Counterfeit Hero

Volume 8, Chapter 26: Evil always arises when courage arises


When they heard this thunderous roar, the Chakna warriors running towards Hill 415 were immediately ecstatic.

"It's our people!"

"Here we come, brothers are here to save us!" They ran and looked ahead in surprise.

Countless self-propelled artillery opened fire behind Hill 415. These self-propelled artillery, completely ignoring the danger that the coordinates would be exposed as soon as they opened fire when Skynet was suppressed, they sent energy cannons into the sky crazily and without any interval. The sky was obscured by white shooting stars, and the roar like a train entering a tunnel was overwhelming.

A moment later, as the first batch of energy shells exploded in the rear of the Jiepen Armored Battalion, an earth-shattering roar resounded through the sky.

“Long live Chakna!!”

Countless Chakna warriors poured down from the mountains.

Although they were only infantry, the collective charge of thousands of people was still like the Yangtze River. The portable missiles and portable energy cannons in their hands were roaring and roaring. Hundreds of missiles, trailing twisted white smoke, emitted a piercing scream in the air. Thousands of energy cannons, machine guns and rifle ammunition chains formed a dense network of light in an instant.

The valley basin, which had already been filled with thunder, seemed to have been detonated by 100,000 tons of explosives. Countless mushroom clouds rose into the sky. Thick black smoke spread its teeth and claws in the air. Before it could dissipate in the fierce mountain wind, countless identical black smoke groups appeared out of thin air. Between the black smoke, there is white smoke that is too thick to melt away. In the white smoke, you can only hear the crackling of dirt and gravel hitting the ground. There are groups of red flames that are fleeting and rising towards the sky.

The Jiepen Armored Battalion, which was torn to pieces by the red mecha, fell into greater chaos.

Their main formation was dispersed under the cover of artillery fire, and their small team of mechas were strangled by the red mechas that moved in and out like the wind. There were more than 400 mechas, but now there were less than 200 left. These two hundred vehicles were distributed on the ground with a radius of twenty square kilometers, fighting each other. No matter how frantically the battalion commander gave orders, he could never focus.

The red mecha, red-eyed, was constantly divided among them.

They always appear in the most frightening place at the most frightening time, attack at the most frightening part, and then disappear without a trace at the most helpless time.

The disappearance of a red mecha team often means that another red team will appear from nowhere. They are like a precise machine, under the control of a pair of invisible hands, meshing every gear perfectly. If you haven't been attacked by them for a period of time, you should be more careful. Maybe in the next second, three or four red knives will appear from all around at the same time and stab into your body.

Fear spread in the hearts of the Jiepen mecha warriors. They are not afraid of fighting, or even of death. However, they had no way to face such an opponent who was waving a knife crazily and couldn't catch him.

When the battle enters a state where the comrades around him are constantly falling down, and he wants to fight but can't find anyone, the battle is no longer possible.

Moreover, the order they received was to do their best to prevent these enemies from approaching the 415th position and prevent the enemies from joining the 415th position. And that's exactly what they did. However, the eight mecha squads that detoured from both wings and charged towards the enemy's infantry formation were slaughtered cleanly by the red mechas that looked like knives before they even got close to the enemy's formation.

Not to mention those small teams, even the two companies in front as the main force are already crumbling at this moment. The original dense formation has been torn to pieces. On the entire plain, there are more than a dozen mecha groups of various sizes scattered here and there, fighting each other. Most of them were in a circular defensive formation, guarding their surroundings cautiously.

Ordinary soldiers couldn't understand what was going on. The only one who really understood was the commander of the Armored Battalion Jie Pen, who had cold hands and feet.

The battalion commander is thirty years old this year.

For a thirty-year-old young man from a low-level aristocratic family who started his business to become the battalion commander of the Jiepen Armored Battalion, it was already a remarkable achievement.

At the age of sixteen, he entered the 68th Royal Military Academy in Jipengbei. At the age of twenty, he entered the army with four years of excellent results in all subjects, two years of special training experience and the rank of captain, and became a grassroots officer.

In the army, after eight years of hard work, he finally relied on his excellent military qualities and solid military command to attack the enemy, and accumulated military merit and was promoted to a full battalion position.

For him, these eight years were eight years of accumulation.

