Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 45 Die together?

"Master Jian, how do we go?" The questioner was a Freedom Front platoon leader driving Fatty's [Hurricane] named Gasl. When Tian Xingjian first arrived in Jiji, he had asked unconvinced Tian Xingjian had fought against each other before, and he was completely defeated in the head-to-head battle as he was very good at leg skills. Therefore, he had great respect for this kind-hearted, white and fat messenger.

Ever since Tian Xingjian relied on his own strength to completely conquer this group of unruly fighters on the Freedom Front, his relationship with the fighters has become much closer. Although the contact time was not long, Fatty's free-spirited, easy-going and slightly cunning character and his "Code of Sneak Attack Behind Enemy Lines" were enough for the freedom fighters to affectionately call him "Master Jian" in accordance with the Chakna tribe's habits. ".

"Take them and head east first..." The fat man pointed at James, Bonnie, a few high-status nobles, and the newly released Tao'er and others, "After ten kilometers, turn south. We can only walk. Although the prison air defense system is now under our control, I still have no way to take over the entire Skynet system..."

"Do you think you can escape the pursuit of the Mythical Legion with such unconcealable actions?" Bonnie stared at Tian Xingjian coldly and sneered, "How far can you go with your strength of at most one reinforced battalion? idiot!"

"How far do you care I go?" The fat man was a little angry. To be honest, he didn't have much confidence in this escape. His only reliance was to capture James!

"Keep chirping, or I'll strip you naked and give it back to Reinhardt!" the fat man threatened viciously.

In fact, Fatty himself knew that this jailbreak had deviated from the plan from the beginning.

Sidney's role had become insignificant at the beginning of the coup. No party would pay attention to a has-been prince who had been imprisoned for decades. If we continue to proceed according to the previous plan, then all the hardships we have endured these days will be in vain.

At this moment, he discovered an opportunity that could change the entire war trend. With a soldier's special intuition, he could not let himself pass this opportunity by. However, when he made up his mind to change his plan and captured James, he found that he had fallen into a deeper quagmire.

Just like an impulsive gambler, he knows that the hole card is a big one, and when the opportunity to grab the card is in his hand, he can't help but grab the hole card. As a result, I found that even though I had a big deck of cards, this game was not easy to play.

This is not the first time Tian Xingjian has done something like this. In essence, he is an impulsive person, just like the last time he rescued prisoners of war, he also changed his plan on impulse. Moreover, this bitch is vain and show-loving, and his character is born with the kind of randomism that goes dark and rests here and there.

The fat man is neither cunning nor foresighted. Although he seems calm on the surface, in fact, he is a typical fearless person of the ignorant. When he found out about the trouble, he was filled with tears of endless fear and regret, but he would always continue to act impulsively at the moment he felt impulsive.

Listening to the fat man's shameless threats, Bonnie sneered and snorted, turned her head away with contempt, and muttered to herself: "Dirty and shameless idiot fat man, you will only lead this group of people to death, who will you be in the end?" It can’t be saved!”

"To be honest, this is the first time I've noticed how annoying you are! It doesn't match your beautiful and intelligent image at all." Tian Xingjian looked at Bonnie with interest.

"Go away, you fat man, stay away from me. I feel sick when I see you." Bonnie felt uncomfortable under the fat man's forcing gaze and said through gritted teeth.

"You're trying to anger me!" Fatty still stared into Bonnie's blue eyes.

"Are you worthy?" Bonnie's tone was still strong, but her eyes flickered involuntarily.

"I know what you are thinking?" The fat man put his head in front of Bonnie, "You must be very confused now? Reinhardt is actually James' illegitimate son, and he also betrayed James and also betrayed You must not be able to accept this fact now..."

Bonnie stared coldly at the fat man's obscene and hateful smiling face. If there were knives in his eyes, the fat man would have been cut into pieces long ago.

Psychology master Tian Xingjian was not aware of it at all and continued to analyze: "So, your psychology must be very complicated now. You are smart and beautiful, and you have always been aloof. Except for Reinhardt, you look down on anyone. In the end, you found that not only was you being raped by a He was captured by someone he looked down upon at all, and Reinhard is not as perfect as he imagined."

The fat man put his mouth next to Bonnie's ear and whispered: "You must want to vent now, want to shout, want this to be a nightmare. Unfortunately, you have to keep your calmness and calmness, You can only rely on hitting me to vent your anger and fear. You are trying to seal yourself with a hard shell to prevent others from seeing your vulnerability..."

