Counterfeit Hero

Volume 5 Chapter 61 Reassurance

Volume 5 Chapter 61 Reassurance

Fisichella, the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, looked quietly at the Buick Blue Star outside the bridge, his thin lips pursed tightly, making his thin face look very cold.

On the huge screen of the central information station, one giant transport ship after another had broken away from the escort of the cruiser, and slowly assembled below the fleet from behind the battleship.

Six [Blue Whale]-class giant transport ships and three [Mammoth]-class giant transport ships can carry Feiyang armored troops and materials, enough to establish a foothold on any planet in the southeastern region of the human interstellar map.

"The 17th Fighter Squadron returns... The 20th Fighter Squadron dispatches. Open return channel No. 6..."

“Landing point No. 7, cleaning information reception. “

"Landing point one needs support, Ninth Squadron. Please go immediately, area coordinates..."

There was a busy scene in front of the central console. The officers of the space carrier were coordinating the space fighters flying like bees outside the portholes.

These fighters, tasked with opening up landing sites, must eliminate all possible threats to the giant transport ship before it enters the atmosphere. This work has come to an end. Under the attack of Feiyang's advanced space fighter planes, the air defense force left by the Desik Empire in Buick Blue is too weak.

After losing their air defense and air mobility capabilities, the only thing Desik's ground forces could do was to try to strengthen defense deployments in every important city. In addition, they were powerless against the final landing of the Fifa League troops.

on the virtual screen on the center console. The giant transport fleet has gradually gathered and taken shape, and the last few cruisers surrounding them have slowly left and returned to the fleet formation. After a while, as the electronic early warning aircraft completed the inspection of the landing site clearance battle, these giant Transport ship.It will break into the atmosphere and perform landing.

Fisichella's thoughts. He didn't seem to be focusing on the upcoming landing operation. His fingers tapped lightly on the armrest of the large commander's chair, one after another, like the pendulum of an old-fashioned mechanical clock, with a monotonous and regular rhythm.

"General!" The military staff officer in charge of the space fighter's fixed-point cleaning mission stood in front of Fisichella and reported: "The cleaning of the seven landing sites has been completed, and the electronic early warning aircraft has carried out verification. The cleanliness of the channel is * level. "

"Yeah." Fisichella seemed to have just come back to his senses.He frowned slightly, but still tapping his fingers lightly. After a while, he pressed the communicator: "Did the radar detect it?"

"No, General!" The voice of the intelligence coordinator responsible for radar monitoring came from the communicator: "It's quiet around here, but..."

Fisichella asked: "But what?"

The intelligence coordination officer said: "There is still a meteorite belt around the No. 3 resource planet that cannot be detected by radar. We have sent an electronic ship and a small team of fighters there. We will get the news soon. "

"Resource Planet No. 3?"

As Fisichella's finger passed over the interstellar map, the interstellar map showing the entire Little Pyrenees galaxy rapidly shrank and changed, and the Buick Blue star system quickly emerged.

The No. 3 resource planet mentioned by the intelligence coordination officer is located in the A-sequence airspace closest to the Buick Blue planet, and is on the same spiral arm of the Little Pyrenees galaxy as Buick Blue.In that star system with sixteen planets, resource planet No. 3. is the largest planet among them, with a volume equivalent to three hundred times that of Buick Blue Planet.

Although it is named a resource planet, the real exploitation of resources is concentrated on the six satellites of Resource Planet No. 3. Because the resources of the main star are not abundant, and it is extremely difficult to mine them. Leaving aside gravity and magnetic fields, the most troublesome thing is that to land on the main star, you must pass through a circular meteorite belt. ….

When the three-dimensional view of the vast meteorite belt of Resource Planet No. 3 appeared in front of Fisichella, he stood up suddenly: "Where is the electronic ship?"

Almost as soon as he finished speaking. In the command room of the huge mothership. Suddenly a sharp siren sounded, and a major in charge of communications suddenly grabbed the document handed over by the officer in front of the central information desk. He quickly ran up to the main console and reported: "General, we found that three Dexik mixed fleets suddenly jumped five thousand kilometers behind our fleet and are advancing at full speed."

"Five thousand kilometers?" Although Fisichella's expression darkened, the military staff officer who had been standing beside him waiting for instructions could not help but shout.

A fleet, even in the densest formation, would travel nearly a hundred kilometers. Five thousand kilometers, between the two warring fleets, is almost the same as no distance!

After the interstellar jump, if no braking is performed, the ship can maintain the third cosmic speed, which is a lightning-fast speed of 16.7 kilometers per second, and thousands of kilometers per minute. A distance of five thousand kilometers can completely disappear in a matter of minutes.

