Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 64 Falling Fighting Thorn

"! Please, wake up, please?" Bonnie's tears and pleas did not receive a response.

Tian Xingjian had completely lost his mind. He was tearing at his clothes frantically. His ears could not hear any sound at all. His eyes were red with desire. His consciousness was not even as clear as a wild beast. Now, he completely relies on animal instinct to control his actions. In the world, there is only this woman in front of him, and he has no other thoughts except throwing himself on this woman.

The intoxicating fragrance of a woman's body is like an aphrodisiac, making Tian Xingjian even more crazy. He lowered his head and caught in his mouth the bright red spot on the woman's writhing body that was as white as a skinned lamb.

The numbness in her chest made Bonnie feel as if she had been struck by lightning. All the strength and muscles in her struggling body seemed to have been taken away, and she went limp in an instant. A blush flew along the roots of her ears, flew up to her cheeks, and then passed through her neck. It swept through Xuebai's whole body. Her crystal jade body couldn't help but tremble violently. An indescribable feeling made her mind go blank.

The fat man sucked greedily, like a very hungry baby. While sucking, he freed up a hand to occupy the other side of Bonnie's trembling, plump and firm breast as if grabbing food.

This suction made Bonnie's body like a taut string, and her slender legs were stretched straight. The pain suddenly woke her up, and she shouted with a trembling voice: "It hurts!" She bent her knees and kicked her legs, trying hard to push Tian Xingjian away with her knees.

Tian Xingjian was already in a frenzy, how could he be kicked away by Bonnie? He just instinctively moved Tai Chi and struck with his hands, accurately hitting the numb tendons in Bonnie's thighs.

Just when Bonnie's legs went numb and she involuntarily separated, Tian Xingjian suddenly stood up and knocked in.

Falling red is colorful.

How could Bonnie, a virgin, withstand such an attack? In the pain, he couldn't help but take a sharp breath, and his body curled up into a bow in an instant, his beautiful eyes once again rippling with clear water, he grabbed Tian Xingjian's shoulders with both hands, and dug out bloody traces on Tian Xingjian's back with his slender fingers. .

The fat man didn't realize it. He held Bonnie's soft buttocks and drove straight in, just like the waves crashing on the shore, wave after wave, endless. The exhausted Bonnie had no ability to resist at all. Her whole body and mind were like a small boat in the roaring sea, bumping in the huge waves. Sometimes she was thrown into the sky, and sometimes she fell to the bottom of the wave.

The narrow cabin bed shivered in the violent storm, and the low moans sounded like pipa playing, and like flying springs splashing stones. The sounds were high and low, with a trembling sound, like weeping and complaining. Bonnie's bright and white body, like a lily blown by the wind and rain, clung to Tian Xing's body, and the two of them became a rope. In the fierce charge, there was me in you, and you in me, no longer distinguishing each other. .

Time passed by second by second, and I don’t know how long it took. Bonnie gradually woke up from her coma. Her face was still flushed, and her body seemed to be paralyzed, limp and without any strength. Turning around, he saw that the fat man who looked like a tyrannosaurus just now had fallen asleep quietly, like a baby in a dream, with a slight smile on his lips.

She gritted her teeth and pushed away the fat man who had ruined her innocence, and sat up. The faint pain beneath her body made her tears well up in her eyes. I don’t know if it’s sadness, anger, shame, imitation or numbness, my mind is just blank.

Slowly moving out of bed, Bonnie put on Tian Xingjian's coat in a daze, covered her body, and sat on the edge of the bed for a moment. Everything in front of her reminded her that this was not a dream. , was actually raped by the fat man.

Gacharin is a polygamous country. In this country, the loyalty requirements for women are much higher than those in monogamous federal countries. The education Bonnie received since she was a child is to stay together forever. , Husband is every wife’s day! It was Bonnie's purest wish to choose a husband who was in love with her. But for her, such an encounter was nothing short of shattering.

Gritting her teeth and pulling out the combat thorns on Tian Xingjian's special combat uniform, Bonnie stared at Tian Xingjian's throat. With just one thrust, she could completely kill the sleeping man.

She slowly reached out her hand, and for a long time... finally hesitated.

If it were Bonnie before, Fatty would be a dead person at this time.

