Counterfeit Hero

Volume 7 Chapter 29 Conflict

The war on Mars seemed to have ended overnight.

The morning sun bathes the town of Puo warmly.

The smoke of gunpowder has not dissipated, and the deafening sound of artillery still seems to be echoing in the ears. The residents of Puluo Town who walked out of the air raid shelters and shelters looked at the groups of bandit soldiers covered with mud and scars, with tired faces written on their faces. , looking at the bright sun shining high, listening to the quiet wind, standing quietly on the street, as if in a dream. After a long time, I finally cried with joy.

"Good boy!" An old man stood on the roadside and raised his thumb tremblingly at the bandit soldiers passing by: "They are all men from Mars!"

Beside the old man, a young mother was holding her three-year-old child and wiping tears.

"Long live the bandits." Her voice was very soft, gentle, and even a little trembling. However, her eyes were so happy.

Soldiers passed by in droves, and the crowd on the roadside grew larger and larger. All the people who came out of the air raid shelters and shelters were standing on the roadside.

"We won, did we really win?" People asked each other.

"We won!" The eyes of those who knew the news first were shining as they stared at the groups of bandit soldiers in blue uniforms. They answered decisively without looking back: "We will destroy the Northern Alliance! Now, There are countless people lining up outside to surrender to us!"

"And destroyed the Northern Alliance?"

This news shocked everyone. immediately. It was a burst of cheers that resounded through the sky. Applause and whistles.

Crowds of people cheered one after another. Keep attracting more people. Like a drop of water poured into a boiling pot of oil, the news spreads wherever it goes. There was thunderous cheers everywhere.

"God, incredible!"

"They actually defeated the Northern Alliance. Defeated!"

"Long live the bandits!"

"Good boys, you are all doing well!"

"Thank you. My children."

"This is a miracle!"

"Brian!" A voice full of surprises, but with a cry of grievance sounded. A slender girl rushed out of the crowd with her skirt in hand, passed through the marching bandit army, and suddenly threw herself into a muddy girl. , crying loudly in the arms of a bandit soldier with a bandage on his shoulder.

The soldier stood helplessly in the middle of the street, coaxing the girl softly, with an embarrassed look on his face.

His company commander passed him. Pat him lightly on the head. Dirty team. Naturally separated from his sides. Rolling by.

The cheers of the crowd, the footsteps of the procession. The roar of the mecha seemed to be cut off by the air next to the two lovers who were hugging each other and crying.

Several girls looked at this scene in the queue, their eyes were already red, tears were falling down, and they were sobbing. One after another, the bandit soldiers were recognized by their anxious relatives on the roadside. One after another, women and children passed through the queue and fell into the arms of the men. xjunxzixtangxfirstxhairx

"Long live the bandits!" This thunderous voice was the heartfelt cheers of the people.

This is the team that belongs to Puluo Town. It is this team that persists in resisting when everyone is almost desperate. It was them who won this miraculous victory. Gratitude, pride, pride, all kinds of emotions are crowded in my chest. If I don't let it out with this roar, I will explode.

The crowds are gathering. One by one, in groups, the First Avenue in Puluo Town was crowded with people.

Listening to the thunderous cheers, looking around at the excited faces with tears in their eyes, feeling the palms and cocked fingers of men of the same age as his father on the street. Lao Gao's thumb felt the child as old as his daughter kiss the soft little lips on his face. An inexplicable emotion flowed in the hearts of the bandit soldiers, and an electric current swept through the whole body in an instant. .

It was a kind of pride that they had never experienced before in their lives!

They fought, fought desperately, not for burning, killing and looting, but for the people in front of them.

"Long live the bandits!"

Hearing these four words, it is worth dying immediately!

During training, Commander Fatty's words echoed in his mind again. "Why fight? There are many answers to this question. Ideals, hatred, freedom, fame and fortune, justice and democracy... Many of you are mercenaries fighting for money, and many others are. Members of major armed organizations. Perhaps you could not have imagined that there would be a day when you would need to fight for your own lives and the lives of your family members. When one day, the people you protect will give you applause and cheers When you are on the road to victory one day, you will understand all this. That moment is the best reason for a soldier to exist and fight."

The cheers of "Long Live the Bandit Army" roared, and the team rolled forward. Many soldiers had tears streaming down their faces.

The blood and fire of war, the toughness and the noise, are dedicated to this tranquility and peace, and to the softness deep in the heart.

New Park On June 26, 2063, six mixed fleets of the Fejan Republic were ambushed by sixteen mixed fleets of the Binart Empire in a certain star area in the northeastern theater of the Carlston Galaxy. The fleet of the Fejan Republic was outnumbered and the entire army was annihilated. This was the first major victory for the Binart Empire, which had been suppressed by Feiyang, since the war between the two countries began. In this battle, regardless of the overall deployment and induction, the design of the ambush and even the timing of the launch, the imperial general Sober, who was directly responsible for the combat command, showed extremely superb and charming commanding art. For a time, Western York gained momentum.

