Counterfeit Hero

Volume 7 Chapter 111 Reunion (7)

The battle at Stone Star is over. Cleanup work. It's also coming to an end.

The Western-Jordan coalition forces came out in full force. There are not many troops left behind on Blue Stone Star. Except for a Jay A-class fleet. There were only a few side guards. these forces. In the first wave of attacks by the Yangjiu Group fleet. It has already been completely lost. Wait until the Feiyang fleet captures the spaceport. When its armored troops attacked in all directions with thunderous momentum. The remaining Western York land and air forces. The only choice is surrender or destruction.

No one expected it. This piece is on the battle map of the southeastern theater of Western York. A planet that has been labeled as belly. Will encounter a sneak attack by the Feiyang fleet. Feimeng's sword. The stab was really accurate and ruthless.

To know. The blue stone star at this moment. Not to mention the emptiness of defense. It is also the time when management comes into play. mineral resources here. They are being mined one after another. Many Western business groups. Also just getting on track. Was hit by the Allied fleet. All previous efforts and investments. All will come to nothing. Even if we counterattack and come back. There is no such thing as half the time. Don't even think about recovering your strength.

More seriously. Xijue's strategic deployment in the entire southeast region. It will also be due to the unexpected loss of this important basis for progress. and be affected.

No more bluestone stars. Many plans. None will be implemented. The battle situation between the main southeast channel of the Lesk Galaxy and the LeRay Newton Galaxy was originally interconnected. It has been broken into three unresponsive pieces. In Resque. The Sussian army will face the Allied forces alone. In the southeast main channel. Soos and Jay's fleet. No reinforcements or supplies. In Le|'. before making any decisions. Everyone must beware of the Fei Alliance fleet in the Longbow Galaxy. Stab in the back.

A sneak attack. Western York has lost more than just resources. base and fleet. There are also strategic advantages that have been painstakingly established. morale. As well as confidence and first move.

Airfield 1 at Stonestar Flook Military Base. It is built on a mountain with an altitude of 500 meters in the southeast of the base.

Along the wide and straight flight road. It only takes a few minutes to get to the airport from the center of Key. Arrived at the top of the mountain. Pass through two hillsides full of towering trees at the end of the flight road. His eyes suddenly brightened.

It was a vast expanse of flatness. Male left side. It is the airport landing pad and warehouse barracks navigation tower. and the Tower of Babel for rapid takeoff and landing of shuttles. Right. It is a row built on the edge of the cliff. The floating berth stretches all the way to the end that cannot be seen.

Camouflage painted off-road vehicle. At the end of the flight road. Dropped the four wheels. roaring. Turned onto the road leading to the pier. Ten huge battleships passed quickly. After bypassing a crater in the middle of the road. Stopped in front of a majestic battleship.

Douglas jumped out of the SUV. Look around. Behind the battleship suspended in mid-air. It's the city of Flo Oak. Clear skies. The city at the foot of the mountain is completely visible. The buildings are scattered in different heights. criss-crossing roads. There are dense industrial areas around it and the army base further away. This is everything in a small military town. They all exist for this military base.

Although I am standing on the mountain now. The city seen. It seemed so peaceful and peaceful. But. Douglas knew. over there. A storm is brewing. Three aviation marine armored divisions belonging to the Nineteenth Group Fleet. All have been released. Countless [Talents] and [God-given]. In every city on this planet. Cleaning up everything Xiyo left here. Including their soldiers. Also included are their businesses and immigrants.

There will be wailing. There will also be some horrific scenes. But. This is no reason to stop. This is war. When these Western immigrants spared no effort to support their own government. He left his country and followed his army to this conquered land. It’s time to start enjoying the fruits of victory. They should understand. all of these. There is a price. They sat at the gaming table. You must be prepared to lose money.

Douglas strode onto the battleship [Scorpio]. The crew members have already spotted the arrival of the supreme commander. There were no panicked gatherings or queues to greet us. They only smiled and raised their hands in salute to Douglas. Then continue to work on their own.