This is a fatal threat to the joint expeditionary fleet that is basically stationary. "Are the Dexiks crazy? How did they get our precise coordinates?" the shocked military staff couldn't help shouting.

No wonder he exclaimed, you must know that in this era, due to the high speed and braking distance requirements for ship jumps, a precise coordinate is required for a jump. Even if this coordinate follows the minimum requirements, it must be within a diameter of 10,000 kilometers. , avoid any space objects, including planets, battleships, meteorites, etc.

Now, the Desik fleet has actually jumped to a place five thousand kilometers behind the expeditionary force fleet. This kind of jump is completely risking one's life! The premise for this desperate jump is that the Dexiks know the precise coordinates of the expeditionary force fleet in Buick Blue outer space at a certain point in time!

"Everyone enters combat mode. First, the Fourth Fleet accelerates to leave. Second, third, and Fifth Fleet turn to attack on the spot!" Fisichella's voice was surprisingly calm: "The transport fleet breaks through the atmosphere! All aircraft carriers release fighter jets formation!"

He stared at the silver-white meteorite belt on the electronic map. A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "This is a battle that has nothing to do with victory or defeat, but a matter of life and death. You die, I live!"


"Wonderful!" Hall stared at the pictures sent back from the frontline battleships on the virtual screen, his eyes cold and hot.

This is the fleet of an established military power! Several fleets of the Fei Alliance Expeditionary Force did not panic at all when faced with the almost desperate jump of the Desik fleet! The huge fleet is like a chrysanthemum blooming in the night sky, stretching out in strands.

Efficient. Succinct and coordinated. Accurate.

The well-trained fleets of Feiyang and Lane showed their military prowess across the stars at this moment.Every battleship knows its own position, and knows at what angle, at what speed, and in which direction it should separate and converge.

The First and Fourth Fleets in the middle of the expeditionary force fleet are moving forward at high speed. The tails of the densely packed battleships are shining with blue light. In such a high-speed advance, the distance between the ships is very small. Still accurate to the meter!

The other two Fei Alliance fleets on both wings were like a group of sardines encountering predators. The school of fish completely dissipated in an instant. After just a few minutes of seemingly chaos, these battleships gathered together again. This time, they were already behind the central fleet and faced the approaching Desik fleet.

Even the old Gacharin fleet mixed among them was led by these powerful Fiji ally ships. It also becomes tidy and efficient. ….

This time the change was perfect!

Hall was hesitant. Would a commander leading such a perfect fleet step into Desik's hunting trap so hastily?

However, now the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, on the screen. The giant transport fleet covered by the Fei Alliance fleet is still approaching the Buick Blue Space Layer. Hall can clearly feel Fisichella's self-sustaining force from their movements!

"The Sixth and Seventh Mixed Fleets are advancing with all their strength! The Twelfth Fleet launches a surprise attack, and fighter planes intercept the transport ships. The Second, Ninth, and Thirteenth Fleets make jumps! The attack begins!" Hall ordered: "Order the special fleet to implement Mo Ziqi’s landing!”


"Defeat Reinhardt's four divisions head-on and continue to expand the results?" Douglas suddenly raised his head.Looking at the military staff officer who broke into the military meeting in front of him.

In the frontline headquarters of the Mozchi Theater of the Southeast Expeditionary Force. All senior commanders, including Gordon, Heilig, and Feiyan's six division commanders, were stunned by the news. They looked at each other. From each other's eyes, they both read the same disbelief that they felt in their own hearts.

The military staff officer in charge of the report was a young Major Feiyang. From the time he received the battle report to the present report, his heart was beating violently, and his voice was always trembling. It was an excitement that crawled up my spine.

"Yes, General Douglas." The major quickly stuffed the electronic files in his hand into the central computer. Under his flying fingers, the virtual screen of the central information station showed aerial photos, radar maps and Create a simulation map of the battle situation based on the battle report.

These pictures are very different, but have the same direction. From the pictures and data, it can be clearly seen that in front of the temporary infantry defense line where the long-term posts have been compressed to a dangerous level, the two armored divisions, with the newly formed 19th Division of the Lelei people as the main force, are thundering. With the momentum, they quickly regained the previously lost positions.

In front of the pincer attack of the two armored divisions, tens of thousands of Rhine Group troops were fleeing in panic. The entire rout, under the driving pursuit of the Leray people, had already shown a completely uncontrollable rout. .

