Counterfeit Hero

Volume 3 Chapter 56 Raid Code

After communicating with several leaders, Fatty, with the help of several input clerks, formulated the "Rules for Raid Behind Enemy Lines". This was originally something learned in the laboratory, plus some of his own experience, and it looked very messy, but The three leaders became more and more frightened as they listened. What kind of raid rules were they? The cooperation between the teams, how to divert the tiger away from the mountain, how to attack the east and attack the west, how to draw fuel from the bottom of the cauldron, and how to hide the sword in a smile. After listening to these things, the three guides finally understood what a career is! This guy is simply a natural talent for this. Compared with the things above, the things the Freedom Front did before are simply inferior!

The three leaders sighed at the same time. No wonder the fat man had such an expression when he heard about the resistance fighting method of the Freedom Front. Compared with him, we are simply too honest and kind.

The publication of this "Code of Raid Behind Enemy Lines" made the three leaders ecstatic while feeling inferior. By training according to this code, the freedom fighters will completely change the way of fighting and achieve maximum results with minimum losses.

After finishing the code, Fatty decided to personally guide the training of the freedom fighters. He wanted to see what these guys learned from the last lesson.

Hearing that Fatty was going to guide the training, the freedom fighters threw themselves into the training with full enthusiasm and high morale. However, when Fatty saw their simulated actual combat training, his nose almost became angry.

How do these freedom fighters understand what it means to quietly enter a village and shoot? Apart from approaching in a concealed manner, everything else is a forceful attack. A sneak attack behind enemy lines turned into an open and honest positional attack, with insertion, cover, charge, occupation, and retreat completely in accordance with the organization of the infantry code.

No matter the firepower allocation or the deployment of troops, there was no careful calculation, but a rough allocation based on intuition. What should be strengthened is not strengthened, and a lot of what should not be wasted is wasted. The fire of ideological work was very strong, and these guys were even more desperate with their blood boiling. As soon as they went to the training ground to practice, they looked like their bayonets were red. Whether they were attacking or defending, they all showed a refusal. They rushed forward with a complacent look, as if they were afraid that others wouldn't be able to kill them with one shot, without any technical content at all.

After only watching for half an hour, the fat man quickly stopped, turned around and asked Oberto who was standing next to him: "Is this a sneak attack behind enemy lines? Are there any weasels who steal chickens like this? They set a clear signal and rush to the door. First, kill the guard dog. Kill him before you attack?"

Oberto smiled awkwardly and said: "To be honest, I really didn't know how to steal chickens before. Now, with the guidance of your code, I can steal people as well as chickens."

The fat man rolled his eyes, "Beep!" and blew the assembly horn. The freedom fighters who were practicing in full swing immediately gathered together and acted very quickly. It was obvious that these guys had strengthened their sense of discipline a lot after receiving ideological education in the past few days.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, the fat man said: "Just now, I watched everyone's training, and to be honest, I am very dissatisfied! Let's put it bluntly, they are just a bunch of bandits, not regular troops. Everyone must position themselves correctly."

The freedom fighters looked at each other: "What do you mean, bandits?"

The fat man shouted righteously and righteously: "Yes! They are thieves! We are a group of thieves who cannot see the light, walking in the darkness, like groundhogs! All the victories we gain must be stolen, who is he?" If Mom wants to win in an honest and fair manner, whoever it is will be the emperor’s number one idiot!”

The freedom fighters were dumbfounded: "Is this wretched fat man the hero who just wrote the poem "I laugh at the sky with my sword across my sword, leaving my liver and gallbladder behind?"

"Steal! Use any means, regardless of shame, shamelessness or life, and steal one after another. This is our way of fighting. Don't charge into the battle stupidly one by one. It's not a sneak attack, it's death!"

I'm confused, everyone is confused, I've seen some wretched people, but I've never seen such wretched people! Is this fat man teaching people to fight? Why does it sound more and more like you are teaching people how to be shameless?

"Sneak attack! Do you understand what sneak attack is?" The fat man was frothing at the mouth and instilled his philosophy into the dumbfounded freedom fighters: "As the name suggests, sneak attack, use stealing tactics to attack, ***, you don't need to steal, you can still get it. Call it a sneak attack?"

"Since it's a sneak attack, then put away your personal heroism and do it as bad as you want, as obscene as you want! You have to do whatever it takes, be as bad as you want, be as despicable as possible and reach the peak of obscenity!" Fatty! Looking around, he saw that the freedom fighters were still confused and said, "Damn it, I guess you won't understand it if I talk too much. Who will compete with me?"

"Competition? With such a perverted race like you, who dares to compete with you?" The freedom fighters unanimously chose to remain silent this time.

"Come on, everyone, please be active. You're welcome. We won't be serious this time." The fat man said with a smile: "Let's attack first. Who will defend?"

