Counterfeit Hero

Volume 7 Chapter 128 Departure

There was silence in the office.

The fat man's words were like steel, with a ringing sound.

However, it was obvious that Fang Xiang and Margaret heard nothing.

The two women stared blankly at the little kid with a cigar in his mouth and hugging the fat man's head like a koala.

Those shocked eyes seemed to see the end of the world.

The men looked at each other and shrugged. A woman's motherhood is indeed the strangest and most elusive thing in the world. Even the two lively and stunning beauties in front of me are no exception. Looking at them now, they looked like two little hens ready to rush to protect their chicks at any time.

Indeed, at this moment, Fang Xiang wanted to go up and tear this little guy off, and then scold the fat man. She has never seen such a ridiculous father and son. His son smokes, but his father actually takes it for granted. However, when the little kid turned to look at her and uttered a word silently from his lips, her uncontrollable thought disappeared without a trace in an instant.


The little bastard smiled innocently.

Although Fang Xiang was sure that only she saw this silent word. However, a sense of shame still rolled out of his body. The way the fat man shyly called his sister on weekdays came to mind again. My heart, which had been as still as water for twenty-nine years, suddenly had a ripple. The ripples continued to spread, gradually spreading out, turning the blood red and rippling to the base of her ears.

There's this little bastard and that big bastard!

Fang Xiang was ashamed and annoyed. He lightly stomped his feet and turned his head. Don't look at this bastard father and son who like to randomly identify their relatives.

Men. I can’t even save my own woman. What kind of man are you still? That voice was full of male hormones. It was rolling in Fang Xiang's heart. In this war-torn world. She for a while. be terribly upset.

at the same time. Margaret also gave up the idea of ​​strong intervention.

The damn fat man is the father of that little bastard. It doesn't matter to him. Why should I teach that child a lesson? If that little bastard calls me "Mom" again like Fang Xiang. It’s better not to live anymore.

"You mean your land is also on Canglang Star?" Margaret forced herself to look away from the little boy. When speaking. Only then did he realize that his voice was extremely dry: "So. You have to go?"

The fat man's lips trembled and he nodded vigorously.

Margaret looked at Fang Xiang, only to find that Major General Salega, who was usually mature and capable, was now like a little woman, looking at the fat man and the little boy tenderly and tangledly, as if she didn't notice her question at all. talk.

"What if" Margaret sighed, pointed to the electronic folder she threw to the fat man and said, "What if Marshal Hastings, the supreme commander of the coalition forces, personally ordered you to abandon this dangerous rescue plan?"

"Marshal Hastings?"

Margaret's words made the officers present take a breath. Sitting on the sofa, Russell sighed softly and shook his head. The little kid riding on the fat man's neck snorted a stream of smoke from his nose with a disapproving look on his face.

Margaret suddenly felt her heart skip a beat.

"It's you who asked me to save the country, and it's you who asked me not to save the country." Sure enough, the fat man sneered and said, "Marshal Hastings has no control over this matter. This is my own business."

He looked at Margaret and said lightly: "I don't care if you disobey military orders because of this. It's not the first time anyway."

Margaret felt a little wronged and angry. If she had known earlier that the fat man agreed to the mission for his woman, and not for him and Bernadotte's so-called rescue of Marshal Li Cunxin, she would not have gone to her grandfather in a thankless manner.

The dog bit Lu Dongbin! Margaret was muttering in her mind, but for the first time she had no thought of arguing with the fat man.

She was silent, with mixed emotions.

She is a soldier, but also a woman.

After a moment, she asked in a weak tone that even she couldn't believe: "When are you going to leave?"

*************************************************** *************************************************** **********

"Tian Xingjian"

Sobol sat on the crescent-shaped recliner, looking at the starry sky outside the window of the [Scorpio] Fortress, and silently recited this name in his heart. On the coffee table next to him, there was a blue fluorescent electronic folder and a cup of cooled coffee.

