Counterfeit Hero

Volume 9 Chapter 15 The Weight of the Scale

Sunset Mountain.

Wolf smoke is everywhere and beacon fire is everywhere.

Amidst the deafening sound of cannons, tens of thousands of Xijiao mechas, like overwhelming locusts, launched attacks on the Fei League positions again and again.

The sound of charging horns, shouts of killing, and explosions were rolling like thunder on the mountain top filled with flames and smoke. The scarred mechas and ragged soldiers fought desperately on the charred land.

The roads and bridges in cities and towns are already riddled with holes, and only ruins of residential buildings remain. Earth, sand and rocks rose into the sky like water in the explosion, and violent shock waves swept across the position over and over again. The green hills were peeled away by bombs and shells, revealing black and yellow soil.

The straight trees were ignited and turned into smoky torches. One forest after another was plowed through with cannons and clams. The lush leaves and trees were shattered and scattered. The branches were broken and then fell to the ground, leaving only the dazzling white tree stumps. From the launch of the attack at two o'clock in the afternoon to six o'clock in the evening, the Western troops had advanced the front line thirty kilometers.

The Eighth Central Resource Highway leading to the Sunset Mountain Satellite City was the first to be broken through. It only took four Soviet and New Armored Divisions an hour to follow the breakthrough into the Sunset Mountain Basin and quickly outflank the two flanks.

The Western Yorkist left-wing troops attacking southeast along the Socrates Mountain Intercity Highway, and the Western Yorkist right-wing troops attacking northeast along the Sherlock Mountain Intercity Highway, directly cut off the troops with the help of the roundabout troops in the middle. The two major defense lines of the Fei League, Seven Star Lock and Xiushui River Town, are connected with the rear defense line.

The two major armies, each stationed with an armored division, have extremely strong lines of defense.

Originally, they were expected to be able to support a forty-eight-hour attack by ten enemy armored divisions.

However, as the Central Resource Highway was breached, Western York armored forces appeared in large numbers on the flanks and even in the rear. The two major towns have become two isolated islands.

The West York Army, which had sufficient strength, did not stop because of this.

After they deployed two divisions on each side to surround Qixing and Xiushuihe, they continued to forcefully advance toward the Sunset Mountain Satellite City with six armored divisions as the vanguard. These troops completely ignored their own flanks and ignored the isolated positions along the Fei League. They just moved forward at the fastest speed, like mercury pouring down the ground. And leave all the cleaning work behind you to the huge main force group behind you. The battle entered a fierce state at the first moment.

The defenders of the Fei League, who were well aware of the importance of Sunset Mountain, resisted step by step with almost tenacity in fighting for every inch of territory.

The hilltop position was lost, so we counterattacked and took it back. When the outer perimeter of the city was lost, they clung to their opponents in street fighting. Although many soldiers who were defeated by the enemy's lightning offensive have been scattered organically and are scattered on the long road from the first line of defense to the Sunset Mountain Satellite City, as soon as they see the setting sun and dust, the officers who received the troops are Their figures immediately gathered together to form a temporary unit and once again went to the front line to fight.

This is a kind of gray-haired conscious discipline.

Several years of war have given these Chakna warriors an extremely strong resilience.

They will retreat and flee, but they will not collapse.

Everyone knows the importance of Leifeng Star. Everyone understands that no matter whether the headquarters is away from Jingzhi at the moment and knows what is happening in Sunset Mountain or whether there are countermeasures, they must buy time for the headquarters. Most of them are just ordinary warriors.

They, their commanders, and their commanders’ commanders did not understand the command’s strategic and tactical layout!$ grid. All they can do is face the enemy in front of them. Use your blood and life to buy time and fulfill your promise to defend this country and protect your loved ones. Under the almost desperate obstruction of the defenders, Xiyo's footsteps finally came to a temporary halt at the third line of defense deployed by the Fei League along the Sunset Mountain Range.

This is the last obstacle in the basin plain of Sunset Mountain Satellite City. A hill with the highest peak no more than 200 meters.

Several highlands and hillsides on both sides of the road formed this not-so-strong line of defense.