A daily inspection. It was already after this fleet accepted the leadership of Douglas. Developed routine.

Everybody knows. No matter how busy you are. Douglas always went down to the lowest level. Listen to the voices of frontline combat officers and soldiers. This is not a fake pregnancy. It's not a show either. It's a real job. This young officer. He is not a fool who talks about military affairs on paper and is happy with his achievements. He's doing it this way. Bring the entire fleet. Put his stamp on it.

Ordinary soldiers. Have a channel to express your opinions and suggestions directly. Every suggestion they had about the fleet. It’s all from training. Coming from work and fighting. No matter it's a minor problem with the new energy cannon. Calibration of fire control systems. Wrong decision by a superior officer. Or not accustomed to living and eating. Douglas was a good listener. He will take every practical and effective suggestion seriously. And before the battle. Solve the problem.

Follow such a pragmatic person. meticulous. A commander who always makes correct judgments and decisions. They are soldiers walking on the edge of life and death. The most fortunate thing. Most of them. I never thought about becoming a general or marshal. They just hope. To survive until the end of the war. And not because of the commander's stupidity. At the wrong time and at the wrong point. Lose your life.

Before becoming the commander of the Nineteenth Group Fleet. Douglas's reputation is great. Many people know that this person is not a genius. But a young general who is better than many geniuses. but. That's just what I heard. Until he lurked in the galaxy for dozens of days. Douglas used his unique way of listening. Won everyone's trust.

And in this classic sneak attack battle. He won everyone's respect.

It was a hearty victory. Victory result. Already in the war games and battle plans. It's already doomed. Such a victory. That's the real victory. Operational planning | in the middle. Victory thousands of miles away. Nothing more than that.

"What's wrong?" Douglas squatted next to the power storage at the bottom of the battleship's huge power cabin. He asked a mechanic who was doing maintenance.

"Sir. This guy is on strike!" The mechanic patted the alloy shell of the power storage device above his head, which was larger than a public flying car. There was a banging sound. He said angrily: "When we fought against that Jiepen battleship, the main gun bay was used too hard. The energy quota submitted to our power department was 30% higher than normal combat."

Partner. What an asshole, too. If not |'s far. The propulsion cabin gang went to the ship. Beat up everyone in the main battery compartment, including the first-level commander. Then ask them. How about simply stopping the battleship and using it as a fort? Let them fight until they have enough? ! "

Douglas laughed: "It seems that this problem was solved by the power cabin. The power storage was damaged at that time?"

"Yes, sir." The mechanic emerged from under the cylinder's storage. Grabbing a dirty towel hanging nearby. Wiped his oily hands. From the mobile monitor. Pull out a data cable. Insert into the slot of the storage electronic control system. He complained: "There is no power reserve. It can be brushed back and forth six times in ten minutes. This frequency of flushing and acceleration. Internal reserve unit. It is simply unbearable."

"Restore its health quickly. Maybe not long after, you will want to beat up those guys in the main gun room again." Douglas stood up with a smile: "Remember. Wait until those bastards are recorded with military merit. Don't forget. Blackmail them for a good meal. This one. They destroyed five Jiepen battleships."

"That's because Jiepeng's people are too incompetent!" The mechanics soldier curled his lips. He said happily: "With their outdated battleships, don't say they are unprepared. If they meet four of our fleets, they will beat them at the same time. Even if they face each other head-on, we, a B-class fleet, can beat them to tears! I think." Take a look. Those battleships. The oldest ones. They are probably twenty years old?"

"Don't underestimate the Jiepen people." Douglas shook his head and said: "Although many of their regular troops have old equipment. However, their numbers have an absolute advantage. And their royal fleet has an absolute advantage. They are the elite among the elite. They are also equipped with the most advanced warships and weapons. You and your companions must never underestimate the enemy."

"Yes. General.