The neat queue was still neat and tidy, no one was disturbed. In desperation, the fat man simply stretched out his hand and said, "You, you, and you, just the three of you, come out."

The three selected freedom fighters walked into a low-level fortification composed of combination boards with a grimace. As a result, within three seconds, the three fighters ran out crawling on the ground. The fat man was holding a single soldier in his hand. Missile launcher, this is not fortification, this is bunker bombing! Is there any way to play like this?

Next came sniping. The sniper fighting Fatty surrendered as soon as he picked up the simulated sniper rifle. Fatty was holding a sniper rifle with an infrared sight and chose a dark night sniper zone. This was not intentional. What?

Then there was a street fight. The three leaders saw a fat man waving a pistol in his hand and chasing after a group of pitiful freedom fighters holding simulated daggers.

When all the fighters began to learn to use weapons regardless of the rules in the subsequent competition, Fatty came up with a new trick. Lurking, this guy has taken his lurking to the extreme, and is so sneaky that it's outrageous. In disguise, Fatty not only pretends to be a freedom fighter, a leader, and a referee, but he also changes back to himself from time to time to announce the end of the confrontation training, and then knocks out the opposing fighter with one palm. He coaxed and deceived, fooled and scoundrel, and truly made all the freedom fighters see what it means to be a scoundrel and what it means to do whatever it takes.

When the final hand-to-hand confrontation began, the freedom fighters were desperate. One of them drove out a mecha, chasing the fat man carrying a broken gun and running around the base. No one listened to him even when he desperately shouted to stop. Yes, everyone looked like they would not give up until the fat weasel was trampled to death. .

In the end, the fat man won. This guy hijacked three leaders and shouted, "Let's finish the game together." He tied fusion grenades to the leaders, as if they were going to die together. After all, the freedom fighters were still a little restrained. In just a moment, the fat man had successfully hid in the conference room relying on the cover of the three leaders.

As soon as he entered the conference room, Fatty immediately announced the end of the confrontation in Sanjad's voice, then cursed these freedom fighters in Oberto's voice for not understanding the rules, and then ordered the freedom fighters to get out of the mecha and assemble immediately in Yalic's voice!

Scoundrel, so scoundrel!

This fat man is so shameless that it makes people sad and angry! The three gagged guides were about to cry without tears. Seeing the freedom fighters walking out of the mecha angrily, Fatty used Sanjad's voice to ask all the fighters to gather, put away the mecha's remote control and sent it to the conference room. When a freedom fighter walked into the room with all the remote controls and was knocked unconscious by the fat man, the three leaders finally knew that this is how a ***, a hero, is made.

The final outcome made the stunned freedom fighters simply couldn't believe their eyes that there were such wretched fighters in this world. Who else is this guy's opponent? Now everyone finally understands that Tian Xingjian has done so much just to let everyone know that on the battlefield, there are only wins and losses, no rules.

Fatty left the base gracefully. After he left, he left behind a group of freedom fighters who were studying the Code of Assault Behind Enemy Lines. The training in the base began to slowly transform, which was a sad change. In the end, anyone with any conscience will go crazy when they come to this base, and anyone without any conscience will feel ashamed when they come here. It turns out that there are more unscrupulous people in this world than me.


Lucerne Elephant Hill.

The autumn of the planet Lucerne is very long. People say that the autumn air is crisp and refreshing, and you can have the deepest experience on this planet. The autumn leaves are red, golden, red, yellow and green all over the mountain, intertwined together, making Xiangshan breathtakingly beautiful. If there were no trenches, no fortifications, no mechas, and soldiers setting up field camps, this place would really be a paradise.

Now, this paradise resort has been transformed into a huge barracks filled with air force bases, army barracks, missile bases and large and small forward bases.

By the end of September, the Leray Federation had formed a strong force of more than 700,000 people in Xiangshan, including 23 fully mechanized infantry divisions and ten armored divisions. They firmly took root in the vast area of ​​Mount Mayo. With the support of the federation's powerful airdrop capabilities, they launched a pincer-like attack, storming Mount Amayo and advancing all the way to the strategically important Donggu City.

As long as these two important military locations are occupied, Wari City, the largest industrial city on the planet Lucerne, is like a beautiful woman who has lifted her skirt, posed, and given up all reserve. No foreplay or skills are needed, only strong and fierce. An attack can completely conquer her.

Both sides of the war tried their best. The two fronts of the Lere Federation were like two daggers shining with cold light, stabbing at the Amayo Mountain defense line and the outer defense line of Donggu City more powerfully each time. The Gacharin Empire is not idle either. A steady stream of troops have gathered here. Their purpose is not only to guard these two strategic locations, but also to return to attack Xiangshan. Only by completely removing this nail in the Eastern Hemisphere can Gacharin The result the Imperial Army wanted.

