Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 73 No one sleeps tonight

At the end of the winter of 2064, Fatty was basking in the sun and watching his mecha war god Wagstaff on the hillside in the distance, using his increasingly sophisticated Qianjundao mecha techniques to conquer the largest super monster in the universe. A member of the first family of a great country.

Everyone stood there in daze, with fascination, shock, excitement and excitement that could not be concealed on their faces.

Licht and Carly around him, Carlyle is like this. The same is true for the second-generation family members on the green grassy hillside next to the racecourse, beside several small round tea seats covered with Beethoven's luxurious tablecloths, and the same is true for the third-generation members such as Adolf who are farther away. A few years ago, the life of a fat man had no intersection with these people.

Just like an otter, he originally lived a life of diving for oysters every day, and then floating on the water with his companions, chirping and smashing stones on the oysters, but suddenly one sunny day Here, he ran into the territory of a group of lions that he had never even dreamed of approaching.

It is not easy for a lion to accept himself. There is a natural gap between two animals that are not on the same level at all.

The otter walked into the pride of lions and smashed a path with rocks! Since a stone can hit an oyster, it can also hit a lion. As long as the body is made of flesh and blood, it will inevitably suffer head injuries and bloodshed under the stone.

To the outside world, members of the Hastings family are mysterious and aloof. Their identities always shroud them in an invisible aura, like the gods on Mount Olympus. People can only use their imagination to pry into their lives.

However, they are human after all. You will vomit if you drink too much, and it will hurt if you get beaten. When they saw Wagstaff almost blowing up the entire hillside, they would also stand up in shock, their eyes fixed on him and their hearts shaking. The fat man suddenly remembered the afternoon many years ago.

At that time, I was still an inconspicuous fat man in the eyes of my classmates, with white flesh, wearing the cheapest T-shirt and jeans, and walked into school sweating every hot afternoon. The time at that time could be squandered carelessly.

Or peeking down at the bulging chests of girls under their collars in the corridor, or bragging to classmates, or lying on the desk and drooling while they sleep, while the teacher foams at the mouth on the podium.

Or, just buy a mecha magazine, blow snot bubbles, and dream about one day becoming a mecha warrior admired and admired by countless people, and receiving the cheers and admiration of countless beautiful girls.

These or later, are always accompanied by the trouble of how to escape the bullying of several bullies in school. I have been ruthless again and again, wanting to knock down the people who beat me to the ground one by one, and have a beautiful comeback in front of the whole world, but every time, the moment the bell rings, Grab your bag and run away from school.

The ideals, fantasies, and even impulses of childhood will always go away unknowingly with reality, disappearing at every corner of the life journey, and even cannot be remembered. The war changed the world and also changed myself.

In order to survive, I tried my best to stuff things into my brain, fight hard to punch and kick in the gravity chamber, run desperately on the battlefield, pant, fight desperately, fight desperately!

Life is like walking down a road that you have never imagined, let alone seen. Every step is full of thorns. I can't see the future, and I can't turn back. I followed the mountains and the water all the way, and I ended up here.

Before I knew it, I was no longer the fat man who always spat behind people's backs, yelled like lettuce crazily, and then ran away desperately. Before you know it, many people have been by your side, and many people have left quietly after accompanying you through a journey that you will never forget!

When the otter used stones to smash a path among the lions, the charging figures were still clear, those high heads were still smiling, those passionate words were still echoing in the starry sky, and those who were alive were still persevering. , those who have passed away are still immortal.

Life is around me all the time, so familiar, but when I look back, I find that she has changed beyond recognition. When he was in Milok, he only shouldered the responsibility for his own life and that of Medonida.

But now, standing in Sals Manor, as Hastings is getting older, what he needs to shoulder is the responsibility of the entire Fei League. Is this a fucking pretense?

Wagstaff's performance continues. Although there is no opponent in front of him, this top-level mecha war god of Qianjundao only needs a hillside, a few big trees, and omnipresent sunlight and air to create the momentum of thousands of troops swallowing up mountains and rivers.

Presumably, no Hastings family member would want to stand in front of him. Whether it is the second generation members, those middle-aged people with serious demeanor and sharp eyes, or the third generation members, those proud young people who have been dissatisfied from the beginning.

The fat man accidentally turned around and saw the skinny old man on the window sill of the small building, holding a folder about the bandits in his hand, staring at him. Beside him, Old Fari was still stooped, and Haig was still as tall as a javelin. The war that began when Gacharin invaded the Leray Federation has reached its most critical moment.

When Hastings sat in the southeastern star field, when he led the bandit army to ravage the Thunder Peak Star, and teamed up with Chakna to disintegrate the desperate attack of Suss and Jiepen, the Fei Alliance could calmly dispatch the fourth batch of reinforcements or even the fifth batch. Afterwards, I believe Sobol has received this letter of challenge.