The roads, bridges, large towns, and highlands in front of the defense line have all fallen into the hands of the Western-Jordan coalition forces. Countless Western troops criss-crossed this vast area, weaving in and out. Cut apart the defensive positions of the Fiji League, surround and annihilate the tired and lonely Fiji League troops.

The Chakna troops gathered on this line of defense did not defend it. They relied on shrinking troops to defend Sunset Mountain, allowing the Western Yorkist offensive forces to be frustrated in the two-hour high-intensity attack. At the same time, they quickly launched limited counterattacks and took advantage of some strategic locations and passages that had not yet been digested and controlled by the Western Yorkist army. Time difference, interspersed operations.

Commander Admiral Chakna Fran showed his experience and courage at critical moments.

When the Western York army pressed forward and violently attacked the Sunset Mountain defense line, the ten elite armored regiments he launched into the counterattack temporarily disrupted the attack rhythm of the Western York forward troops.

Although these troops could only intersect through mountain passes away from the road, no matter what, they appeared behind the various troops in Western York and still curbed the enemy's unbridled offensive momentum.

As two Chakna armored regiments responded to the surrounded two thousand Fei League mecha warriors in a small village 25 kilometers northwest of the Sunset Mountain defense line, they forced a West Yoro armored regiment to the south to retreat, exposing a A large undefended area. The West Yorkist army, which had an unstable footing, could only order the forward troops to stop attacking, clean up the remnants, and consolidate the control area. The two sides went back and forth, fighting each other, and the lines of defense were intertwined.

No one knows who will own this woods, this block or this small highland in the next second. No one knows when an enemy force will appear around them. By ten o'clock in the evening, the vast area west of Sunset Mountain was finally completely occupied by Xiyo.

As the rear clearing work was completed, a large number of Western troops poured into Sunset Mountain along the road.

The forward troops launched attacks almost constantly, trying to break through the defense line.

As for the Fei League, of the ten divisions stationed in the Sunset Mountain theater, only four divisions are now left.

There are about six or seven battalions of troops that have been temporarily gathered. In addition to the two armored divisions and two mechanized infantry regiments that were besieged in Qixing Town and Xiushuihe Town whose lives were uncertain, it was determined that the total number of lost troops was three divisions and more than 20,000 people.

The Sunset Mountain defense line was under fire. The balance of the war situation remains delicately balanced, waiting to be broken by the new falling weight.

In the night sky, a Seuss medium transport ship entered the atmosphere. .

Sixty fighters that had been cruising in the sky for a long time, like sixty big steel birds, surged up, changing formations at parallel heights, escorting the transport ship and flying eastward.

Inside the transport ship. The crew members were either walking through the passageways of the spacecraft or busy in front of the flashing instruments in the control room and power module.

Outside the porthole window, the night is like water. The finished plane's slant-swept wings shone silver under the starlight. The low roar made this fleet of aircraft in the sky look particularly deserted and lonely.

When not working in silence, the Suss crew would occasionally turn their attention to the special passengers on their transport ship.

They were two hundred Binart soldiers wearing black jumpsuits, broad-brimmed military hats, and tall stand-up collars that covered the back of their necks. From the moment they boarded the ship until now, they have stayed in their seats quietly, chatting in low voices, listening to music and reading books and newspapers.

It looks no different from the soldiers we have transported before.

However, the crew members knew that each of these seemingly ordinary Binart soldiers was priceless. They are the super troops that make the pirates fearful - the Judges.

The Battle of Sunset Mountain has begun. When this transport ship lands on the front line, the Feiyang people's last line of defense will no longer exist.

No one can stand in the way of the Adjudicator's attack. Everyone can even imagine now that the Feiyang people's self-concealed strong defense line will be torn apart by the judge in a cruel way.

Being able to accept the task of transporting this super force, being able to have close contact with these legendary super mecha warriors, and being able to personally participate in the final fatal blow in such a huge battle is enough for every crew member. The glory of bragging to one’s children and grandchildren when they grow old.

"The escort formation reported that the passage has been cleared. The spacecraft will land in ten minutes." On the radio, the somewhat excited and nervous voice of the transport ship captain came.