Both sides were holding back their energy and colliding head-on. You can imagine how difficult this battle was. The soldiers fell asleep in extreme exhaustion every day, and the artillery fire pouring down around them could not wake them up. As soon as the replacement troops came up, these soldiers would hold their guns and sleep in the ditch behind the position, while acting as a reserve team, ready to attack again at any time.

The Skynet system is intermittent, and the electronic soldiers are more tired than the frontline combat units. On this front, sleep has become the biggest enemy of these soldiers who stay in front of electronic devices and work hard all day long. Every day, they fight for two to three hours of sleep with red eyes.

The land-based aviation troops are sorting out again and again, with air and ground missions fully booked in their mission schedule. They can only mechanically take off, attack, be shot down or come back alive to land again to prepare for the next mission.

The Gacharin Empire's defense line has shrunk by one-third, and ten of the more than thirty cities have fallen into the hands of the Leray Federation. These cities are mainly distributed in the Western Hemisphere. The Federation's successful landings in the eastern and western hemispheres at the same time put the Gacharin Imperial Army into a situation where they were attacked from both sides. However, because the defense line is relatively strong and complete, although the situation is tense now, it is far from collapse. In addition to endless resistance, all the imperial armies are constantly shrinking and retreating. Many places were evacuated voluntarily.

In such a tug-of-war, shrinking is just delaying time. Sooner or later, these troops will be exhausted by the endless fighting between the two sides. However, judging from the morale of grassroots officers, it seems that it is much higher than before. Liebgott's regular grassroots conference calls and document distribution gave these officers a guided understanding of the goals and situation. The influence of Russell and Gordon is gradually decreasing, and the soldiers of the Gacharin Empire are gradually accepting new tactical ideas and new fighting spirit.

For the motherland, for the honor of Gacharin! Lucerne will be the end point of the LeRay Federation's offensive. Here, the Federation will be dragged into a long-term war of attrition. All resources on this planet that originally belonged to the Federation will be used to consume the Federation's vitality and prepare for a major counterattack from the rear. This This is a new concept that all officers and soldiers are slowly accepting. Despite the fierce federal offensive, none of Gacharin's officers and soldiers felt a fatal threat. Those battles seemed to be in the distant horizon. This situation also gave everyone a lot of confidence. Liebgott was, after all, a famous general. With him around, the empire's troops would not be wasted in vain.

Both sides are looking for each other's weaknesses through various penetrations, airdrops, and roundabouts. Although the Lere Federation's attack is strong, the Gacharin Empire Army is like an unbreakable octopus, shrinking and spitting out thick ink. Then it spreads out and counterattacks with its tentacles, which is full of resilience.


The Mythical Legion's mecha laboratory was finally established, and Fatty became one of the first researchers. A total of five people from the Paladin Company passed the assessment and review and entered the laboratory, including Christina and Dale, as well as two seventh-level mechanics from the Paladin Company. Mechanics of this level are already required by private mecha companies. The highest level of mechanical talent you can have. It is difficult for ordinary companies to have a seventh-level mechanic without any strength and talent training mechanism. .

Although they are nominally affiliated with the Mythical Legion, Tian Xingjian and his colleagues' working location has not changed. They are still in the Paladin Company. However, the technical department has been requisitioned and set up as a point in the mecha laboratory, responsible for some less critical designs. The entire small building where the technical department is located has set up safety and security work according to the corresponding level, all of which are undertaken by the security force of the Mythical Legion. The Paladin Company was taken over by the military as a whole and was responsible for the maintenance of some military mechas. The maintenance costs were settled by the military. It was not unpaid labor. The work and rest hours were kept as they were, and the degree of freedom was relatively high.

Christina was a little disappointed. She did not expect that after passing the mecha modification assessment, she would not be able to enter the core laboratory established in the Myth Legion North Building No. 2, but would only become the supervisor of a peripheral experimental point. Such a status, She felt quite uneasy about how effective the purge of the military department would be in the future. Fortunately, on the day the laboratory was established, Reinhardt came to Paladin Company in person and expressed his importance to this experimental point, which gave Christina some hope. At least, nominally, she has become the second woman to join the Mythical Legion in hundreds of years.

The most disappointing thing is Fatty. This is obviously far from what he thought. It is difficult for a person from a peripheral laboratory to get in touch with the top brass of the military and royal families. The only way now is to try his best to impress people with his results. , get the opportunity to mingle with the upper class. Russell's explanation is very clear that this is one of his tasks. Although Fatty was annoyed by such a task, Russell was very insistent on it and resolutely refused to reveal the purpose of letting Fatty get close to Reinhardt and the royal family, and worked hard to get involved in the whirlpool of the succession struggle between the three princes.

"If you want me to have a chance to kill James, I'll just slap my ass and leave!" Fatty thought to himself, "This is not what humans do!".

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