Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 37 You are captured!

The Bureau soldiers surrendered.

They were frustrated and helpless. A [Fighting Dog] appeared out of nowhere and ended all their hopes of victory. They didn't even know why those [Fighting Dogs] suddenly stopped moving. Why did the [Feather Fan] suddenly stop moving? ] As soon as he was kidnapped, he surrendered immediately. Why, after such a difficult battle and the ups and downs, when victory was achieved, he found that he still lost.

However, they had to put down their weapons. The sudden appearance of hundreds of soldiers in guard uniforms made the soldiers of the Investigation Bureau completely give up the idea of ​​resistance.

Bruce said he had surrendered, so did he still need to persist? Moreover, from the beginning, many people were simply forced to join the coup because they could not disobey orders.

The freedom fighters disguised as guards quickly disarmed the Bureau soldiers' guns. Until the situation was determined, Bonnie and James could not believe what was happening in front of them.

The fat man drove [Logic] slowly towards [Mika] and said softly: "Bonnie, you did a good job."

Everyone familiar with this voice was stunned.


[Mika] quickly released the combat status amidst the clattering sound. As the mecha's cabin door opened, Bonnie jumped down: "Reinhardt! How could it be you?" The joy on her face made her laugh. She looked exceptionally beautiful. In an almost desperate situation, the person she trusted the most actually appeared in front of her and saved everything!

Such ups and downs are enough to make any mature and wise woman make mistakes.

The fat man almost laughed his belly button off. Originally, he just wanted to put [Mika] directly when he got closer. But then when he saw Bonnie, he actually jumped out. How could he be polite? [Logic] stretched out his hand and pulled Bonnie He grabbed it from the ground, as if he were grabbing a chicken, with no sign of pity.

Hearing Bonnie's exclamation, she was already caught in the claws of the mecha that was still in the form of a fighting dog.

"Who are you?" Bonnie quickly reacted. It was impossible not to have the Mythical Legion around Reinhard, but only a group of prison guards! It's impossible for Reinhardt to do such an action. He would never make such a boring joke!

"I'm Reinhardt!" The fat man enjoyed being shameless.

His voice was still Reinhardt's unique magnetic voice with the charm of Ghis, a small town south of Mozic. No one could tell from it. The person sitting in the mecha would be another person, even Bonnie. I was stunned for a moment.

Just when everyone was stunned by this sudden change, the fat man flicked the control lever, [Logic] roughly pulled [Mika] away, and used extremely precise techniques to pull away the person who was still hiding. James in the crowd behind him was pinched.

Besides the ninth-level mecha warrior Reinhardt and several group leaders, who else in Gacharin has this skill?

Neither Bonnie nor James even had a scratch on their skin!

"Reinhardt, what are you doing?" James couldn't believe that he was actually grabbed by a mecha in front of everyone, and the person driving this mecha was Reinhardt. special!

"What to do? You actually asked me what to do?" The fat man replied in Reinhardt's voice, while bringing James, who was already fuming, in front of the mecha's eyes. The lens of the eye area switched back and forth between far and near, from various angles. Angle for taking photos and videos.

Tian Xingjian felt that his thoughts were very simple, but he just wanted to take a closer look at whether this guy who ruled the Gacharin Empire, brazenly launched an attack on the Lere Federation, and dragged himself into an inexplicable war was really smart. Take some more photos as a souvenir, so that you don’t have any evidence when you brag later.

As long as he thought about having the leader of the mythical legion and the emperor of the Gacharin Empire in his hands, the fat man felt very accomplished and urinated urgently.

Gacharin's soldiers, who had been so excited just now, were dumbly allowed to be disarmed by the prison guards who had surrounded them, as if they had fallen from heaven into prison. The blows they received were even worse than those of the rebels from the Bureau of Investigation. More cruel! No one could understand what happened between Reinhardt and the emperor, and why he wanted to arrest James.

"Hahaha!" Hearing the fat man's rhetorical question, Philip laughed wildly. This moment was finally what he had been waiting for!