Reinhardt closed the electronic folder in his hand, gestured to Deputy Rabin, and turned to look out the window. It can be clearly felt that the transport ship at this moment is slowly descending towards the east, surrounded by fighter planes. The Adjudicator pilots beside him stood up one after another under Rabin's order, walked through the automatic door of the cabin and walked towards the mecha cabin.

After a while, Reinhardt was the only one left in the cabin that accommodated 300 people.

The white shadowless lamp illuminates the empty cabin clearly. The only lonely figure was like a ghost with no sign of life. Reinhard opened a small mirror, took off his hat, and opened his collar. In the mirror, which was so clear that every detail was visible, that handsome face was stiff and rigid. The silver-white metal extends in an arc from the forehead to the back of the head, then wraps the ears, and extends down to the collarbone. A sarcastic smile appeared on Reinhard's lips. He only glanced at it, then expressionlessly put on his military cap, buttoned up his collar, and covered Yun's cold metal head again.

A ferocious and twisted face was reflected on the porthole glass. The experiences of the past year passed through Reinhardt's mind like a movie.

Since Mozic's escape, he has been living in the Desik Empire. However, Desik had no intention of investing any manpower or material resources to support his comeback. Instead, he, a level nine mecha warrior and former commander of the Mythical Legion, was thrown into a small base and froze for a full half a year. It was like being in jail for half a year. The cynicism of the Desik nobles and the rolling eyes of the Desik military were like knives, stabbing at his dignity every moment. But he couldn't complain at all. But I can only put down my body and run around to fight for those slim opportunities. If he hadn't learned about the plan to transform people from someone's mouth, I'm afraid he would still be refrigerated in that remote and crude base, wasting his energy.

Go to the Binart Empire, undergo transformation, be received by Sobor, and come to Thunder Peak." Reinhard now no longer remembers how he made this painful decision and how he walked through it step by step. The clearest memory in my mind is not the pain of transformation, nor the numbness of hundreds of mythical soldiers who followed me but only ten survived, nor the joy of becoming the captain of the Arbitrator as a foreigner. But the sad and disappointed eyes of the girl named Christina.

The spaceship continues to descend.

The dense gunfire and fire on the ground seemed to suddenly emerge from the darkness, making the portholes dim and bright. Reinhard's violent gaze gradually became cold. Since everything in the past cannot be looked back on, there is no need to look back. The cold and ugly metal head is just the inevitable price to pay for gaining power. The important thing is that he once again grasped the pulse of fate and once again held the opportunity tightly in his own hands. The war has just begun, and there are still many possibilities in the future.

Controlling a total of three hundred Arbitrators, and being favored by Sobol, he still has plenty of opportunities to get everything he wants.

That fat man named Tian Xingjian never dreamed that he would return to this war with a strength exceeding eighty-five movements per second. When we meet on a narrow road in the future, we should pay back tenfold the humiliation of the past! Night shrouds Sunset Mountain. Amidst the sky full of gunfire, the transport ship landed silently at the base less than thirty kilometers away from the Sunset Mountain front line. Seeing the black Arbitrators lining up out of the hatch of the transport ship, and busy repairing the damaged facilities of the base and transferring supplies to the Western soldiers, they couldn't help but let out a low roar of excitement.

The forward troops have been fighting fiercely in Sunset Mountain for half the night. The Fei League defense line was already riddled with holes and was in a mess. They have no doubt that when this black force plunges into the overwhelming artillery fire of Sunset Mountain and sets foot on the scorched position, the Spanish-Japanese coalition forces will usher in a crushing victory! From the moment the defense line of Frenso Town fell, Starting from the news, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Armored Divisions of the 33rd Feiyan Army stationed on the southern line of the Sherlocks Mountains all gathered and set off as quickly as possible, heading south along the defense line toward Flen. March quickly with cable feed.

