Counterfeit Hero

Volume 4 Chapter 7 This is not over yet

Stephen put down the book in his hand without interest. He suddenly realized that compared with Liebgot, he lacked the composure before the war. That teacher of mine will always look like that no matter whether he wins or loses, as if everything is passing by and has nothing to do with him. And I will eventually be unable to concentrate, and my thoughts will always be distracted by nervous emotions.

Unable to read the book, Stephen put the book on the table, stood up and walked to the window.

Every time he stood on the top of the Empire State Building, the tallest building in Tanville, and looked at the bustling city with bright neon lights, Stephen would feel a sense of excitement. If a person is born with endless money, a status and honor that people look up to, and countless women to choose from, then what will he miss? There is only one answer, and that is rights! Only rights, the highest rights, are the most wonderful things in the world. The feeling of being in control of everything can make everyone unable to extricate themselves. Since he was born into the royal family, he is destined to live a vigorous life. No matter life or death, only by fighting for it can he not regret it.

The royal prisoners in Abnosk Prison constantly reminded Stephen that since he was born into such a family and since he was unwilling to do so, he was destined to embark on a path of no return. On this road, no matter who is in front of you, you must kick it away. Your own destiny must be in your own hands. If someone wants to control your own destiny, then that person is your mortal enemy! Even if this person is the current emperor, his father!

Stephen smiled bitterly. After all, he did not have the strength to compete with his father. Gacharin's most powerful emperor had controlled this empire for too long. His influence has penetrated into every corner of Gacharin and everyone. They all trembled at the feet of this emperor who seemed to rule by doing nothing, and no one dared to betray him.

Those who dare to confront James are now concentrated in two places. One is Abnosk Prison, and the other is a cemetery! However, the current Gacharin Empire is full of holes, and almost all the nobles are aware of this. The war with the Federation relies only on the military power that Gacharin has accumulated over hundreds of years. This seemingly powerful force is gradually withering away due to unsustainable consumption. This was originally a war controlled by Russell. The dream of occupying the Newton galaxy before the war and leaping from a small country to a medium-sized country was completely shattered. In the Battle of Newton Galaxy, Gacharin lost a large number of his army and space fleet, and Russell's defection gave Gacharin a fatal blow. The Galileo Galaxy was completely broken through in a month. Now Lucerne is constantly devouring Gacharin's last strength!

The federal economic strength has been fully mobilized. When this power is transformed into military advantage, even Liebgot is helpless! Even if we win a partial victory in Lucerne, what will happen? The situation of this war is also not optimistic, and the domestic economy can no longer be tapped. All the people were mobilized, all the people were soldiers, 80% of the civilian product factories closed down, and even the nobles had to rely on smuggling of luxury goods. All resources are used to produce military-related products, such as uniforms, military boots, guns, bullets, energy bombs, mechas, self-propelled artillery... We can only produce these. With the resources dwindling, even space battleships cannot get timely supplies. Replenish! If it weren't for the support provided by Western countries to Gacharin, Gacharin would have collapsed long ago!

Father James is playing a game, and this game is at the expense of the Morton family's entire foundation. This emperor also holds a big hand! No one knows when he will play this hand! But, doesn’t the Federation have any other cards? According to intelligence reports, the federal activities in several small countries around Gacharin are becoming increasingly frequent. These countries have already been ready to take action. God knows when, these evil wolves will show their ferocious fangs and swarm Gacharin. Completely fallen!

If it is said that a mantis is using his arms as a chariot, Stephen knows that it is his own portrayal. However, if a man's anger bleeds for five steps, a desperate gamble may not necessarily have no chance of success! Gacharin has reached the last moment, the war in Lucerne has fallen into a quagmire, the nobles are still drunk and dreaming, and his father James is sitting on his throne with a sneer, playing a dangerous game to punish Russell for betraying him. game. His brother, Crown Prince George, is still competing with him for the right to inherit the throne. The entire human society is like a powder keg that can explode at any time. The confrontation between two superpowers and several major powers has reached the point of tenseness. Who will be the burning fuse?

