Counterfeit Hero

Volume 7 Chapter 118 Reunion (14)

Order the battleship [Emon] to move to battle position No. 7 in accordance with the No. 2 battle group battle plan. Order the battleship [Trulli] to sail along the T2 channel to the C5 combat position to threaten the rear of the enemy fighter attack group and cooperate with the [Forenka] and the [Red Tail] for joint defense! Tell them to hit and squeeze at the same time.

Scoop out everything you can. As long as we persist for ten minutes, victory will be ours! "

"Order the [Fei Ling] mothership to move closer to me. All carrier-based fighters are fully released and follow the L7 channel to the N211 airspace. Be sure to hold back the Feiyang fighter group!"

Humphrey's fingers flew over the tactical computer: leaping. One order after another came out without thinking. The entire mothership battle group quickly changed formations under his command.

"Order the fighter squadron left behind by the mothership to enter the ejection channel and prepare for thirty seconds. The [Scorpion] will provide tactical cover for thirty seconds. They have fifteen seconds to complete the release!"

"Twenty seconds countdown seconds countdown nine"

Above the aircraft carrier Feiyu, the beautiful streamlined hull of the foreign ship [Scorpion] slowly moved sideways in the void. Countless energy turrets intertwined into a dense firepower network, driving away the bandit fighters like wasps.

"Eight Seven Six" Hanfu watched with a relaxed expression as the battleships on the console screen changed one after another according to his intention.

Two bandit fighter planes broke through the defense and flashed past the side. After a moment, the electronic sound on the central console sounded the red light on the rear of the ship and port side on the mothership diagram, which was a hit alarm. Humphrey was in shock and counted down calmly: "Five, four, three."

Another bandit fighter plane crashed into the defensive circle. After a flaming red light and violent vibrations, the alarm on the center console blared rapidly. The cruiser [Scorpion] above the mothership finally entered its predetermined position.

"Second one fire control data connection. Joint defense of the two ships' guns. Release the interceptor missile!" Humphrey gently patted the table of the command platform: "Release the fighters!"

Following his order. The Feiyu aircraft carrier rotated the turret muzzle left and right. The turret of the cruiser "Scorpio" above it immediately coordinated and synchronized. Distributed by the fire control system. Will be surrounded by airspace. The seal was watertight. Interceptor missiles also jumped into space from the ship's nozzle.

at the same time. There was only one squadron left of the aircraft carrier, and forty [Thunderbolt] space fighters ejected from the four channels one after another.

These fighters rely on the closed channel formed between the cruiser and the mothership that is blocked above the mothership. Urgent addition. When they appear outside the net of fire. The flight speed of level seven has been increased enough to fight with bandit fighters.

"Your Majesty the Duke, the Scorpio can't hold it anymore. They are deflecting!" the combat coordinator shouted. outside the window. The cruiser has a huge steel hull. It's deflecting. When hit, fireballs of light appeared one after another.

"That's it. Order the Scorpion. Leave the cover. Keep your distance!" Humphrey took a sip of coffee. Seeing on the screen of the command podium, forty [Thunderbolt] Plus have been released and rushed out of the closed passage. A playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Report that the battleship [Emon] has entered the designated combat position!"

"Report that the [Trulli] has entered the designated position, the [Forenka] has completed the turn and entered the designated position, and the [Red-tailed Finch] has entered the designated position."

"Fighter Squadron 11 engaged enemy aircraft."

"The enemy plane was driven away!"

Reports came one after another.

Humphrey looked at the podium screen calmly. The last destroyer on the virtual screen was firing while slowly but surely deflecting the ship into its designated combat position.

Two seconds later, when all the officers and men of the carrier looked at Humphrey with admiring eyes and couldn't suppress their low cheers, at the last moment, the destroyer's steel hull blocked the entire aircraft carrier battle group, as if the last iron gate had been closed, shutting out the flying fighter jets and The dazzling energy cannon light blocked the outside.

[Feiyu] completely retracted into the frigate group.