Alessandro stood silently behind Sobol. The young officer's body remained upright and his eyes were fixed. However, if you look carefully, you can find a trace of shame and unwillingness in his eyes.

White electronic lights illuminate the office floor.

On the electronic interstellar map that occupies an entire wall, the Salga Longbow Galaxy is marked with a big red cross, which is particularly eye-catching. A huge attack arrow where densely packed combat troops gathered together stayed outside the Longbow Galaxy. It was like a trapped beast, roaring helplessly and humiliatingly.

The battle plan was blocked. The main southeast channel, which was supposed to be the main attack route, turned out to be a broken road. The Fei League moved their position to the core area of ​​the southeastern theater of Western York. The two Royal Elephant-class fleets were defeated and surrendered. All of this was because of that fat man Lelei!

Alessandro needs to control himself very hard to prevent himself from


He knew that it was his previous failed mission that caused all of this to happen.

A few months ago, after receiving the information, he personally formulated a battle plan, commanded the fleet to go deep into the free shipping lanes, and tried to attack the Leray secret mission visiting Chakna. The prisoner Sobol named Colonel Lelei Tian Xingjian to be captured alive.

But unexpectedly, after a fierce battle, Tian Xingjian used a destroyer to open a way out and escaped.

What is even more unexpected is that after living in the free world of Mars, this person not only relied on the conflicts between schools to turn everything upside down. Defeat the Northern Business Alliance in the melee and hijack the entire free world of Mars. More than twenty hours ago, he helped Feiyang's 19th Group Fleet defeat Humphrey and captured all the warships of Fei Ling and Fei Yu Fleet!

A major general who is only twenty-six years old. It is possible to achieve such a result! This is no longer something that a genius can explain!

variable! In Alejandro's mind, he remembered the code name given to this person by the original Gacharin military headquarters in the intelligence. Now that I think about it, it seems so appropriate.

When Xiyo, this huge war machine, was moving crazily along the established track at full speed. This guy is like a troublemaker who keeps placing various obstacles on the track. This time, he has threatened Sobol's overall strategic plan and even forced Sobol to change the strategic timetable for him. If he is given enough time and if he has enough luck, then the future will be ++.

Alessandro didn't dare to think about it any more.

He stood quietly behind Sobor, and in his heart, apart from shame, there was only awe for Sobor. Being able to issue the order to attack this inconspicuous fat man a few months ago, Sobol's vision has traveled through time and space.

"It's not your fault!" Sobol stood up, looked at Alessandro with his head lowered, and said calmly: "I know some things, but you don't know. So, all this has nothing to do with you. Have the courage to take responsibility. Responsibility is the most basic virtue of being an imperial noble. However, this does not mean that you should take all the factors of failure on yourself. If it was after he arrived in the free world that led to today's defeat, then , I, who gave the order in the first place, should bear the greatest responsibility."

Alessandro bowed his head devoutly. At this moment, his entire life belonged to Sobol.

"I still underestimated him." Sobol walked slowly to the front of the interstellar plane and stood with his hands behind his back. The low voice had a metallic texture, and the lights in the entire office seemed to be dimmed.


Sobol stood quietly in front of the star map for a moment, waved his hand gently, and walked out the door first. Alessandro quickly stepped forward and opened the automatic door first, then followed closely behind Sober.

After leaving the office, in the corridor, the noise in the headquarters hall rushed towards us.

When Sobol appeared on the second floor platform of the hall, the messy footsteps and the one after another communication calls completely disappeared. The entire combat department hall was silent. The officers in Binart uniforms stood still and stared intently.

On the sofa in a corner of the hall, a dozen generals from different Western countries and noble families also stood up gracefully, looking at Sobol with their chests raised and their heads raised.

