Counterfeit Hero

Volume 8 Chapter 113 First Impression

"The good cabbage has been eaten by the pig!"

This is the collective voice of all men at Hanking-2 International Airport.

A few minutes ago, the shuttle plane full of Gacharin officers and soldiers who had just arrived landed at the A1 landing pad of Airport 2 in the white energy halo of the Tower of Babel. The door of the shuttle opened and an elegant female Major General Gacharin walked down the automatic gangway.

At first, the officers who went to greet him didn't pay attention because they were far away. The various officials were still chatting in low voices. They were still talking about Gacharin, an originally hostile country, and the famous generals Russell Gordon and Heilig, and burst into teasing laughter when talking about Gacharin's mythical legion and the captured emperor.

But as the woman's swaying figure got closer, the buzzing chatter became smaller and smaller and finally became inaudible.

The eyes of the officers who turned back one after another gradually solidified. They looked on stupidly as the mouth of this beautiful female general Gacharin grew bigger and bigger. The lowest rank among the officers present is lieutenant colonel.

Their status ensures that their lives are filled with all kinds of beauties. They usually consider themselves to be superior to others in their ability to resist beauty. But when they saw the beautiful Major General Gacharin, they suddenly realized that the beauty they had proudly embraced before was just an inflatable doll without a soul. Real beauty turns out to be more than just your face and body.

The woman in front of me is so elegant and refined. That's an innate elegance. No matter where it is, it naturally attracts everyone's sunlight like a magnet.

There is no lustful smile, no charming eyes..." "A kind of beauty that is so intoxicating, so pure and pure.

Surrounded by twenty tough and capable officers, she walked gracefully. With the sound of high-heeled shoes under her feet, her devilishly curvy body swayed slowly and gracefully, with a rhythm that made people's hearts beat.

As the face that confuses all living beings gets closer and closer. The unmarried men among the Chakna officer corps and allied generals who came to greet him subconsciously pulled on their uniforms and neatened their appearance. My mood became extremely contradictory at this moment.

They both look forward to her eyes falling on them and are afraid of them falling on them. Not only did he fantasize about being able to fall in love with her at first sight and win her favor, but he also felt that his whole body was covered with dust, mud and water, and he felt so inferior that he wanted to run away. I was afraid that if I said a word to her and she would look at it, it would contaminate her.

All kinds of thoughts were born in my mind, and just as an electric flower flashed out like a stream of water, the world was destroyed in front of my eyes. The fat man named Tian Xingjian strode forward to greet him.

When he opened his arms, all the officials present went crazy. Everyone was so shocked by the fat man that they were scorched on the outside and tender on the inside. Some people covered their faces and some looked away in pain. The toad wanted to eat the swan meat. Can a fat man like you get close to such a fairy-like person?

But what happened next made everyone present know what it felt like to be struck by thunder.

Everyone watched eagerly as the delicate body threw itself into the fat man's arms. He watched eagerly as she kissed the fat man with her pink lips that were as fragrant as flowers. The sky and the earth were pitch black. The first shuttle, the second shuttle - everyone didn't know how they would spend the next period of time.

The officers just mechanically paid tribute to Gacharin's friendly troops on behalf of their country. Afterwards, some people couldn't even remember what Gacharin's double-walled Gordon and Heilig looked like, which they originally wanted to see the most.

Seeing the girl named Bonnie clinging to the fat man like a bird, everyone felt that this day was simply unbearable. Take a look and be stimulated.

"Do you miss me?" Fatty asked Bonnie innocently.

"I want to." Bonnie's blue eyes looked lovingly at the fat man after a long absence, turning a blind eye to the resentful glances around her. The past time seemed to come back before my eyes. The storm I went through with Fatty seems like yesterday. As a traditional Gacharin woman, she only has eyes for the man in front of her who has integrated into her life.

"What are you thinking about?" the fat man innocently asked with wide eyes. "Damn you, Fatty." Bonnie bit her lip and blushed, making everyone around her go crazy. "Then let me ask you questions one by one..." ""The Fatty completely ignored Hastings, Li Cunxin, and Gordon and Hai who came from afar. Lige squeezed Bonnie's hand, "Where do you miss me?" "Tony...enter" Hastings with a straight face pointed at a young officer wearing a black gold-rimmed uniform and said to the fat man, "Marge's cousin, commander of the Phantom 1st Fleet." "The young officer with a baby face showed a kind smile to the fat man. He held the horn with Tony.

shake hands! The fat man looked respectful. The old guy is angry and it's better not to touch his bad luck now.