A company cannot have much effect on the battlefield, but a battalion may change the outcome of a war! He believes that his offensive command will take him to great heights in the next eight years.

But he didn't expect that his dream would be shattered at this moment by a dissatisfied red armored company.

He had done his best, and he had been prepared since this mixed force of mechas and infantry began to move closer. Although the scouts sent out one after another had no news and brought back no intelligence, this also allowed him to smell a hint of danger from all kinds of unusual things.

He knew very well what kind of strength the 172nd Division's special battalion had. One hundred special mechas were actually wiped out, and none of the more than twenty reconnaissance mechas sent came back, which in itself explained the problem.

In this battle, he did not feel at all underestimating the enemy. There was no intention to completely annihilate the enemy.

As a commander, what he learned from his mentor, in addition to military theory and command skills, was also the control of one's own emotions and desires as a qualified commander.

He doesn't need to annihilate all the enemies, he just needs to block them, that's enough! Any unrealistic greed will usually not bring about the dessert of victory in the end.

Although his integrated armored battalion has more than 400 mechas, the number is five or six times that of his opponents. However, weighing the benefits of annihilating the opponent and blocking the opponent, and weighing the unusualness he had sensed before, he still chose a more prudent tactic.

When the opponent appeared in the east of the basin, his troops were ready for battle and left the base in an orderly manner.

When the opponent reached one-third of the basin, his troops had already pounced on him, forcing the opponent's mecha troops to intercept and the infantry troops to flee northwest.

When the opponent advanced to the middle of the basin, his two wings had already begun a large-scale outflanking. When the two flanks were outflanked by the opponent, his troops had already begun a larger roundabout in small groups. .

He is determined to keep these people here!

Even if he re-examines his tactical command now, he does not think he made any mistakes. The advantages of military strength have been exploited to the extreme, and the weaknesses of the opponent have also not been spared. In terms of commanding the details, he tried his best. From the beginning of the battle, Skynet was operating at full speed. With the opponent's electronic system suppressed, the entire battle situation was in his hands.

However, under such circumstances, the opponent's commander suddenly overturned the situation.

He watched helplessly as his troops were being torn apart. Whenever he issued an order regarding the battle situation, he found that the opposing commander always got ahead of him.

That guy always has a way to make the situation more chaotic, and always has a way to cut the troops he is trying to organize closer into pieces. Several times, he thought he had grasped the opponent's pulse, and commanded his troops to intercept them several times, trying to cut off the connection between the opponent's wandering troops and disrupt the opponent's continuous offensive coordination.

Platoons and companies were running around under his command, exhausted. But what we got in the end was the news that due to the time difference, we were suddenly attacked by the opponent, or because of the time difference, the opponent calmly escaped.

Time difference, time difference. These three words were like a bloody dagger, piercing deeply into his heart.

The opposing commander used the time difference to cooperate and use the time difference to change his red troops from one company to three companies, three companies! Turn your superior troops into weak troops that are passively beaten.

Endless artillery fire fell all around.

In front of me, Jiepen mechas were evading hastily and fighting on their own. Countless Chakna infantrymen poured out from Position 415. They followed the valley and the hillsides on both sides, brazenly cooperating with the red mechas to launch attacks.

When the two Chakna teams heading towards each other met on a hilltop at the entrance of the valley, he heard cheers that were far louder than the gunfire and explosions beside him.

Everything is finished


Among the mountains along the Karachi River, in the southeast of Highland 415, six rolling hillsides look like three double-humped camels sitting end to end on the ground. The vegetation is lush and the air is fresh. The moss on the mountain wall, a few gurgling springs, and the clear chirping of birds from time to time make it appear extremely peaceful and peaceful.

Suddenly, a flock of birds in the jungle flew into the sky without warning, screaming and fleeing in all directions.

The ground began to tremble. The tranquility was broken, the sound of a huge engine sounded from behind the hillside, and densely packed steel mechas jumped out from behind the hillside, rolling down like galloping horses amid the flying dust and smoke. Dense bushes and bushes were crushed under the feet of the huge and heavy machinery, and countless large trees were broken in the torrent of steel.

After a while, the mecha group had crossed the mountain. The sound of footsteps and wind whistling gradually became smaller and smaller, and finally became inaudible. The hills that were once again peaceful were in a state of chaos. Looking down from the sky, on different mountaintops that are a few kilometers to dozens of kilometers apart, four or five identical teams are rushing towards the same place, rushing towards the same place!

