Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 42 Times make heroes

The breakout of the three leaders went very smoothly. Because the entire Gacharin was in chaos, the paralysis of the Skynet system and the spread of various news, every official in Gacharin's army and even everyone Citizens are at a loss. Thousands of soldiers on the Freedom Front relied on the cover of the powerful interference source in the prison, the guidance of the same-frequency radar, and Fatty's ability to attract the enemy's attention. It only took less than two hours to successfully enter the eastern slum area of ​​Tanvir.

As soon as they entered the slums, the Freedom Front was like a drop of water mixed into the sea. They quickly merged in, dispersed according to instructions, and disappeared into the crowd.

"We must do two things immediately!" Sanjad, who returned to the base, faced his two companions and raised two fingers. "First, we must immediately launch an uprising according to the envoy's plan. This uprising It is divided into two stages. The first stage is to turn from darkness to light, relying on the ghettos to gather strength and start a propaganda offensive; the second stage is to launch a large-scale armed insurrection to establish our army and political power!... Second, we must contact Al Gaffar, at this time, we need his guidance, because from now on, what we have to do is no longer attack, but occupy!"

"I'll contact Aljafar right away!" Yalic rubbed his hands and said excitedly, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Now, even James is in our hands, and with the support of the Leray Federation, we It will definitely succeed!”

*************************************************** ************

"General, the Imperial Army has unusual actions. This is a report." Colonel Pat, director of the Sixth Research Office of the Operations Department, placed a report in front of Russell. Through intelligence and data analysis, the Sixth Research Office discovered Several doubtful points on the battlefield east of Lucerne.

"Oh?" Russell said as he opened the report, "Tell me about it."

"The attack intensity of the Gacharin Imperial Army has dropped significantly compared to two days ago, while the intensity of electronic attacks has increased by more than one level. Such an anomaly originally meant that they would launch a planned attack in the near future. However, in a few days, we According to the data of the minor battle, the enemy's defense strength dropped by 20%, which is a very suspicious problem, and we have just received a report that Liebgot has begun to shrink his defense."

"Shrink the defense?" Russell said in disbelief, "He wants us to turn around and eat the airdrop force?"

"I think there is some kind of trap here!" Pat guessed. "Could it be tempting us to make wrong judgments and prepare for their second airdrop?"

Russell pondered for a long time and said decisively: "No! They suddenly lowered the intensity of the attack when they should have launched a large-scale counterattack. This was not their original intention, but because their troops were stretched thin!" He stood up suddenly and took big steps. Walking to the electronic map, "The transport fleet that returned three days late must have taken away some of their troops. There are changes in Gacharin's country!"

"Gacharin's country?" Pat couldn't keep up with Russell's thinking. He didn't understand how Russell could jump to Gacharin's country so quickly and draw such an arbitrary conclusion.

"Do you know the number of the army that is trapped between Mount Amayo and Donggu City and has done nothing yet?" Russell pointed to the area on the map and said, "Gacharin's Army The 1st, 2nd, 11th, 12th, 21st, and 22nd Armored Divisions were the direct troops of James who won the throne, plus the ace infantry divisions of the two military departments and the 8th Armored Division. A first-class infantry division, what is this? This is James’ blood, and he will never allow anyone to use these troops as bait, nor will he allow these troops to fall into trouble easily!”

"Now, Liebgot dares to shrink the defense when these troops are trapped by us. Then, there is only one possibility, that is, something has happened in Gacharin's country, and they will no longer receive reinforcements or... Liebgot also There is no need to look at James’s face to direct the battle, he is stalling for time and fighting for vested interests!”

"Then, should we immediately re-draw the battle plan and strive to launch a counterattack?" Pat's eyes shone with excitement.

"It's too late. Since Liebgot has begun to shrink the defense line, it means that his strategic deception has achieved its goal. When we attack, it will definitely be a stalemate. This is exactly what he wants to see. . Now, what we need to plan is how to eat that airdrop force!"

"Russell, look, this is the news we just got." The office door was pushed open violently, and Bernadotte rushed in with strode, followed by the panting Hamid.

"Gacharin's coup!"

Russell snatched the report from the headquarters of the Mozic Freedom Front in Bernadotte's hand and quickly read the entire text. As calm as he was, he couldn't help but beam with joy. He waved the report and said to Hamid : "Get on the phone immediately to General Mikhailovich of the Supreme Command and the Office of the President...quickly!"