He walked slowly until he came to [the fighting dog], sighed, raised his head, and looked at James who was lifted up in the air and struggling in humiliation with a mocking look, and looked at James with a vicious look. He said in a sarcastic tone: "My dear Your Majesty, I'm afraid your brain has been completely damaged. Until now, don't you know what General Reinhard wants to do?"

"I originally thought that the only thing you didn't expect was... that you would also have this day!"

Susan was stunned, Bonnie was stunned, James also stopped struggling in vain, everyone was stunned.

Some people are keenly aware that the inside story is about to be revealed before their eyes!

The fat man was a little confused. He didn't know what was wrong with the guy who had been staying with James. However, his natural tendency to fish in troubled waters made him wisely choose to remain silent. He wanted to hear what this guy had to say. . Villains in movies always talk a lot of bullshit. This was the case with Bruce just now, and this is also the case with this complacent guy now.

"I am honored to inform you that my respected, omnipotent, wise and wise Majesty, you have been abandoned by everyone!" Philip smiled, opened his arms, and stood here. He wandered around the place where he won the victory, "Your son abandoned you, I abandoned you, Reinhardt, also abandoned you!"

Although everyone opened their mouths, no one could make a sound. At this moment, everyone was shocked!

As if with Reinhard's acquiescence, Philip's voice became louder. He was sure that this moment belonged to him, and no one could stop him from continuing to speak. He had rehearsed these words in his heart countless times! He smiled and took out the signal tracker from his trouser pocket, tossed it in his hand, and said with a smile: "You have a metal box, and so do I! Unfortunately, mine has the same function as yours!"

"What's even more unfortunate is that General Reinhard received my message and arrived here a little earlier than your Miracle Legion!"

"Are you angry? Are you shocked?" Philip's smiling face suddenly turned extremely ferocious, "When your family betrayed the Nademik Dynasty, you should have thought that this day would happen to you too! When you got this position from your brother Sidney, you should have known that this day would come to you!"

"The Morton family, this filthy and mentally retarded deformity, should have been completely wiped out of this world long ago!"

"Are you feeling desperate? Your Majesty, think about it, the Morton family will become history from today on. George, by this time, should have gone to where he should go. Bruce, will also be about to enter the grave. Stephen, will be After General Reinhard put down the coup, he ascended to the throne as a sacrifice!" Philip smiled, "And you will become a piece of meat in the hands of a mecha. For a warlike monarch, this... Isn’t this your dream destination?”

Listening to Phillip's every word, Bonnie felt her heart gradually sinking to the bottom of the sea. Her eyes were fixed on the [Bulldog] cabin, as if she wanted to see clearly the person inside through the one-sided see-through door.

James seemed to be ten years older. When he was just caught, he still scolded the struggling man majestically, even though he already felt panic at that time. But now, after he stopped struggling, it felt like all the strength in his body was gone. Got pumped clean.

"Reinhardt, is what he said true?" James's voice was full of anger and shame. He couldn't believe that he had been betrayed again. "Tell me, my son, is what he said true?" ?”


Like a bomb suddenly exploded, everyone stared at James with wide eyes.

The fat man curled his lips, and the answer at this time was not his style: "Son? I am your father, idiot!"

"Even you betrayed me!" James looked at the sky, as if he had discovered something particularly interesting. He chuckled softly, and then laughed heartily, "I thought you would be Morton It turns out that you hide your family's uniqueness better than anyone else, and deeper than anyone else! Your mother, who betrayed her husband in pursuit of vanity, finally passed on something to you. Her betrayal factor allowed you to bring down the Morton family. The strongest genes are inherited and carried forward.”

"If I had known today..." James stared at the mecha's cabin viciously, "Even if I was drunk, I would never fuck her... Hahahaha..."

"Pah!" The fat man threw James onto his bed in a shameless manner, causing the emperor's maniacal laughter to stop abruptly.

"***, what a mess, with little culture and a lot of bullshit, tie them up!" The fat man restored his original voice and said proudly: "On behalf of the righteous Lele Federation, I declare that you are all captured!".

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