"You hate me, hate Reinhardt, and hate James. Your faith has collapsed, and you feel that you are so stupid. Your original life has become a mirage in the face of the cruel reality... I Think about it, you want someone to hold you and let you cry on a safe and solid shoulder, and you don’t even mind who this person is... Maybe, you want me to hold you..."

The fat man chuckled and said, "I won't do it!"

Bonnie was stabbed with blood by Tian Xingjian's words. Every word of this hateful fat man was like a sword thrust into her heart. She had never imagined that someone could see through her so thoroughly. A nameless emotion surged into her heart, and Bonnie suddenly opened her mouth and bit the fat man's face...

"Ouch!" The fat man suddenly opened his mouth and bit back fiercely and quickly.

Seeing the fat man's ferocious mouth coming towards her mouth without any evasion, Bonnie screamed in fright and trembled involuntarily and stepped back. The strength, calmness and calmness she had just now disappeared without a trace. .

"Hmph!" The fat man licked his lips with his fleshy tongue and said harshly, "When it comes to the art of biting, you are still far behind! Didn't you say that I can't escape? Open your eyes and see clearly. I teach you How are you trying to escape!"

The fat man was glaring at Bonnie, who had completely lost her prestige. When Yi Jiang was chasing the poor man bravely, he was pulled aside by a pair of warm hands pulling her ears.

"Hey, can you save some face for me?" The fat man rubbed his red ears and said to An Lei, "I'm teaching that woman a lesson!".

"Come on!" An Lei rolled her eyes at the fat man, "My mouth is about to meet. Are you giving me a lesson or a kiss?"

The fat man stared and opened his mouth and said, "Is kissing so French? How about we give it a try."

"Damn fat man!" An Lei spat. "You know how to bully me. If you want to try, go to Milan!" When it comes to Milan. An Lei grabbed the fat man's arm and pinched it hard, then quickly changed her words and continued. "Don't go!"

As if feeling her own abnormal mood, An Lei's face turned slightly red, and she pinched the fat man gently again and again in embarrassment and annoyance, as if everything was caused by the fat man.

Fatty knew in his heart that if it weren't for him, An Lei would never have stayed in Mozic for so long, let alone appear here at this time. Maybe her behavior was stupid, but for Fatty, nothing moved him more than such a woman.

"One moment I'm asked to go, and the next moment I'm not allowed to go. What on earth do you want me to do?" the fat man said with a smile.

"I don't care, you don't want to leave me anyway in this life. I told you before, we are not done yet!" An Lei's face became even redder, her tone was soft but firm.

Even though her ears were red with embarrassment, she still said the words word for word, holding the fat man's hand tightly, as if she was holding the most important thing in her life, so hard. The slightly raised pink cheeks are as bright as flowers, and under the long eyelashes, a pair of water-clear eyes are full of grievances.

An Lei is a typical Chakna woman. She is fair and beautiful, gentle and shy, traditional and reserved.

Being a dancer, a good wife, and having a warm family are almost all An Lei's ideals. Therefore, when she found out that the person she loved the most was actually ambiguous with another woman, she could not accept such deception.

However, when she stood in the fighting arena a few hours ago and watched that familiar figure fall in the fighting arena, at that moment, she let go of all her reservations and grievances. Milan was no longer an obstacle between her and Tian Xingjian. At that moment, as long as Tian Xingjian could stand up, she was willing to give up everything.

An Lei finally understood why she lost something, and only then did she know what it means to be unforgettable. She finally understood that in this twisted era, the only thing that needed to be cherished was the present. No one knows what will happen in the next second. What a stupid thing to give up your favorite people for those traditional constraints and for those who can't tell what is right or wrong.

Then, God gave Tian Xingjian back to her at the last moment. From that moment on, she made up her mind to never make the same mistake again.

The fat man was confused and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Can we escape?" An Lei leaned gently on Fatty's shoulder, remained silent for a long time, and said softly: "I want to tell you, no matter what, I am happiest when I can be with you. thing."

The ecstatic fat man finally came to his senses, hugged An Lei with his back, and kissed her on the face, "Don't worry, I can use the spaceship to do a magic trick to attract their attention. Escape, no one is better than me!"

The bitch was blinded by the lard, danced with joy, and shouted desperately: "If I want to die, I have to play twosome before I die!"

"Fly together!" An Lei looked at the heartless idiot in front of her, blushed and stamped hard, "I'm going to kill you shameless fat guy!"