The surrounding battleships guard the mothership in the center like satellites. These battleships not only blocked the attack angle of the mothership with their bodies, but also occupied important combat positions around the mothership. Their firepower was also maximized under the coordination of Fleet Skynet. In addition, the forty [Thunderbolt] patrolling in the inner circle are enough to support the other warships until they come back, even if they cannot completely guarantee that the mothership will not be attacked!

"An A-level defense formula is very simple, isn't it?"

Humphrey looked coldly at the bandit fighters blocked by dense fire and interceptor missiles in the outer circle and said to himself: "I really thought that without the energy shield, the Feiyu could be slaughtered at will. Without the Feiyu Can I just sit back and wait for death?! Now you only have five minutes to see how you can beat me!"

"Let Cohen and Breed prepare their Judgment mechas. Activate the core defense module. After a while," he stood up and glanced coldly at the bandit fighters in the void that were still attacking the aircraft carrier group frantically: "Let Let’s look at the disappointed expressions on these flies!”

*************************************************** *************************************

The space carrier [Athena] is among ten battleships

Rushing forward silently.

The ship was getting closer and closer to the asteroid belt shrouded in the light of the energy cannon. Douglas frowned more and more.

On the telescope screen, the bandit fighter jets were still darting in and out of the dense firepower net of Humphrey's fleet like wasps. But the defense system of Humphrey's fleet is also taking shape.

When a plum blossom-like formation appeared in front of Douglas, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

The defensive formation completed by the Humphrey mothership group is not difficult to identify. It can be said that all officers who have received system team command training can understand it. As a top student at the military academy, Douglas was of course no exception - with the mothership as the center and a small number of fighter planes as the stamens, five to eight battleships as the outer petals, conducting joint defense at a certain distance. This is the Hickman Plum Blossom Defense Formation. An A-level command formula for space combat command.

Among the thousands of command patterns in fleet command school, the Hickman Plum Blossom Defense Formation is not conspicuous. Its master, Hickman, was a Weibo commander during the Earth Federation's disintegration war. At that time, during a major battle, his fleet was surrounded by a group of Earth Federation military and ground fighter planes. In order to buy time for the anti-outflanking Weibo fleet. Hickman was forced to use his only remaining mothership and six cruisers for local defense.

Seven battleships and less than two hundred air fighters, under the command of Sikman, supported the overwhelming Earth Federation fighter group for a full hour.

Although Seaman's fleet was eventually wiped out by the federal army, the tactic he invented of organically combining a small number of warships at specific operating speeds, specific cover angles and distances to distribute joint defense firepower over a large area has been passed down. .

Thousands of years of war history, whether space battles or ground battles, have already shown various battle situations. The methods of dealing with them have also formed various formulas in modern military command science.

These formulas are not secret. Just like the set patterns of Go, you can master them as long as you study hard.

But mastering it is one thing, but using it flexibly in combat is another.

This is the gap between ordinary chess players and national players.

Humphrey is worthy of being a famous general. He made the most targeted choice in the shortest time. Hickman's plum defense was watertight under his command. The formation of this defensive formation signified that the bandits' sneak attack had failed.

To be honest, Douglas had never imagined in all these years that someone would conduct an air battle in such a desperate manner. I never thought that the Salga [Gladiator] space fighter, which was mediocre at best, would have such a powerful combat capability.

These fighter planes shuttle between enemy groups like petrels in a storm.

Several times he witnessed bandit fighter planes being hit by defensive artillery or interceptor missiles from Humphrey's fleet. However, the fighter plane that was supposed to turn into a ball of fiery red meteors unexpectedly ended up with just a flash of blue light from the energy shield or a slight change in color. So far in the battle, only one-tenth of the three hundred [Gladiators] have been destroyed.

But all this cannot bring victory. Because the number of bandit fighter planes is too small.

Three hundred fighters are only 40% of the standard aircraft capacity of Feiyang's medium-sized aircraft carrier and 20% of the standard aircraft capacity of a heavy-duty aircraft carrier!