No need for the major to say anything else, the commanders gathered in front of the central information desk could not help but burst into wild cheers! Everyone forgot their identity. They jumped up like children, waved their fists and high-fived each other!

Such a situation has been what the senior commanders who lead the main force of the expedition have dreamed of these days! What I am looking for is a situation like this during the Eastern Front Battle.

But they never expected that before a breakthrough was made on the eastern front, which gathered ten of the most elite armored divisions in the Mozic Theater, the defense on the western front had always been regarded as the biggest concern in this battle. They have achieved such brilliant results.

Since the sudden withdrawal of the expeditionary fleet, everyone has understood that the Mozic War Zone is not the main battlefield in Fisichella's mind.The good and bad here are just a chess piece in the layout of the Little Pyrenees.

Where did the fleet go, and what happened to the twelve elite armored divisions and two Leon Republic fleets stationed on the planet Minsk, these division commanders in Feiyang were thinking. It couldn't be more clear. The battle of Mozic has played the role it should have played in the entire battle of the Little Pyrenees. Whether you can win the battle, and whether you can preserve your vitality until the dust of the war has settled, you can only rely on yourself.

However, air power can now only be supported by a small number of land-based fighters of the Independent Army, and the enemy is currently under the full operation of the Stephen Group. It has become a meat grinder, and the battle between the two sides has reached a fever pitch. They invaded three days ago, and the three elite armored divisions' frontal attack and the two armored divisions' outskirts were unable to advance even an inch. Being dragged here! ….

The expeditionary force had a hard time, and Stephen also had a hard time, if it weren't for the wrong fortifications and the continuous investment of troops.Stephen simply can’t hold on now. The battle loss ratio of his troops was much higher than that of the elite armored divisions of the expeditionary force!

The battle has ended like this, what we need now is time!

Douglas asked Fatty Natian if he wanted five days. At this moment, there were less than seventy hours left. This time was like a rope strangling his neck. It was twisted in bit by bit, making these anxious commanders restless!

Once the western front cannot hold out, or the eastern front cannot be taken within five days, mistakes will be made. By the time Reinhard marched his troops straight to Plisk, secured the logistics base, destroyed the land-based airport and missile base, and cut off the retreat, without having to join forces with Stephen for a pincer attack, the main force of the expeditionary force could only move north and south.

After learning that Reinhard had used his main force and the army was pressing down on the long line of posts, the western front defense was launched.  has become a big stone hanging in the heart of every senior commander of the expeditionary force.They don’t know when.The entire campaign would be ruined by the loss of the Western Front.

Today, the frontline headquarters held this operational meeting. In addition to studying the attack on Jiacuo, the most important issue is to mobilize one armored division and three infantry divisions from the currently stretched eastern front forces to support the long-term posts!

However, now it seems that this proposal no longer needs discussion.

The newly organized 19th Division created a miracle in Mozic!

This victory can at least guarantee that the Western Front will be safe within ten days! No one knew that the fat man did it like this, but every senior commander or military staff officer could see from these pictures that this victory was a typical victory over more with less, and it was a victory without any consequences. A great discount. It is a reassurance for the war on the Eastern Front!

What amused and excited these commanders the most was that they heard that the Rhine Group was currently unable to gather a solid defense line, and the several attached armored divisions showed signs of scattering. Their leader, Reinhardt, is being chased by the fat man!


[Apollo] ran quickly. The humiliating escape continues, but there are fewer and fewer [King Kong] mechas guarding him around him.

Nearly half of the [King Kong] wreckage scattered all over the escape route were destroyed by the [Warcraft]. Long-range shooting, close combat, stabbing, smashing, throwing, and demolishing, [Warcraft] simply plays with the mythical army in various ways.

In front of a towering tree, [Apollo] slowly stopped. Reinhard looked around, excluding the two platoons that had just turned around. The [King Kong] mecha guarding him had already Only one company remains.

In the distance, the roar of mecha energy cannons and the sound of mechas fighting and running were heard, getting closer and closer. Reinhardt smiled miserably. He no longer had the confidence to escape. The severely damaged mecha and his hands that were almost cramped made him despair.

There is no hope for the road ahead.Every time Reinhard wanted to get closer to the main garrison of the Mythic Legion, the fat man would drive him the other way! On the radar, the mythical troops dispatched from their base to respond seemed to have lost their speed and eliteness.Especially the group to which Borg belonged, seemed even more slow and hesitant.

Reinhard's mouth felt bitter. He knew that even if he finally escaped the pursuit, he had lost all advantages in Mozic's game.

"General." One of Reinhard's trusted guards jumped out of [King Kong], looking at the ground: "Let's exchange mechas."







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