Anyone can do it, it can’t be Gacharin!


"As long as the Leray Federation and that bastard can understand that Gacharin will never be conquered by them, even if it becomes the fuse that triggers the entire universe war, I don't care!" The emperor sat steadily on the chair in the study. Quietly. There was a sickly excitement on his face. Philip, standing opposite him, stood in silence with his hands lowered, listening to what this powerful emperor had to say.

"I am the fifteenth generation emperor of the Morton family. Of course I will not allow the Gacharin royal family to be destroyed in my hands. However, this does not mean that I will care about those illusory reputations." James' eyes were bright. The voice was cold, "Reputation can only be heard by the victors. Losers never deserve to know the opinions of others! Since Russell and the LeRay Federation dare to join hands to bring Gacharin into this war, then they will Be prepared for an outcome that won’t end!”

"I am the ruler of Gacharin and the emperor of the empire! There are some things that I can do, but the president of the Leray Federation, poor Hamilton, cannot!" A mocking smile appeared on the corner of James's mouth, "This Just the difference between the Empire and the Federation, their public opinion, and their public opinion can make Russell tied up with ropes. Even if he has great abilities, he can only watch me sit here and play with him in the palm of my hand. Among them!"

Philip said with some confusion: "Your Majesty, Liebgot is from the Naga Federation after all. If there is no considerable benefit in this support plan, will Liebgot fully invest in it?"

James smiled slightly and said: "Don't forget how many things you have done for George! Liebgot is Stephen's teacher. He will do the same things you can do! Assist Stephen to get Gacharin, no matter what It is of great benefit to him and the Naga Federation! Moreover, now that the Naga Federation is also tied to Xiyo’s chariot, they must think about the overall situation! If Lucerne cannot withstand it, the Lere Federation will march straight in Little Pyrenees, you said that the countries in Western Europe are ready for a full-scale war?"

James stood up slowly, walked to the interstellar map that occupied one wall of the study, looked up, and sighed: "Liebgot knows that this war is related to Stephen's future and the entire West York. , even the entire human society! He will go all out. If he cannot buy enough time for Siyo Stephen in Lucerne, then this person will not climb to the second place in the Naga Federation where famous generals gather. status!"

Philip lowered his head. The emperor in front of him was always aloof, using baits to lure some ridiculous people to play various tricks in front of him, but he was always the final winner! He is also a clown who plays tricks. The reason why he can stand here is because he never plays with fire, and all his tricks can be seen through by the emperor at a glance!

How many people are tied to the position of an heir to the throne? Himself, George, Liebgot, Stephen, maybe Bruce, and Reinhardt, the Naga Empire, and the entire Gacharin noble circle! James kept stirring this vortex, letting these people and forces float up and down in this vortex as they pleased!

"Go, report your contact with the special envoy to me at any time, and you must hurry up and make sure no one discovers it! Lucerne can't give us too much time." James' words interrupted Philip's thoughts , he bowed and nodded, slowly walked out of James's study, looked back at the closed door, Philip smiled slightly, and said to himself: "James, you don't seem to understand your loyalty. A follower of Weibo, he is the most typical Weibo person. In his mind, the reputation of Weibo people is above all else! For me, there is a huge difference between George becoming a puppet emperor and becoming a real emperor. Very good!"

"You once thought that no one in this world could play tricks on you, but in the end, you were tricked by Russell. This is a knot in your heart! Gacharin was dragged into the relationship with Russell by Russell. The war of the Thunder Federation, and only now do you know that the Freedom Front, which has been constantly suppressing, is the armed force led by the person you once trusted the most, Russell, the first general in the empire! If you leave Reinhardt, this The vortex you stir up can swallow you up!"


As the Gacharin Imperial Army took the initiative to retreat, the Mount Amayo war zone that had been fiercely fought for nearly two months gradually calmed down, and the Leray Federal Army finally opened the passage to the eastern hinterland. The fall of Mount Amayo profoundly changed the situation of the entire Battle of Lucerne. The Lazi Defense Line and the city of Rotsk on the western front faced a pincer attack by the Leray Federation, while the Lavos Plain and the Lavos Plain were dotted with three medium-sized cities. Wari City, the largest industrial city, was also completely exposed to the Leray Federal Army.