On June 27, 2063, after making full preparations and having completely controlled the central system of Lere, Desik and Jepen Army airborne to the capital star of Lere. The Brody regime signs the treaty. Announcing LeRae joining West York. Open Leray Passage unconditionally. Same day. The Newton Galaxy and the Galileo Galaxy in the Atlantis Star Domain of LeRae issued notices angrily condemning Brody for betraying his country and seeking glory. announced at the same time. =Jun-Zitang-First-Post=Does not recognize any document signed by the Brody puppet regime, and each federal state in the two major galaxies. Will resist to the end.

June 28, 2063, Chakna Republic and Sus Empire. They continued to invest troops in the battlefield of the Lesk system, and the battle situation between the two sides was stalemate. Evenly matched. On this day, three Chakna fleets passed through the Lesk jump point and entered the public system of the southeast main channel, looking for the Suss fleet. This is the first time since the outbreak of the Chakna War that it has returned to the main channel. The Sous expedition fleet, which is based on the blue stone star of Salga, is highly tense. The main force has withdrawn from the central star field of Lelei. Scouts are everywhere, and the two sides are competing for the main channel. The battle for the channel is about to begin. Same day. General Yuuto Mikami of the Western York-Southeast Joint Command. In view of the extremely important strategic position of the southeast main channel, Jie Peng dispatched three mixed fleets. Entering the Longbow Galaxy of the Republic of Sarga via the Leray Bermuda Galaxy, and cooperating with the Sous Empire to control the main channel. .

The war is still in full swing. All countries are operating at full capacity to produce all supplies for the war. Invasion and counter-invasion, offense and defense, overwhelming or fleeing. Acres of fertile farmland were trampled. Cities were reduced to ashes amidst the overwhelming artillery fire, the torrent of mechas, and the flying fighter jets. Planets one by one have become devastated in the flames of war.

The war demon was released from its cage and wreaked havoc with its claws. Buildings collapsed in front of it, life withered in front of it, blood flowed in front of it, and civilization retreated in front of it...

Every inch of the interstellar territory of human society is groaning in pain amid the smoke and flames of war. This war seems to have just begun.

The situation in Lelei continued to deteriorate, causing many Lelei people in the capital star to embark on a journey of escape. The destinations they choose are different, but there is only one purpose, which is to escape from the central star field and escape from the capital star that has been occupied by humiliation. A variety of ships are floating in the vast space.

These Lere people with an uncertain future did not know that when the capital of Lere was captured by Xiyo, there were still some Lere soldiers fighting in a black zone far outside the sight of mainstream human society.

June 27, New AD 2063. Victory in the battle to defend Puluo Town. Under Thelwall's order, all armed forces of the Northern Alliance laid down their weapons where they were and surrendered to the bandit forces in Protown.

After receiving the news of the Northern Alliance's surrender as soon as possible, the bandits quickly took advantage of the time difference that the Longxing Society was unaware of and seized the industrial zone in the northern part of the central city. They also dispatched a large number of convoys to major ports under the control of the Northern Alliance to rush to transport materials.

On the same day, all the Longxinghui troops came out and marched towards major port cities.

On June 28, the Longxing Society and the Puluo Town Bandit Army jointly issued a global order, ordering all separatist forces to immediately send personnel to participate in the formation of the Mars Free Government, lift the separatist state, and restore social order.

On the same day, the first batch of 105 separatist forces in Mars Freeport announced their compliance with the general order.

On June 29, seeing that the Longxing Society and the bandits were joining forces to control Mars Freeport, the remnants of Poshanliu, after consulting with the bandits in Pulao Town, announced that they would join the Pulao Town Mutual Assistance Alliance. The remnants of the Zetsu Ryu, which only had more than a hundred people left, and the Tai Ryu, which had retained less than half of its strength, announced that they would lay down their weapons, accept the leadership of the Long Hsing Club, and participate in the formation of a free world regime after contacting the Long Hsing Club.

On June 30, the second batch of 270 separatist forces announced that they would obey the general order. Mars has basically returned to normal order. The work of forming a United Liberal Government began immediately.

On July 1, four armed merchant ships, 16 frigates, and more than 20 transport ships of the bandit second fleet arrived at the Free Port of Mars. It occupies the town of Puluo and the west area of ​​the central city, and the eleven airports belonging to the northern industrial zone. It takes over the fleets of the Northern Alliance in various waterways, with a total of more than 1,600 ships of various types and sizes, and the Poshanliu fleet has more than 100 ships of various types. The bandits began to secretly transport people and materials.

On July 2, Longxinghui attacked the port of Lille and annihilated the two battalions of the 401st Armored Regiment of Sousse that were entrenched in the port. Captain Chuck and part of the troops left Mars on a transport ship anchored in the airport of Lille Port in Sousse and disappeared without a trace.

On July 3, a small-scale conflict broke out between the bandits and Longxing Hui who were collecting supplies. Nearly a hundred people from both sides participated in the fight, and dozens of people on each side were injured and hospitalized.

"Damn it. Dare to hit our people." The fat man jumped three feet high: "Brothers, copy the guy!"

