Counterfeit Hero

Volume 5, Chapter 52: Pre-emptive Strike


Bonnie raised her head from the electronic map and stared at the timer on the central information desk of the command center for the countdown.

Just two hours ago, she received data from Tian Xingjian, who was lurking in the enemy area and acting as a scout, through Skynet. Reinhardt may launch a cluster attack on the more than ten kilometers long area between Highway 2 B112-B121. , in order to break through the long-term defense in one fell swoop and completely open up the No. 2 Resource Highway.

The 19th Division has already been assembled, the 25th Division has also gathered two regiments, and the fortifications of the defense line have been deepened and reinforced in a targeted manner. However, it is simply impossible to defend an area more than ten kilometers wide with just such a small amount of armor. As long as the enemy breaks through one point, this line of defense will collapse completely like a balloon pricked by a needle.

If Bonnie's idea is to follow, the most correct measure at this moment is to have the infantry division retreat to the northern area of ​​​​Tanwil, the two armored divisions jump out of the long line post, and then turn around to find a way to hold off the Reinhardt Group. But Bonnie also knew that once she did this, she would open the door to Plisk.

Just when she, Rasheed, Stewart, and Gasl were in a panic, more than an hour ago, the fat man who had been lurking on the front line as the commander of the Shou Shou division took the initiative to send back a clear combat order.

The order required that two infantry divisions be deployed to take over the defense of the blocking position in the enemy's frontal attack area. The 19th Division and the 25th Division moved forward in a pincer shape, occupied the ten kilometers in front of the position, took the initiative to attack, and suppressed the enemy in the assembly area.

This plan made Bonnie and the three team leaders' eyes light up. The advantage of this is that the enemy is actively suppressed. It will be impossible to form a wave attack in the early stage of the battle, and our own side will have the infantry position in the rear as support, and will have the opportunity to take a step back and adjust.

This plan seems easy, but it takes a lot of courage to really make such a determination. The armored forces put aside their defense lines and took the initiative to attack in the face of the superior enemy. Bonnie asked herself that she could not make such a decision, after all. Once you finally lose, choose the price of retreat. Much more expensive.

The detailed steps of the combat plan were passed along, and the plan was generally quite rigorous. The only thing that confused Bonnie was. Fatty requested that the Sharp Knife Battalion, composed of two hundred [Hunters] as the main force, move southeast after the battle started, and together with the 1st Regiment of the 19th Division in the front, form a posture to outflank the enemy's right armored regiment.

Even though she didn't understand why, Bonnie decided to do it. She understood that it was in the mind of the fat man with a naive appearance. There are many messy but always effective ideas. At least, the combat effectiveness of the Nineteenth Division was improved through the training plan formulated by Fatty.

In Bonnie's opinion, this improvement was a complete miracle. Tactical drills and combat guidance from grassroots officers, and some strange mecha fighting techniques and messy footwork practiced by the soldiers. Coupled with the beyond-conventional formation, Bonnie could not imagine that these things could exert such powerful combat effectiveness.

Fat people can always create miracles. Think about it, a monster whose hand speed has reached 73 movements per second, what else can he not do?

“4…3…2…1…”****************** July 20, 13:15.

Reinhard was driving [Apollo] and stood on a small hill. The view here is very wide, and you can clearly see the continuous and magnificent attack positions in front of you.

The attacking troops on the position are ready. The reserve troops behind him also densely occupied every position in the field of vision. Two of the armored divisions have already assembled. In a few minutes, when all the logistics and maintenance troops have withdrawn from the attack positions, the attack will begin.

Due to the superior interference of the electronic battalion, Reinhardt believed that his attack was sudden. Previous intelligence showed that in the relatively flat area of ​​b112~b121, the opponent only had one infantry division and one armored regiment stationed on a temporary defense line ten to fifteen kilometers away.

The continuous attacks of four armored divisions will completely smash such a line of defense.

"The 181st Division and the 1st Regiment are ready, requesting orders."

"The Second Regiment of the 181st Division is ready..."

A combat request from the forward troops came through the communication channel. Reinhardt looked at the time and was about to order an attack. Suddenly, a sharp and frightening cry sounded: "Missile! Enemy attack!"