The order for the Western Jordan Winter Offensive has been issued! They knew that after suffering an embarrassing defeat in the Battle of Longbow, Sobor would launch severe revenge on the entire Fei League. He wants to ignite the flames of war in every inch of the starry sky, and he wants Carlston and Reske to become the cruelest meat grinders. He wants to maximize Xiyue's current strategic advantages. Let the Fei League collapse little by little under the heavy pressure!

This is not a decisive battle. However, this stage of the battle will be more cruel than the decisive battle!

"In the Carlston Galaxy, the Feiyang fleet in the Montoya Interstellar Corridor is trying to advance deep into us. In order to contain our all-out offensive on the central and left-wing battlefields." Sobol's right hand gently held his hand. On the platform railing, he said calmly: "In Resk, Feiyang and Chakna's armies are gathering. They have occupied the Longbow Galaxy, guarding our army's northward passage, trying to annihilate General Mikami Yuuto's millions in one fell swoop. A great army. Turn the tide of the battle in Resk."

Sober's voice echoed in the hall of the operations department, calm and calm. He seemed to be telling a bland story rather than giving a pre-war speech.

"They made the wrong calculation."

He raised his hand and looked at the silver-white old-fashioned mechanical watch on his wrist, with a cold smile on his lips: "Start, don't give them time, and don't give them any chance!"

The second hand returned to zero. The same communication code is divided into hundreds of communication light waves, jumping between countless interstellar communication adapters.

The winter offensive begins. Implement the ‘cut in half’ plan. "

*************************************************** *************************************************** ***

The fleet left the asteroid belt full of debris and sailed towards the Blue Stone Star.

The earthy-yellow planet in the distance, the fiery red ball-like star on the back of the planet, and the gray-white nebula that obscures the stars in the distance are all quickly moving away from the field of vision. This airspace where countless battleships and lives were lost, one last look at, seems like a lifetime ago.

One after another, the steel battleships entered the jump channel. The fully opened tail thruster erupted with intense blue light. The moment the ship disappeared, it seemed as if it was torn and deformed by the light of the ship itself. Because the speed is too fast

The stream of ions from the device only flashed away. There is no going from large to small and from near to far: in just an instant, the battleship will completely disappear from the retina, as if melting into the void.

If anyone were around, they would definitely be amazed at the complex composition of this fleet. There are ten A-class fleets and thousands of battleships, but they have four different logos. The most surprising thing is that the two symbols among them actually belong to two incompatible superpowers in this era. The warships painted with these two symbols were actually on both wings of the fleet's main formation, serving as deputy corps, surrounding the Lelei battleship cluster in the central main formation.

Even when President Binard Tefeyan visited before the war, he probably never enjoyed such treatment. At least the fleets of the two countries that escort them are usually C-class fleets used by the two countries for ceremonial and display purposes. No one would spend huge sums of money to launch two elephant-class fleets and a group fleet into the air to mobilize troops and troops.

At the end of the battle, several thief-like Western reconnaissance ships, escorted by the squadron sent to the jumping point, hurriedly jumped out of the Longbow Galaxy. What they witnessed was enough for them and the eyes behind them to understand that the Longbow Galaxy had officially fallen into the hands of the Fei Alliance. Before Siyo had enough courage and strength to launch a strong attack on the galaxy guarded by ten A-class fleets, every planet and every channel in the Longbow Galaxy had nothing to do with them.

The finishing work after the war was carried out in an orderly manner.

As Margaret watched in confusion, the Zangfeng Fleet officially joined the bandit army's combat sequence.

Russell, a famous general of the generation, became the deputy of Major General Tian Xingjian. He served as deputy commander of the bandit army and concurrently as chief of staff of the group army headquarters. After Fatty leaves, Russell will cooperate with Douglas and be stationed on Blue Stone Star to resist Xiyo's attack. Until the end of the Battle of Lesk or when a strategic transfer is required.

Margaret couldn't understand.

