Counterfeit Hero

Volume 7 Chapter 103 Return

The atmosphere in Mars Freeport suddenly became tense with the all-out attack of the Suss Empire.

The early winter sunshine shines brightly on the streets, but it cannot resist the cold wind. A city in need of redevelopment is like a stage play that was suddenly stopped. In an instant, the lively and vivid performance turned into a quiet and solid picture.

The streets suddenly became deserted. The sparse shops on both sides opened their doors feebly, waiting for the few pedestrians on the street. The noisy sound of the construction site that was originally in full swing can no longer be heard. The ant-like workers and engineering mechas have all left. Only a few are left, basking in the sun boredly, looking at the distance and then stopping after half of the cleaning. Come down and stay in the ruins.

In the lives of ordinary people, we cannot avoid sorrow and anxiety.

In the industrial zone, only a few factories are still operating intermittently, and commercial transactions have come to a complete halt. Even the entry and exit of goods at the port has completely stopped. Teams of soldiers surrounded every ground port in Mars Freeport. There, it has been designated as a military-controlled area. Thinking of transporting goods for business at this time is simply a pipe dream.

No matter who you look for, no matter how many points you give, it won't work. The Fei League's army has issued an announcement, and everything was destroyed without permission. The smuggling ships, merchant ships, customs clearance ships, and corporate fleets that were originally flowing into the Mars Freeport in a steady stream suddenly disappeared. Most of them stayed in the space stations or free docks in the channel, waiting for the channel to be unblocked.

The army of the Fei League. Moving frequently. At the street entrance, sandbags have been piled up again and a barbed wire fence has been pulled up. Vehicles and pedestrians entering and exiting the city must have their identities checked. Transport mechas and heavy trucks loaded with soldiers or munitions passed by from time to time on the streets. There was a huge roar. On the street, patrolling soldiers with guns and ammunition were walking back and forth, eyeing any pedestrian they thought was suspicious.

People watched all this with concern.

It has long been known to everyone that the senior generals of the Fei League were almost attacked by a Tailiu mecha in that arena match. In rumors. Cooper, the leader of the Tailiu Sect, did not appear at the game at all. During the subsequent crackdown on Tailiu, he also disappeared without a trace. I only suffered from some Tailiu peripheral disciples who didn’t understand why. The angry Feiyang people didn't talk sense at all. Anyone who had anything to do with Tailiu was arrested by them. For a while. The whole of Mars is in a state of panic, and everyone is in danger.

Tai's flow was over, and the final flow was due to the deaths of Kilburn and Harriman. Falling apart. The original Mars pattern finally exists on this day. Completely buried. What accomplished all this was the classic duels in the bandit arena. It has become a topic that people must talk about every day. Everyone was shocked by the death of Kilburn and others, and also felt devastated by the Feiyang people. Feel pain. I feel inexplicably excited about the strong return of the bandit army. \\This may be a good theme for joy in suffering.

To this world. The bandit army means a miracle.

The number of young people who signed up to join the Mars Front Army has decreased a lot, but the number of people flocking to Puluo Town has increased. Many people have traveled thousands of miles to Puluo Town just to try their luck at this bandit army base camp. See if you can become a member of the bandit army.

This group that emerged from the town of Puluo has become a god in one battle. Whether it's a genre war or an arena competition, in this era where the strong are respected, heroes are worshiped, and miracles are expected, all their bloody achievements are being unearthed and widely praised. There is a mythical trend.

All kinds of gossip are overwhelming.

The guy named Klaus who was captured by the bandits has been released. Many people swore that they saw the old guy walking out of the base gate surrounded by a group of high-ranking officers of Chakna and Feiyang, and being picked up by the bandit war gods. Everyone also heard that Cheng Zhixuan, who had been presiding over the establishment of the Mars regime and involved in all walks of life in Mars, had been removed from his post and sent away. ….

Whether this person is a collaborator or not, he is the reason why we were directly put into the top 16 as a fighter pilot. He will be accused of dereliction of duty.

To be honest, he is indeed a bit green when it comes to playing with the fat guy from the bandit army. The Northern League was so strong at the beginning, but wouldn't it be blamed for it in the end?