The soldier said seriously: "I understand. I will convey your advice to everyone on this ship. However, please also believe in my courage and combat effectiveness!"

With. The soldier asked cautiously: "When will those damn Jiepen people launch a counterattack?!"

Douglas said: "Soon. This is the strategic node of Jingxi. Losing this place. Their necks. It's like they are being strangled by us."

"Yeah!" The mechanic removed the data cable for testing the computer. Open the reservoir's service cover again. While using the automatic maintenance arm to remove the screws. While saying: "We are like nails hammered into their hearts now. We can't do anything unless we are driven away. If the Chakna people move faster, I'm afraid the war will reach their borders." Within the line.”

Douglas listened with interest. Discussing strategic issues with a mechanic without realizing it. Something is inappropriate. Although this seems ridiculous.

"General. Our fleet of the Nineteenth Group is considered famous this time?" The expression on the mechanic's face. He was obviously excited and gossiping: "Such a perfect sneak attack. It's in the vital part of Xiyue. I think. The eyes of the whole universe. I'm afraid they are all focused on us."

"I think so." Douglas laughed. This mechanic. Straightforward vanity. Somewhat cute. News of a sneak attack on the Longbow Galaxy. has spread throughout the universe. Xiyue doesn't take it back here for a day. their strategic advantage. It can’t be used in just one day. Said this is the focus of attention. It is the core of the entire southeastern star field war situation. Not an exaggeration at all.

"My girlfriend will definitely be proud of me for participating in this battle." The mechanic said with a smile.

At this moment. Douglas's communicator. Suddenly it rang. Douglas made a loud gesture to the mechanic. The communication was connected. A few minutes later. His eyebrows. He wrinkled up tightly.

"Okay. It's time for me to go. Nice to meet you, soldier." Douglas ended the call. He saluted the machine repairman and said, "I am Lieutenant General Douglas."

"Private. John Owen." The mechanic returned the salute. His face was dark and stained with oil. Showing two rows of white teeth: "It's my honor to chat with you. I will tell my grandson about this conversation."

Douglas smiled. Away from this jovial, somewhat chatty soldier.

Wait until Douglas's back is seen. Disappeared outside the automatic door of the cabin. Mechanic Owen. Then he withdrew his admiring gaze. And speed up the work in hand.

Douglas looked calm though. But. just now. The mechanic's voice came faintly from the Douglas communicator. I heard shocking news - two elephant-class royal fleets from the Binart Empire. Public information has emerged that is only two hops away from the Longbow Galaxy. There. It is the outer cordon for the deployment of reconnaissance ships by the fleet of the 19th Group.

The mechanic's heartbeat was speeding up.

Two elephant-class royal fleets. That's the size of six A-level fleets! no doubt. This means a bloody battle to the death!

fleet. Move on in silence.

The fat man stood by the arc-shaped railing in front of the center console. Looking at the deep universe outside the bridge window. Mixed feelings.

Join the army in a daze. Inexplicably involved in the war. Becoming a hero of the Leray Federation in a daze. And wandering in the free world of Mars in a daze. Own. It seems that I will continue to struggle in this confused way in the war forever. The Federation is torn apart. Siyo is still powerful and motionless. The future of war. Still confusing. Become a genius of your generation. The dream of a peerless little bully. That’s why it’s so far away.

Tears welled up in my eyes this day. When did it happen? Keep fooling around like this. Little bully. He became an old pervert. That artistic conception. The difference is more than ten thousand miles!

"What are you thinking about?" Behind him. Fang Xiang whispered softly.

The fat man turned his head. In front of you. The stunningly beautiful Major General Lega. His eyes were still red. It looks particularly charming. She has been suppressing her emotions. Finally returning to the Longbow Galaxy. And stood again in the airspace where Tolstoy died. Let the tears flow from your eyes without any scruples.

"Nothing." The fat man smiled honestly.

The look out the window. Became profound and persevering. As if thinking about his future fate.