However, now Bonnie's eyes were twinkling, Xiafei's cheeks were biting secretly, and her silver teeth were biting secretly. The fighting thorn in her hand was actually trembling, getting farther and farther away from the vital part of the fat man's throat.

It has been almost two months since she lived in this underground ancient battleship, and Bonnie didn't know why, but she gradually got used to this imprisoned life. It was said that she was imprisoned. Apart from the fact that she couldn't touch the mecha and weapons, Fatty didn't restrain her from anything else.

In a sense, this may be Bonnie's calmest and happiest period of time.

In a closed environment, there is no power in hand, no mechas, no wars, and no intrigues among the Gacharin nobles. There is only a weak woman.

No one would believe that Bonnie, who had always been aloof and proud, would dream of becoming such a woman.

Bonnie didn't believe it herself, but she never thought about escaping again. She just liked preparing food. She liked to stand quietly and watch the fat man struggling there. She liked to watch it every day. The fat man looked like he was devouring his food, but he felt unprecedentedly comfortable in this kind of life.

It’s the comfort of a carefree sense of security. Perhaps this was brought about by the fat man who talked nonsense all the time but never lifted a finger. Bonnie sometimes recalled the safety and solidity she felt when she threw herself on the fat man's back when she jumped off the cliff, and she couldn't help but blush.

Every day, in addition to preparing food, Bonnie had enough time to get to know the hateful fat man. The more secrets he had, the more she wanted to figure them out.

However, Bonnie, who is quite naive when it comes to love between men and women, does not know that when a woman feels the need to pay attention to a man who kidnapped her, things will inevitably go off track.

Curiosity can kill a cat, and it can also change a woman, especially a woman who is helpless and helpless in the turmoil of her home country and her lover's betrayal. Even if this woman is a general, a king, or even a dictator, in this Underground, in front of a man who is more powerful than her, she is just a woman! .

The day Tian Xingjian soaked his face with potion and returned to his original appearance, Bonnie completely gave up her belief that Reinhardt was the best since she was a child.

She recognized Fatty immediately. Naturally, his name is not Zhang Yuan, his name is Tian Xingjian, one of the protagonists of the open class video that caused an uproar among Gacharin's military generals! More importantly, it was this man who saw through Russell's plan, which fundamentally led to the defeat of Gacharin's army on the planet Mirok!

Bonnie still remembers Reinhardt's cautious and serious expression when he saw the military staff information of Lelei after Milok retreated. Only when an opponent is placed at the same height as herself, Reinhardt will have that look. Such an expression.

This is what Gacharin's military noticed. The brightest new star emerged from the Leray Federation during the war. He saw through the strategic plans and deployments of the Imperial Army twice in a row and found out the key points. Such a person , it cannot be explained by chance. However, Bonnie never expected that this person would be beside her and Reinhard all the time, doing things that were completely different from what a military staff officer would do!

There are too many contradictory things concentrated in this fat man: he is timid and never hides his timidity, but he has done things that all daring people would not dare to do; he looks simple and stupid, In fact, he is as cunning as a fox and as agile as a rabbit. He is a genius mechanic and a genius mecha warrior.

The experience of life and death during the escape made Bonnie deeply realize that this man was better and more bloody than most men she knew.

That day, Bonnie locked herself in the room for a long time. On the one hand, she felt that Tian Xingjian's original appearance was much more beautiful than the Zhang Yuan he pretended to be. This thought made her a little panicked. On the other hand, inexplicably, she was a little angry that this fat man who had been making noises in Gacharin and clamoring that he liked her, and who looked embarrassed and blushed when he saw her, had actually deceived her for such a long time.

After that, life became easier. Although Bonnie couldn't laugh or cry about the fat man's frequent peeping and pranks, she gradually became accustomed to it, but she was not annoyed at all.

The more familiar she became with Fatty, the less fearful Bonnie found herself. Although this guy is lustful and obscene, he is a typical thief with heart but no courage. Compared with the dirty nobles in the country, he can only be described as upright. During the conversation, she found that she and the fat man seemed to have a better understanding of each other than she and Reinhard did about her views on some things.