In the spacious Scadilvo base conference room, a group of sect leaders were drinking tea and chatting with smiles on their faces. Not many people paid any attention to the fat man jumping up and down.

Even Markovich and a few others averted their eyes. Looking at each other and smiling bitterly.

Since the capture of Thelwall and the entire Northern League leadership, Fatty has squeezed all the oil out of them. The weapons, equipment and materials obtained by the Northern Alliance from the Sussian Empire were fully accepted. The bandit army also took advantage of the time difference of more than two hours to occupy the entire industrial base at the heart of Mars before the Longxing Meeting. The northern industrial area of ​​Central City.

Not to mention, immediately, all the trucks and transport mechas that Puluo Town could send out were sent out. If there were really no vehicles, they would just send out people. Under the pressure of Fatty, Thelwall ordered all Northern Alliance troops to hand over everything that could be handed over to the bandits.

I heard that when Longxing Club arrived, their logistics officer ran out of the warehouse with tears in his eyes.

Materials, weapons. Mecha. There is also a space fleet, which can be harvested anyway. None of the bandits were spared. Only then did everyone realize that the word "bandit" for this bandit army was really apt.

As for this conflict, speaking of it, the bandits were at fault.

At that time, the attack on the Sousse Armored Regiment in Port Lille was completed independently by the Longxing Society. In that battle, Longxinghui fought extremely hard. With its superior strength, it lost almost one to one and broke this hard nut. But who would have known that the bandit army would not help but saw that Lille Port was captured by the Longxing Society, and the material convoy that had been waiting nearby got into it, faster than a rabbit. The bandit soldiers each have a linen bag, and they even want to take a handful of it.

This made the commander of Longxinghui's attack force so angry that his eyes and nose were crooked. I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people. These bandits are so shameless.

Seeing that the warehouse was about to be emptied by the bandits, the commander of Longxinghui was so angry that he immediately ordered the convoy to be detained!

The two sides immediately started a conflict. The leader of the team was Buzz. This guy was originally afraid of chaos in the world. With Wetherill here, he could be shocked and let him go out alone to grab supplies. It was like a weasel. Put it in the chicken coop. A fight broke out at that time.

It was said that both sides had injuries, and some people were admitted to the hospital, but Baz's side had minor injuries such as bruises, and Longxinghui's side, damn, the location of the injury was too embarrassing to say. Where can a move like Monkey Stealing Peach hurt? There are a few more ruthless ones, like boys worshiping Guanyin, these guys are poking upwards with their fingers... Anyway, SM's three regiments and three battalions are lined up in a row, and they are famous. Now they have a nickname, called Baoju Squad.

The bandit army was completely marked by this fat and shameless man! When I came back and asked, these moves were all taught by the fucking fat man!

This kind of thing would make everyone blush, but the fat man was so unreasonable that he actually clamored to copy the guy... Who is this guy!

Seeing no one responded, the fat man's indignant expression disappeared without a trace, and he sat down with a serious face without embarrassment: "To convince people with reason, forget it, let's put on a high profile. However, Longxing will do that Negotiations on the other side must still adhere to one purpose." As he spoke, this guy got excited. He stood up and put one leg on the chair, frothing at the mouth: "Su Kezhou promised me that we would take the bulk of these things, but now he regrets it. It doesn’t matter. If it doesn’t work, ask reporters to expose this old guy! Tell all his scandals!”

The sect leaders had splitting headaches, the damn fat man was really not a human being. People say you take the bulk, but they don’t tell you to take them all! This guy's face is clearly that I take the gold and silver mountains, and you take the needlework and cloth. Anyway, he has a big head and a small head. He can travel all over the world with reason, and he is not afraid!

This bitch! What does reporter exposure mean? What Fatty does is frame up media and slander people. This is his specialty.

It turns out that the bandits fought really well in this battle. With its inferior force, Puluo Town not only withstood the Northern Alliance's multiple attacks, but also annihilated a total of more than 4,000 mechas and nearly 20,000 infantry of its opponents. The mecha team headed by Fatty turned Central City upside down. With an absolute disadvantage, they stole victory from the Northern Alliance. Step by step, link by link, they broke through several times and annihilated the first enemy. The four armored battalions blew up the river bridge, annihilated the second armored battalion, wandered around and looted along the way, and headed south to the first airport to decide the fate of the world. All these things have been spread in the free world. These paragraphs were summarized by the media, and they were full of ups and downs.

It can be said that in terms of reputation, the Longxing Society cannot even compare with the bandit army. Who would believe that this fat man didn't foam at his mouth and add fuel to the flames?

Since all the credit belongs to the bandit army, Longxinghui can only play the role of a bargain-hunter.

This has already made Long Xinghui go crazy with frustration. Now this fat man wants to talk about Su Kezhou's "ugliness"... This guy is really going too far.

In the dead silence, the fat man looked left and right, blinking his eyes, with an expectant look on his face: "What do you think of my suggestion? If you don't call me back, let's try something soft?" How's it going? Please log in. For more chapters, support the author and genuine reading. ! )


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