If they had not occupied a favorable terrain during the raid, if the fighter planes and the aircraft carrier had not been so close that they could see each other's faces, it would have been wishful thinking for the fighter planes, let alone attacking the aircraft carrier, to break through the fire interception of the aircraft carrier frigate group.

If the opponent makes a mistake, they may still have a chance to land a fatal blow.

It's a pity that their opponent is Humphrey!

Douglas's heart slowly sank as he watched the attack on the virtual screen becoming more and more difficult to dodge and dodge the increasingly larger group of bandit fighter jets.

There was also silence in the battleship.

Everyone can see something is wrong!

It will take some time for the Feiyang fleet to return to the asteroid belt. The other warships of the Feiyu Fleet were already approaching their flagship. After five minutes and no more than four minutes, the Feiyu carrier-based fighter jets that gave up the pursuit of Fleet 191 will be the first to join the siege of the three hundred [Gladiators]. The Feiyu Fleet fleet following eight minutes later will also join the battle.

By then it will be the end of the bandit fighter fleet. It is also the end of the 19th Group fleet! .

"General Douglas"

The somewhat hesitant voice of Chief of Staff Pang Mingjian came to my ears.

Douglas turned his head.

Pang Mingjian swallowed with some difficulty. The moment he discovered that Humphrey's flagship defense circle was formed and received communications from the 19a11 fleet that had escaped from the circle, a thought flashed through his mind.

He is the Chief of Staff of the Fleet Staff. His responsibility is to provide information and advice to the supreme commander.

If he had thought this before, he would have said it without hesitation. But now his heart felt like it was boiling in a hot oil pan. That despicable thought made him blush.

In the end, he swallowed what he was thinking and only reported: "Fleet 191 came to ask for instructions on the next step."

The a11 fleet is out of trouble! Douglas looked at Pang Mingjian quietly. The two looked at each other and saw a lot of things in each other's eyes.

As a partner, there are some things you just don’t need to say. Over the years, Fiji has become so powerful that it despises everything and puts national interests first.

You will know better what kind of decision you will make when encountering a similar situation.

Douglas smiled slightly and said: "Let them attack. Now is not the time for them to rest."

"Yes!" Pang Mingjian replied loudly.

Both men's voices were loud and somewhat unnecessary. But the officers and soldiers around me heard it so exciting!

This is the greatest war in human history. ~Winning this war requires courage, unity and wisdom, not selfishness and betrayal! It's time for Feiyang to change!

“We had a little time”

Douglas's eyes fell on the Binart mothership that had lost its energy shield.

Countless bandit fighter planes far away from the mothership are trying to break through the defense of the frigate group again and again. That is our own ally. They are so fearless and their fights are so heart-pounding.

Looking at these fighters, Douglas had only one thought in his mind: "No matter victory or defeat, life or death, I will never allow the wings of my dreams to be stained by filth and despicability!"

"Report to the First Fighter Group: Enemy [Fei Ling] fleet fighter group encountered and intercepted. The distance between the two sides is 12,000 kilometers. Contact is expected in thirty seconds!" The fleet liaison officer reported loudly under the command platform.

Bet on Humphrey! My mission is to force out all your trump cards! This time we change the offensive and defensive positions. It's my turn to attack! Even if I only have time to get into position during this attack!

Douglas scooped up the communicator.

"The fighter planes are divided into two attack groups. Order the 2nd, 6th, 8th, and 10th fighter groups to form a second group to intercept the enemy fighter group. The first group is 4oo to the right and rushes over to fight! Tell them that they Our mission is to cooperate with the bandit fighter jets to attack the aircraft carrier. No matter how much sacrifice we make, we must enter the battle within six minutes!"


The command was transmitted to the computers of each fighter via Fleet Skynet.

Almost as soon as the order arrived, the Feiyang fighter group flying high in a triangular attack formation began to split its formation. The five groups of 600 fighters on the left wing of the formation turned left for 900 seconds like satellites split from rockets and faced the approaching group of Binart fighters. The Feiyang fighters in the center and right wing quickly changed their positions to form a triangular attack group and continued to pounce on the central battlefield.

