Counterfeit Hero

Volume 6 Chapter 21 Five-win system

Just like the unarmed fighting techniques that have been passed down for tens of thousands of years, folk wisdom has given countless classic techniques.

These skills are passed down and transformed in each victory or defeat. Eventually, schools with different styles were formed.

Phantom flow is one of the hundreds of folk sects. Historically, it was once ranked among the eight major sects.

In the fighting world, Phantom flow fighters are recognized as being particularly good at kicks and footwork. The agile mechas they control attack with great speed, dodge and are erratic. Known for his weird moves and lightning speed. In the folk mecha fighting world, there is a reputation as "one can transform a hundred like a shadow".

In the current mecha control specifications of the military of various countries, the standard requirements and technical explanations for the sudden movement of "jumping through" are completely copied according to the technology of Phantom Flow.

However, the military has ignored close combat for too long. The improvement of this type of technology relies entirely on the hand speed of the mecha warriors themselves and the more powerful functions of each generation of mechas. Little do they know that folk techniques are improving every day.

This improvement in control techniques is the secret of the school.

However, as of today, the Phantom Stream has already declined with the destruction of its main sect, the Li family. Disciples of the Phantom Style have lost the inheritance of their master's techniques and can only rely on some old techniques for support. Their reputation in the folk mecha world is getting lower and lower, and they are gradually reduced to a second-class sect.

When Cosmo was very young, he understood the situation of the phantom flow from the sighs of his father, Old Smith.

If a genre is compared to a big tree, it is called the main sect. Just the trunk. The technique inherited from the main sect is the roots of the big tree.

There is no core technique as a foundation, there is no talented leader to study new techniques, and there are no more young talents to join. Continue to inherit and progress in the genre. The big tree of phantom flow will only gradually wither. In the end, like some schools, it was lost in the long river of history.

Now the phantom flow. Only scattered branches and leaves are left. In order to rebuild the Phantom Stream and become the new dominant sect of the sect, the Smith family’s hard work and efforts over the past hundred years are simply incalculable.

However, even though the Smith family has become a symbol of the new land of Phantom Flow, because technical research can only focus on first-level techniques but can never get to the core, distance has become the new main sect. The goal of re-growing the Phantom Flow is still far away.

After all, once the core essence of thousands of years of wisdom is lost, it cannot be re-created by the power of one person or one family. Just like every modern mecha warrior will use the techniques in the mecha control specifications, but who can draw up another specification?

Even though Cozmo was conceited about his genius, he didn't dare to think about it.

Because of this, when Cozmo and his father saw a [Warcraft] video found on the Internet by a disciple. The shock in my heart is simply beyond words.

Judging from the characteristics of the body skills, [Warcraft] definitely uses phantom flow techniques. Moreover, it is a technique that all phantom flow experts, including Old Smith, have never imagined!

In that short moment, the phantom of [Warcraft] pulled up between several [Black Arms] looked like a dream, an illusion, and a false reality. The images captured by the high-speed camera seem to have confused time and space. In the previous picture, [Warcraft] is still on the left, and in the next picture, its body has appeared on the right.

That is the true transformation of one into a hundred as a shadow!

Several [Black Arms] chasing Le Lei [Warrior] mechas were unable to fight back under the strange and erratic attacks of [Warcraft]. Such fighting techniques, even if used by the Li family, the leader of the phantom stream at its peak, would probably be nothing more than this.

In order to find this mecha warrior who drives [Warcraft]. The Smith family immediately ordered branch libraries across the world to come out to investigate. The unique skill of Phantom Style was actually spread outside the school, which made them both surprised and happy.

What is surprising is that the unique skill of the school appears in an unknown person, and the family knows nothing about it. Fortunately, the elders in the family can unanimously confirm that the phantom technique used by the Lelei mecha warrior definitely exceeds the first-level technique of the school, and is probably a variant of the core technique.

Everyone knows what this means. Variations of core techniques, which means core techniques. This means that after hundreds of years of decline, the Phantom Stream finally has hope of revival.

As long as they have the core techniques, the Smith family is confident that within ten years, they will develop new techniques based on the core techniques and regain their place at the top of the mecha fighting world.

The results of the investigation made the Smith family feel a little troubled.

The mecha warriors in [Warcraft] are not difficult to find. In the country of Leray, he is almost a household name. He is Tian Xingjian, the newly emerged national hero of the Leray Federation. A fat young Chakna man. A miraculous rise of a mechanical repairman.

The information that can be found is limited to this.

Looking further, even if the Smith family used the highest authority they could find in the LeRay Federation, the answer given in the central computer network was: "Top secret!"

Triple-S top secret. Except for the Supreme Command and the President, don't try to learn about this person's resume, family, social relations, education, etc. from any source.

The Smith family understands that such a person may not have many people paying attention outside of Leray. However, to the Leray Federation, the hero born in his Patriotic War is a sculpture of the federation! This kind of identity will naturally be strictly protected, and ordinary people cannot get close to it.

In desperation, the Smith family decided to start from another aspect. They wanted to know where this mecha warrior came into contact with the phantom flow technique. Leray Military, is he the only one who knows this technique, or is it his entire team!

Therefore, there have been more exchanges between [Gryphon Knight] and Lelei Folk Mecha Fighting Gym. Recently, it has become quite frequent.