Hamid, who was still panting, turned around and ran away without saying a word. Russell walked back and forth excitedly: "This guy really did it for him!" He followed Russell anxiously, reaching out to get the report. But Pat didn't dare to be rude and asked: "General, who did it?"

"Who else could it be? The guy in your sixth room."

The person who answered the call was Bernadotte. He was taking out a bottle of 1998 Baimu Grand Special Red Wine from the wine cabinet. Regardless of Russell's half-smiling eyes, he drank a glass of wine on his own, and then drank from the wine cabinet. Russell smoked a top-quality Havana cigar in his drawer, and when he inhaled it, he smiled at Pat and said, "The one who got fired."

Pat was startled and asked in surprise: "Lieutenant Tian?"

Bernadotte laughed and said, "Yes, that's him!"

Pat said in disbelief: "Did he initiate the Gacharin coup?"

Bernadotte smiled and said: "He didn't initiate the coup, but he did things you would never dream of doing. This guy captured James!"

Pat's eyes widened as if struck by lightning: "He captured Emperor Gacharin?"

Russell shook his head slightly, with a look of joy and annoyance on his face: "I put the key to the war in Gacharin's country, but I didn't expect that Liebgot also made the same plan. Now, It depends on who can gain greater benefits in Lucerne, and who can gain the greatest benefits in Gacharin’s country before the international community intervenes.”

"General... General, the call is connected." Hamid was out of breath, but still in a state of excitement. .

Russell and Bernadotte smiled at each other and quickly walked to the conference room, leaving Pat alone with his eyes wide open in a daze: "Oh my God, this kid actually captured Emperor Gacharin!"


"Yes, Your Excellency, the President. Now, the battle situation in Lucerne is no longer important. What is important is how to use Gacharin's coup to obtain our best interests!" Russell took a deep breath, "We must change our The entire war strategy. The civil strife in Gacharin gave us the greatest opportunity. The battle in Lucerne can be put aside. We should use this opportunity to mobilize the allies, contain the Desik Empire, and concentrate our forces to break through the Little Pyrenees. Space jump point!”

"Breakthrough is victory!"

There was silence in the conference room. Russell's heart was beating violently. He had thought countless times in his mind about how to take advantage of Gacharin's opposition forces and the turbulent situation. However, a few minutes ago, it was impossible for him to make a decision. Such a radical plan, because he never dreamed that Tian Xingjian would actually capture Gacharin Emperor James in the chaos.

This surprise is too big to be accepted. Just look at the flushed cheeks, glowing eyes, and trembling bodies of Mihajlovic and Hamilton on the video phone to know how much this news has impacted them!

Without the news of the emperor, the entire Gacharin will be scattered in chaos. Whether it is Stephen or Reinhardt, before they get James, they are coup troops. They have no trump card to compete with the Leray Federation. Negotiating the identity of legitimate regimes.

To prove their legitimacy, James must be obtained, living or dead. The most ridiculous thing is that this key is now in the hands of the Leray Federation.

Therefore, as long as Leray's space fleet breaks through the Little Pyrenees, the war will be a foregone conclusion. The Dexiq Empire will no longer be able to contain the Leray Federation, and Leray can choose a regime to support at will. You can also take advantage of the chaos to occupy Mozic and imprison James as a puppet.

What's more important is that today, when the opposition of the Leray Federation accepts the peaceful mediation of the Supreme Council of Humanity, this news can make everyone shut their mouths with knowledge. Criticisms of the war between the two countries can only be replaced by one word, and that is traitor!

"So... we can make a statement at will, or we can silence the opposition and the Supreme Council of Mankind!" Hamilton on the virtual screen was obviously taking a deep breath, "But this time, you can no longer hide General Tian. , we need a federal hero!"

"General Tian?" Mikhailovich, Russell and Bernadotte looked at each other and smiled bitterly. It is really hard to predict what kind of consequences a guy like that will have when he suddenly becomes a federal hero and a general. Very good!

However, who can let this guy hide in the dark anymore?

Such a big event is both an opportunity and a challenge for the entire Leray Federation.

If we want the Leray Federation to make statements at will, if we want the Supreme United Parliament of Mankind and the opposition to shut up, if we want the Fiji League to feel more confident in increasing its support for the federation, if we want to make the Western countries helpless, we must let Everyone knows that the Federation has successfully gained control of the commanding heights with the help of a surprise attack team!

At this time, how could the fat man, who didn't look heroic at all, not become the center of attention?