High-altitude space battles have always been measured in seconds.

A few seconds later, the second group of Feiyang fighters responsible for covering was already strangled with the oncoming group of Binart fighters. Countless energy cannon beams streaked across the universe's strict formation, turning into a messy two-machine formation, with both sides fighting and strangling each other, chasing each other with all their strength.

"The first group rushed over to me!"

Colonel Avery, the lead pilot who saw the second fighter group blocking the enemy's first fighter group, shouted sharply. One thousand two hundred fighter planes immediately increased their speed to the limit.

The flood of interceptor gunfire passed through the dozens of fighter planes on the outside of the formation and turned into balls of fire.

However, this did not slow down the breakthrough of the first cluster at all. Every pilot gritted his teeth and pushed the control stick to the top.

Two seconds later, under the cover of the second cluster, they had thrown away the cluster of enemy planes trying to intercept and rushed into the rocky asteroid belt! Not far in front of them were more than ten desperate battleships of the 191st Fleet that turned around and clung to the enemy ships!

At this point, the fighting situation of the three parties has formed a circular combat zone composed of five levels.

The center of the war zone is naturally the battle group composed of Humphrey's flagship aircraft carrier [Feiyu]. The bandit fighter planes that besieged it occupied the first-level combat area outside the center. .

The second level is the Feiyu fleet that is desperately trying to avoid the asteroid and return to defense.

The third level is the remaining ten warships of the 191st fleet, which were originally surrounded by the Binart fleet but now turned around and launched an attack, and the first fighter group that had just broken through the interception.

The fourth level is the fighter planes of the Flying Fleet that are diagonally inserted and the second group of Feiyang fighters that are already strangled with them.

On the fifth floor are the 19th Group fleet led by Douglas and the USS Flying Ling aircraft carrier battle group on the other side, which is desperately approaching Humphrey's flagship.

The entire theater of operations was shrinking sharply, centered around Humphrey's flagship. Everyone knows this is a fast-changing battle. Just ten minutes is enough for the victory and defeat sky to swing back and forth several times!

Time passed by minute by minute. It has been less than two minutes since the highly defensive Feiyu fleet fighter jets arrived at the central theater. And the first group of Feiyang fighters has also crossed the 19a11 fleet and bit the tail of the Feiyu fleet formation that is tens of thousands of kilometers long in front and rear!

The atmosphere suddenly became tense as the distance shortened.

Everybody~ Humphrey and Douglas have shown their cards against each other.

If Humphrey's flagship can support his fleet to return for reinforcements, then he will win this battle. He could calmly gather his formation and organize an attack on Feiyang's fleet. If he could hold out for less than three minutes, he would be strangled by the bandits. Then the Binart fleet, which lost its commander and had a messy and slender formation due to its hasty return, would probably not be able to form an effective organization. In that case, they would face a devastating blow from the Feiyang Nineteenth Group fleet behind them.

You must know that in that asteroid belt, the same command was lost and the formation that remained intact was lost.

No matter how obvious the advantage is, it is impossible to defeat those who are following behind and in strict formation.

But does Feiyang's fleet have a chance to beat the drowned dog when it returns to charge at the first opportunity? !

All the Feiyan officers and soldiers in the mainland, including Douglas, did not dare to place their hope in this. The current situation seems to be more and more favorable to Humphrey's fleet!

Perhaps it was because he was too impressed when the bandit fighter planes appeared. After sending a new round of instructions, Chief of Staff Pang Mingjian glanced at the virtual screen of the hyperopia device again by mistake.

This glance made him unable to take his eyes away again.

For a moment, all the liquid in his body rushed to his brain. A feeling of happiness that was far stronger than winning a jackpot worth hundreds of millions of Fiji dollars made him feel breathless at this moment!

Countless fighter planes are still circling on the screen, and countless energy cannons and missiles are still crisscrossing.