Reinhardt is the military genius of the Gacharin Empire. Since he became the commander of the Mythical Legion, he has made outstanding achievements in the north and south. Whether it is military quality or intellectual ability, he is second to none among Gacharin's peers. The right one. Bonnie and Reinhardt often go out together, as if they are the dragon and the phoenix of the empire. Outsiders look proud of the scenery, but in fact, this kind of life is a bit boring for Bonnie.

Because Bonnie knew very well that everything she did was just because Reinhardt wanted to do it.

The trajectory of his life since he was ten years old has almost been the trajectory of the earth around the sun, always centered on Reinhardt, day after day. All the nobles were speculating on when Reinhard would marry them, and they were also looking forward to it. However, what they got in exchange was disappointment again and again. Reinhard does not seem to need a wife. In his eyes, there are many things more precious than himself.

What I really want is not honor, scenery, or power, but to be like the fat man in front of me, to have a peaceful and peaceful house and a warm family in a world without war.

Originally, according to the fat man's schedule, he could go out in a few days. Bonnie had been hesitating whether she should go to Reinhardt to question him. What he had done had made her unwilling to accept it. However, after living underground for more than a month, Bonnie found that she no longer had the desire to go to Reinhardt to find out more.

The fighting thorn fell from the hand and inserted into the imitation wood high-strength plastic floor silently. The handle vibrated back and forth, becoming more and more urgent, and gradually stopped.

There was silence in the room.

The fat man was still asleep, turned over, smacked his lips, and mumbled something, wondering what he was dreaming about.

I don’t know how long it took, but a glass of water was poured on the fat man’s face. The fat man suddenly turned over and sat up, as if he hadn't woken up from his dream yet. His face looked confused and aggrieved: "Who, who...what are you doing?"

The little kid threw away the water glass, hid far away, and said tremblingly: "It's me."

"Why are you throwing a tantrum at me? Ah!" The fat man screamed. The bitch suddenly curled up to the corner of the bed, his face full of disbelief, "What's going on?" He covered his chest with one hand and his vitals with the other, looking around in horror, "Why am I here? Where are my clothes?"

The little kid looked helplessly at this fat man who looked like a victim, not knowing whether to sigh or to blow himself up.

After the fat man panicked, he realized that this was Bonnie's dormitory. He lowered his head and saw Bonnie's clothes that were already like rags on the ground. He remembered the strange behavior during the previous practice and finally came back to his senses. He murmured: "It's over. I practiced that obscene skill, and in the end I just felt unbearably hot all over my body, and I can’t remember what happened after that. Could it be that... I was raped by that woman?"

"Bah!" The little kid couldn't keep calm anymore. If he hadn't been a robot, he would have drowned the idiot fat man with a mouthful of spit. He said angrily, "Being ruined by others? I filmed the live scene, but you Look who is ruining who!" As he said that, he stretched out the tentacle-like data transmission line and plugged it into the jack on the wall of the cabin.

After a slight flicker, the holographic TV on the wall of the space capsule showed the scene of Fatty going crazy. The fat man was dumbfounded by the beast-like behavior. No matter how thick-skinned he was, he couldn't help but blush and feel ashamed. No matter how I lost my mind and raped others at that time, it was still the fact.

While playing the live broadcast, the little kid shook his head and sighed: "I thought you were a gentleman, but I didn't expect you to be worse than a beast. Aren't you just crazy? Just wait a moment, I'll give you a shot of sedative." Do you deserve to go and ruin other people's beautiful girls, you beasts!"

The little kid was watching the scene, tutting his tongue, shaking his head and scolding him. Suddenly, he was grabbed by the fat man who quietly approached him. He couldn't help shouting in panic: "What are you doing, damn fat man? What do you want to do?" To kill people and silence them?"

The fat man said with a cruel smile: "It's true that I'm obsessed with madness, so who gave me the secret book? If it wasn't you, would I do this? You'd better accept your fate."

The little kid's face turned pale and he said in a trembling voice: "Master Jian, I'm just saying this for fun. I'm really jealous of your majesty and strength. For a moment, you were obsessed with me, so you just treated me like a fart and let me go!"

How could the fat man drink his bowl of ecstasy soup? He said angrily: "First of all, please explain to me clearly, why did you become like this when you practiced that thing?"

The little kid sighed pitifully and said: "Master Jian, I didn't write this secret book. How would I know? Besides, I haven't practiced either." Knowing that he has to put aside this secret book now, the little kid He quickly pushed 256, "Master Jian, you already know that I'm just the kind of person who just breaks into a computer and looks up information. This really has none of my business!"