There are few roads on the way south, and most of it involves climbing over mountains and ridges. The combat troops could still manage to keep their ranks in order, but the logistics troops could not keep up with the seven-hour forced march. The furthest distance between the front and rear teams was 30 to 40 kilometers. If there were any Western troops coming to attack like this, the situation would immediately collapse. Fortunately, the entire route was behind the Reske Front Army's defense line. Although the road was a bit rugged, the West York Army's hand could not reach it after all. Besides, no matter how dangerous it is, we can’t take care of it at this point. When the news was received, the vanguard of the Western York Army had already arrived at Banyunling. We have been marching for seven hours and there is no telling what will happen. The commander, deputy commander Pereira, and the three division commanders under his command just kept urging the troops to speed up along the way, shouting until they became hoarse. They all understood that if Frenso's loophole could not be plugged, the defense lines in the northern theater would collapse. The north side is rotten, and even the south side cannot be defended. .

When Xiyo's army crossed the defense line and entered the Phoenix Plains, Leifeng Star was lost.

If this place is lost, the Fei League will not be able to stand on the small area currently occupied by the mountainous area in the northern part of Canglang Star as a bridgehead. If he was driven out of the Lesk system and wanted to come back and land again, Chakna would have to use three to five times more troops than the two empires of Suss and Jiecai, and pay a price that is ten times and a hundred times higher than what he is now! I regretted it and paid a heavy price at that time. It is better to fight for every opportunity as quickly as possible now.

Command the mecha, with the surging

The torrent of mechas climbed up the hillside.

Feiyan Lieutenant General Pereira, who was tall, with short brown hair like steel needles and a beard, stood on the mecha platform. He never put down the portable far-sighted device in his hand since he approached the Frenzo feeder.

The mountain wind was fierce, and it made a whining sound as it crashed through the cracks in the rocks and jungles.

Calculating the distance, we climbed over this mountain called Xiaozhao Mountain and walked ten kilometers along the canyons between several mountains to reach the mining area northeast of Frenzo.

The closer he got to the town of Frenso, the less at ease Pereira felt in his heart.

Originally, when he received the news of the loss of Furenso Bustard, he thought that the 33rd Army would follow the route east of the Sherlocks Mountains, detour back to Banyun Ridge, and establish a defensive line to block the enemy. But who knew that the order issued by Army Commander Pierre and the headquarters was for the 33rd Army to cut across in a straight line to the northeast of the town of Frenso!

Although Pereira was very confident in the combat effectiveness of his 33rd Army, he also understood that the reason why the headquarters did not deploy other troops was because of the combat effectiveness of the 33rd Army. Under the circumstances, launching an attack from the narrow mining area northeast of Frenzo was almost a suicidal act.

Now, the three divisions of the 33rd Army stretch for nearly 20 kilometers in the mountains. Although the troops in front have been adjusted, they can only expand one battalion on the front. Once this unit was discovered by the Westerners, they, who were waiting for work, would be able to completely seal the 33rd Army in the mining area with only two regiments.

All this is just because a fat Lieutenant General Le Lei proposed an unbelievable

plan of.

The command mecha, after stopping briefly at the top of the mountain, followed the large army down the hillside, bumping along the V-shaped valley between the two mountains. Starlight shines on the valley bottom. The gurgling creek flows with cool light among the rocks. The wild grass and leaves all around were swaying in the wind, making a rustling sound. The mountains on both sides and the slope in front brought a suffocating sense of oppression in the dark night.

Although the mecha team with night vision goggles turned on did not emit a trace of light, it made everyone feel like they were walking in the daytime, as if they would be discovered by the West in the next second.

Pereira looked anxiously at the time.

In the northern theater, crazy electronic interference rules the world. Coupled with the need to hide traces, the troops who kept their lights and communications silent could only rely on the shortest distance directional communications and verbal reports for communication. The reconnaissance mecha that the forward troops had withdrawn from had not sent any message to the headquarters for ten minutes.

"Commander, look!"

The commander of the 332nd Division standing next to Pereira stretched out his hand. On the hillside in the distance, a Tongji mecha was traveling in the opposite direction to the advancing troops. Run this way quickly.

Pereira quickly jumped off the platform, ordered the command mecha to stop, and couldn't wait to leave.

Made a contribution.

