and controlling every move of these people. They also don't know that the results of their votes have already been determined long before they cast them.

It really is none of their business how this country is governed and who is not president. These old families that have controlled this country for hundreds of years only need a phone call and a negotiation between each other to allow hundreds of millions of people who do not know the truth to walk into the voting booths under their guidance, and give their decisions a democratic veneer. coat. When you hold the ballot and find that you can only choose these few people to run for election..." "When you find that some candidates have scandals and some people withdraw from the race... When you are surprised to confirm someone's governing platform When it coincides with your hope - one by one

You don't know, all this is just out of necessity. Not your needs, but the needs of those who stand at the top of the pyramid and look down on the world.

The decision-making power of the struggle is not in your hands, but in their hands! They give you candidates and you can choose them. They may not be able to influence your decision, but the public opinion they control can influence the decisions of most people. As a minority, you can only obey, because this is democracy!

Only people who are on or close to the clouds have the experience to understand these. Only these people understand that the six major families spread among the people are not just a ridiculous legend.

In an imperial country, the most chaotic period is when the emperor dies. In a democratic country, the most tense period is the presidential campaign period. In order to compete for the supreme leadership of a country, to distribute benefits and divide spheres of influence, human beings have never escaped from animal instincts.

At this moment, the orderly society has degenerated into a primitive jungle full of temptations and dangers, opportunities and traps.

Those lazy beasts left their warm dens and slowly walked out of the bushes. When that beautiful sika deer appears, their instinct makes them excited, restless, eyes red, and eager to try! After Francis's death, a new round of competition has begun.

And when the military god who has actually ruled this country for thirty years has already proved in the countdown to terminal illness that he is still a mortal, he will also grow old, get sick, and die. It is foreseeable that this contest will be more complicated and bloody than any previous one.

The return of Hastings means that the competition is starting to get fierce. People hiding in the dark are constantly thinking and calculating.

Margaret's intention in initiating this gathering was clear. This is a kind of test before the real game begins, an honest means of winning over.

Although these young people who were invited are still far from the status of family patriarchs, each of them is an heir with great influence on their respective families.

No one will underestimate the power of these young people. Since they appeared at this party, they already represented the opinions of the family behind them. No matter what they do or say, those old guys behind the scenes can easily get enough information from this party.

They can clearly know what Margaret and the fat man hold in their hands, what kind of power they will show, and what kind of conditions they will give to influence the tendency of a family.

However, today is actually not a good time for a party. Although Hastings still has great deterrence and influence on this country. The generals who follow him, the forces of House Hastings, will follow his command without hesitation and respond with the utmost force to anyone who attempts to attack. However, it is inevitable that some people will take desperate risks.

This was originally a life-and-death contest. When Hastings' life entered the countdown, what could be more attractive than directly killing his two heirs and completely defeating the Hastings family?

After the assassination of Francis, those people were already in an uncontrollable inertia. It would not be surprising if they behaved irrationally. .

Perhaps, within a one-kilometer radius of Devil's Paradise, everything is peaceful. No one suspicious appeared. There was feasting, singing and dancing.

However, it can be discovered as long as someone enters certain areas within a kilometer. Those ferocious beasts from different families have already entered the attack position under the cover of darkness and are waiting quietly. - They are not the same people, they each have different positions, ideas and plans. They may not want to attack first, but this does not mean that they will not be prepared. When chaos and opportunities arise, they will make decisions without hesitation, baring their fangs!

A total of twenty luxury flying cars rushed over in an arrogant and domineering manner without slowing down, and stopped less than twenty centimeters away from Jillian.

The car door opened, and a young man with a fat body and a pale face got out of the car first, surrounded by forty or fifty bodyguards.

In the next few cars, three young men of different heights and three women of different ages also came out one after another. They were well-dressed and elegant. Each of them had a faint smile on the corner of their mouth, and their eyes were at the door. A group of people were swept around.

The fat young man stood in front of Jillian, looking straight at Jillian's towering breasts, as if she was sinking into them. He took a deep breath, licked his lips and said, "Jillian, you are so outstanding." You're getting better and better." Jillian took a step back and looked at the pale and swollen face with disgust, feeling sick.

The man's name is Miller. The eldest grandson of the Miller family. His father is the commander-in-chief of the Qerlan Military District, his grandfather is a protégé in the military, and his grandfather is a recognized old fox in Feiyang politics. It was this guy who tried to give Margaret the medicine, but Margaret had his penis wiped out in front of everyone. Things got out of hand for a while.

However, even the Miller family, the second most powerful force in Feiyang, could only swallow its anger in the end. I only heard that Miller once said that even if he risked his life, Margaret would pay the price. Even if the entire Miller family fights to the death with the Hastings family. No one doubted this madman's words. He is a mad dog and a poisonous snake in this neighborhood. Countless people have been bitten by him.

