Counterfeit Hero

Volume 9 Chapter 37 Blitz (20)

Barry is only half of 90. Fatty consciously understood the meaning of this sentence very deeply.

It's just like doing that kind of thing, no matter how hard you go up to the sky and the earth, you have to live and die, and if you want to be ecstatic, you have to tremble at the end!

Since Frenço sent troops, the bandits have successively defeated five war zones along the way. The only thing standing in the way now is the 21st Sousse Army. Kick it open, and the bandit army will lead a huge force of more than a dozen divisions into the Sunset Mountain Basin. Then, there was a steady stream of pleasure.

Outside the window, a Malti wild boar unique to Leifeng Star was riding on the sow, making noises. His two hind legs were shaking like chaff, and he was so proud that he paid no attention to the mecha team rolling past him. The fat man's face was almost pressed against the porthole, and he was dazzled by the sun. What a good sign!

"Fat man." Bonnie called as she walked over with an electronic folder, while Curiosity bent down and followed his gaze and looked out the window.

The mecha has not yet turned; i, feet, the happy looks of the two wild boars bathing in the sunset on the mountainside, and a sneaky hand on the plump buttocks, make the face of the red-haired beauty look like a burning cloud in the sky. "The Second Regiment and the Third Regiment of the Second Division have arrived at the Yixiantian Canyon." Bonnie slapped the fat man's hand away, rolled her eyes, and patted the electronic folder in her hand into his arms.

The fat man opened the folder angrily, feeling sad for a moment. "_," "People in troubled times are worse than pigs.

Inside the folder was a report from Stewart's 2nd Armored Division.

As the main forwards, they had already taken the lead in arriving at the Xiantian Canyon where the 1st Regiment of the Suss 2111 Division was stationed, deployed in battle formation, and prepared to launch a strong attack. The fat man stood up and walked to the electronic sand table.

Among the mountains, the Yixiantian Canyon, nine kilometers away from the Four-Nine Peaks, is like a natural pass that only one man can pass and no one can open. It blocks the main passage of the bandits heading north.

Obviously, the Susi 21st Army Group wanted to use the 2111th Division to hold the line of sky, delay the bandit army's march north, and buy time for its main force to seize the Sijiu Peak position. What a wishful thinking. The fat man's disdainful mouth almost went up to his ears.

The current bandit army is no longer the weak one that could only stand in the back of the Battle of Mozic and struggle in the Free Port of Mars.

This is a monster that grew up in war. Even in the short ten hours since it was fed here from Frenço, it has been continuously tempered in the blood and fire. Every setback, every battle, every victory has been turned into nutrients and absorbed by it. .

It is constantly growing, constantly improving its minions, and honing its killing skills! Even I, the founder of the bandit army, didn't know what this terrifying war monster would look like. The First Armored Division and the Second Armored Division of the bandit army are the best of the best. They are a group of Leray veterans who have survived hundreds of battles, and a group of Mars desperadoes with unique skills.

When they come together, they trust each other. When they drove the rangers who surpassed ten generations of gods, they galloped freely. How many people in this world are qualified to stand in front of them? !

If the commander of the 21st Sousse Army thought that a canyon and an ordinary armored regiment could stop the bandits' advance, then he would be too naive!

Fatty looked at the time. At this time, the Maple Leaf Slope blocking battle of the Second Division and the First Regiment must have started. And Rashid's 1st Armored Division should have already circled back to a place not far from the attack position. This is the last of the six war zones.

If Frenço's series of victories since then are mostly due to unexpected tactics and Bonnie's and his own command, then this last battle is a head-on confrontation without any bells and whistles!

This battle is not easy to fight.

However, since accepting the mission to Leifeng Star, I have no way out.

The fat man thought quietly, and the signature sad smile on his face disappeared.

The fingertips seemed to have touched the final victory of this battle. Then, kill all the enemies that stand in front of you and hold on to them tightly.

"Get in Stuart."

As night falls, the cabin is brightly lit. The fat man turned his head and looked at his face reflected in the porthole. In his mind, the figures of countless Lelei warriors charging one after another surged in his mind. The loud Leray Charge echoed in my ears. When can I return to my own country? "Give him ten minutes." The fat man's eyes narrowed slightly. "We don't have much time. Assins■●姧●arsenic●●嬬●唧arsenic●●■●唧姧arsenic●●嬬姧姧姧姧唧唧arsenic" ●●嬬●姧r'●●■11●∽嬧姧姧姧姧姧r'●●岬姧●arsenic●●●,'' Liu Cheng flipped the mecha's bolt lever.