Why would a little colonel, who was from Chakna, work so hard for Feiyang? After staying in Mars for so many years, he didn't understand that the entire structure of Mars was overturned by that fat hand. How many of those who piss off Fatty end well? !

People talked about the bandits and the current situation in Mars. For them, the bandits and the situation are closely related. Now, everyone understands that Feiyang has put down his posture after the ring match. Think about it, if it weren't for Cozmo's collision, the female major general Feiyang and the group of officers would not have been beaten by others. Into meat?

Putting aside this kind of kindness, in terms of reality, how can they take advantage of other people's bandits?

This was a slap in the face to the Feiyang people. They showed their existence in such an arrogant way. For the Mars people, they can understand the implication - Mars belongs to the bandit army! This army has never thought of giving up here! On the one hand, they are allies with the Feiyang people, and on the other hand, they are strong in this airspace!

The Sussian fleet's attack along the Triumph Corridor was no secret to the well-informed Martians, who were full of pirates, mercenaries and smugglers. Besides waiting for the dust to settle at the end of this battle, everyone is interested in guessing what earth-shattering things the bandits will do. If the Soos people want to take over Mars, the bandit army is an insurmountable obstacle!

The planet rotates silently amidst the chaos. \\

A squadron consisting of two aircraft carriers, more than ten battleships and cruisers, and more than twenty destroyers departed from the Mars 15th Airport and flew into the vast universe. Among this task force composed of Feiyang and Chakna warships, there was an armed merchant ship with a shabby appearance that particularly attracted attention.

When it comes. It was just a rusty and dilapidated armed merchant ship that should have been thrown into a steel furnace, and when it left, it was already the focus of attention. Everyone knows that the four gods of war and the four young bandit warriors who became famous in one battle. He just walked out of the hatch of this armed merchant ship! The eagle and skull marks on the ship represent a tough and crazy group.

The huge central control room of the HMS Vast aircraft carrier was busy.

Officer Chakna, who was wearing a black uniform, and Officer Feiyan, who was wearing a brown uniform, both had sullen faces. Went back and forth with a serious expression. In front of the center console, hundreds of screens flashed in an enclave. Graphics, data, and text are densely packed. The sound of communication comes and goes. Electrical prompt sound, switch toggle sound, instrument debugging sound. Filling the entire oval-shaped huge space. Zhang Pengcheng rubbed his closed eyebrows and looked away from the tactical computer. Throw it towards the top of the arc in front of the central podium.

Facing the large screen on the top of the center console, the curved top of the podium is hung on the railing of the podium. In Margaret's angry eyes, she bit her tongue and peeled the orange peel. The two of them exchanged words from time to time. Margaret's words were as fast and fast as a machine gun, and fat. He has a simple and honest face and takes his time.

Zhang Pengcheng couldn't help but sigh.

It has been exactly twenty-four hours since this squadron of Fleet 121 left the planet Mars. One day ago, after learning that the Suss fleet was attacking Mars, Carolina immediately issued a first-level combat readiness order. And together with the top brass of Chakna's Twelfth Fleet, in accordance with the plan of the coalition command headquarters, joint operational command was launched.

At that time, Zhang Pengcheng saw that after only two seconds of hesitation, Carolina added Tian Xingjian's name to the list. ….

Because Pang Kong held the title of commander of the First Army of the Mars Front, Feiyang neither equipped him with a team, nor did he incorporate the bandits into the front army system. Therefore, in name, he is an out-and-out polished commander.

However, it is no secret how powerful this polished commander is and what kind of trump card he holds in his hand. An arena match is enough for the Feiyang, Chakna and Mars people to understand how much say the bandit army has. The joint command headquarters established has two operations departments and a general staff department.

The General Staff is composed of senior staff officers selected by Feiyang and Chakna respectively. Its main task is to be responsible for the coordination and overall command and deployment of Feiyang Army Operations Department and Chakna Army Operations Department. \\

Since it was an emergency period and she decided to improve the cooperative relationship with the bandits, Carolina simply gave the position of chief of general staff to Tian Xingjian.

This decision was also Zhang Pengcheng's suggestion. In his opinion, the position of Chief of Staff of the General Staff seemed to be perfect for this man who controlled a decisive force and once commanded the 121st Fleet to complete a classic reversal.

The Feiyang officers expressed surprise and silence at this decision, while the officers and soldiers of the Chakna fleet were completely delighted.