"Sir, report on the battle in Frenso Town." As soon as the communication mecha stopped, the communication soldier jumped out of his seat.

cabin and handed Pereira an electronic document.

"How is the situation in Frenso?" Pereira said while anxiously waiting for the electronic file to be opened.

move, he asked.

The Signal Corps reported: "The reconnaissance company of the 1st Regiment of our 333rd Division reported that now, the bandit armored division has counterattacked to the outskirts of the town of Frenço. The West York Army is suppressed in the city. The battle is fierce."

"Bandit army..." "Urban area?" Pereira was startled and had no time to look at the electronics that had been activated.

File, raised his head in surprise.

From Banyunling to Frenso Town, a distance of twenty kilometers, why did the West Yorkist Army shrink back all of a sudden?!

"Yes, sir." The signal soldier said: "The bandit army requested our army to speed up its march, meet up within half an hour, and launch a general attack within four hours. According to them, the bandit army's Second Armored Division has already arrived in Flen To the west of Suofei, the retreat of the Western troops was cut off."

Pereira's eyes widened and he was stunned for a while before looking down at the electronic file. After a long time, he used some mechanical movements to pass the document in his hand to the three division commanders beside him.

After looking at the documents in their hands, the expressions of the three division commanders were a little dull.

"Order the troops to cancel their search march, give up building blocking positions, and move forward at full speed!" Perret

La waved his hand, turned around and walked into the command mecha: "Let's go and take a look!"

The finger stick mecha ran forward quickly. A distance of ten kilometers does not take too long for a mecha running at full speed.

When the mecha caught up with the forward troops and passed through the mining area under the escort of the forward troops and entered the northeastern suburbs of Furenso, Pereira and others had no trace of doubt left in their minds.

Along the way, what they saw was a group of Fei League troops taking over the defense, and what they heard was the sound of artillery coming from the city.

This is real.

The First Armored Division of the bandit army entered the battle from Banyunling, and drove the three armored divisions of West York back to the town of Frenso with overwhelming force.

So far, they have annihilated nearly two-fifths of the enemy's strength, and cut off the West York Army's retreat with the 130th defense section south of the second armored sentry post.

What else do we need to do?

With this question and great shock, Pereira finally met the bandit army commander and the bandit army's 1st Armored Division commander in Yejing Mountain on the eastern outskirts of Frenso town.

It is said to be a mountain, but in fact it is just a small hilltop with higher terrain.

Standing on the flattened hilltop and looking to the west, you can clearly see the city of Frenzo. The most glorious night scene of the city in the peaceful era has been replaced by the continuous light of explosions and crisscrossing gunfire. The dilapidated buildings and ruined walls towering in the ruins, in the flickering flashes, appear again and again. Revealed again and again, hidden in darkness again and again.

When the explosion flash came on, there were also mechas and soldiers from both sides fighting fiercely. On the road a little closer, armored troops turned on their lights one after another, like flowing light dragons. On the plains on both sides of the road, groups of soldiers walked silently, and lines of skirmishers approaching the city continued to the far end.

In the cool dark night, standing on this night mountain, what I saw was a cruel and strange


When Pereira and others stepped out of the mecha, they saw a fat man and a short man arguing.

"No," the dwarf furiously said, "These fifty Judges belong to me!" "Fart," the fat man said with an angry look, "I am a commander, please step aside and play!"

"You used to call me sir!" The short man refused to give in: "The direct special forces battalion has been killed.

We have a team of five Judges, and these fifty vehicles are brought to my side, so don’t even think about taking them away!”

"What's on your lips," the fat man sneered: "It's on my lips! If you can overtake me, do whatever it takes."

Take care!

With that said, the fat man didn't wait for the dwarf to speak, waved his hand and ordered: "Come on!"

Before the officers of the 33rd Army came to their senses, they saw three hundred black devil mechas roaring past them, cascading down the steep slopes of Yejing Mountain like waterfalls.

The roar of the mecha flew through the air, turning into the sound of earth-shaking footsteps down the hillside, rolling toward the city at the far end of the road down the mountain.

The officers looked at the smug fat man and the angry dwarf stupidly, their minds feeling dizzy.

Are they talking about the judge? .

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