"Okay!" The three generals agreed to the president's request at the same time.

Russell finally added: "Before breaking through the Little Pyrenees, I will let the Freedom Front try to ensure the safety of Tian Xingjian and James. However, we still need to send troops into Mozic to pick them up, so I suggest Bring the reporters accompanying the army, if you want to do it, let’s do it bigger!”

"There is only one condition," Mihajlovic said with a smile, "Don't do any live broadcast. The audio and video materials must be sent back and edited by our professional team. I really can't imagine that if there is a live broadcast, that guy Something will happen!"


"Boom!" Another [Holy Armor 22] was shot into a fireball by the ferocious artillery fire.

The mecha commanders of the two [Beast 2] heavy mechas were so angry that they were shaking all over. This was the third [Holy Armor 22] accidentally killed while chasing the [King Kong].

The cunning and despicable [King Kong] makes full use of the limitations of the rebel mechas in the isolation net. Like a fox that has become a spirit, he can always slip away the moment before the hunter catches him. [Beast 2] opened fire furiously, and all it got was light individual mechas one after another that this hateful [King Kong] grabbed by the neck and threw in front of the energy cannon.

This orangutan jumped around, using the most ridiculous and clumsy postures to have a great time playing among the mechas. It didn't feel like a fight, just like a kid who got a bunch of toys. However, its attacks are more vicious than [Crazy Dragon], and every time it jumps into the middle of a bunch of mechas, it always stirs up chaos. Immediately afterwards, it easily dismantled each mecha into parts. Even when it was running, it would take out a few handfuls on the mecha next to it and pull out a circuit board or a chip. .

The destructive power of [King Kong] is even more terrifying than the [Crazy Dragon] just now.

Glarance was completely desperate. The strength of a regiment was simply unable to resist the massacre of the [Crazy Dragon] mecha troops and these miscellaneous mechas behind them. Just outside the prison, in this isolation net that has been torn to pieces and mutilated by artillery fire and mechas, his troops are melting at an extremely fast speed like ice and snow under the scorching sun.

"Free Breakout!"

The situation became increasingly serious, and Glarance issued a decisive order. He understood that until Stephen fully committed to the 39th and 108th Armored Divisions, there was no way he could seize James from here with less than one division of troops. Those miscellaneous troops were no worse than the team driving the [Crazy Dragon] outside. These two teams that appeared out of nowhere were enough to change the entire plan. There is no doubt that Bruce has failed. Before getting James, even if Stephen defeated all the hidden opponents, he would not be able to truly obtain the imperial power.

As if they had received an amnesty, the rebel mechas scattered and ran away.

Under the protection of the guard company, Glarance, who was the first to break through the eastern isolation net and escape from the battle, did not expect that the breakout would be so smooth.

He looked back and found that when his soldiers scattered and escaped through the gaps in the isolation net, the [Crazy Dragon] outside the prison and the miscellaneous troops inside the prison only conducted a very brief pursuit and then stopped. When they came down, their formations were already too close. The soldiers on both sides seemed to have a natural feeling of hostility. The mecha's muzzles were all aimed at each other. .

Glarance turned his head angrily and led the remaining soldiers to break through quickly. He finally made a little gain in this cowardly action.

The situation in the battle area seemed very strange. The two mecha troops that had been besieging each other just now stopped chasing in chaos. The barrier was clearly divided into two parts, and they faced each other cautiously. In the middle and on both sides of them, hundreds of remaining rebel mechas were fleeing in all directions.

There were only two mechas, still chasing around recklessly.

A shabby [King Kong] and an extremely exaggeratedly modified [Crazy Dragon]. The two mechas were like catching chickens, following the fleeing rebel mechas, pulling, jumping, and biting them, which was quite a bit of a competition.

As the rebels fled, Fatty and Zola had fewer and fewer targets to attack. In the end, both of them targeted a [Three-Headed Dog] at the same time. Zola opened fire first, and the fierce fire quickly destroyed the [Three-Headed Dog]. ] The blue energy shield was cut into light red, but before he could get close, the fat man drove [King Kong] past and clapped his arms continuously, knocking out the power system behind [Three-Headed Dog]. Stirred to pieces.