*************************************************** *********

Seeing a motley crew escorting James and others onto the royal transport ship, and seeing the transport ship rising into the air with difficulty in an ugly posture, Zola's adjutant couldn't help but ask, "General, just let them go. Yes or no……"

"***, why don't you let him go and keep him to eat? Idiot, what else do you think you can do? The emperor is being held in other people's hands, and if you give him a little force, he will turn into mince!" Zola is very angry even for his age. Not a little, he was depressed and irritable with nothing to do. At this time, he heard the adjutant chirping beside him, hit the adjutant's head with his hand, and cursed him all over his face.

The adjutant obviously knew Zola's temper well and was used to such situations. He showed no expression of shame or annoyance at all. His head was hit so hard that he looked calm and unaware of the pain. He said to himself: "No big deal." , everyone fought hard. Anyway, we all die together, and we don’t care, it’s better than this. To be honest, when has the Miracle Legion been threatened by anyone?”

Zola glanced sideways at the adjutant, feeling helpless towards this guy who had been hit hard on the head for saving his life on the battlefield. Cursed: "What do our Miracle Corps do, bury the emperor with him? Can you use your brain? Now that there is a coup, would it be better for His Majesty to stay here than to be taken away?"

The adjutant said with some confusion: "What do you mean..."

Zola's small eyes narrowed slightly, like an old fox, "That guy said he was a fugitive. Who are the mecha warriors of this level that we don't know? This excuse is too bad. Besides, that miscellaneous team The army is obviously well-trained, how could he, a fugitive, have this power? It is obvious that these guys kidnapped His Majesty James just to use His Majesty's influence. Those who really want His Majesty to die are the rebels. If we follow If these guys die together, wouldn’t it just suit the rebels’ wishes?”

The adjutant suddenly said: "Oh, so..."

Zuo Ramian raised his eyebrows smugly and said: "After much thought, these people are either the bandits from the Freedom Front or the forces of the Leray Federation. Under our pressure, they may really kill His Majesty. However, When the rebels confront them, they will try their best to protect His Majesty. Besides, if they really want to return His Majesty to me, I don’t know what to do. By then, the Miracle Legion will immediately be the target of public criticism! So, I will just go with the flow. Let these guys act as a shield for us, we just need to cooperate with them. The target is not in our hands anyway, so we will feel happy if we are under less pressure."

Just as Zola finished speaking, the special communicator rang. He frowned and opened the communicator. The fat man's voice came out from the communicator: "Dear Zola, I forgot to tell you that the Mythical Legion has rebelled. We just found out they're here. Good luck to you, dear."

"Damn it!" Zola, who realized that he was really being used as a shield, gritted his teeth and turned off the communicator. When he looked up, he saw the adjutant looking back and forth: "What's wrong?"

"General, I can't be happy anymore. Look..." The adjutant was as careless as ever. .

I saw that the royal spaceship that had already risen into the air came down crookedly and hit a corner of the fighting arena, opening a gap.

After a while, a group of nobles imprisoned in the fighting arena ran away naked, with their white buttocks all over the mountains and plains. It was really spectacular. Following the trace of the royal spaceship, the sound and vibration of mechas accelerating were heard behind the Miracle Legion. When Zola looked back, several [King Kong] vehicles had passed through the trees around the abandoned farm, revealing the ferocious... muzzle.

At three o'clock and one line, with the Miracle Legion in the middle, it really wasn't a happy place.

"I think that guy landed the spacecraft on purpose. He used us as a shield!" the adjutant shouted with certainty.

"Fuck you..." Zola kicked him into a somersault and said angrily: "Contact those guys from the Mythical Legion immediately and tell them that I am here and now I want to talk to Reinhardt!"

*************************************************** ****************

O'Sullivan looked coldly at the sign language of a [Crazy Dragon] and ordered: "Zola rebels, the first regiment assaults, the second regiment divides on both sides to outflank, the direct guard company follows me to the fighting field!"

Not every soldier was completely loyal to Reinhard and indifferent to the Gacharin royal family. However, this unit has always been asked to stop thinking. They are soldiers whose absolute duty is to obey orders.

An order is an order and no explanation is needed.

Hundreds of modified [King Kong] vehicles acted as the vanguard and quickly carried out the order. The mechas with full power sprinted at full speed and pounced on the [Crazy Dragon] mechas that had formed a defensive formation like a landslide and tsunami.

Although the other party was once a comrade who fought side by side, for the soldiers of the Mythical Legion, feelings are a superfluous thing. When necessary, they must not hesitate to kill their companions or even themselves. , so any kindness and friendship are a kind of constraint.