The military transport mecha that activated the highway travel mode rushed along the high road towards the coalition base. The scenery outside the mecha's window was thrown behind him.

In the bright and spacious cabin, several staff officers and soldiers were busy in front of the electronic and control systems. Li Cunxin and Gordon Heilig were chatting on the seats next to them. Bernadotte, Fei Erwenblatt and others gathered in front of the electronic map and quietly discussed the battle report just returned from the front line.

The fat man stood obediently in front of Hastings, his eyes scanning Hastings's gloomy face and the several officers standing behind him.

It was not just Gacharin's troops who arrived at Hanking Second Airport today. Tibetan. The person who silently walked out of the airport and boarded the transport mecha in the az landing pad behind the take-off and landing pad was the black Jin Ting Jin family's military force that many people wanted to know about in their dreams. And now Hastings is turning that force over to himself. The officers behind Hastings were three men and one woman.

Tony, who was just introduced, is obviously the most senior person in this small group. Although he has a baby face, Fatty can feel the calmness radiating from his bones. This is the temperament Feng Neng cultivated after experiencing many battles, encountering enough failures and winning enough victories. Calm as stone.

Another young officer standing next to Tony looked a little arrogant. Judging from his age, he is younger than Tony, probably around 27 or 28 years old. When looking at people, he always raises his head slightly, giving him a condescending feeling. The thin lips are slightly lowered, and the lines of the face look very hard.

Like a knife.

Isaac Phantom Military Map Commander of the 3rd Armored Division.

The fat man's eyes moved to another male officer.

This officer has an average appearance and is probably the oldest among the four. Probably about forty years old.

With a medium build and a face that looks a bit fat. Although he doesn't have a smile, he looks gentle. His eyes were calm and had no special expression. The whole person looks like the type that would go unnoticed in a crowd. It feels slightly like heavy and inconspicuous soil. Commander of the 4th Armored Division of Garfield's Phantom Regiment. The last one was a female officer. .

Big eyes, pointed chin, and a typical oval face. When the fat man's gaze met her curious gaze, she showed a charming smile and raised her eyebrows slightly, her flowing expression carrying a hint of teasing or provocation that she couldn't tell.

The specially tailored uniform hugged her body tightly. The plump breasts, thin and strong waist exudes hot sexiness. Like a burning fire. Commander of the 5th Armored Division of the Diana Phantom Legion.

Hastings introduced the remaining three people to the fat man one by one and said calmly: "The fleet and three armored divisions I promised you are now handed over to you. From today on, they are members of the bandit army and your subordinates. Feiyang and I have nothing to do with the Hastings family.

Neither the baby-faced Tony nor the oldest Garfield had any expression on their faces when Hastings said this. Next to him, Isaac frowned and looked at the fat man with a scrutinizing gaze. Diana smiled softly and her somewhat ambiguous and provocative gaze completely turned into provocation.

"Can you command them to see what you can do?" Hastings turned the wheelchair towards Gordon and Heilig, leaving the fat man with a problem that was obviously deliberately created. "Whatever trouble they cause, you will be the only one to carry them."

The fat man blinked blankly and opened his mouth wide enough to swallow the ball.

Tony's eyes tilted slightly downward. The silly fat man put his middle finger on the back of his trousers in a secretive and arrogant way.

The corners of her mouth raised slightly and she looked at Isaac, whose eyes became more intense, and Diana, who looked at the fat man up and down, and then at Bonnie, who was sitting quietly aside, checking electronic files. Tony looked at his nose, nose, and heart and closed his mouth tighter.

Isaac is a military genius and has always been arrogant. Diana is..." "\u0026qut; Both of them have enough reasons to say goodbye to the fat man in front of them who has inexplicably become the core military leader of the Hastings family. Moreover, Hastings's attitude and tone seemed quite conniving.

But I don’t know why I feel vaguely..." "Hastings is more conniving at the fat man in front of him.

Tony said nothing, Field looked dull, Isaac narrowed his eyes slightly, Diana raised her eyebrows slightly, and the four of them all looked at the fat man in front of them in their own way, who was about to become their commander. They knew the purpose of this trip after receiving Black Jintings' order a month ago.