What the little brat said was half true and half false. He was the one who came up with this secret. However, he really didn't understand what was happening in Tian Xing's fitness.

The original intention of creating this set of martial arts was indeed written for human beings. Using the previous seventy-one moves, combined with breathing and hormone secretion, through training the blood vessels, meridians, and muscle tissue, the body can finally break through The original limit reaches a higher level.

In other words, in addition to the exquisite moves, this martial arts also functions as an enhanced version of aerobics, making it more powerful the more you practice it.

And if you want your body to break through its limits, what you rely on is purely Yang Qi, which is the ultimate strength in martial arts. It is said that extreme strength is easy to break. When the body breaks through the limit, if the harmony of yin and yang in the body is not restored, rapid weakness will inevitably occur.

Therefore, the last trick set up by the brat is the Nine Yin Manual, which is actually the reconciliation of yin and yang. The idea is originally correct, and the combination of martial arts and science is also reasonable, but the bad thing is that the brat is just a robot. , where do you have any personal experience? Many joints are paradoxical, and some places are even set based on robots like myself. If someone could master such a secret, it would be a huge miracle.

It can be regarded as a coincidence. Fatty studied and studied all day long, and finally became somewhat interested in those specious cultivation methods. After transforming his "logic", he unconsciously began to practice according to the methods in the book. After clearly feeling that his body was a little... After the more powerful changes, I couldn't stop.

After practicing like this all the way, my body has become stronger. However, the critical last move to reconcile yin and yang, the Nine Yin Manual, cannot achieve the effect that the kid imagined. On the contrary, it is like pouring a basin of cold water into a furnace of molten steel. All the masculine energy accumulated in the body was activated, and it was out of control.

If she had sense, she could have solved the problem by holding on to the wall with one hand. As long as the desire and heat in the body are released, this level will naturally be passed. But who would have known that when the fat man went crazy, there would be a charming and charming woman next to him. This would be fatal. Bonnie's smell was like a hungry tiger to the fat man. With a fragrant roast chicken in front of you, it’s hard to think of anything wrong.

Seeing that there was no result from the question, the fat man could only admit that he was unlucky. He pulled the little kid away from the wall, looked around, and asked: "...Where has she gone?"

"Let's go!" The little kid's answer was straightforward.

"Left?" Fatty was dumbfounded for a moment and said angrily, "Why didn't you stop her?"

The little kid said aggrievedly: "Didn't you tell me not to let her see it? Besides, I can only carry a glass of water at most, so what can I do to stop her?" The guy kept nagging, "Besides, stop her. She, what do you want to do?"

The fat man sighed, feeling vaguely in his heart that it was a good thing that Bonnie left like this. Otherwise, not to mention the relative embarrassment, he didn't know how to explain it to An Lei and Milan. When he turned around, he saw a bright red mark on the bed, and a fighting thorn stuck on the ground in front of the bed, shining with cold light.

The fat man looked at the fighting thorn blankly and couldn't help but be stunned.

Although he was sleeping at the time, when he saw the bayonet, the scene of the fighting bayonet falling from Bonnie's hand naturally flashed before his eyes like a movie. The fat man suddenly remembered that Bonnie and himself were originally from two different camps. The enemy, and I did the most harmful thing to a woman, but I am still alive.

Forcing himself to calm down, the fat man gritted his teeth. If a man dares to act, he must not just let Bonnie leave. There are some things that a man cannot escape after all.

Just as he was about to leave, the fat man grabbed the little kid, dragged him out of the room, threw him into "Logic", and ordered it to delete all the images it had taken before. Then, he took out a combat uniform and put it on. The little kid was furious. While shouting, he brutally destroyed the battleship's main computer three times.

There is no longer any need to stay in this ancient warship. The kid's intelligence center has been transplanted to "Logic" before, and only the final integration is needed. And what should be practiced has been completed. Since Fatty woke up, he has clearly felt that his body has undergone earth-shaking changes. Although his appearance is still the same as before, his body is now full of lightness and flexibility that he did not have before. You don’t need to be a fat person to know the sense of strength. The body’s various functional indexes have probably doubled compared to before.

It was strong, unusually strong. .

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