Counterfeit Hero

Volume 3 Chapter 59 Continues to spit blood

Christina's face was full of disdain and annoyance. If she couldn't help but tell the difference, her expression and movements of being disgusted and trying to hide, subtly confirmed Martin's crime of going to the Katzik red light district to commit suicide, as if Martin was such a person. Martin was so angry that his face turned red and white, and he shouted: "Tell me clearly, who went to that place! You are so slanderous!"

The fat man said naively: "You, you're the one who went there!"

Martin said angrily: "No!"

"There you go!" Fatty said decisively!

"I didn't!" Martin refuted with all his strength!

"I went! I just went! I saw it with my own eyes!" The fat man's face was sincere, as if he was telling Martin, you did go, don't deny it!

"No, you're talking nonsense, I didn't!" Martin shouted angrily.

When the fat man saw Martin "lying" in front of him, he felt aggrieved and angry, "There you go, it's you!"

"No! It's not me!" Martin was trembling with anger.

"He just went!" The fat man was so angry that he was trembling all over and his face turned blue.


"It's gone, it's gone, it's you, you lied."

The fat man's innocent face turned red, and his face was red and his neck was thick. He looked like an honest person who had been wronged by others, and like an upright child who struggled to accuse his lying classmates in front of the teacher. The bitch's appearance won the approval of almost all onlookers, and everyone looked at Martin in an increasingly wrong way.

Several aristocratic children standing nearby who came with Martin also felt very embarrassed. No matter who was lying, as a well-educated aristocratic child, it was so embarrassing to have such an argument with a stupid fat man on such an occasion. , in the future, if this matter spreads, the fat man will be fine, and Martin will not be able to raise his head and behave like a human being.

Martin felt dizzy. At the gathering place of the nobles, he was slandered in public by the guy in front of him with such eloquence and eloquence. He could no longer control his anger and hit the fat man with a wave of his hand. Although his movements were fast, how could he hit the fat man? The fat man gave in and pushed, pushing Martin to the ground.

It was Martin who fell, but it was Fatty who was frightened. As if he had met a mad dog, he quickly took a few steps back and asked in surprise: "What are you doing, why are you hitting people?"

Martin fell so hard that he couldn't answer his words.

The fat man didn't give him any chance to breathe, and accused him angrily and disappointedly: "What kind of education! Is it reasonable to beat someone when they are exposed?" This bitch looked very sad and righteous, as if he couldn't understand it at all. Why are these nobles like this? The anger on their honest faces is filled with the indignation of an upright person and the intolerance of a loyal person. At this moment, he alone has all the rights in the world.

The people around him had formed a circle, and no one expected that Martin would suddenly take action. Seeing him so angry, it must have been that he was exposed in public, and he got angry and hit someone. Everyone was in an uproar.

The fat man said to An Lei and Christina angrily: "Let's change places, I don't want to argue with him anymore!" He turned around and looked at Martin who had just gotten up from the ground with disdain, and said disdainfully: "This man How shameless! You lie and hit someone! What kind of nobleman do you think you are?"

Seeing Fatty's righteous face, An Lei turned away and bit her lip to resist the desire to laugh out loud. No one here knows this guy better than she does. This guy is born with the ability to make people laugh and laugh. What he does is simply beyond what a normal person can imagine. He is so bloody-mouthed and so justified in calling others shameless and lying. It's so abominable.

Things got worse and worse. Several aristocratic children who came to the ball with Martin did not want to see Martin suffer, so they stood up and stopped the fat man. One of them said: "What, do you want to leave after beating someone?"

This was obviously unreasonable. Everyone present saw that Martin made the first move and the fat man just pushed. However, everyone was from this ***, and although they were a little disdainful, no one said anything. In their hearts, there are only differences between closeness and distance in this world, and there is no right or wrong, true or false. Moreover, Gacharin's aristocratic circle has long been engaged in intrigues based on factions. The concept of right and wrong is very indifferent. They only talk about reason out of the so-called aristocratic temperament and cultivation. For many noble children, the shame is far more serious than the mistake.

Christina pointed at Martin angrily and said, "He was the one who started the attack, why are you so unreasonable?"

It was okay that Christina didn't speak. When she stood up and spoke, the aristocratic children who had conflicts with the Gordon family became even more unyielding. A noble child named Kaili jumped out and said: "Who I didn't see him strike first, and then I saw the fat man hit Martin!"

This man's father was the Propaganda Minister of the Gacharin Empire, and he was at odds with Gordon. Gacharin was originally a military-oriented country. When Russell was here, the military department was the only one. The other departments were just like the servants of the military department. They always shouted back and forth. If there was any work relationship between the two parties, , only people from these departments shuttled back and forth, and the people in the military department were always as immovable as masters.