"Have you already prepared it?" Fang Xiang bit her lip. Every time she saw Fatty's face, he was worried about the country and the people. It feels funny. This guy. Not like a LeRae Federation hero. Serious again. It also looks like it makes you howl.

"What?" Monk Zhanger was confused by Fang Xiang's confusing questions. Seems a little guilty. A determined look. Suddenly I became less confident. Smile on face. Somewhat dry. .

"Come here." Fang Xiang took a step forward. The fat men stood together. Hands on the railing. He said softly: "This is a way to pay homage to General Tolstoy."

"We have to pass here anyway. So" the fat man said lightly. Then shut up. for some reason. He didn't want to continue on this topic.

but. His plan failed. Fang Xiang stared at him. He sighed softly. Youyou said: "Actually, I also know that there is something wrong with our emotions along the way."

The fat man met Fang Xiang's gaze in surprise. In |a pair of clear and moving eyes. He saw it. Only gratitude.

"Thank you" Fang Xiang avoided the fat man's gaze. Looking at the starry sky outside the window. Murmured: "Returning to Salega. For those of us, it is too sudden. We did not expect to come back in such a short period of time. When I'| is getting closer and closer to our motherland. Close to this We have galloped in the starry sky countless times. We are more frightened and angrier. This emotion is spreading among all the officers and soldiers of Salaga. I have noticed it. Because. Even I have it. If I see Xiyo's The battleship appears in front of my eyes. I will definitely attack in the most angry way."

"And now" Fang Xiangyan smiled: "I have become much calmer. In the starry sky where we first fought, it was tears and General Tolstoy's eyes that calmed us down. We understand. This is a difficult battle. war. We must move forward with difficulty. Even though we are still burdened with the crime of betrayal. Even though we have a lot of anger. However, all irrational behaviors are harmful to our comrades around us."

The fat man scratched his shaved head, which was no more than two millimeters short. I didn’t know what to say for a while.

In memory of Tolstoy. Biggest reason. Of course it was because of his own respect for the old general Salega who would rather die than surrender. But deep in my heart. It might as well be that it doesn't win over people's hearts. The idea of ​​controlling the impetuous psychology of Salaga officers and soldiers. As a 'science expert. He understands this sacrifice better than anyone else. It has a cohesive and comforting effect on the entire fleet.

Fatty is not a qualified commander. He had no experience leading a large army. He even took a long time. Only then can I prepare myself to lead a team.

But to be a leader. Win people's hearts. Calmly control the team. Driving soldiers to fight. Shouting shameless things like faith and freedom. It must be done. This makes the fat man miserable. He always knew. I am not shameless enough. |The skin is not thick enough.

For example, now. He looked embarrassed to say the least. That's it on the surface.

"The battle plan. I've read it." Fang seemed to know what the fat man who "knows what shame is" was thinking. Changed the topic: "Judging from the external information obtained by the reconnaissance ship, General Douglas conducted a successful sneak attack. Now, the entire Blue Stone Star is under the control of the Yang Fleet. Three major jumps in the Longbow Starfield Point. It must also be in the hands of the Feiyang fleet. Therefore, as long as the Zangfeng fleet can enter the Longbow galaxy, it can ensure safety. What we need to do now is how to ensure that the Zangfeng fleet can quietly pass through the Bermuda jump point and interact with the Longbow. Three common galaxies between galaxies.”

Come here to take care of the Lelei Zangfeng fleet. On the first day on the road. Fang Xiang already knew. This news. It surprised and delighted her.

surprise. It's because of the LeRay government. To be able to do it under such difficult circumstances. Save up this last bit of force. And hidden from everyone's eyes.

joy. It is because once the bandit army joins forces with the Zangfeng Fleet. Can be expected to grow rapidly.

Fang Xiang never thought about the difference between Salega and Lelei from beginning to end. She had already put herself. Become a member of the bandit army! for the future of this group. She was full of anticipation. Ever since I met Fatty. It’s been a long journey. She has received too many surprises. Everything you have now. It was she who was leaving the Longbow Galaxy. While in exile in Mars. Never dreamed of it.