The number one general in Western York, who had always wanted to defeat Hastings, would not sit back and watch the defeat of the two empires of Suss and Jiepen. In the West, these are the two main member states. Once they retreat across the southeastern star field, the impact on the West will be devastating. He will use his main force to compete with Hastings in the southeastern star field. But the decisive battle is not just about fighting there,

A tragedy that happened twenty years ago now seems like the flapping wings of a butterfly, turning fate into a huge storm across time and space.

In the midst of this storm, both himself and Hastings are trying hard to dispel the fog and find the truth. But will this war of mankind end with the revelation of a conspiracy?

That is a suspense that is yet to be touched and cannot be seen, and now the Fiji League is still torn into pieces. The Alliance Parliament, member states, heads of government, generals who control the army, and the media who control the mouthpieces are always facing the people of their own countries. Still scattered in the chaos. .

Hastings' support for the bandit army, the strength displayed by the bandit army, and the gradual condensation of a new military alliance among the countries in the southeastern star region are threatening the existing system.

This is something that many people are reluctant to accept. When he followed Hastings to Heidfield, he didn't know how many guns were aimed at his head, looking for an opportunity to pull the trigger. President Hamilton's death was a beginning.

Since then, the Feyon Republic has turned into a primitive jungle. Everyone is trying to hunt for life in this jungle, devour enemies, and strengthen themselves. The superficial order, laws and rules had collapsed silently. When the explosion at Base 52 sounded, the battle had already begun.

There is no retreat, no peace, only bloody fighting.

This is a wonderful period. The people, government agencies, and the lower levels of the army are still under the rules of order. The entire society is peaceful, and there is no unacceptable turmoil due to the death of Fochosis. At the top of the pyramid, the two opposing sides have exposed their fangs.

Who will win the presidential election, who will win the battle for control of the military, who will live to the end, who will win over the Fiji coalition forces that have gathered in Al-Aqsa, who will get the support of more political parties and corporate plutocrats, Who will win the cheers of the people and let their opponents be nailed to the pillar of shame? This is not Hastings' war. He had flicked his sleeves and became a bystander. This is a war between myself and Li Fo!

When he beat up the members of the Hastings family, but received the news about Old Fari and Haig, as the sunshine of that day spread throughout Feiyang, the war drums were already beating. How many people will be unable to sleep tonight! "What are you thinking about?" Margaret raised her face that confounded all living things, her green eyes were as charming as opals soaked in clear water. "Having been away from Feiyang for so long, will you miss your friends?" The fat man smiled and looked at the hillside in the distance. Wagstaff's battle alone has ended in an eighth-level difficulty move. The flying leaves and wind dust are settling down little by little, revealing Hengxing's arrogant figure.

Among the members of the Hastings family, some were applauding, some were thoughtful, some were chatting with the bandit pilots beside them, and some were staring at themselves from a distance.

In fact, he is just an otter. He neither wants to invade them nor conquer them. All he needs is an identity that can open fire on another group of lions under this wonderful rule. "What do you think?" Margaret was so discerning. She understood what the fat man meant after just a second thought, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. .

"It's rare to come back, so we can work together." The fat man carefully recalled the information about the old Feiyang families given by Hastings, and Hui Zuo raised his eyebrows. "When young people meet, you don't have to wait for your grandpa to arrange it." "I Go make a phone call!" Margaret pulled An Lei and ran towards the small building quickly. A palm fell heavily on the fat man's shoulder.

Licht looked at Margaret who was as excited as a little devil waving a fork, and sighed: "I thought that having a little devil in the Hastings family was scary enough. Unexpectedly, you are even more ruthless."

The fat man scratched his cheek with his fingers, and said with a confused look on his face: "I just want to meet a few more friends and have a drink by the way. Won't you come with me?" "Of course I want to go!" Licht said. "That's fine!" The fat man turned around and walked towards Old Fari and Haig who were walking out of the small building: "Remember to call Adolf, I don't hold grudges!" Licht looked at the fat man's back and suddenly shuddered with all his strength. . "Brother Licht" Carlyle said in confusion: "What does he mean? Don't we often hold such gatherings?"

"Have you ever heard that curiosity killed the cat?" Licht ruffled Carlyle's hair, looked at the fat man's retreating back, and said with a smile: "You know, there are too many people in Feiyang right now. He has too much curiosity. He and Margaret will kill many people!" "Why?" Carly asked first.

"When you curiously lift up a person's cloak and find out that this person is a devil with countless temptations, do you still have a choice?" Licht lit a cigarette, leaned against the fence, and said leisurely: "At least I have no choice. Your sister Diana, Tony, brother Isaac and Uncle Garfield also have no choice." "Sister Diana! What are they doing now?" Carly shouted. Licht blew out a smoke, squinted his eyes, and said calmly. "They are helping this fat man kill people!"


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