After Russell's rebellion, Carey's father was very passive in his international publicity work. When the concentration camp was exposed, his publicity was suppressed by the Leray Federation. James called the propaganda minister. A burst of curses. Later, domestic publicity was finally still strictly controlled, so it was affirmed and commended by the royal family.

At this moment, the Propaganda Department suddenly became arrogant, especially when facing the military department. They believed that now that Russell was gone, the military should keep its tail between its legs. Their attitude suddenly changed in their work dealings. Several chief and deputy propaganda ministers did not even give face to several generals in the military. They originally needed to personally For negotiation matters, it is enough to send a secretary. The people below followed suit and stayed on the Diaoyutai no matter what, letting the people from the military department run back and forth. This was not an embarrassment to the military department, it was entirely an embarrassment to Gordon, who succeeded him. Gordon was so angry that he led his men straight into the Propaganda Department, aggressively found several propaganda ministers, and scolded him in public like a grandson. Under the prestige of the whole group, no one dared to raise their head to contradict. Later, the incident spread more and more widely and became a joke among Gacharin's aristocratic circles.

The relationship between the Gacharin nobles is very complicated. In addition to this kind of contradiction, there are also conflicts between the different camps of the successors to the throne. It's just that on the surface, everyone doesn't make it clear who they support, and privately, all kinds of little tricks are naturally endless. There are also nobles and nobles. Some nobles have long-term alliances, relying on marriage to consolidate each other for hundreds of years. Some nobles are enemies of each other. Some new nobles rely on some old nobles. The military department and the deputy positions of various departments are divided according to the power of the mountain. They are intertwined. Only they themselves have an account in their hearts. And this account is unreliable and will change with changes in interests or positions of power. .

The children of the nobles have been in such gangs for a long time, and they are not all idiots. In a certain sense, they have seen and known much more than ordinary people. They know when to jump out and when to stay silent. According to the factions among their parents, they also have their own cliques and are unanimous in dealing with the outside world. This is the basic condition for maintaining their status in these small cliques.

As one of the core members of this group, Carey saw that Martin, the son of the Deputy Minister of Propaganda Department, was suffering a loss, so he naturally had to stand up and support him. Moreover, the conflict between the Military Department and the Propaganda Department was well known, and Gordon had already stepped aside. Here It's Stephen's graduation celebration dance that Carey's family secretly supports. He can't stand up at this moment, and he won't even think about raising his head in this *** in the future.

Christina's face turned red with anger at the other party's unreasonableness, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Fatty is the best at this kind of thing. The guy smiled honestly and said, "I didn't hit him. He jumped at me, so I wanted to push him away for fear of him biting me."

The people next to him burst out laughing, and Kaili stared at the fat man fiercely and said, "I saw it was you who beat him!"

The fat man shook his head and said sincerely: "No, I really didn't hit him."

A person next to Kaili said: "Stop talking nonsense, what do you say about this! You dare to hit people here, you are very courageous!"

The fat man still shook his head and said honestly: "I didn't hit him, what did I say?"

"Fat man, I'm telling you to stop talking nonsense!" Kaili couldn't hold himself back. He couldn't figure out whether the guy opposite was really stupid or pretending to be stupid. It would be embarrassing to continue arguing like this.

The fat man sighed and said helplessly: "I already told you, I didn't hit him."

"Fat man... you..."

"I really didn't hit him!"

"If you don't give an explanation today, you will be responsible for the consequences!" Some of Kaili's group started to get angry.

"I didn't hit anyone."


"I really didn't hit anyone."


"Anyway, I didn't hit anyone." The expression on the fat man's upright face was very exciting. He was honest, sincere, helpless, indignant, and changed his tricks. He kept saying the word "no hitting" over and over again, which only made a bunch of nobles angry. With stars in his eyes, no matter what he said, the fat man looked like he couldn't figure it out. Whether he was cruel or angry, his threats and intimidations were all just playing the piano to a cow. The fat man was too stupid to accept this at all.

"Ah... that's right!" The fat man looked at Kaili and suddenly realized it. He pointed at Kaili and shouted, "Yes, yes, I saw you that day! When we were in Kazik, you were with him. Together, we were holding two women.”

Kaili didn't expect that the fat man would say such words, and he was so angry that he was stunned on the spot.

The fat man said happily: "Now, someone is here to testify for me! Please tell everyone whether that Martin is the Kazik who went with you." He looked pleased, as if all the problems could be solved. Finally, someone can help him prove that he is not lying.

Everyone around looked at each other, whether it was true or not, this stupid fat man was too cruel. Going to a low-level red-light district to have fun was so widely publicized, and how could others be allowed to testify? Whether they admitted it or not, this incident was a scar for Carey and Martin, a topic that was attacked or made fun of by others.