As the control rod rotates, the huge and heavy upper body of the [Dark Night] heavy mecha beneath the seat rotates.

On both sides of the transparent cockpit cover, white light could be seen spitting out rapidly, and six 150mm airborne energy cannons pulled out six light chains. The area where the cannonballs swept was broken trees and rocks, and it was a mess.

Liu Cheng pressed a bunch of control levers, and with the cooperation of the co-pilot, the huge Chuckna heavy mecha strode up a small slope.

"Start fortress mode!" Liu Cheng ordered.

"Understood!" the fire controller replied loudly, and suddenly pulled down the starting gate.

"Secondary gun on." The deputy gunner quickly flipped the switch on the console with both hands, and hurriedly reported to the worker, "The No. 1 missile launcher is deployed, the No. 2 missile launcher is deployed, and the area attack system is activated v...""

Next to the assistant gunner, the main gunner held the main gun control stick tightly, stared at the fire control screen, and fired wildly with the cooperation of the fire controller.

A moment later, with the addition of the secondary gunner, the heavy mecha that stood on the slope like a black bear began its stormy firepower attack. Six main gun tubes, four secondary gun tubes and four missile launchers opened fire at full speed. The airtight firepower completely pinned the hit Suss mechas to the spot.

In the night, only the light of the energy shields was seen changing and flickering in the dark night. A moment later, several Suss [Madman] mechas exploded at the same time. The entire hillside seemed to have been detonated with a series of pre-buried explosives, and the fire was burning. Into a sea of ​​red. "Well done!" Liu Cheng gave a thumbs up to the two gunners.

Just as he turned around, he suddenly heard a series of sirens from the mecha's radar. At the foot of the hillside, a missile passed through the thick smoke and headed straight for the front of the chassis armor of [Night]. Liu Cheng's pupils suddenly shrank, and he pressed his back tightly against the back of the chair, preparing to face the impact of the missile.

Suddenly, directly in front of the field of vision, a cyan figure flew up and kicked the tail of the missile. .

Under everyone's stunned gaze, the missile swirled, leaving a trail of messy white smoke in the air. After falling to the hillside, it exploded violently. The light of the explosion made the entire mountain look bright. In the light, the cyan mecha jumped up, and beside it, countless similar cyan mechas were racing like lightning, rushing down the mountain like tigers out of nowhere. "Boom!" A loud noise came from the distance. Liu Cheng turned his attention to the northeast.

It was a fan-shaped plain under Maple Leaf Slope, where countless mushroom clouds rose up and down, countless light groups flickered on and off, and countless artillery fires crisscrossed the area. In the light of the explosions, the densely packed Sussian mechas were like a sea tide! "Crazy!" The dumbfounded co-pilot spat out a word at this time. This is Liu Cheng's first time to behead a cone and follow the bandit army.

As members of the 1st Armored Division of the Tenth Army of the Chakna Army, the CT-13 [Dark Night] ninth-generation heavy fire support mecha they drove was originally deployed with the troops 30 kilometers away from Frenso. rear base. After hearing the news that Frenção had been captured by the Spanish Army, the armored battalion they were in was quickly gathered and rushed to Banyunling, preparing to engage in the Banyunling blocking battle.

Because the division headquarters is in Phoenix City, and most of the troops are there, the 1st Battalion of the 2nd Regiment where they are located can only be temporarily merged into the combat order of the fraternal troops, causing chaos for a while.

However, when they hurriedly organized and rushed to Banyunling, the battle in Banyunling was already over.

After asking around, they finally found out that less than half an hour after the bandit army entered the battle, the arrogant and aggressive enemies were driven back to the outskirts of the town of Frenço in one breath. Thousands of Western pilots were captured and surrendered. On both sides of the road, The burning wreckage left Deng 1 League and Unit 1 with little need for road signs or maps.

Before everyone could figure out which of these troops were coming from the heavens, the long march began.

From Frenço to the west bank of the Dolay River. From St. John's to Belize. From the south bank of the Tulon River to the east bank..." "Everyone has no idea how this battle was fought.

They just kept marching. I kept seeing troops of different numbers joining long queues. Constantly listen to the exciting news coming back from the front line dozens of kilometers away. This isn't a fight, the flying car racing is not that fast!