But this gorgeous light did not cover up a strange scene - less than 200 kilometers away from the aircraft carrier group, dozens of ferocious warships suddenly appeared through the void!

The appearance of these tattered warships emerging from the void is exactly the same as that of the bandit army's fighter planes.

What's more important is that the position of each of their warships forms a suffocating formation.

Lu Ze's growth array!

Directly facing the long formation was the aircraft carrier [Feiyu] that was slowly moving there under the pressure of fighter planes! ! !

Pang Mingjian opened his mouth wide, and before he could say anything, he saw dozens of white lights flashing past, and then a cheering sound echoed in his ears.

The entire fleet has been completely destroyed!

*************************************************** ************************************

"This is not a tactic, this is the art of love!" Fatty said.

"The Art of Love?" Karl shook his big head with a confused look on his face: "I admit, fat man, that this battle plan you came up with is very sexy, but what does this have to do with the Art of Love?"

"Life is like a**." The fat man half-closed his eyes and licked his lips with his tongue, with a lustful look on his face: "War is also like this! Let me test how many steps you can do to**?"

Fatty and Karl stood leisurely beside the arc-shaped top railing on the control room of the aircraft carrier [Oracle], making gestures and foaming at the mouth.

Dozens of white lights on the huge main console virtual screen in front of them completely swallowed up the entire [Feiyu] mothership and several battleships next to it. In the control room hall under the railings, bandit soldiers were busy running back and forth. On the command seat beside him, Fang Xiang, whose eyes were particularly seductive as soon as he entered combat mode, sneered and controlled the tactical computer to continue the battle command. Turn a deaf ear to the conversation between the two.

Margaret on the side was looking intently at the center console, waiting for the victory report, and she wanted to find a machine gun to kill these two idiots who were still talking nonsense at this critical moment!

"How many steps?" Carl blushed and glanced at Cecilia, who was sitting under Fang Xiang's left and nervously sending battle orders, and said coyly: "I'm not very familiar with this."

"I'm so fucking ashamed of you!" The fat man said with a look of disdain: "I won't teach you the complicated ones. To put it simply, if you want to have sex, you need to have foreplay to hook up your vagina and then launch a general attack!".

"Oh!" Karl nodded.

"What do you think is the difference between this and my battle plan?" Fatty said proudly: "First use three hundred fighter planes to take off her clothes. Then step by step, she is forced to the corner of the bed and he moves her hands up and down until she is exhausted. I want to die and give it one more cruel blow at the end."

"It seems." Karl touched his chin and rolled his eyes and thought for a long time: "That's really the case."

"Shut up!" The annoyed Fang Xiang raised her eyebrows and scolded.

The two people who were discussing happily were startled and suddenly stopped.

"The battle results scan has been completed and confirmed that the first target has lost combat effectiveness and most of its mobility! The second, third, and fifth targets have been destroyed, the fourth target has lost combat effectiveness, and the sixth target is slightly injured and is turning to escape."

"Not destroyed?!"

Fatty Fang Shankar and Margaret were shocked at the same time.

Without an energy shield, it suffered a joint attack by seven battleships, eleven cruisers and the Lu Ze Growth Formation, but it was only seriously injured. What was the Binart aircraft carrier made of? !

"What to do now?!" Fang Xiang cast her watery eyes on the fat man's face.

The fat man suddenly felt frightened as he looked at the slowly moving aircraft carrier Feiyu that was riddled with holes on the virtual screen.

This is definitely not normal.

Even if the firepower of the bandit fleet was not completely concentrated on the Feiyu aircraft carrier, such a situation would not be possible. You must know that a space carrier that has lost its energy shield is enough to completely destroy it, let alone being directly hit by nearly twenty energy main guns, even just a few battleships attacking it alone!

Look up at the radar. Binart's fighter jet group was already approaching the central theater.

"***! Keep attacking!" The fat man jumped with his feet and said angrily: "All the assaults are against me! I'm going to prepare the mechas to board the ship!"


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