Reinhardt suddenly looked at the mecha computer. On the Skynet radar screen that was synchronized with the central computer of the headquarters, a field of red dots was approaching at high speed. The number was so dense that it was as if someone had thrown a handful at them. sand! Since the electronic interference between both sides is still in the equilibrium stage in this intermediate zone, when these missiles appear on the radar, they are already very close to the attack position.

"Swish, swish, swish!" The mecha regiment responsible for the air defense mission reacted quickly. Amidst bursts of sharp and piercing whistling sounds, the mecha-borne anti-missile missiles sprayed thick white smoke into the sky and faced each other in the sky. Pounced on the incoming missile swarm. Immediately, several guided bombs launched by anti-missile vehicles also shot into the sky desperately.

However, there were too many incoming missiles, and this was obviously a deliberate attack by the enemy. Thousands of short-range missiles were distributed in three waves, covering every area between 100 meters and 500 meters at low altitude. They maintain the same arrival time at different altitudes and on different flight paths.

In just an instant, the entire attack position was plunged into a violent series of explosions, like rain hitting a pond. One mushroom cloud after another rose up in a violent flash, shaking the sky and the earth!

Reinhard almost gritted his teeth. He did not expect that under the saturated electronic interference of all the electronic mechas, the enemy would target the attack position so accurately! Patrol mechas were sent out in all directions, almost blocking the entire front line. Who would know the precise coordinates here? !

Hundreds of mechas were reduced to wreckage in the missile attack. Most of these are low-end [Holy Armor] series mechas, while those seventh-generation individual mechas and medium and heavy armored mechas have basically no losses.

However, this missile attack brought more psychological shock! The enemy is issuing a warning: Your actions are under control!

Just as the entire attack position fell into chaos, densely packed mechas of various colors appeared in Reinhardt's field of vision.

There are the shabby [Warrior] series, the heavy [Fury], the medium [Honor] 15, and the Gacharin standard mecha painted with the Freedom Front Wolf logo. These armored units, which Reinhard expected to stay behind other lines of defense and wait for his attack, actually appeared in front of him. .

This fact made Reinhard understand that his attack plan was always under the control of the enemy, and they had even made targeted deployments to preemptively strike.

"Attack immediately!" Reinhard ordered decisively. He knew that he could not wait any longer.

Following this order, the leading troops of the cluster, which gradually recovered from the chaos, jumped out of the attack position. Thousands of mechas roared their engines and formed triangular attack formations, like rows of waves, charging in at high speed side by side.

On this vast and flat battlefield, the mechas fighting on both sides increased their speed to the limit at this moment. They were like branching rivers, rolling and rushing in all directions. The roar of the mecha engines was deafening. The mecha ran and jumped on the undulating ground, trying to seize advantageous terrain.

As the torrent of mechas got closer and closer to each other, the mecha missiles and energy cannons at the forefront of the formation started roaring almost simultaneously. The self-propelled artillery hidden behind their respective main forces also desperately poured out covering firepower. Pieces of meteor shower-like energy light clusters passed through the sky, and after drawing long or short arcs, they fell to the ground and exploded violently, igniting the entire battlefield.

The battlefield, which originally had a relatively good view, was shrouded in smoke within a few minutes, and the dust and dirt kicked up by the explosion of the energy shells billowed in the air. Thousands of mechas of all kinds finally became entangled with each other, locking on fiercely in the smoke, firing, approaching, and killing. From time to time, mechas that were hit in vital parts turned into burning fireballs amidst the shrill screams.

As soon as the battle began, it became uncontrollable and heated up. The mechas on both sides in this area of ​​tens of square kilometers are like countless groups of fighting dogs that have fallen into madness. Reinhardt and these armored division commanders could only stare at the rapidly changing battle situation on the radar without saying a word. Any orders they issued could not be completely implemented!

Only the grassroots commanders who are on the front line understand their situation and know which orders are most suitable for their team at this moment. This is not a strategic game, this is a head-to-head fight between the entire division. The brave one wins when they meet on a narrow road! **********.

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