Seeing that his prey had become someone else's trophy, [Crazy Dragon] roared angrily, kicked, and headed straight for [King Kong]'s cabin. Not to be outdone, the fat man raised [King Kong]'s thick arms and pushed [Crazy Dragon]'s legs away, then raised his fist like a windmill and aimed it at [Crazy Dragon]'s head and smashed it down. [Crazy Dragon] didn't care how dangerous it was, and instead of retreating, he advanced forward, aiming at [King Kong]'s arms with the spikes all over his body. Fatty didn't want to let him succeed. [King Kong] had already prepared a short short leg and suddenly kicked out, kicking [Crazy Dragon] in the air.

From fighting to fighting, the two men's minds were obviously in an extremely excited and abnormal state, and they would start fighting if they disagreed. These rabbits rose and fell very quickly, making everyone's eyes widen.

"***, you don't want James' life anymore?" The fat man has always been naughty. [Crazy Dragon] fell out after a somersault and before he could stand still, this bitch controlled [King Kong] and rushed forward, punching left and right. Not only did the claws go straight to the vital point, but the mouth was also chirping and wanting to eat [Crazy Dragon] as a reaction.

Zola had already lost the initiative. He was slightly startled when he heard this, and [King Kong] had already rushed in front of him with wind and thunder, and hit him hard on the head and face.

Zola hurriedly backed away to parry, while cursing: "You are despicable!"

Both of them were proud of their speed. At this moment, the fast fighting was extremely fierce. The people nearby could only see the punches and kicks of the mechas in a ball of light and shadow. The collision sounds were as dense and continuous as machine cannons, which made people laugh.

Zola responded in a hurry, unable to fully keep up with the rhythm of [King Kong], and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

The fat man took a chance, controlled [King Kong], stretched out his hand, grabbed one of [Crazy Dragon]'s arms, and said with a ferocious smile: "You're right." After saying that, [King Kong]'s huge body took a step to the right. He forcefully pulled [Crazy Dragon] to stagger, and then, [King Kong] turned around with his hands behind his back, swung [Crazy Dragon] over his back, and slammed it on his body, making a loud noise.

In the flying dust, the spikes on [Crazy Dragon] were bent into angles by the violent impact, and several deep scratches were pulled out on the body. The huge inertia made it slide forward uncontrollably.

The fat man was so happy that he jumped up. Like a jumping toad, [King Kong] suddenly stepped on the [Crazy Dragon] that was still gliding on top. Zola sneered, and [Crazy Dragon] pressed his arms on his body. The mecha jumped into the sky in an incredible posture while sliding on its back, and hit [King Kong] in the face like a meteor with a series of fast punches from both arms.

In Zola's view, the leaping [King Kong] was just when the old strength had been exhausted and the new strength was not regenerated. It was absolutely unable to avoid his fist. Who knew that the fat man used [King Kong] arms to hug him in front of him, bending his elbows in his busy schedule? With a sudden turn, the booster on his butt suddenly opened, and the entire [King Kong] hit the [Crazy Dragon] like a huge metal cannonball, knocking it down again.

"You really don't want James' life anymore?"

Amidst the shameless shouts of the fat man, [King Kong] jumped up again in the same toad posture, as if he had to step on [Crazy Dragon] to enjoy it.

"Come on, we will die together if he dies anyway!" Zola was not threatened. The [Crazy Dragon] lying on the top took advantage of the situation and somersaulted backwards to stand up, aiming his arms at the lower limbs of the jumping [King Kong]. He shot out suddenly, and the energy cannon on his body flashed red at the same time. This was a precursor before firing. Zola, who was famous for not risking his life, tried his best.


Zola only heard James's voice ringing in his ears. He was slightly startled, and the operation of his hands was sluggish. In less than a second, [Crazy Dragon] was already held tightly by [King Kong] who was overwhelming the mountain. Both fists hit the shoulders together. Zola reflexively controlled the mecha to retreat suddenly, intending to break away from [King Kong]'s control, but heard James' voice ringing again: "Stop, stop!"

Zola's retreat was halted, and he was punched on the left shoulder by [King Kong] who took advantage of the situation. The mechanical arm made a crisp sound and was unexpectedly broken by [King Kong].

"Don't hide, let me hit!"

The fat man, who had tasted the sweetness, forgot about himself and opened his mouth to hear James' voice again. This time Zola finally understood that all the tricks were caused by the shabby [King Kong] in front of him. He was so angry that he gritted his teeth and ignored [King Kong] reached for the mechanical arm of his cabin, and thrust his right hand straight into King Kong's chest like lightning. At the same time, the energy cannons on his waist and shoulders also gathered explosive energy. This guy in front of him was really despicable. At worst, they would all die together.