Regardless of status, position, military rank or ability, Russell is much higher than Fatty. Logically speaking, Fatty's bandit army should be satisfied if it can occupy a divisional position among Lelei's regular army led by Russell. Why did everything turn the cart before the horse, and it turned out that three new Lerey fleets, plus a half-Binart Elephant-class fleet that took over, became the subordinates of dozens of shabby warships? !

What’s even more confusing is that not only did the Leray officers have no objections to this, but they all had expressions of taking it as a matter of course.

"Tell me, what on earth is going on? That fat man actually leads General Russell?!"

On the bridge balcony of the USS Oracle, Margaret tugged Douglas's arm, pulled the young lieutenant general's handsome face towards her, and asked in confusion. .

Douglas, Claudia, and the senior officers of the 19th Group Fleet, including Pang Mingjian, were invited to the party on the Oracle after the Lere people completed the incorporation of the Binart battleship. The celebration of the soldiers' reunion has ended. The officers' party has just begun.

The meeting between Feiyang officer and the bandit officer was another exciting scene.

When Douglas saw the fat man, he saluted first and gave the fat man a bear hug with all his strength. There were also Pang Mingjian and Captain Holman of the battleship Oscar, and the Feiyang officers who had narrowly escaped death expressed their admiration and gratitude with their loud voices and thick arms. If the party hadn't started at the right time, these Feiyan officers would have strangled all the saviors to death with their arms.

Looking at the Feiyang officers in the party hall with red eyes, holding wine glasses and talking loudly, hugging the bandit officers, you can know that they have been proudly conquered by the bandit army's near-perfect performance. Feiyang people are arrogant because they have been a citizen of the largest superpower in the human world for decades. Just because they have great vision and arrogance doesn't mean they are all short-sighted idiots.

Especially these soldiers who have spent their entire lives fighting and walking on the edge of life and death. All worldly views and petty suspicions are bullshit in their eyes. They don't get emotional easily. But their feelings are hotter than burning stars.

Their respect is only dedicated to the most heroic warriors! They like that fat LeLei guy!

After being pulled by Margaret like this, Douglas reluctantly handed the wine glass to Claudia, took out his handkerchief and wiped the spilled wine on his hands, and sighed.

Because of Claudia and Claudia's uncle, Admiral McKinley, he had known Margaret and became a close friend for almost five years. Before today, whether in his perception or in other people's evaluations, Margaret had always been an extremely smart girl. Her talents in social, political, scientific, and artistic aspects are as astonishing as her military talents.

As far as Douglas knew, many affairs of the Hastings family had been handed over to her hands two years ago.

If at the beginning, people only looked at Hastings and had a perfunctory relationship with this little girl, then later on, everyone could only cautiously regard her as the most powerful opponent they had ever encountered.

Her ability in handling family politics dazzles even the most cunning and experienced politicians.

But now Douglas had to sigh. He really didn't expect that someone as smart as Margaret would ask himself such a question.

Couldn't she see the status of the fat man in the hearts of these Lelei warriors? No, she saw it. She just angrily refused to admit it. This can only mean that she has been blinded by some emotion.

What happened to make her so obsessed with fat people? !

Douglas was worried. After arriving at the aircraft carrier [Oracle], he had already received more shocking news from Margaret.

The twelfth generation mecha of the Binart Empire

Mecha control skills, battleship stealth technology, and perhaps more, surprisingly, these are all urgently needed by the Earth Fei League.

Even Douglas himself understood that the bandit army treated these things just like the Feyon Republic treated its own core military secrets, which could not be easily handed over to outsiders. But cooperating with such an army rather than confronting it is still the wisest choice at the moment. Margaret's choice to follow the bandit army here shows that she understands the importance of the bandit army. But she seemed to have some kind of emotion towards the fat man. This doesn't sound like her.

After exchanging surprised looks with Claudia, Douglas asked with a wry smile: "Do you know his previous record?"

