Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 24 Betrayal (4)

After announcing a series of strict management measures during the fighting competition, the warden Picard began to read out the list of prisoners assigned to decorate the fighting competition venue. The selected prisoners, all of whom have relatively short sentences and are usually honest and well-behaved, will build a huge circular stand between the laundry room and the management building on the east side of the prison playground.

In the center of the grandstand, which can accommodate 3,000 people, is an open-air fighting arena. This playing field consists of eight small playing fields close to the stands and a large playing field in the middle. The entire venue is simple in design but has a strong visual impact. Especially during the group stage, the sixteen players were like beasts fighting each other amidst the whistles and laughter of the nobles. Only one person could finally stand in the center and gain the right to advance.

In modern times when human civilization is highly developed, this ancient and traditional fighting caters to the darkest part of many people's hearts. In the name of tradition, they tear off their gentleman masks to their heart's content and join in the primitive and barbaric carnival. middle. At this time, women are not allowed to enter and watch. This is a resort for men, a paradise of blood and excitement.

As a tried spy, Fatty naturally had no chance of this advantage. In the cell, only Big Air and Rex were qualified to participate in this not-hard job under the warm sunshine all day long. In addition, prisoners who participate in the construction work will also receive an extra meal, so that they can fully exert their subjective initiative in such political work.

From this point on, it also indicates that the power struggle surrounding the fighting competition has entered a fever pitch.

After announcing the list, Pilka waved his hand, the automatic door of the prison cell opened, and the day's work officially began. The Keno group who were the first to walk out of the prison looked arrogant. The fighting competition has really been put on the agenda. The Keno forces who are sure to win the championship can't wait. After this game, they will completely rule the prison. Other hostile forces will be defeated one by one during and after this game. Their number one killer, Gost, can kill any opponent from a hostile force through fighting openly and openly in full view of the public, and he can also show mercy to those who surrender to him.

During the game, the prison's practice is not to intervene in the fight between hands. As long as no one touches the prison's bottom line, the prison will sit back and watch. They will only stand at a distance and direct conflicts through some provocation and maintenance. This fight between prisoners was originally part of the grand game. There is no anger, no bloody competition, which cannot satisfy the bloodthirst of the nobles. Only the sharper the confrontation, the more bloody and crazy the killing scenes will appear.

As the crowd walked downstairs, Rex, Big Plane, Fatty and others were separated. They had to gather in the hall on the ground floor to accept the task assignments from the guards. As the fat man walked, he peeked at the prisoners who were gathering in the hall one after another. Until he was sure that at least three freedom front fighters lurking in the prison were among the selected prisoners, he quickened his pace and walked towards the machine processing factory.

Taking a chance while working, Tian Xingjian slipped into the management room. After living in prison for more than a month, Fatty had already become friends with Davis, the prison supervisor in charge of the workshop. First, his status as a mythical legion, and second, this guy's accomplishments in mechas, all made Davis turn a blind eye to the fat man's behavior of sneaking into the management room to smoke for a long time. Since the guard didn't say anything, Beru was happy to be free. As long as the fat man could complete the assigned tasks every day, no one would bother to care about him. And with the fat man's quick hands, there was really no way he could not complete the tasks assigned by the prison. Even if this guy smoked cigarettes for two hours in the management room, he could still complete the work.

When Elliot saw the fat man coming in, he quickly took out a cigarette and asked the fat man to light it. At the same time, he watched the movement outside the window warily and took the time to report the news coming in from outside.

"The base has fully gathered the freedom fighters and is now preparing for our final operation. The personnel who have infiltrated various departments have also been contacted. When necessary, they will cooperate closely with us to ensure that the operation is foolproof." Ai Liott took out a lighter and lit the cigarette for the fat man, and continued: "However, now we have discovered that there is another group of anti-government armed forces in action. This force has never been seen before, and it seems to appear out of thin air. According to Observe, these people are all well-trained professional fighters of all nationalities. The leader asked me to ask you, is it necessary to have contact with these people?"

"Oh?" The fat man blew out two puffs of smoke from his nostrils in surprise and blinked his eyes: "You have never seen these people before. Are they all professional warriors?"

Elliot looked out the window and nodded: "Yes, the three guides tried to collect information about these people, but they aroused the other party's vigilance and had to break away from contact. We are absolutely sure that the other party has never appeared in Mozic Yes! They were very secretive, but they still used the network in the slums, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to find them."