Fire! Energy cannons and missiles shuttled back and forth between the two teams approaching at high speed. They were as dense as a tsunami rushing towards the shore, and explosions occurred one after another. All the mechas are venting the fire of death with their greatest strength. At this time, in the eyes of these former comrades, there is only the enemy!

Ignoring the fierce exchange of fire between the mecha forwards from both sides, O'Sullivan stared intently at the royal spaceship. A few minutes ago, when he watched James board the royal transport ship through the mecha's telescope, his heart was already in his throat. If the transport ship takes off, he will have no choice but to retreat and leave everything to Reinhardt, who is sailing to Tanvir, so that the legion commander can return again and use the battleship to kill James.

If that was the case, O'Sullivan felt that he was too incompetent, so he would never allow himself to watch James slip away from his eyes.

God bless, the spaceship lost control and fell down and crashed into the fighting arena. Now, the transport ship is still struggling to try to fly again. However, the poor control allows the transport ship to tilt left and right at a height of less than two meters above the ground, and the jet stream of the low-altitude auxiliary booster rises. The sky is filled with dust.

"Assault!" O'Sullivan drove the modified [King Kong] and led two regiments of direct guard companies to rush to the fighting field. He wanted to quickly get or kill James while the strange legion composed of retired mythical soldiers was entangled. Ms.

As a special division-level organization, the Mythical Legion was replenished and expanded after the end of the Newton Galaxy. There are now six full armored regiments, as well as a guard battalion, a logistics battalion, an electronic technology battalion, and an assault battalion. A special regiment and a reconnaissance battalion, totaling more than 12,000 people. In the years since Reinhardt took office as the regiment commander, except for Bonnie's First Regiment and the Sixth Regiment filled with novices, he has controlled most of the other troops, especially the regiment-affiliated guard companies of these regiments, and even more so the Reinhardt Regiment. Hart's loyal direct descendant.

Therefore, every soldier in the guard companies of the second and fourth regiments led by O'Sullivan knew what they were going to do, and as long as they were given an order, they would do it without hesitation!

Zola could only watch helplessly as two companies of [King Kong] rushed towards the transport ship. He had already cursed the hostage taker whom he had never met half to death in his heart: "Idiot, idiot, you can't even drive a transport ship, pig." They are all smarter than you, you are a bunch of idiots, retarded and imbecile who only deserve to be in jail!"

The transport ship was still suspended two meters high in the air and struggled. The hull kept hitting the outer alloy pillars of the fighting arena, making a huge sound. The sound of the fighting arena supports scraping against the metal surface of the ship was harsh enough to make a deaf person cry. Sore gums.

The paint on the surface of the ship has been stained for a long time, and a hole the size of a heavy-duty mecha suddenly appeared on the head of the ship like an ugly scar. The roaring anti-gravity device has already made a groan of excessive operation. The shriller screams made the transport ship seem like a bomb that was about to explode at any time.

"Boom!" Just as O'Sullivan was sprinting around the prison building towards the transport ship, a huge noise rose into the air along with dust, and the fighting arena collapsed!

Tens of thousands of tons of alloy assemblies collapsed and scattered in an instant. A six-story building tens of meters high fell down with great force, and completely fell into pieces at the moment of contact, like a piece of soot being shaken off. The metal frame and lightweight components as well as the interior plaster, carpets, chandeliers and other luxurious decorations instantly turned into a pile of rubbish scattered in a circular shape. Huge dust spread violently to the surroundings in the wind caused by the collapse.

O'Sullivan and his soldiers reflexively stopped their advance, and this brief delay saved the lives of some of them.

The transport ship that had been teetering on the edge of the fighting arena was hit head-on by a whole piece of the cracked roof, and the nose part was completely flattened. It fell to the ground, and its fuselage was hit by the tens of thousands of tons that subsequently fell. The metal was cut in half. The anti-gravity device that had been screaming was completely silent. Just two seconds later, as countless cracks appeared in the metal plate of the transport ship's fuselage, a violent bright light came out and swept across the entire prison. A violent explosion was accompanied by a rocket. The rise of the small sun turned into a black mushroom cloud in the sky. The shock wave swept in the hundreds of [King Kong] mechas rushing in front, and the blazing high temperature melted everything in an instant.

The sky shook, the earth shook, the sun and the moon lost all light. Everything was eclipsed by this horrific explosion. The surrounding sounds, colors, and air all lost their original images. The whole world seemed to have been modified by God, black and white. , and silence.