Although the Smith family is not a big deal in the top fighting world, the Phantom style has also fallen behind. However, [Gryphon Knight] stands in the Free Port Alliance after all.

An old fighting gym with more than a dozen branches across the universe.

For ordinary mecha fighting gyms such as Lelei Folk, a random person comes from [Gryphon Knight]. He is an absolute master. Freeport pilots come to have friendly exchanges. Normally, you can’t even pay for them, so who wouldn’t want to?

Especially some young people who are interested in serving in the military are even more excited. Now. The military has just begun to pay attention to close combat. Many civilian experts on the simulated war network have been snared. Some levels are high. Once he entered the army, he became a school-level officer. .

If he could learn two tricks from the mecha masters from Freeport, it would be great for his future future. But it has great benefits!

Cosmo and Thomas were sent here by the family a week ago. After Cozmo had boring exchanges with several fighting gyms and contacted several military mecha warriors through LeRae's connections, the only thing he got was disappointment.

As the future successor of Phantom Flow, no one was more eager to find the core skills than Cozmo. Therefore, when he heard Thomas say that there was a competition at the military academy, he immediately decided to come and have a look.

Taylor and Belinda et al. Walked out of the broad gate of the Capital First Military Academy.

Taylor actually didn't want anyone else to participate in this game. However, this competition was related to the face of all the students at the First Military Academy in the capital, and the gang of carrots at Garipalan Academy were really annoying, so he did not express his objection clearly.

Especially when Taylor learned that the person who came to help this time was a senior who had been working in the free port where masters gathered for nearly ten years. As a disciple of an aristocratic family, he felt that it was necessary to greet him with etiquette.

Freeport has always been a holy place in Taylor's mind.

The two parties met under the introduction of the student who invited Thomas, and exchanged pleasantries. All the students in the first academy, including Taylor, could not hide their excitement.

I originally thought that having a level 3 mecha knight from Freeport would be awesome, but to my surprise, the senior actually brought a level 1 mecha knight!

This is the first-level mecha knight in Freeport! These mecha knights are simply incomparable to Lelei folk! As far as close combat is concerned, even a ninth-level mecha warrior or a mecha commander from Lelei folk might not be able to defeat him.

Everyone knows that Freeport's mecha title is not determined by selection, but is won through real skills!

Although this gentle young man named Cozmo is not a student of the First Academy, the title of a first-level mecha warrior is enough to make people excited! Even if those insidious carrots invited masters who were not part of the academy, they would have no choice but to surrender in front of a first-level mecha knight.

Therefore, when the students from the first academy walked into the gymnasium surrounded by Cozmo and Thomas, they looked at the Garipalan students with endless pity in their eyes. They wondered if if the level of the fighter named Cozmo was revealed, the carrots would turn pale with fright, and then kneel down and beg for mercy.

Belinda even made a bet with her companion: "If our college loses this game, I will write my name upside down!"

The college gymnasium was already packed with seats at this moment.

Whether it is the First Military Academy in the capital or several departments that have been relocated here in Garipalan, almost all the students and professors who can come are here.

The competition between the two colleges has escalated from a small fight at the beginning to a grand event. This kind of competition among students is even more enjoyable than the friendly competition organized by the school. After all, the participation of team members selected by the school to participate in the competition is much less exciting than this kind of unrestricted competition with top forces including instructors.

This kind of battle with a grudge character makes people's blood boil.

Looking at the disdainful looks cast by Belinda and others in the contestants area opposite. The students at Garipalan Academy were a little frustrated.

Even the arrogant carrot heads have turned into bitter melon heads.

I have searched all the departments in the college for everyone I can find. There are only a handful of people who are so good at mecha combat. As for these people, except for one veteran who was a level 7 mecha warrior, which brought some surprises to everyone, the level of the others was still at the level of the academy training camp.

All in all, I am afraid that a few carrots who often hang out on the virtual war network can dominate here. After all, in addition to the command department, the other departments where the college was relocated here train logistics management or scientific research talents. Skilling with swords and sticks is not their forte.

How do you guys calculate it? The veteran plus a few colors of his own, plus at most a Catherine who can control the mecha quite well, can't make up a chicken.

As for the other party, this time he was trying to make a fool of himself.

The instructor has not shown up yet, and has asked many seniors who are practicing in the laboratory to find him, and there is no news yet. The only hope is the mercenaries invited by Catherine.

However, this guy who finally paid for it is only at the top of level seven. What's even more sad is that the control skills he cultivates are all based on long-range attacks. Give him a mecha without missiles or energy cannons, and he'll be able to attack with a few attacks.

Most importantly, the format is a no-limit five-win system. In other words, no matter how many people come out or how many games one person plays. Whoever wins five rounds first wins.

This kind of competition system has nothing to do with carrot heads! Tian Ji's strategy of horse racing was completely useless. It is very possible for one person to sweep through five of you. If that were to happen, the face of the Garipalan Military Academy would be greatly disgraced! It’s time to catch up with the ancient Chinese men’s football team!

Therefore, carrot heads are so worried.

At this point, we can only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor, and let him be beaten one after another. The carrot heads tried to stand up straighter and looked a little more imposing. .

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