The second phase of the campaign is over! Judging from the current situation, the Leray Federation has won the conditions needed to finally occupy the entire Lucerne planet. Under the command of the former commander, the land-based air force bases that had always been at a disadvantage were quickly established. They were scattered around the basin occupied by the 9th Armored Division. Dozens of fully mechanized infantry divisions and armored divisions were busy replenishing supplies. and personnel. In the key battle zones of tens of thousands of square kilometers, the scattered soldiers returned to the army one after another. The Federation did not send its troops directly to Warri. They were accumulating strength and waiting for the final decisive battle.

Garipalan's headquarters is even busier. Everyone is packing up documents and equipment. The frontline headquarters will be moved to Lucerne before the start of the third phase of the campaign. Looking at the busy staff and staff downstairs, Bernard Dot closed the door, handed the document in his hand to Russell, and said with a wry smile: "This is from the President's Office. The Supreme Command can no longer withstand it. The federal losses in the second phase of the battle were too great, both above and below." Some people jumped out and called motherfuckers out. The Office of the President asked us to explain the entire second phase of the campaign."

Russell frowned and took the document and said: "Explanation? But we won the second stage! What more explanation is there? Do you want me to tell them, because I know James, in order to prevent Liebgot from being in the local area?" We have obtained enough results in the battle. In order for James to launch the purge early to take over the military, we must use such losses in exchange for victory, and finally let James know all this and destroy all our previous achievements?"

Bernadotte leaned back on his chair and said with a smile: "This second battle has made my bones almost fall apart, and I don't know how many brain cells have died. I'm not afraid of any of this, I'm just afraid of the Parliament and the President's Office." I sent an inquiry. How can I explain these things to them? However, it is impossible not to explain. After all, it is a democratic country, which is different from an empire. Public opinion and public opinion cannot be ignored even by the president. "

Russell finished flipping through the relatively mildly worded document, put the electronic folder on the table, walked to the virtual terrain map of Lucerne and remained silent for a long time, and finally turned around and said: "Even if we can explain the second phase of the battle, then the next What about the stage? Gacharin's army is not tofu, and Liebgot is definitely not a mediocre general! Besides..." Russell's fingers touched the virtual screen, and the Lucerne planet on the screen quickly became smaller and became A small ball in the vast interstellar world, while countless planets, large and small, appeared densely on the virtual screen: "What is Lucerne? This war is no longer a matter of our country! The report of the intelligence agency and our The analysis report has already been given to the Supreme Command and the President's Office. Not only are we taking action, the Gacharin Empire is also not idle! West York will not sit back and watch Gacharin's Little Pyrenees be breached, no matter it is Either political intervention or military intervention will occur. If he can't withstand it now, what will the president do by then?!"

Bernadotte was silent, listening to Russell's clear and loud voice: "Do you shrink back when someone scares you? Is the peace of the Federation defended in this way? The ones who get beaten the most are always the weak! Military If you can't win in battle, you won't be able to stand upright politically. The interest of the Federation now is not money and resources, but a gesture! Otherwise, in the subsequent war, what kind of face will the Federation use to deal with it? No A war of sacrifice will never exist. The current war is just a prelude. If in the future..." Russell's voice was firm and cold, deafening, "Once the all-out war starts, it will be a bloody battle! That is begging for help in hell. To survive, that is trekking in a desperate situation! All human resources will be exhausted in mutual destruction. No matter how prosperous the city is, all that is left will be ruins! At that time, do we still need to explain? To whom should we explain? !".

There was silence in the closed room. The two most direct military commanders of the Federation looked at each other. Bernadotte strode to the desk and picked up the phone: "Yuna, help me get through to the President's Office." He put down the phone, turned to look at Russell, smiled slightly, and said, "You are right, our president should change his way of governing during the war!"