Cheng Zhixuan, the former chief of staff of the Mars Front who originally hoped to get this position, was directly dismissed from his post by Carolina. He was charged with gross negligence and dereliction of duty and was waiting to be sent home to accept the responsibility of the Political Department of the Fiji Alliance and Chakna Military investigation.

Zhang Pengcheng did not know the colonel named Cheng Zhixuan who was assigned by the Chakna Military Department as the coordinator of the Mars Front. He just felt that for this colonel, everything that happened was a perfect irony. I am afraid that until he finally returns to Chakna and stands in front of the military special investigator with a serious face, he will not understand how Zhang Pengcheng naturally has his own channels.

From the mouth of Su Kezhou, the president of the Longxing Society, he was able to learn enough truths.

Overall, Cheng Zhixuan lost miserably. The carefully organized game ended up being a performance stage for the bandits, and all the plans against the bandits discussed with Fisichella turned out to be the Waterloo of his life.

Just a thought!

The outcome was already doomed from the moment Cheng Zhixuan tried to accept the victory of the Lelei people. Based on Zhang Pengcheng's understanding of Fatty, let alone trying to seize the entire bandit army, even if he just wanted to get some supplies from Fatty's hands, it would be tantamount to snatching food from the tiger's mouth.

If anyone dares to reach out, this fat guy will bite him without any hesitation.

Zhang Pengcheng was very lucky that he was in a desperate situation when Fleet 121 was in desperate situation. Got to know Fat.

Otherwise, according to usual logic, he would not have any good impression of a bandit leader who disobeys orders and stands on his own. Don't talk about becoming friends of life and death like now. If you don't help the Feiyang people solve this problem, it would be weird!

After the arena match, Feiyang seemed to have quickly corrected his mentality. Carolina was able to make such a straightforward decision to reconcile with the bandits, which was beyond Zhang Pengcheng's expectations. However, Carolina's overtures. There didn't seem to be any response from Fatty. Before boarding the ship, Fatty announced that the bandits would not participate in this battle. After following the fleet for twenty-four hours and fulfilling the duties of the commander. He will leave on the bandit destroyer.

Zhang Pengcheng looked back at Carolina, who was discussing something with her staff in front of the deduction stage. He didn't understand. Why did Carolina accept the fat decision so easily? \\

Margaret, what exactly did you say to her? !

Judging from what Zhang Pengcheng knows. The last time they defeated the Su-12 fleet, Pang suffered a heavy blow. If it can all be converted into combat effectiveness. Coupled with his original shabby warships, their strength should not be inferior to the Feiyang B15 fleet. It was the critical moment for Suss's massive attack. Why are you fat?

"How is it?" Fatty's voice interrupted Zhang Pengcheng's thoughts.

He looked back. He saw Fatty standing next to him at some point, stuffing golden oranges into his mouth one by one, eating happily.

"Our reconnaissance ship departed from the Ernst Galaxy and has been in contact with the Suss fleet again." Zhang Pengcheng pointed to the interstellar map on the command platform in front of him and said: "They have arrived at the F13 obstacle area of ​​the Lancer Galaxy in the Triumph Corridor. Passing through on June 6th. According to their progress, there are still less than twenty hours before reaching the Ernst Galaxy jump point."

"But" Zhang Pengcheng frowned tightly: "We only found two teams. The other two Soos-class fleets have been separated from the main force and are currently missing."

"Where are you missing?" Fatty put the last piece of orange into his mouth and murmured. Zhang Pengcheng's news made him feel a little confused.

The Triumph Corridor and Louis Corridor leading from the main channel to Mars are two passages that are never connected. The Suss fleet is now in full view of the public. They must have known this when they discovered the Chakna reconnaissance ship. Then, apart from advancing faster and breaking through the Ernst Galaxy at lightning speed, they seemed to have no other choice. There was no need to divide their forces at this time.

Where will their other two fleets go? !

"The opinion of the War Department is still to block the Suss fleet here." Zhang Pengcheng pointed to the interstellar map. It is located between the Ernst Galaxy and the Lancer Galaxy. It is an olive-shaped planet with five spiral arms. The distribution of planets appears to be extremely scattered. Xingxing said: "Rose Galaxy!"

