Counterfeit Hero

Volume 6, Chapter 71: First Strike 2

Cooper, who closed his eyes to rest his mind, was almost asleep. In a daze, he seemed to have had a dream. I dreamed that I was riding on a wild horse. The horse was running fast between the cliffs. The thorns all around made blood marks on my body.

In panic, he desperately tried to grab the reins again and control the frightened horse. However, after exhausting all means, the frightened horse ran faster and faster. When he turned around, he discovered that behind him, a fat man was following him everywhere, grinning and stabbing the horse in the butt with a knife...

A harsh phone ringing woke Cooper up. He looked at the dedicated phone line that kept ringing with a strange expression, then regained his composure and quickly answered it.

The caller was Carolina, the leader of the ghost foxes.

This woman who is over thirty years old, charming and mature as a peach, first appeared on the phone with her iconic chuckle: "Mr. Cooper, this time, can you You really gave me a good job."

"What?" Cooper looked up at the clock on the wall and frowned. When the order was issued just now, Carolina could not be contacted for a while, so she handed it over to her deputy Randy. This is not the first time such a thing has happened. Cooper didn't care either. But unexpectedly, Carolina called at this time. From the tone of her voice, it seemed that there was something wrong.

Although in the eyes of many people, Carolina, a coquettish woman, seemed very frivolous, but Cooper knew that when doing serious business, this woman was far more calm than many men. More stable. As a master who is proficient in assassination, she is fully confident in the tasks she chooses to take on.

"Randy told me as soon as I came back." Carolina's voice was soft and soft, like a cat that keeps stretching. "Do you know how much this person is worth?"

"How much is it worth?" Cooper recalled the meaning of Carolina's words, couldn't help but sit up straight, and asked urgently: "Do you know who he is?"

"When Randy showed me the photo, I just thought it looked familiar." Carolina said: "I contacted the people in the guild to check. Who knew, it was really him."

"Who?" Cooper didn't notice the nervousness in his voice.

"Speaking of which, this person is not simple. Although few people know him in Freeport, in the Leray Federation and Gacharin, he is an amazing person." Carolina didn't seem to understand Cooper's anxiety at all. . Still slowly whetting Cooper's appetite: "In the top killer organization, this person is also very famous."

"Speak quickly!" Cooper gritted his teeth. This woman is the former curator of Tailiu, the youngest daughter of her master. For many years, I have tried to take advantage of this woman but have never been able to do so. In Tailiu, she is both her core strength. And she has an extremely special status... Whether it is her dead father or herself, they are all born with the ability to deal with things.

"Don't worry." Carolina smiled sweetly on the phone: "I really don't understand how you can be willing to kill such a monster after you find him. I can't do it now, the other elders are all there , if I do it, they can tear me apart."

"Other elders?" Cooper, who still didn't get the answer, gritted his teeth with hatred. At the same time, he was startled by the news revealed in Carolina's words: "Who is he? What happened?"

"I knew..." Carolina seemed to be trembling with laughter on the other side of the phone: "You must have locked yourself in your office where no one dared to disturb you, waiting for news? What exactly happened? Son...I won't tell you..."

Cooper's face was livid, and Carolina paused deliberately for a long time before continuing: "Anyway, you go out and buy an urgently printed copy of Mars Express. You will know everything. However, I can tell you about this person. Name, and a piece of advice..."

"Say!" Cooper closed his eyes and suppressed the unhappiness in his heart.

"A word of advice, you'd better not attack this man easily. Even if you do, don't look for me." Carolina said leisurely: "His name is Tian Xingjian. Hero of the Leray Federation. He captured Emperor James Gacharin alive. , single-handedly challenged the entire Desik Hunter Mecha Regiment. Fighting against the four leaders of the Mythical Legion alone,... Few people know that Hopkins, who is in front of me, is in a one-on-one dynamic. He was killed by him in a sniper duel. Gacharin's Howard family was torn to pieces by him, and now there is a reward of 300 million Fiji for his life. However, I have no interest in this money. No matter how much money, life will be lost. It doesn’t matter, doesn’t it?”