"Master Commander," the anxious voice of his subordinates came from the communication channel: "The Chakna troops at position 415 have launched an attack. The offensive is extremely fierce. Three regiments and one battalion are almost unable to withstand it."

"Tell the commander of the first battalion to hold on. If he holds on for another eight minutes, I will give him a credit! Promote him to the rank of regimental commander!" Zhongshan Yi had veins popping on his neck and his eyes were as red as blood.

The sound in the communicator disappeared, leaving only the roar of the mecha engine in my ears. Zhongshan Yi didn't know what the liaison officer told the first battalion commander. He only knew how to lead the team and run towards it with all his strength. He has to race against those mud-legged people who walk on two feet. In eight minutes, not just five minutes, he can arrive and make those damn Chakna people lose all hope at the last moment.

For many years, the god Jepembam has been taking care of him. The power of that great god is everywhere. It only takes five minutes, it only takes five minutes!

Everything disappeared in the red eyes. Mountains, trees, sunlight, rocks, everything disappeared. Even the sound seemed to have disappeared...except for his own heartbeat.

Everything outside the mecha was twisting while running at high speed.

Distance, time...the only two things left in the whole world.

Climbing over mountains, descending valleys, crossing streams, climbing steep slopes, and running along the ridges, finally, the damn battlefield filled with countless thunders was right in front of us.

The view suddenly became clearer as the slope of the mountain disappeared.

Zhongshan Yi stood on the top of the mountain and stared blankly at the valley basin... It was a scene of hell. Densely packed corpses and densely packed mecha wreckage followed a winding line all the way to Highland 415.

Countless balls of flames were scattered on the flat ground, with thick smoke billowing.

Just as he expected, the battle continued. However, it was not his armored battalion that was intercepting and strangling the enemy. On the contrary, it was those red mechas that were strangling them.

And their infantry team has reached the mountainside of Position 415.

Those bastards who had escaped were using the portable missiles and energy cannons they had just obtained to fire at the Jiepen mechas that were fighting on their own. They kept at a safe distance, ready to retreat to their positions at any moment.

How many escaped? One thousand or fifteen hundred?

Those who didn't fire were jumping and shouting. The deafening cheers were so clear amid the sound of cannons and explosions.

The mecha's radar suddenly issued a series of beeps. Zhongshanyi turned his head blankly, and two armored battalions appeared in the southeast and northeast of the valley basin almost at the same time.

Those were two battalions of the 59th Division.

Looking at the red mechas that were still killing his subordinates unscrupulously in front of him, Zhongshan Yi felt like a raging fire was rushing from his heart to his brain. All reason was burned to the ground at this moment!

"Kill! Kill!" His voice trembled, as if he was mumbling to himself.

"Kill, kill me!" His voice became louder, with a nervous excitement.

"Come up here and kill them!" Zhongshan Yi roared crazily, pushed the control stick of the mecha, and rushed down the mountain first. His movement was too fast and too sudden. When the Jiepeng mecha warriors who had recovered their consciousness swarmed down the mountain, the distance between them and him had already increased by nearly 400 meters.

There are less than a hundred Jiepen mechas left in the basin.

"He, damn, wants to kill me, wants to stop me." Surrounded by the nine gold medal fighters who had refocused, the fat man went on a killing spree. The beating was extremely enjoyable, and he shouted: "Come on, come on. !”

"General, the enemy's reinforcements are coming." Markovich reminded.

"Reinforcements?" The fat man looked around blankly and saw countless Jiepen mechas pouring out from the mountains and valleys like a tide in the southeast and northeast directions. In front of them, a Jeppon Civet led two hundred civets with orange joints towards them fiercely.

"Shameless!" The fat man was so angry that his mouth was filled with smoke. I worked so hard to level the battle, and just when I gained some advantage, reinforcements arrived! These idiots are so unreasonable!

"You guys retreat first!" The fat man gritted his teeth and stared at the lone mecha rushing towards him. Seeing the other party being so arrogant, I felt sad, angry and aggrieved.

For a moment, anger arose in his heart, and evil turned to courage. He pulled the control lever, and the mecha flew into the air: "I will do it again, and it will be the vote of his dog!".

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