It is difficult to describe in words their extremely complicated feelings after seeing those documents and learning some incredible information from various sources in the family.

Phantom Legion is a vulgar name. It originated from a casual remark made by Margaret, a seven-year-old girl, while watching cartoons. But the name doesn't matter. This is true for the enemy as well as for our own people.

Even if this unit carries names such as Boy's Chicken Army, Boy's Thunderbolt Team, and Sunflower Squad, it will not detract from her terror and power.

How many people racked their brains to get a glimpse of this army but were unable to do so. How many people died without knowing the name of this army. How many people were just because of this unknown name or size in their minds. Are you worried about the troops and can't sleep at night? !

The overall strength of the Phantom Legion is two group fleets and six special armor divisions. All members are retired officers and soldiers from the Feiyang Double-Headed Eagle Force!

The size of the army is not large. But except for the children of the Hastings family, everyone here is the most loyal subordinate of the military god Hastings, and they are also veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles. In terms of combat effectiveness, the current Double-headed Eagle troops were taught by these people from the Phantom Legion!

Only Hastings could have such a force in Feillan. Only he can send countless of these elites scattered among the Double-headed Eagles or other elite troops into the Phantom Legion with a retirement order.

This is a force that is entirely Hastings's personal force. Even if Hastings ordered a coup, this force would carry it out without hesitation. This is something Li Fu will never be able to achieve.

Although there are countless soldiers who regard Li Fuyi's faith and are willing to follow him. But Feiyang is a democratic country after all. Only the God of War, who has held the throne of Marshal Feiyang and has been admired by all soldiers for thirty years, has enough time and means to build such a team!

But now one-half of the team was so simply handed over to 7, the fat man in front of 7 who was rumored to have an ambiguous relationship with Margaret but was having sex with another woman in front of Hastings!

LeRae Federation hero mechanic soldier. He single-handedly captured Emperor Charin. James defeated the mythical army. The White Wolf took control of the entire free world of Mars. Is the commander of the bandit army this guy in front of me? ! "Just now, the Marshal asked us if he could command us to see what you are capable of." A teasing smile appeared on Isaac's lips. Fat and breathy. "The Marshal also said that no matter what trouble they cause, you are the only one responsible for it." Anna's smile became more and more charming, and her brows were full of eagerness for the world to be in chaos.

"Of course. From today on, we are a family." The fat man smiled innocently and said lightly: "I don't know if I can give you advice. Whoever has the bigger fist can keep his word. You can try to challenge me. In addition, in the bandit army There is no word for causing trouble in it. Even if you poke a hole in the sky, I will still be there for you, just because I am afraid that you are incompetent."

Isaac and Anna's expressions changed. Tony and Garfield looked at each other calmly, with some surprise in their eyes.

Having always used Sobor's most elite night army as their only opponent, this was the first time they saw a guy who dared to speak so loudly in front of the Phantom Army. I don’t know if this fat man is just a big talker or if he is really capable..." "Zi. ...The number of mechas suddenly decreased.

Everyone in the cabin raised their heads and looked out the window in confusion. Through the gaps between the tightly guarded individual mechas, everyone discovered that they had arrived at the coalition base unknowingly. "What's going on?" Li Cunxin asked. "The base is fighting again." A staff officer put down the communication headset and reported.

again? Tony and the other four people keenly noticed this word in the air of the staff and couldn't help but be a little stunned. Are there frequent fights at coalition bases? "The base said that the bandit army was chasing them again." The staff officer glanced at the fat man timidly and said to Li Cunxin.

The surveillance screen of the base appeared on the mecha's computer screen in due course. The streets were already in chaos. A group of guys in blue uniforms twisted the benches and held bricks to drive away the various government officials who were far more numerous than they could hide in front of them.

"Fat man, can't you fucking tell your people to calm down?" Li Cunxin was furious, "I wipe your ass every day and get into dozens of fights a month, either hurting your dick or asshole. Are you done with it?" Fatty Tony and others were stunned with a silly smile on their face as if nothing had happened.

On the screen, a bandit officer was holding a bamboo pole and hiding far away, quietly stabbing a Ryan officer in the butt. This was the bandit army.

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