"Don't get into trouble, send people to pay close attention to the other party's activities, and focus on not getting angry." The fat man held the cigarette between his fingers like a great man, but what he was thinking in his mind was: "***, why are you meddling in so many other things? My goal is Escape from this hellish place and fight behind enemy lines has nothing to do with me."

"I understand, messenger. In addition, the base needs us to provide a specific time for the operation. The transport ship you requested has been prepared and is being painted. It can be completed in a week at most."

The fat man got under Elliot's desk, pried open a piece of floorboard, and while assembling the parts sent in through the guards, he said: "Don't panic about the attack on Tanvir. Just now you said there are some other people. Now we need to find out who they are." Target. No matter where these guys come from, it would be great if he can help us attract the attention of the army." He inserted a wire into the game controller and connected it, stuck out half of his head and said, "I Now I am thinking about whether we can wait a little longer. There will be a fighting competition in the prison. I heard that Emperor Gacharin will also come. At that time, our actions will be easier. Maybe..." The fat man showed his teeth and smiled. Said: "We can still do something big and mess up this country, but who will take care of these prisoners?"

Elliot was startled and lowered his voice: "You mean..."

The fat man grinned for a long time, then sighed: "***, just think about it. However, the battle competition is the time when it is easiest for our transport ships to pass through the air defense control zone. I have a way in the prison building, and I have the four watchtowers. It's a bit of a headache, we have to see if the outside world can help us suppress the information communication and control systems of these towers."

"But, over there with the Mythical Legion..." Elliot was very wary of the Gacharin Empire's highest armed force. If the Mythic Legion could not be mobilized, the Freedom Front would simply attack Abnosk Prison on their own. Throw yourself into a trap. Not to mention the professional warriors of the Mythical Legion who have been fighting on the battlefield for a long time, even an ordinary armored division can give a drink to the Free Front, which does not have enough mechas. In Fatty's early plan, one week before the escape, the Freedom Front would launch attacks on several planets in the Little Pyrenees through peripheral coalition organizations in order to mobilize the mythical army. While the escape operation was being carried out, the main force of the Freedom Front Large-scale multi-point attacks will be carried out in Tanvir and several weeks around the city to keep Abnosk Prison from being a key focus of Gacharin's security forces.

However, the fat man's plan to launch an escape plan in the fighting competition is too risky. Perhaps, the start of the fighting competition can make it easier to fish in troubled waters in the Abnosk area. However, due to the arrival of the Gacharin royal family and nobles , the security force here must have doubled, not only the guards of the prison itself, but also the presence of the Royal Guard!

The fat man quickly assembled the parts in his hands and said: "The Mythical Legion is still mobilized as planned. However, our strength is only so great, and the targets of harassment and attacks are too many and scattered. In order to execute Mozic's plan According to the plan on the side, the Freedom Front has gathered almost all its forces. It is still unknown whether the peripheral joint organizations can mobilize the Mythical Legion by then. Moreover, if we escape in peacetime, they can concentrate their efforts to arrest us. How far can a transport ship run? No one knows. I thought about it, if we choose to launch during the fighting competition, as soon as the Freedom Front attacks, the first defense targets of all the security forces will definitely be the members of the Gacharin royal family and those nobles."

When the cigarette burned to the end, the fat man asked Eliot for another cigarette, lit the fire, and said twice: "Let the soldiers who built the stand pay attention. Don't do such a serious job, otherwise you will collapse. If it collapses at the critical moment, it will definitely lead to chaos. I will take the time to make something for you, so that they can find an opportunity to install it in the stands."

Elliot was speechless: "Bomb?"

The fat man curled his lips and said: "That thing has no technical content. Besides, you can't even find an energy block here. What do you want me to use to make a bomb? This is a high-tech product!"

Elliot asked curiously: "What?"

The fat man said proudly: "Build the combined stands and use the tenons to fix the steel frame!"

Elliot almost fainted, this is not a high-tech product.

"This is a unique formula. It can be made with the scraps of parts processed in the outside workshop. I have already seen it. There is plenty of rh20 metal in the workshop. You just need to add a little something. I will point you to the stands then. If the stress-bearing points are replaced by these tenons, as long as they reach the resonance point, they will be broken immediately, and they will harm others."

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