Cooper held the phone blankly, stunned by Carolina's words. He guessed that the fat man must have a complicated background, but he never dreamed that this man would have such an incredible resume. Putting aside his personal ability, the background behind him alone makes Cooper's scalp numb!

At this time, does this person's appearance here mean that the Fei League forces have unknowingly penetrated into the free world, and they are actually right next to him!

Putting the phone down, Cooper quickly rushed out of the office.

There is no need to tell people to buy express newspapers anymore. Everyone in the entire Tailiu main hall is holding an express newspaper in their hands, and the TV virtual light screen in the hall is also playing everything that happened in Puluo Town.

Amid all kinds of complicated looks, Cooper quickly grabbed an express newspaper.

In the express newspaper, there was a big headline: "Thailand continues to play in nine gyms!" 》

Zhang Kai is a reporter for Mars Express.

A reporter who had just joined the newspaper less than three months ago and still didn’t understand many things.

In this world with highly developed information, people have not changed their habit of reading paper newspapers and drinking coffee at the same time. Changingly. It's a newspaper office. Since the specific timeliness of newspaper news itself always lags behind that of other media, the requirements for news are even higher.

On the first day Zhang Kai entered the newspaper, the editor-in-chief gave him two news requirements. The first is importance. Reporting of major events must be captured. News like this is not affected by timeliness. The second is uniqueness. It is best to have an event that has not been reported by other media, but has considerable news value.

As a newcomer, Zhang Kai worked hard for three months. The number of published articles still ranks last in his entire group.

There are not enough connections, there is no inside information, and there is not enough experience and keen sense of smell. He looked at his cheerful colleagues and looked at the editor-in-chief who had a serious expression on his face. Zhang Kai thought that he was really not suitable to be a reporter. He understood that if this situation continued, it would be time for him to pack up and get out in a few days. .

Freeport under the clouds of war. Zhang Kai doubted that if he lost this job, he would be able to find a similarly normal job.

In order to keep his job, Zhang Kai frantically drove his dilapidated miniature Elk flying car around the Freeport where news was most likely to appear.

Exchange, airport, casino area, industrial area...and then. He saw Monroe being carried and thrown outside the door by several students.

As a mecha enthusiast, Zhang Kai naturally knew Monro, and he even dreamed of becoming another Monro.

At only twenty-six years old, he already possesses the strength of a first-level mecha commander. In a few years, Monroe hopes to become the youngest Mecha War God in Freeport.

Now Monroe has everything. His mecha talent brought him a lofty status, instant power and countless money.

Zhang Kai never dreamed of this. Such a person. It was thrown at the door like a dead dog.

Until I got out of the car. After taking a close-up photo of the tragic scene in Monroe and pressing the data transfer button set on the camera to the newspaper office, Zhang Kai couldn't believe that what happened in front of him was actually real. Likewise, he didn't expect that he would have such good luck!

When the editor-in-chief and the president personally called him and praised him greatly, and urgently dispatched several other reporters as Zhang Kai's assistants to follow up and report, Zhang Kai finally believed that he was prosperous.

Then, Zhang Kai saw the fat man.

When the fat man walked to the Qianjundao Mecha Hall and asked lightly to kick him out. Zhang Kai has already sneaked into the team of Tailiu members.

For thousands of years, knocking on doors has been regarded as the most merciless provocation between schools. At the same time, this kind of provocation is also recognized as the most likely to lead to failure and the most likely to act crazy.

Unlike challenges, there are no stakes involved. The only punishment for losers is to be closed for a month. Within this month, not only could the defeated mecha hall be unable to recruit students, but all internal training activities had also been stopped.

This is a tradition in the folk mecha fighting world. This tradition basically ensures that few people dare to open a gym casually and mislead their children. If you don't have enough strength, you will have to close the gym for a month if you are kicked out. If you meet a challenger who wants to kick you out of the area, he will come to kick you out again after a month. Let you be locked up month after month.