The Rose Galaxy is the end of the Triumph Corridor and the only way to the Ernst Galaxy. The jumping point is not far from the sk-1288 star system in the Rose Galaxy. Because after Soos jumped from the Lancer Galaxy into the Rose Galaxy, his position was at the top of the olive-shaped Rose Galaxy. Therefore, if you want to reach the jumping point at the other end, you must pass through two jump channels and six obstacle areas. ,galaxy.

If the Chakna fleet can catch the Suss fleet before it enters the channel, then the Suss fleet will have absolutely no chance to calmly enter the jump channel before annihilating the Chakna fleet. If they want to enter by force, they will face A devastating blow to the Chakna fleet. \\In this case, it is undoubtedly much better for the Fiji Alliance forces who intend to delay time than to defend the Ernst jumping point.

If you defend the Ernst Jump Point, you will inevitably face an all-out attack by the Suss fleet. It will be a tough battle without any tricks. The Suss Empire can fully utilize their numerical advantage that is nearly twice that of the Fei Alliance. In the Rose Galaxy, as long as one fleet can anchor the entrance to the jump point of the Ernst Galaxy, the other Fei Alliance fleets can be liberated. They can follow the main force of the Suss fleet in a circle in the vast triumphal corridor and Suss fleet. The Sri Lankan fleet did not dare to enter the jumping point leading to the Ernst galaxy for just one day!

Although I felt something was wrong in my heart, but. Fatty still nodded. Compared with sticking to the Ernst system and confronting the Suss Empire fleet head-on, he really couldn't find any reason to oppose this plan.

Besides, the bandit army is destined not to intervene in this battle. This battle can only be fought by Zhang Pengcheng and Carolina.

"It's time for me to go." Fatty looked at it and walked up to the center console. Baz stood at the top of the stairs with the white metal handrail and winked at him. When he looked again, "Are you really going to leave?!" Zhang Pengcheng raised his head. He had asked Fatty many times along the way. Now, he still blurts out uncontrollably.

Until now. He also didn't understand why Fatty did this. Before that, he had always thought that the fleet of the Twelve Groups would fight side by side with the bandits. After all, Mars means nothing to the bandit army. Far more important than Chakna. ….

If Fatty was willing to throw away this bandit army's living soil, why would he participate in the ring competition again? Could it be. Is it just to demonstrate to the Feiyang people? !

With the strength of the bandit army and the commanding skills of Fatty and Major General Salega named Fang Xiang. It is enough to increase the Fiji Alliance's winning rate by 30% in the contest with the Sussians! Zhang Pengcheng was even willing to completely hand over the command of the Twelve Group fleet to them. And they left at such a critical moment. In Zhang Pengcheng's view, this is tantamount to adding insult to injury. He didn't believe it anyway. This is Fatland's decision.

"Really!" Fatty rolled his eyes at Margaret, who was staring at him eagerly not far away. Although he couldn't tell Zhang Pengcheng explicitly about Hastings' plan. Hints are always needed. How can the fat man let go of such a flattering thing?

"No matter what happens in this battle, I hope you can last for half a month."

"Half a month" Zhang Pengcheng said without knowing why: "What on earth are you doing?! If the bandit army joins, our chances of winning this battle will be much greater! You leave at this time"

Zhang Pengcheng didn't say any more. In front of him, Margaret's fat face with the back of his head was winking at him. The facial features on that fat face were like mice on a globe, scurrying around.

Thinking back on Fatty's words, and thinking about Carolina's indifference to Fatty's escape, Zhang Pengcheng seemed to understand somewhat. He glanced at Margaret.

Beside him, Fatty patted him on the shoulder with a solemn expression.

The year 263 is destined to be a black era for the human world.

As the Feyon Republic and the Binart Empire fought in the Carlston Galaxy, war has completely broken out in the human world. More than 30 members of the Fiji League and more than 20 members of the Western Treaty are fighting fiercely in the interstellar territory that human civilization has conquered for thousands of years. Under the iron palms of mechas and missiles of fighter planes, countless cities were destroyed, countless houses were burned, and countless civilians died.