Jump point. Not necessarily all under Douglas' control. "After listening to Fang Xiang's analysis, the fat man shook his head and said, "If I were Douglas. After destroying the bluestone star base in West York. I will fight with their counterattack forces. Take the bow galaxy. It becomes one of the battlefields in several nearby galaxies. And not a castle! For the current Feiyang fleet. Wider strategic room for maneuver. Far more than a jump point. A better value choice. "

"What do you mean?" Fang Xiang said in surprise: "Douglas will give up Blue Stone Star?"

"I don't know if he can. If it were me, I would!" Fatty looked at Fang Xiang and said, "Everything that can be destroyed has been destroyed. Everything that can be robbed has been robbed. To control this star field, it is not necessarily necessary. A non-controlled jump point. There is no need to stay on the Blue Stone Star. You know, Douglas does not have a large number of front troops. But here, it is in the core of the West. In less than a week, Jepen can organize a large-scale counterattack."

"One week." Fang Xiang said thoughtfully: "Then what is your agreement with the Zangfeng Fleet?"

"The best opportunity to join forces is when the main force of the Jiepen counterattack fleet enters the Longbow Galaxy." Fatty said decisively: "Now the West York army stationed in the Bermuda Galaxy is highly nervous. According to the current situation, they They must be on guard against Douglas and Fisichella. They will launch an attack on Bermuda and the Leray central star field at the same time. Only when the main force of the fleet they dispatched enters the Longbow Galaxy will their sights be separated from the gap between Bermuda and the Longbow Galaxy. Passage. No one would have thought that we are still behind them. There is a fleet lurking. The West York fleet, which has lost the blue stone star base, must need a supply line. And this supply line is how we mess up their position. Helped Douglas. They were able to successfully join forces again.


The fat man paused. Then he said: "The Zangfeng Fleet must already know the news about Douglas's successful sneak attack on the Longbow Galaxy. Because we must minimize contact. Therefore, we can only follow the rhythm of the Zangfeng Fleet. We must ensure that before Peng launches a counterattack. Chang The Bow Galaxy is under Yang’s absolute control. And the safety of Muda’s channel leading here must be ensured.”

"Now that we're here, we naturally can't leave like this." The fat man pointed his finger. He tapped on the railing unconsciously. An honest face. A pair of eyes turned quickly: "Chakna has launched a full-scale counterattack against Resk. At this time, Douglass attacked the Longbow Galaxy. Obviously. It was to grab Siyo's neck and buy time for Chakna. We might as well take advantage of the situation at this time."

"The abacus is good."

Fatty and Fang Xiang turned back in surprise. But found Margaret. Standing behind him prettyly.

"You eavesdropped on our conversation?!" The fat man said with a straight face. Strictly speaking: "Do you know that such behavior is very immoral?"

"Anyway, we are also allies." Gretel smiled slightly and said: "Since I am on this ship now. So, I am also a member of this army. Your conversation. I was just walking over. . I just overheard one or two sentences. Besides, when it comes to the strategic deployment of both camps, is there anyone who knows it better than me? "

"Little girl, you know nothing." The fat man waved his hand in a graceless manner: "Let's go and play."

"Humph!" Margaret snorted. The retort: ​​"Douglas led four elite Feiyang A-class fleets. Jiepen will join the counterattack troops. There are only a lot more. I really can't understand. On the most intense battlefield between the two camps. A shabby army." Fleet. What role can it play? Standing here discussing the situation. Trying to take advantage of the situation. Don't you think it's funny?"

"More numbers are more powerful, right?" The fat man sneered, "In this life, I have fought battles in which less defeats more!"

"Allied Forces Command. There is an overall combat plan!" Margaret said dismissively: "With your current strength, I doubt it. Even if an A-class fleet is placed in front of you and you are allowed to fire at will, you will know it. Spend half a year. Come here and fight with General Douglas. I have no objection. However, if you want to go your own way and interfere with the entire war situation, I have to intervene. I don’t want a mouse dropping to spoil the pot of soup!"