The fighting stopped. No one's nerves were strong enough to keep fighting in such an explosion. Everyone opened their mouths wide and stared blankly in the direction of the fighting arena. The huge luxurious circular building just now had become a pile of ruins. The high temperature of the explosion of the transport ship ignited the flammable materials on the ruins. The fire was raging in the dawn. The ground is burning. .

Zola stared blankly, unable to believe the facts before him.

O'Sullivan, who was knocked to the ground by the shock wave, also stared blankly. When he finally came to his senses, he waved his fist excitedly. It was all over. No one could survive such an explosion!

James has completely disappeared from this world, not even a skeleton will be left!

As long as Stephen is defeated, the entire Gacharin will usher in a new emperor, and that is Reinhardt! And he, as the biggest contributor, will reach the pinnacle of power.

"***!" The fat man hiding in the jungle to the east of the prison slapped his wrist with regret. He was obviously not satisfied with all this. At least, the two companies of [King Kong] mechas were only half affected by the explosion.

The most shocked person was Bonnie, who participated in this magical operation from beginning to end.

The cunning fat man first asked everyone to board the transport ship in full view of everyone, and then everyone was gathered at the door of the cargo bay. As the spacecraft flew staggeringly into the sky, through the portholes, everyone saw the densely packed [King Kong] and a small number of [Demon Tiger] mechas from the Mythical Legion below, moving through the jungle like migrating beasts.

The mythical legion that discovered the transport ship obviously accelerated its speed, and the spaceship crashed diagonally into the fighting arena as if it was out of control.

Next, the Myth Legion launched an attack on the Miracle Legion, and the Freedom Front soldiers and prisoners passed through the hole on the second floor of the fighting arena and escaped into the jungle from the other direction using the cover of the machine shop. These all happened at the same moment.

Then, Bonnie only saw the evil fat man turning on a vibrator with an adjusted frequency. Then, without any explosion, the huge fighting arena collapsed. She had not yet recovered from the shock of the collapse of the fighting arena. As Fatty's remote-controlled bomb detonated, the entire transport ship was turned into a huge bomb, completely submerging all traces in the mushroom cloud.

Looking at the fat man with an annoyed look on his face, Bonnie felt that this was the first time in her life that she had seen such a vicious destroyer! This damn fat man is simply a destructive maniac. In the blink of an eye, everything will be wiped out. Looking at him, it seems that he has done this kind of thing more than once!

Looking at the mechas that turned on the stealth mode around them, Bonnie had to admit that at least now, these people have successfully disappeared into this world. Unless the Mythical Legion immediately finds the right direction to pursue them, otherwise, with these mechas, With A's sneaking skills, no one can find them in the vast jungle!

Especially looking at the advanced electronic equipment on [Logic] and looking at the Mythical Legion standing in a daze in the telescope, Bonnie could not express her feelings in words except for shock. She didn't know whether she was thankful or annoyed. .

"How about it? I said I would escape!" The fat man looked at Bonnie proudly, "I'm so sorry, I accidentally won again!"

"Put me down, you dirty, despicable fat man!" Bonnie, who was tied to the bulkhead of the [Logic] mecha with a big letter in it, screamed angrily as she struggled.

The fat man covered his dick, frowned, took a breath of air, and praised: "***, your scolding makes my balls hurt!"

Bonnie finally broke down and cried, like a little girl who had been wronged. She no longer had the mature wisdom and calmness of a female colonel officer. She finally understood that all she could get from meeting such a scoundrel was grievance.

Damn fat man, you are such a bully!

Beside her, James had his eyes closed and seemed to have fallen asleep.

*************************************************** ******************

The excited people of the Leray Federation have received even more exciting news. The "Heroes" program will announce the name and deeds of the heroic company commander this week. The most crazy gossip is that it is this company commander. Chief, directed and implemented the great drama of going deep into Gacharin's capital and capturing Emperor James.

Driven by the joint efforts of the military, the government and the media, everyone was talking feverishly about this exciting topic. Every man wanted to have a drink with this hero, and every woman wanted to I am the hero's sweetheart!

Leray is a country that worships heroes. This can be seen from the popularity of movies full of heroism in the Leray Federation. Now, whether it is the speech of a politician or the moan of a beautiful woman, they are all associated with this hero.

A famous movie star publicly declared that she would not marry anyone other than this hero!

There are also congressmen who have nominated this hero, whose name has not yet been announced, to enter the office of the president.

Just when the world was obsessed with a wretched fat man, the Supreme Command and the President's Office received news: Tian Xingjian was missing and was suspected to have died as much as the enemy chief James! .

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