Obviously, he didn't have any good intentions when he came here today. This party may get out of control because of this lunatic! "Are you qualified?" Jillian puffed out her chest and gritted her teeth and said sarcastically: "It's a pity, Miller, you didn't grow an extra dick!"

There was silence at the door, and the bodyguards looked nervous. They could almost feel the pungent smell of ignited gunpowder. Whether it is the security guards of Devil's Paradise or the bodyguards of major families, their swords are at war with each other. It seems that just a little bit of thorn rose will lead to a big fight.

To everyone's surprise, Miller showed no sign of anger at this vicious taunt. He didn't seem to hear anything. His swollen and pale face still had a cold, snake-like smile, and his eyes shone with a perverted and crazy light.

He still lowered his head, looked straight at Jillian's chest, licked his lips and said, "I have it. The outside is bionic tissue, and the inside is some kind of metal that I don't know. I promise, I can kill you!"

"But you have to come in line behind my favorite Maggie." He raised his head and grinned at Jillian, who was already extremely disgusted. His extremely lustful eyes swept over the faces of a group of young men and women with livid faces. : "What, our goddess hasn't arrived yet?"

The lazy young man David Kelly sneered, the young lieutenant general William McCarthy raised his eyebrows slightly, and the young man Shen Daqi, whose face was always covered with a layer of ice, took a step forward and said to Miller: " roll!"

Miller raised his eyelids, his lusterless eyes slowly moved to the cold young man's face, and said in a lewd tone: "Shen, where are your two sisters? I really miss them." His face was cold. Shen Daqi suddenly took a step forward, but was held back by David beside him.

"Yes." Miller chuckled and clapped his hands: "Kelly still understands the truth. We are all civilized people. Maggie is back, and everyone should happily reminisce about the past. Why be so tense?"

He looked around and said leisurely: "Besides, even if you like Margaret, it's of no use. I've already brought the man back. Don't you want to see who conquered our goddess? Get angry with me. What's the point? Beating me up will make the goddess move' u+' 7 Shen Taiqi clenched his fists tightly, snorted heavily, and turned his head away from Miller.

Mi Hao smiled and said: "Among the six Feiyang families, excluding the Hastings family, we have five here."

He pointed at Shen Daqi with his finger: "The Shen family ranks fourth. However, in recent years, the Shen family's control over the army has become less and less. Since the Shen family has always maintained neutrality, it is better to continue to maintain it, at least It can keep you safe.”

After speaking to Shen Daqi, Miller turned his head to David, who was holding Shen Daqi, and said with a smile: "The Kelly family has been really prosperous in recent years. To be able to squeeze out the McKinley family and rank sixth is a very clever method.

However, the Kelly family did face some difficulties if they wanted to further develop in the military and offended General McKinley, Marshal Hastings' favorite general. Today, when General McKinley is in control of the Allied Command, Mr. Kelly may have had other plans. "David Kelly's face was as sinking as water, and he turned his head away coldly.

Miller turned his head to the young lieutenant general and suddenly laughed: "The McCarthy family has always been loyal to Marshal Hastings, but you, William, agree more with General Liver's proposition. If our Lord Military God, I am going to hand over the Republic of Feiyang to a fat man from Le Lei, will you agree?" McCarthy said coldly: "This is none of your business!"

Mi Hao smiled and shrugged, turned to look at the two young men among the three men and three women standing beside him, and said: "Among the remaining people, our Miller family, the Bull family, the Hetulich family, We have always shared the same hatred. Although the Hetulich family is not among the top six in terms of strength, compared to Gillian's Edwards family..." "'"

His eyes moved to the young man standing next to Shen Daqi, who always had a bad smile on his face, and continued: " "" and Tom (the Smith family) seem to be a lot stronger. "

As he said that, he laughed, stretched out his arms, and walked swaggering towards the door of the Devil's Paradise Nightclub: "Come on, let's not blow the cold wind here, we can have a drink and wait for our goddess to arrive. Today, I will give An unforgettable night for her..." "』""How to make it unforgettable?" A clear voice stopped Miller's steps.

His face twitched, and he slowly turned his head, and saw Margaret wearing a tight skirt, standing behind him handsomely.

The thin fabric, like running water, tightly wrapped Margaret's curvy body. The v-shaped neckline of her breasts, set off by a blue diamond necklace pendant, made people look stunning. Can't open my eyes.

Her hand was gently holding a fat man with an ordinary appearance, and the fat man's other arm was held by a girl whose appearance and temperament were not inferior to Margaret.

And the fat man with a pair of small ears that could not be found in a crowd was asking Margaret with an honest face: "Who is this lunatic?


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