Margaret nodded. Under the high bun, a circle of thin golden hair was clearly visible on the back of her white neck: "You have told me about what happened on the Mozic planet before. I believe, Those are all true!”

Margaret's voice was clear and crisp. There was no reason for her to be pregnant with her brother, Douglas. Moreover, during these days in the bandit army, she saw far more than Douglas.

"Then you should understand what such a person means to Le Ray." Douglas said calmly: "Think about Admiral Bernadotte's attitude towards him when we communicated with the command just now. I think, he Being the commander of this fleet is not that difficult to understand.”

Margaret didn't say anything. She looked at the party hall quietly. On the sofa on one side of the hall, the fat man and the little boy were sitting on the sofa like good babies, listening to a Chuckner. The old lady was chattering.

"What happened?" Claudia gently held Margaret's arm and asked in a low voice. The little witch she was familiar with, who was calm and calm and controlled everything silently, was gone.

"It's nothing. Gretel lowered her head and smiled.

"You seem to be in a mess." Claudia brushed a few strands of blond hair around Margaret's ears: "I can see it."

"The Lere people surprised me. They seem to have so many things that are different from us." Margaret whispered: "I admit, he gave me enough shock. I even wanted to use marriage, Tie him to the Feiyang warship. But"

Looking at Douglas and Claudia's shocked eyes, Margaret's face was still calm and calm, as if she was telling something that had nothing to do with her: "I failed!"

Failed. Douglas and Claudia looked at each other.

"Coercion and inducement" Margaret picked up the wine glass, stared at the golden wine mixed with ice cubes, and said in confusion: "It seems to have no effect on him. He is obviously not a person who wants nothing, but, But I can't find his weakness."

"He has no weaknesses?" Claudia tightened her hand on Margaret's arm in surprise, and then turned back to look at Douglas.

Douglas mused.

Margaret shook her head and said: "Speaking of which, this man is full of weaknesses. I have never seen a guy as greedy, lustful, vain, timid, and without grace as he is.

However, despite his shortcomings, he was able to resist coercion and inducement. I really don't know what is in this guy's mind that makes him so persistent. "

"You just want to attack his weaknesses." Douglas slowly lit a cigarette and shook his head: "Perhaps, this is the biggest mistake you have ever made."

Seeing Margaret raise her head and look at him, Douglas said in a deep voice: "Although I haven't fought side by side with him for a long time, I know that I would rather be friends with him. Because he can always help him." Friends create many miracles. I've experienced it twice and I'm looking forward to the third. So you shouldn't think about conquering or tempting him."

Two shabby armed merchant ships approached the mothership. The hull of the ship blocked the entire starry sky outside the balcony window. From here, you can clearly see the mottled rust on the hull of the merchant ship, as well as the bandit soldiers and cabin furnishings in the portholes.

Margaret looked at Douglas quietly and suddenly laughed.

She hugged Claudia gently, then reached out to hug Douglas, and smiled: "It's time for me to go."

"I have asked grandpa to put the 19th Group Fleet under the command of the bandits and unify the orders. When I come back," a confident and beautiful smile appeared on the girl's face: "General Douglas, I hope that my efforts will not In vain.”

Making a relaxed face, the girl turned and left. The last words she said were: "If I can't conquer him, then I will try to blend in with him. He can't escape from the palm of my hand!"

Behind him, Douglas and Claudia looked at each other and smiled.

Without sacrifice, there is no victory.

This famous saying of Hastings is the motto of all Feiyan soldiers. However, how many people truly understand the meaning of sacrifice? That is not simple cooperation, nor is it tolerance, nor is it cruelly directing soldiers to rush towards the enemy's guns. It is a word with infinite meaning, a spiritual power.

It is noble to sacrifice one's life, but it is even more difficult to sacrifice one's deep-rooted ideas and immediate interests.

Douglas looked at Margaret's light back and knew that his worries were unnecessary. This smart girl has already tasted the true flavor of the word "sacrifice". .

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