A fat man would not die with others. Seeing that the situation was not good, this guy immediately jumped back, grabbed the remains of a mecha and threw it at [Crazy Dragon], turned around and ran away, walking as fast as flying dust and smoke, retreating further than he advanced. Faster.

All the people who were watching the battle in the distance fell into a sluggish state. Everyone admitted that the fighting level of these two mechas was so high and the fighting was so intense and exciting that it was rare. However, what was unbelievable was that, It's a duel between masters that is so shameless. Especially that [King Kong], which is simply a collection of shameless, despicable and obscene things.

Bonnie turned her head in surprise and amusement. She had never thought that [King Kong]'s performance could be brought to such an extent, nor had she thought that Fatty could be so wretched.

Thinking of Fatty Fatty's usually leering face, Bonnie hesitated and allowed herself to approach him. Wouldn't this be sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth?

*************************************************** ************

Milan sat in front of the experimental table, tilting his head and staring blankly at the light screen TV diagonally in front of him.

On the light screen TV, a special war program called "Heroes" is being played. The program collects all the outstanding commanders and heroic deeds that emerged in the Patriotic War. At the same time, it also explains the battle analysis situation to the audience and introduces today's human society. The famous military strategist and commander, the ratings have always been at the top of the list, and it has become the most popular program in the Leray Federation. .

No matter how unknown it was before, as long as it can be featured on this program jointly produced by the military, the government and LeRay's largest media, Worrell Company, even a dog will immediately become a household name.

This interactive program has dispatched war reporters to each of the fiercest parties in the war. Therefore, the audience can always see the most realistic and exciting battle scenes and news reports from the program, plus a super prize has been set up. With interactive guessing and clue rewards of huge bonuses, everyone in Leray regards the daily broadcast of "Heroes" as the top priority in life.

Since the start of the Great Patriotic War, "Heroes" has been running for more than 60 episodes from its launch to becoming popular throughout Leray. One issue per week, each issue introduces a federal hero, and each issue is a week-long interactive quiz and In-depth live coverage of the war, so at least more than 60 federal soldiers became the protagonists.

People are cheering for these heroes and talking about their deeds.

The most recent issue of "Heroes" featured a division commander of the 25th Armored Division of the Lere Federation. This handsome division commander graduated from the Lere Central Military Academy. His name is Haji. He is only twenty-six years old. He is personable, witty and humorous, and has a very deep understanding of the battle situation and command. During the Battle of Lucerne, he once commanded the armored division to forcibly break through several enemy blockades, paving the way for victory in the advance to Donggu City.

However, Haji is not the person Milan cares about. What she is watching is a one-minute short film that suddenly appears at the end of the program. The short film first shows the thousands-mile escape of the prisoners of war, and then uses a + sign. A video of the battlefield recorder was played, which was a video of the attack on the forward base outside New Rome. In the end, a blank screen with only a human figure was left on the TV screen, ending with three words: "He is who?"

This issue had become the hottest topic in the Leray Democratic Federation a few months ago, and the mysterious company commander had become an unsung hero in the hearts of all Leray people. There are different opinions about the whereabouts of the heroes. Some say that they became generals, some say that they are still on the front line, some say that they have died in battle, and some say that they have retired.

However, no matter how you say it, this mysterious hero has become a pillar in the hearts of the people of the Leray Federation and a symbol of the Patriotic War. However, the flagship program "Heroes" suddenly brought up this topic at this time, obviously not to whet the public's appetite again.

There is only one reason that can explain the intention of "Hero" to do this, and that is, they are ready to announce the answer!

Milan stared at the TV blankly. She didn't understand why something like this suddenly appeared on the TV. Could it be...that something happened to the fat man who has never been heard from?

The TV program ended and the opening scene of the news report appeared on the screen.

Milan threw away the experimental tools in his hand, bit his lip and leaned back on the chair in a daze.

Since the fat man left, her heart also followed that guy. Every day, the panic haunted her again. This kind of waiting is really a cruel torture, especially when you can no longer be separated from that person.

"Damn fat man, I want you to look good when you come back!"

The experiment in hand could no longer be carried out. Milan hurriedly walked out of the laboratory. She decided to call Nia. You know, Nia has now left the Air Force establishment and became a She is the ace reporter of the "Hero" column group. Maybe, she will know some news about Fatty. .

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