Seeing the fat man's silly look and his eager eyes, so kind and honest, all the onlookers unconsciously turned their heads to Kaili. From a suspicion level, these aristocratic children who spend their days drinking and drinking are indeed not very good. trustworthy.

Kaili finally came to his senses and laughed with a livid face: "If you say this, will anyone believe you?"

The fat man was stunned and said: "Why don't you believe me? I didn't lie. If you tell the truth, everyone will naturally believe it. But don't say you haven't been there!"

Kaili was almost confused by the fat man. If I didn't say I hadn't been there, why should I admit that I had been there? Ever since he was young, he had only framed others by himself. How had he ever been framed by others like this? That kind of frustration is simply crazy! Kaili clenched his fist tightly, he couldn't help but punch this evil fat man in the face!

"How dare you slander us! If you don't make it clear today, don't blame us for being rude!" Standing next to him, Martin's face has turned blue and white, and his eyes are bloodshot. This crime is a crime for these noble children. , It’s really intolerable. If I let the fat man pour sewage on me like this today, I won’t be able to live in the future, and I will become everyone’s laughing stock!

The fat man sighed and said, "You always deny it, but I did see you guys having a blind date there. I stood next to you for a while. Didn't you see me?"

"What a fart!" Kaili was already furious. He was shaking with anger. The feeling of being slandered in public was too uncomfortable and frustrating: "If you dare to frame us again, you will be tried tomorrow! I will sue you. defamation!"

"That's right!... I remembered! I have evidence!" Fatty said suddenly as if he was startled: "Just wait, don't run away, I'll get the evidence right away!" After he finished speaking, he asked Christina for permission. He grabbed the keys to the flying car and ran to the parking lot.

Hearing that this guy had evidence, Carey and Martin laughed angrily. They wanted to see what evidence this fat man could come up with! If he can't prove that he arrived in Kazik, he must make this guy regret why he was born in the first place! At this time, Carey and Martin were in an extremely depressed mood. Looking at the weird looks in the eyes of other people around them, they really wanted to beat up everyone present, then hang the damn fat man on a tree and use all human abilities to do it. Treat him to the most vicious torture imaginable, making this shameless slanderer swallow everything he said!

In just a few minutes, Kelly and Martin were out of breath. The more they thought about it, the more annoyed they became. They wanted to yell and vent their anger. This fat man was driving them crazy!

The fat man ran over, with an excited smile on his face. He ran and shouted in a naive manner: "Found it! Found it!"

When this bitch ran up to them, everyone took a look and saw that he was holding a new mobile phone in his hand. Everyone was a little baffled. Christina was even more confused. She had been thinking about it for a long time. You understand what the fat man calls evidence in your car. Didn't this new mobile phone just come to this guy from Paladin Company yesterday? What kind of evidence is this?

The fat man ran to the crowd and stood panting, as if he was exhausted, but his face was flushed with excitement, which made people think that the fat man was quite cute. He raised the phone in his hand and said, "Look, the evidence is here!".

Kaili's face was so gloomy that it was filled with dark clouds, and he shouted like thunder and lightning at any moment: "Stop pretending! Show me any evidence you have! If you can't prove anything, hey..." He didn't care about anything. He showed his aristocratic demeanor and shouted almost explosively: "I will let you know the consequences of spitting blood! Don't even think about walking down Hongye Mountain standing!"

These words are really not a threat to these noble children. Everyone knows how important the face of noble Gacharin is. If this fat man is really talking nonsense, how will Kaili and the others retaliate? Not only the people around them No one has anything to say, not even Christina can have any opinions, otherwise it will cause public anger. The nobles will never allow a fat man who has never seen him to so unscrupulously slander and ridicule a nobleman, even if the nobleman is very humble. People are annoying.

Unless the fat man can produce evidence!

The fat man smiled and said: "I happened to be testing the long-distance voice recording function of this new mobile phone that day, and I recorded their conversation. You might as well listen to it to see who is lying."

He put the mobile phone on the table of the coffee shop, clicked on the playback, and heard Martin's voice coming from it, with a kind of pride in his voice: "How is it? I said the girls in Kazik are delicious, cheap and Energetic enough, proficient in all three hundred and sixty-five postures, much hotter than those tasteless ladies!"

Then came Kaili's voice: "Damn it, I didn't expect that Kazik would have such good stuff. You win this time."

Martin said: "Haha, bring those idiots with you in two days, I'm sure they will fall in love with this place!"

Kaili's voice said: "Don't, don't! Just the two of us can do it. If others find out, it will be a big loss."

Then there was a burst of lewd laughter and garbled whispers, as well as the voice of the fat man saying "Hello, hello, Ah Su, Mo Xi Mo Xi, Ya Mie Dad...oh...Ether." when the fat man tried the phone.

The entire Hongye Mountain was silent...

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