On the human interstellar plane, the red flames of war are spreading. Starting from the southeast, the immigrant planets in the west are spinning as usual, but the civilization accumulated on the planet for thousands of years is retreating in the flames of war. The countryside is full of criss-cross trenches, swaying figures of running soldiers, overwhelming artillery fire, and fighter planes flying across the sky like lightning. In the city, there are the ruins of collapsed buildings, broken bridges, burning fires, and diffuse smoke. , broken bricks and tiles thrown into the sky by the shock wave.

In order to escape the war, the displaced refugees began to migrate.

The Global Resources Highway that runs across the planet is densely packed with vehicles. There are heavy trucks, black luxury flying cars, colorful economical flying cars, and rusty passenger cars that are so dilapidated that they can hardly float. Without exception, these cars are full of people and loaded with equipment. Full of luggage. Even the roof. It was also filled with suitcases and backpacks of all sizes.

It's the same situation in the port. One spaceship after another ventured away from the planet and flew into the vast universe. Passenger ship, exploration spacecraft. Private spaceships, transport cargo ships, and even mining ships that temporarily serve as escape ships. Every star field and every flight path is filled with various types of spaceships. In order to find a place away from war, human beings have chosen to migrate.

Leaving home. It's painful. In this troubled world, people don’t know where to find peace and tranquility. They can only move around involuntarily, from one place to another. From one planet to another.

Pirates, bandits. Liar, thief. Spaceship crash, car accident. Kidnapping and murder in this extraordinary migration. The hardships people have experienced go beyond the pain of losing their homes. Along the way, they also have to face various natural disasters. ….

Some spaceships were hijacked by pirates, and all the refugees were shot dead in cold blood; some spaceships suffered irreparable malfunctions in the vast starry sky, and could not be rescued; and some spaceships were killed by pirates while passing through dangerous obstacles. The planet collided and was hit by a cosmic particle storm, causing the spacecraft to crash. These spaceships all have a common name - ghost ship.

They may appear silently at the end of the jump channel one day, floating and motionless, or they may be captured by the gravity of the planet and revolve around the planet day after day, or they may leave the channel and throw themselves into the vast universe. I don’t know. How many years later, he appeared in front of people again

This is war. Human beings have used hatred to nurture it from childhood to adulthood. When it is released accompanied by hatred, when it begins to show its ferocious face and huge destructive power, no one can anymore imprison it. cage.

The Newton galaxy is still the same as before, and the two immigrant planets, Miloc and Miloc 2, are still spinning quietly. Under the escort of the battleship, it entered the orbit of Milok. The spaceport, mineral gimbal, satellites, and all the crystallizations of human technology floating in the orbit of the space station watched this fleet slowly enter the atmosphere. The unobstructed starlight reflected on the port side of the fleet, like a burning pattern. The small destroyer surrounded by the majestic battleships is particularly eye-catching.

The fleet was descending, first the battleships left the group, then the cruisers, and then the escorting destroyers. These giant steel beasts across the starry sky cut through the atmosphere and returned to the deep universe.

At the same time that the last two escort warships separated from the destroyer, dozens of fighter planes flew through the clouds and took over the escort mission of the warships. A huge formation of fighter planes appeared in the sight of the cruiser's portholes as the escort warship left. The entire tactical move was completed flawlessly.

The destroyer continued its descent. The black hull of the ship appeared a crescent-like red in the friction of the air. More than ten minutes later, the mountains and rivers on the ground were clearly visible.

Garipalan No. 2 Military Airport is crowded with people. Government officials, reporters, and military generals all stopped making noises when the distinctive roar of warships and fighter planes rang out in the sky. They stared quietly at the steel migratory birds that blocked the bright sunshine.

The black destroyer, high above the ground, slowly landed on the airport's No. 1 apron amid the roar of fighter planes passing by and the huge roar of the anti-gravity device.

The heavy automatic hatch opened, and an escalator stretched out and landed silently on the ground. An old, but tall figure appeared at the hatch.

The moment this figure appeared, cheers that resounded through the sky suddenly erupted. The rolling sound waves rose into the sky like a tsunami. This sound of crazy joy could be heard throughout Garipalan. That was the voice of a LeRae person - after Hamilton died, LeRae welcomed back her current president.

Flavio, back in Leray!

The next day's newspaper published the first words Flavio said when he set foot on Miloc's land on the front page.

"I came back to tell the invaders that we have not been conquered yet!"


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