Because it is not the main force and the normal travel speed of heavy mechas is slow. CT-1 Yuhu No. 1 has been following the team and is responsible for protecting the logistics and equipment troops. Therefore, almost half an hour after the battle at the front ends, it is their turn to pass the battle. Every time they pass through a war zone, they will look at the long-range vision device and the porthole window day after day.

The town that was almost razed to the ground, the mecha wreckage on the ground, the burning fireballs, the rolling smoke, the busy medical soldiers, the rows of prisoners, and the scattered corpses all spoke of the fierceness of the battle. . Along the way, they were shocked more than they had ever been in their lives. It seemed that no matter how strong the defense line was, they could not stop the pace of that mysterious team.

More and more troops are joining along the route. Later, even if I walked on the mountain, I could not see the beginning or the end.

Everyone just kept their heads down and moved on. From time to time, I would gather information about the front from the fraternal troops with different numbers, and listen to the roaring cannons with fascination.

Until the troops penetrated Billy Feeder and wiped out all the Western troops in the Billy Feeder theater, liver. 1Shao》The team members of the No. 1 heavy fire support mecha saw the unit known as the bandit army for the first time.

The more than twenty hours of marching since Banyunling had already made everyone familiar with the name of the bandit army and everything about them.

Not only the previous series of battles, but also the origin of this unit, the deeds of their legendary Lieutenant General Le Lei, their fighting methods, mecha performance, and even appearance, clothing, etc. Rumors of the 17-do are usually discussed. Deformed in flow.

A woman's skin was bruised by a driving force, maybe two blocks away, and then she turned into a dinosaur and was crushed into a pulp by a landing transport ship.

Even if they are in the same army, the distance of tens of kilometers is enough for the young men in the Liver 1 Denyi 1 crew to imagine the bandits as a group of bandits wearing cloaks, their faces hidden in the darkness, and walking away with a large scythe in their hands. A guy who floats around without touching his feet. When the troops stopped to rest and prepare, they finally followed the later supply troops up and saw the bandits for the first time. To be honest, they felt like their idols had collapsed. The strange-looking blue fat man's mecha, the mechas wearing blue uniforms, but not much of an orthodox iron-blooded soldier's temperament. The old ones are old, the young ones are small. The fat ones are fat, the thin ones are thin.

The oldest is over thirty-five years old, and the youngest is probably less than eighteen. The fattest one can support three, and the three skinniest can support one together.

When they went there, the bandits were eating and resting between supplies. Seeing this scattered group of militiamen, they could not connect these people with the invincible God of War in their minds.

Even if in the following hours, this unit used superb small-group strangulation tactics to defeat the aggressive Jie Pen 25th Army, they would still find it difficult to accept it.

Until ct. The 1st Heavy Mecha was transferred to the 1st Regiment of the Bandit Army's 2nd Armored Division, which was seriously short of heavy mechas, until they followed these cyan mechas for dozens of kilometers, seized Maple Leaf Slope with the strength of a regiment, and beat the enemy. Then they launched an attack on countless Suss armored forces, and they finally understood.

Stepping out of the mecha, it was a ragtag group of people. However, as long as these bandit warriors step onto the mecha cockpit, these militiamen will become the kings of this world!

Who dares to face four Souss armored divisions head-on with one regiment?

Who can easily kick away a missile that shoots like lightning?

Since the beginning of Frenço, they should not look at this team with the eyes of ordinary people.

They are crazy!

A group of lunatics worthy of the respect of all Chakna people!

Standing on the hillside, looking down from a high position. The vast fan-shaped slope of Maple Leaf Slope, the flat valley below the slope, and the bend at the foot of the mountain further away are all filled with explosive light one after another.

The two battalions of the Bandit Armored Regiment, one on the left and one on the right, have penetrated deeply into the two wings of the Suss Armored Group. These cyan mechas don't feel like they are outnumbered at all.

Taking the platoon as a unit, they formed sharp attack arrows, constantly slashing deep into the enemy. Row after row of Sussian mechas were chopped down by them like melons and vegetables. One armored cluster after another was cut into chaotic small pieces by their crisscross thrusts.

They cut through the waves in the ocean of steel. In front of their terrifying killing skills, the Suss armored troops that hit them were just shattered waves! "Go!" Liu Cheng, who has always been taciturn, said a bunch of control sticks. The companions beside him looked at each other and smiled. This is a battle destined to go down in history. Fortunately, I am in it! .

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