It is registered with the Federation of Schools and has a long history and tradition. Among the schools with a long history and tradition, kickboxing has almost disappeared. No school would easily adopt this kind of fighting method that is most likely to hurt both sides. After all, if you kick out one of their branches, they can take the same action and kick out one of your branches elsewhere.

Especially those factions with mecha war gods cannot be easily offended.

In addition, another aspect that is different from the challenge and also the biggest flaw of the door-to-door competition is the trial mecha. Because the nature of kicking the gym is to belittle the opponent's skills. Therefore, to determine the winner purely on skills, both sides must use the same type of mecha, rather than special-purpose mechas of their respective schools.

The mechas are provided by the schools that have been kicked out of the gym.

As a tradition, each school will prepare special mechas to welcome challengers. According to regulations, the mechas are all ordinary models. It doesn't seem to make any difference. But in fact, ordinary mechas also have different characteristics.

Some schools are good at insect-type mechas, while others are good at animal-type or human-type mechas. The speed, strength, engines, drives and even control programs of mechas are different. What's more important is that the mechas provided to those who come to visit the gym will obviously not be well maintained.

If you don't have enough strength, you rashly come to compete in the gym, encounter a well-matched opponent, and use a mecha that suits the opponent's style and has some inconspicuous flaws, failure is almost doomed.

This is also the reason why kicking gymnastics has almost disappeared in today’s competition between genres. No matter how big the conflict is, the schools are happy to resolve it through various levels of challenges. Without absolute certainty and overwhelming overall strength, playing in the gym is almost equivalent to courting death.

But now, Tailiu chose to play football. Moreover, one kick will bring you to the ninth hall!

Print media finally took the lead in reporting for the first time in a competition with other media.

No photos, no filming. Everything was recorded by Zhang Kai in writing.

And these simple words are destined to be recorded in the history of the folk mecha fighting world.

At 12:10, the new director of the Tailiu Puro branch piloted the humanoid training mecha of the Qianjundao Mecha Hall and defeated the third-level mecha commander of the Qianjundao Mecha Hall in one minute and thirty seconds. Qian Jun Dao closed the hall.

At 12:30, the new director of the Tailiu Puro Branch, piloting the flower-shaped gate mecha hall's insect-type mecha, defeated the flower-shaped gate challenger and the third-level mecha commander in twenty-six seconds. The flower-shaped door seals the pavilion.

At 12:45, it took five minutes and sixteen seconds to defeat the second-level mecha commander of the Black Dragon Path Challenger. Black Dragon Dao closed the hall.

At 13:20, it took three minutes and fifty-three seconds to defeat the second-level mecha commander of Rainstorm Road. The museum is closed due to heavy rain.

At 13:55, it took seven minutes and fifty-five seconds to completely defeat the second-level mecha commander of Akishin-ryu. Ming Xin Liu closed the hall.

At 14:30, it took 16 minutes and 52 seconds to defeat the first-level mecha commander of the absolute killer class. Definitely kill Liu Fengguan!

At 15:30, it took four minutes and seven seconds to defeat the third-level mecha commander of the Killing Armor Sect. The killing armor gate is sealed.

At 16:05, it took 21 minutes to defeat the Poshanliu first-level mecha commander. Broken mountains and closed buildings.

At 16:50, there was no one to challenge Kruliu and the venue was closed.

The news from Zhang Kai was immediately printed as an express report. The entire central city of Mars Freeport fell into madness because of this news.

The craziest thing is Zhang Kai’s editor-in-chief. The old man, who usually noticed that Zhang Kai's nose was not his nose or his eyes, almost risked his life to catch Zhang Kai, who followed the dull-eyed Tailiu members out of the Kruliu mecha hall, and drove all the way back to the newspaper office. Then, he stood in front of Zhang Kai, waiting for him to write a detailed report.

An hour later, Zhang Kai’s report came out.

After reading it three times with gleaming eyes, the editor himself gave the title to this report. .

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