"You are nothing but a piece of shit!" The fat man was furious: "Are you blind? This is at least a B-level fleet!"

"You know who the rat is." Margaret said leisurely: "Come this way. Confront my deductions. How many times have you won?"

"That's because I'm afraid you'll cry when you lose. I'll let you do that!" the fat man said angrily. to be honest. During the deduction with Margaret. He really lost more than he won. after all. Even if I am learning every day. A vast array of basic military knowledge and basic command skills. He still couldn't compare to Margaret, who had grown up next to Hastings.

"Bah. Shameless!" Margaret looked disdainful.

"Don't think you are Hastings' granddaughter. If you piss me off, I will deal with you anyway. Do you believe it?!"

"Try it if you have the ability!"

Watching the two of them arguing. Fang Xiang on the side couldn't laugh or cry. These two people. They are simply born enemies. When we meet, we can't say more than three sentences. Just like a child, he was noisy. Who would have thought. One is the hero of the Leray Federation who has created countless miracles. another. Is he a military genius who has been trained by Hastings for twenty years?

Gretel. Obviously they don't know the true strength of the bandit fleet. Not even knowing the existence of the Zangfeng Fleet. From her standpoint. anyway. The military fleet is in this high-level battle. They are all just a foil who can't step in or help. If it is because of the interference of the bandits. This resulted in the defeat of the Feuillant fleet led by Douglas. To her. It is absolutely intolerable.

And the fat man. Just don't tell the truth. To Colonel Feiyang. He is naturally wary. When we meet, the nose is not the nose, the eyes are not the eyes.

Fang Xiang smiled and hugged the already angry Margaret. He gave the fat man a blank look. Yuanchang said: "Okay. Margaret is right. We are after all." She hadn't finished her words yet. suddenly. He was interrupted by the voice of a panting staff officer who rushed up to the central command podium.

"Report! The No. 1 reconnaissance ship has discovered a large number of Western fleets. Currently, it is sailing towards the Longbow Galaxy."

"What?" The three of them looked at each other in surprise. This news. It was completely beyond their expectations. No one expected it. Siyo's actions. It will be so fast. To know. Douglas takes the Bluestone Star. It was just over sixty hours. Logically speaking. Jeppon is here. There should not be the power to immediately launch a counterattack. Soldiers of Bermuda. At most, it's enough for their defense. The army must be mobilized from Jiji's homeland. It's not a job that can be completed in a day or two.

"How many battleships are there? Which fleet of Jiepen is it?" Margaret asked hurriedly.

"It's not Jie Pen's fleet." The staff officer glanced at Fatty. See him nod. Then he replied: "The scout ship did not dare to approach. It avoided the enemy fleet as soon as it was discovered. Therefore, the number of enemy ships is unknown. The only thing that can be determined is that Fang's identity is the fleet of the Binart Empire. The reconnaissance ship is on their ship. The royal symbol of the Bilt Empire has appeared!"

Royal symbol. Elephant class fleet! This is common sense in the formation of Binart’s fleet!

Everyone’s brain. Suddenly everything went blank. All strategic intentions. All because of this news. And was overturned!

Binart is not Jeppon. This is a powerful force beyond prediction.

For Margaret. This news. It means the Nineteenth Group fleet led by Douglas. You will face a powerful enemy. As for Fatty and Fang Xiang. With Binart's fleet as the vanguard. Following behind, Jie Peng's fleet, the Zangfeng Fleet, wanted to enter the Longbow Galaxy. We must seize the moment when the Yang fleet can withstand Xiyo's counterattack. If Douglas can't stand it. So. The Zangfeng Fleet will lose this best opportunity to join forces with the Longbow Galaxy.

After Hastings. Sobol. Also in the southeastern star region. Got it! .

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