"However, if it becomes the trigger for the entire human war, President, I am afraid that I am not mentally prepared yet! I only hope that the trap you laid can work at the most critical moment! The self-collapse of the empire, It is the best ending for the Federation." The phone rang, and Bernadotte put his hand on the receiver: "Of course, we must also make preparations. Since we are living in this troubled world, this is It’s your responsibility, my responsibility, and Hamilton’s responsibility.”

Bernadotte picked up the phone: "Hello, Mr. President..."


"You leave when I come in. Don't stay here. If Bruce wants to have any bad intentions towards you and keeps doing it, I will suffer a big loss!" The fat man thought of going to prison and felt a little bit. Melancholy, it would be a big loss if he lost his wife and lost his troops. "This time, the most important task is to let you go back! So, you must go!"

An Lei blushed and spat: "Idiot, who asked you to come here as a hero? I was on a business trip to Moztinak some time ago. Who told you that I came to Mozchi? I was here for you Came here after that!”

The fat man was stunned: "You mean...what you told Christina was true. When I met you at the dance, you just arrived not long ago?" An Lei rolled her eyes at him and turned her head away from him. , this question obviously does not need an answer.

The fat man was trembling all over: "I said... can you tell me where you want to go next time?"

This guy has always been afraid of going to prison. After all, that prison is different from others. In addition to political prisoners, it also houses the most vicious prisoners. The guards are the most stringent in the whole country. This time not only I have to go in and perform tasks inside, my scalp is numb just thinking about it! After rescuing the prisoners, we still have to take these people to a safe place, and we also have to lead the freedom front that has been launched to cooperate with the rescue to get out of danger. This is a near-death business!

I originally thought that I had finally found An Lei, and if I could send her away safely, it would be worth dying. Who knows, ***, An Lei was never in Mozic before, all this was brought to her door by herself! Once the order of things was reversed, Fatty suddenly felt that he was even more unjust than Dou Mo. The thought of bravely trying to be a hero was immediately thrown out of the window, and he became more and more afraid of the upcoming mission. There was no reason to risk anything anymore. Why did he kiss An Lei just now and pretend to be cool? , saying "If he sees this photo...he will!" Isn't this looking for death?

"Who asked you to go on a business trip to Moztinak? Russell?" The fat man was furious. As long as An Lei said yes, he would have a reason to stop immediately. Anyway, he has been expelled from the military. Don't be afraid of any military court. Those who have played tricks on me for a long time must pay the price!

"It's General Mikhailovich!" An Lei turned her head away, bit her lip slightly and said angrily and funny: "The order was very strange. The phone call was made at home, and it was secretive. At first I I thought it was Mozic. I got on the transport ship and found out that I was going to Moztinak to attend a meeting. I didn't have anything to do there. But then I realized that it had something to do with you. Who asked you to spit him out while drinking? Saliva?"

When the fat man heard that he was the commander-in-chief of the Supreme Command, he was immediately discouraged and asked dejectedly: "Who did you hear that I vomited him in the wine... or something like that?"

An Lei's eyes were red: "Do you need anyone else to tell me, I'm just sitting upstairs."

The two of them were speechless for a moment. The fat man struggled for a long time and finally said: "I have always wanted to tell you this matter, but... I don't have the courage to say it after all." He sighed with a sad expression and said, "This The first time I enter Abnosk, I don’t know if I can come out alive. If I don’t say some things, I won’t have a chance!”

"An Lei...I'm sorry!"

"Pa!" A slap hit the fat man's face. An Lei stared at her hand blankly, unable to believe that she actually hit him. She retracted her hand in panic and said: "...I...I'm not..." She tried to reach out to touch the fat man's reddish cheeks, but then pulled back, biting her lip gently and said: "Who wants you to follow me?" Say I'm sorry... you should say this to my father!"

Seeing that the fat man was speechless, An Lei said quietly: "I already know what is going on between you and Milan. She is very good to you and is a very beautiful and kind girl. But you shouldn't hide it from me... ..." She grabbed her handbag and stood up, "You deserve this slap, this matter is not over yet!"

An Lei turned around and left, and the fat man thought crazily: "If Bruce sees this slap, will he just let me go?".

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